
Back in the game

avatar for FONDL

I'm happy to inform you all that after a 2+ year drought, FONDL is back in the game - I visited a strip club earlier today. It was one of my old favorites - Club Risque in Bristol, PA (look for the review in a day or two.) And it was fun, the club has actually improved a little bit since the last time I was there. It's still one of the best clubs in the Delaware Valley.

But the best part of all was that I met up with our very own Wondergirl there. And for you skeptics, she's everything she said she was. She's cute, personable, interesting and fun. And she's interested in getting a job dancing, mostly just for fun, which is why we met up there. FONDL even bought her a lap dance, and she ended up getting more action than I did. Sometimes life isn't fair. Maybe nice guys do finish last.


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avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein
17 yrs ago

Sounds like fun! Wondergirl and I have emailed a few times. She does sound like a fun girl. Is she really 4'11"?!

avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
17 yrs ago

A big hearty congrats to FONDL! WTG buddy! I knew you'd have fun..... now don't get addicted. LOL

avatar for FONDL
17 yrs ago

Jay, yes she is 4'11". But I wouldn't call her a spinner, she's much curvier than that. She definately has that little girl look. Dress her in a schoolgirl outfit and guys will be standing in line with $20s in hand.

Now there are 3 people in the world who know the true identity of FONDL - Wondergirl, Funny Girl, and Snuggles. Rare company indeed. (I don't think I've ever mentioned Snuggles here before. Suffice it to say, she's the one for whom Friends Of Naked Dancing Ladies was formed and who won FONDL's first ever Dancer of the Year award back in 1997. Talk about your bittersweet memories. And in case you're wondering, Funny Girl won the award in 1998 and it was retired after that.)

And not to worry Bones, I can't sneak out often enough.

avatar for MisterGuy
17 yrs ago

Glad to see that you put the rest the "is she really real or not" theme on this board. :) WB to "the game"!

avatar for FONDL
17 yrs ago

Thanks MisterGuy. Rescuing damsels in distress is FONDL's calling.

avatar for wondergrl5
17 yrs ago

My hero! LOL Thanx for showing me that club it was better than the many others around.AND thanx for the lapdance she was....hmmm...very friendly. LOL At least I have an aquantence when I audition. Ill definately take your advice with the schoolgirl thing too.Yippee I get to keep my pigtails! Im REALLY nervous about sunday wish me luck!

avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein
17 yrs ago

Sunday? ROAD TRIP!

You won't need it but Good luck, hope all goes well.

avatar for FONDL
17 yrs ago

Wondergirl, the thing about the schoolgirl look is if you act clumsy or nervous, it enhances the look. Everyone will think it's part of your act. So don't tell them otherwise. Break a leg (which is probably easy to do in those shoes.)

avatar for wondergrl5
17 yrs ago

No problem Im clumsy ALL the time hence me passing the place and going into philly LOL. As for breaking a leg Im all ready picturing the smacking noise when I fall on my butt. ALL WELL Ill just have fun with it!!

avatar for FONDL
17 yrs ago

Wondergirl, I guarantee that if you fall on your butt and burst out laughing, you'll be hired on the spot. Strip clubs need more humor, the girls who make customers laugh are often the most popular in any club. My ATF was the clown in her club, she was also the most popular girl there.

avatar for wondergrl5
17 yrs ago

JayADay Road trip?!?!? Dont you dare If I fall youll be teasing me I know it! LOL

avatar for shadowcat
17 yrs ago

FONDL: Now that you are back in the game, I can appreciate your posts as having more validity. Welcome back.

avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
17 yrs ago

May I ask who this is?

avatar for casualguy
17 yrs ago

WB to the party FONDL. Now just think, when a dancer asks you "Do you come here often?", you can say at least once every 2 years.

avatar for AbbieNormal
17 yrs ago

FONDL, glad to see you back inn the game. I'm kind of in a slump right now, but maybe I just need a new club. I've kind of sworn off DC clubs recently, and those were about 90% of my visits. I decided that instead of 2 or 3 unplanned trips to a DC club I'd rather do one good visit to a club like McDoogal's, or Partner's Tavern, someplace I've never been before. But then that means I haven't been in a club for about 4 months now, so it cuts both ways.

avatar for FONDL
17 yrs ago

Guys, one of the things that I've frequently noticed about strip clubs is how little most of them ever change. I hadn't been in this particualr club in at least 3 years and there was almost no change. I don't think the place has changed in 20 years, maybe more. Which is something I've always enjoyed about strip clubs, while everything else around you is changing, they almost never do. Which means that if you've been to a lot of clubs it doesn't much matter how long since your last visit, you still understand what it's all about.

avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein
17 yrs ago

I tend to agree with shadow cat. I don't really trust anyone that indulges in abstinence.

Are you going to go see WonderGirl audition?

avatar for AbbieNormal
17 yrs ago

Indulges in abstinence, love that phrase. I agree with FONDL however. I think that there is a dynamic in stripclubs that is near universal and doesn't change much over time. A lapdance club and a DC no contact club have a lot more in common than they differ. I think we can all agree that once you have a decade or so under your belt you can't really be considered a novice at clubbing, no matter how long the break. A coach who takes a year or two break in the NFL isn't assumed not to know anything about football anymore. Ask Bill Parcells what he's was making before he took over the Cowboys versus after.

avatar for bigdawg_1
17 yrs ago

Fondl: Welcome back. I frequent Philly's Gentlemens Clubs, maybe I can meet you and

Wondergirl for a few drinks.

avatar for FONDL
17 yrs ago

Jay, I'm sorry to say that I can't make it. You'll have to cover for me.

Bigdawg, I'd love to meet you but I don't do Gentlemen's Clubs, just joints.

avatar for FONDL
17 yrs ago

Just to update you all, Wondergirl had a minor car accident slipping on some ice yesterday. Fortunately no one was injured, but she wasn't able to make it to the tryout today. She's going to try to make it tomorrow. I believe tryouts are 5-7 pm if anyone is interested.

avatar for lopaw
17 yrs ago


It's always great to have another "dive" lover back in circulation!

avatar for pop
17 yrs ago

It's nice to see that Wondergrl has been vindicated. Dancers that enjoy dancing are the best ones.

avatar for FONDL
17 yrs ago

I think Wondergirl is just looking to try a new experience and have some fun doing it. I think there are a lot of dancers like that. And I agree with Pop, they're the best ones, they're the ones I look for. My ATF was like that.

avatar for wondergrl5
17 yrs ago

whoo hoo my first audition is over with!!!

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