
Dancer's name in review.

I know that this topic has been covered before, but mostly from a different perspective. It was mostly how far which dancer would go.

After reading a recent review of a club local to me, most all was positive except for one ROB. Now THAT dancer's name should be included, IMHO. Thoughts on this?


  • lotsoffun201
    17 years ago
    I suppose if you had a nice time with a particular dancer, and your review is tasteful without being even the least bit graphic, there is no problem IMHO with mentioning her name and what shift she works. The worst it will do is drum up a little business for her from our readers.

    On the other hand(s), if a girl is a ROB her name should be posted particularly if she miscounts dances. If a girl is an extras girl, or particularly high mileage to the point she would get into trouble with management or worse, the best way to mention her is by looks alone. That way no specifics are mentioned and plausable denial is the best policy for the dancer.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Post ALL ROBs so the rest of us will be put on notice! Thank you.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    Unless a dancer asks me to mention her name in my review, I do not post names unless they piss me off. I do share names with my best strip club buddies but I do it by email.
  • Ironcat
    17 years ago
    I agree that ROBs should always be posted, but I also agree with lotsoffun201 in that a tasteful mention of a good experience helps provide positive reinforcement to a good dancer. It may not mean that she offers extras, but that she was worth checking out. That way if someone from out of town visits the club, they know they will at least have a decent shot at a good experience. I also agree that graphic details could cause the end of a good thing if LE or management gets wind of it. Isn't that the whole idea here? Sharing information to increase chances of a good experience.
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    I agree that getting ripped off by a dancer is a pretty good reason to mention her name, but I tend to stray away from that and leave that kind of stuff to the SCL site. As a matter of fact, I don't think I've ever mentioned any girl's names on this site at all...ever. I think I'll keep it that way. I agree that e-mail or PMs are a better way to mention details and names. I'm always open to that.
  • DandyDan
    17 years ago
    ROB's should always be mentioned, but it may ultimately prove to be pointless, because they just might move on once they are found out. I try to avoid naming specific dancers who I had positive experiences with because not everyone would necessarily agree with me. It's not like everyone has the same taste as me. If the SCL board means anything, one of my favorites at my second favorite club does not rate highly with a significant segment of the population. Besides, I figure they can take care of themselves.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    If you're pretty sure they ripped you off, please mention their name so everyone who reads this site will be on alert and get saved the same rip off scam. You don't want one of us to get more dances from the same ROB and give her more money do you?

    Now if a dancer gave me free dances and I enjoyed her dances (she might be one of my favorites) I usually won't ever mention her name. I don't want to risk getting someone I like in trouble or risk everyone who visits tying up her time so I don't get to see her when I return.
  • parodyman-->
    17 years ago
    I think if you had a good time there is nothing wrong with mentioning dancers or club staff's names. It is a nice way to send them a little extra business.

    I do feel though nothing should ever be posted about extras or those who have provided them. That is just low class and not the best idea from a legal standpoint.

    As for the ROB's of the world... Fuck Em'! Post their home addresses for all I care. Everyone should be made aware that there is the potential that this individual may prey upon you.
  • minnow
    17 years ago
    As Bones & IC say.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    I believe it's a lot more useful to describe everything that happened with a ROB than to post her name. That way readers can learn better from your mistake. Identifying signs of a ripoff is the key to avoiding them, not memorizing a list of big bad stripper names that will probably change by the time the next guy comes around. A descriptive account of your ordeal is also a lot more entertaining to read, of course.
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    My main problem, I think, is that I'm horrible with names! They introduce themselves and I'm too busy looking at their bodies and attitude to notice...lol... It's also true that a stripper could just change their name too.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    1. People who claim to be horrible with names, generally, are simply irresponsible with names. You CAN learn to be excellent with names. My mentor/professor in teaching taught me, that a proactive, overt, deliberate act of learning someone's (or a whole class'es) names, can indeed yield fruit. So, think to yourself, "From now on, I'm going to bother to remember people's names when they tell them to me. I'm going to repeat them, use them, and cement them in my memory." Though you may slip up and forget to apply this skill, chances are that the skill itself won't be difficult to master. It's not the end of the world if you DO forget to apply it (kind of like trying to stop biting your fingernails). Just get back on the wagon and start to try again.

    1. b. Further on that subject. Knowing people's names really helps in professional situations. You'd be amazed how much MORE your mind engages with, if you know someone's name and some vital stats, associated with his face. It somehow "clicks in" a whole new aspect of your brain, an aspect that allows you to be the best that you can be. Knowing someone's name is a kind of "doorway" into being able to work with them in a Presidential manner. So to speak.

    2. Who the fuck cares about dancer names? They're all fiction anyway.
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