
Comments by ThisOldManPlayed1 (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Photos in Private Messages
    Tks founder, finally suck-ceeded. LOL
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Sex Industry Slaves
    Nah, I knew my example wasn't slavery, just seemed like a "factory work" assembly line if you wish, set up.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who do you trust?
    I thought I heard ringing in my ears and it wasn't the tinitus! LOL To most of you who had responded to this topic with a thread, you either know me personally or know me through internet conversations. I totally enjoy making friends and meeting new friends. I couldn't survive without it! One of my wishes is to meet the WHOLE (NOT HOLE) bunch of yas before I meet my maker! As you know, I print a lot about myself, my life, and adventures on my blog post. I have nothing to hide and no reason to hide. I'm proud of what I have accomplished in life and wouldn't change a thing. When I boast or brag to my TUSCL friends via email and PMs, they know I speak of truth and not fiction. I follow up occasionally with pictures (not the action type of course). I do this, not to prove anything, just for their entertainment and comments. I enjoy hearing about their ventures in return. Some of us actually ask for suggestions and recommendations on different things. In ending..... I hope my friendship with all of you lasts an eternity, because I love each of you in special ways. So to answer the question of "who do we trust"... I trust each and every one of you and would stake my life on it!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Going from plain old street clothes to completely nude is a turn-on, plus dancers wearing very short skirts with no underwear!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer's Song Selections
    Don't forget the 30 minute and 60 minute special LD options offered. Won't have to worry about length of songs, just length of time spent with a dancer. Do the calcuation and see if you don't get a better bargain with these specials. Of course, I highly recommend a trial run (1 LD) before committing yourself for a longer period.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Spinoff from : A question for you married guys
    Not married - but have acquired colds only......... so far.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Possible Bad News for fans of BBF
    What a shame is RIGHT. Looks like Dancer's will be getting some new customers. My first and only visit to Dancer's was fabulous because for $20 LDs in the rear of the club (cubilces) facing the aquarium, I got fabulous mileage to include BBBF during the song. Looks like I bypass Indy now and head to Kokomo's best club the HH.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    I did have a FAV dancer at Tunica Cabaret that would bring in her short battery operated vibrator and use it on herself while alone. Occasionally, she would pull it out and start using it while we were setting waiting for the first song of a LD. She would then immediately put it away and use her own acquired vibrator! :-) I believe it is consider unusual for a dancer to use a 'pokey stick' inside the club area, but not unusual having one handy in the dressing room for her and her friends??
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    North Carolina
    Do many dancers do the same style lap dance each time?
    In my limited experience...... I have found that new dancers tend to use the same style lap dancing, as a result of their inexperience. I believe that most dancers, once they've danced for you before, will vary their moves depending on what type of friction you enjoy the most. As far as Uncle Bones, my dancers' best position is usually on her KNEES! Oh my...... did I just say that?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Create your own tuscl Blog, Post Pictures, links etc
    Just got back home from a visit to Memphis and it turned out to be a mini road trip on the trip back. I will try and post the road trip details within a couple of days, as time permits. Will feature visited clubs and escapades inside. Keep watch for it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Photos in Private Messages
    Thanks for the tip founder. QUESTION: Is there a way that members can identify when recent blog entries have been posted? Can we do something like making the blog icon a different color for recently posted blog topics by members?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Private Messages...
    Hey, I'm not getting enough messages!!!! LOL
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Create your own tuscl Blog, Post Pictures, links etc
    Good to see a few more people posting blogs. Thank you. Don't forget to post adult "links" so us horny bastards can whack-off to! LOL
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Just a Question...
    Tessie, you gonna' respond to the last few entries?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    So what, precisely, is the script?
    Sometimes I like "script" from a dancer. Other times, I would rather do without it. It ruins the "challange" or "mystique" of what is about to happen in a VIP.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The Stripper Had To Spit
    LOL@MG - - - I have no problem with kissing a girl/woman after going down on them. I'm not sure about kissing them after they've gone down on me. No telling how many dancers I've probably kissed who just finished blowing some dude! :-( But, what I don't know won't hurt me (I HOPE)!!! I mean, are you going to stop a dancer from kissing you first by asking her, "Have you sucked anyone off lately?" MG - As far as that gangbang, I have been invited one time to partake in a gangbang, but had to decline due to being out of town. Next time I'm offered by the same couple, I'm sure I will accept the offer.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Sex Industry Slaves
    Funny you brought this topic up MG. As a matter of fact, I have been to a SC where it seemed the dancers were hearded into the club and given cattle calls, i.e., by a BOSS calling out their stage names and announcing they were up for 2, 3, or 4 private LDs in the clubs boothes. I believe ClevelandTom will agree with me, as I met him one evening last year at the Palace In The Pines, right outside Youngstown, Ohio. This is the way the club was ran: First off, it was a nude club, in that they had one stage and the dancers would dancer their first song topless and their second song nude. Some dancers were nude underneath a skirt or lingerie teddy on their first song. When they weren't dancing on stage, they would take a seat at hard backed chairs against a wall, near the entrance to the club. If a customer wanted to buy LDs ($10) from a dancer, they had to go to the (non-alcoholic) beverage booth and buy dance tickets (stubs). The BOSS would write the dancer's name on the back of the stub. Another BOSS, carrying a clipboard, would call out the dancer's name and announce that they were UP for so many LDs. That dancer would come up to the BOSS and find out who purchased the dance stubs. The dancer & customer would wander back to the 3 sided cubicles, which contained one hard backed chair. Extras could be gotten from most dancers for tips. Now, the sad part about this whole set up is that the dancer had to pay her for $10 LD to the club, and $5 of every subsequent LD to the club, as their payout. This is a total rip off for the dancers, as the club is well known in the area, and the dancers work their asses off for $5! This is one reason that most dancers give greater mileage for tips, as they don't have to share their tips with the club. Go look up this club, Palace In The Pines, Youngstown, Ohio, and read some of the reviews.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How much analysis is too much analysis?
    I totally agree!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer's name in review.
    Post ALL ROBs so the rest of us will be put on notice! Thank you.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Back in the game
    May I ask who this <wondergirl> is?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Why to go
    trojangreg - You all have to know one thing up front. There is one member here that I have placed on my death notification list, upon my devise. Most everybody probably can guess who that is. So, when my time <cums>, you'll all know why I ain't posting anything anymore! As far as <evilcyn>, I would be proud if she would say a few words on my behalf, but please hon, don't be in any hurry. Please???? :-) Now, let's get on with business.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Anybody here actually budget their money?
    Bravo lowpaw BRAVO!!! My same sentiments!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The Stripper Had To Spit
    Geeez.... was that your 'crap' I got on my hands FONDL??? shadowcat - some on your pants too? Kick that bitche's ass next time. She needs to open wider!!! :-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Just a Question...
    Women haters??? Here??? They just gotta' be GAY. No offense intended lopaw. I say "shoot em" or "hang em" soon as they're identified!!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    South Carolina SC's
    TessieV - I still say, with lower LD prices, your popularity will sore. You might "work" harder by giving more LDs, but in the long run, you'll have a steady flow of regular customers, thus almost have a stedy decent daily income. You don't have to be "cut throat" to the other dancers and slash your LD fees. Just bargain with customers about 2fers, 3fers, and tips. I've never been a dancer (go figure!), but just use plain economics. As the economy worsens, few customers will be clubbing. If dancers started using the "SALE" approach as Wal-Marts and blue light specials like "K-Marts", no telling how this may affect potential customer spending. How about the Sears approach? "Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back! LOL