
Comments by FONDL (page 16)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancers need to prepare for an economic shock
    David, keep in mind that for at least the last 5 years the initial estimates of 4th quarter GNP growth have been resived upward significantly later in the year as Internet sales data trickled in. Government economists have consistently underestimated growth in this fastest growing sector of the retail industry and the statistics gatherers have yet to figure out how to measure it in a timely fashion. First quarter GNP growth may very well turn out to be slightly negative and we may yet have a mild reseccion - odds are probably about 50-50 at this point. But the major downturn that you've been predicting for nearly a year remains unlikely IMO.
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    17 years ago
    OK it's your turn
    Clubber, here's one way of explaining the difference - are you jealous of her boyfriend? When my ATF first started going with her current BF 4 years ago she was initially afraid to tell me about him. When she did I was glad - I like him and I think he is good for her, I hope they get married, I look forward to attending the wedding. If I were "in love" with her, my feelings about that would be totally different. I think the thing that makes love so hard to describe is that every one is different. I've been in lpove several times and they were all different. I've loved a lot of other people too, and they were all different. IMO every love is unique and is pretty complicated. I like to have feelings for a dancer, it makes it more fun. It's why I like to sit and talk and get to know them a little, I'd rather get dances from a real person than from a piece of meat. Fir me if there aren't some feeling involved an LD isn't much fun. I've had 4 faves. Only one of them ended badly and that was my fault, I did some dumb things.
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    17 years ago
    How old is too old /
    Polarman, I prefer the really young ones. And I've found that some of the really young ones have no problem hanging out with an old geezer. Obviuosly many and perhaps most are a little turned off by us, but not all of them are. The trick is to find one of those who not only don't care, they're a little intrigued by older guys. It also helps to be young at heart because once they get to know you they're much more likely to judge you by how you act than by what you look like. But to answer your question, i don't think there is an upper limit. But here are two consequences to aging for a stripper: (1) she has to work a lot harder to stay in shape, and (2) she's probably going to work at a downscale club, upscale places won't usually hire older dancers.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Lots of new people here
    Clubber, I wasn't aware that you were my twin. See I learned something here already.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    off topic POLITICS
    MisterGuy, none of those presidents did anything without Congressional and public approval. Their opponent couldn't have done the opposite because he wouldn't have had that approval. If he did he would have been elected. And very little of what any of the recent presidents initiated has had any significant impact on how you or I live. Which is my point. I can make a long list too, but none of it has really amounted to much, it's been all small potatoes. Inside the beltway stuff of little significance to most people. And to answer your earlier comment about the news, I don't attempt to figure out what's real and what isn't because I don't read or watch the news. It's a total waste of time.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    OK it's your turn
    MisterGuy, I agree with you. We didn't start out as friends nor was that my (or her) objective. And we didn't really become friends until well after she stopped dancing. We were club buddies first. I didn't address the money issue in my blog because it really wasn't very important. She was never especially interested in money and I wouldn't have stuck around if she was. that's one of the things that initially intrigued me. In fact that's one of the things that I learned from her, how unimportant money really is.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    OK it's your turn
    Rootman, every ATF relationship is unique and different. Yours won't be anything like mine. I'd love to hear about it. Or anyone else's.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    dancer reviews online
    Wondergirl, don't worry if someone bad mouths you here on a review. Only the tiniest percentage of strip club customers read this site, and those who do aren't likely to even remember your name from the review. And most of those who do remember your name from a review are just as likely to figure out that the guy is a jerk. So you aren't likely to be damaged by him. And I agree that you shouldn't bother to respond to someone like that. And why do I have this feeling that the next TUSCL convention is going to be at your club?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    OK it's your turn
    "Sounds like you fell for her pretty hard FONDL." Yes I did MisterGuy, but not in the way that you probably think. The more I got to know her, the less sexual or romantic interest I had. It was actually pretty weird, her LDs bacame more playful in an innocent kind of way and less sexual as time went on. It got to the point where we'd be laughing during LDs. As I've told her, I love her very much but I've never been in love with her. JayADay, I'm sorry to hear that you're scared of becoming friends with a girl. I's actually quite nice to have a very close female friend. I wish I'd have had one many years ago. And to all of you guys, thanks for reading my story. Hope you got something out of it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancers with their own web sites?
    "... a Florida gal who went from dominatrix to dancer." Hmmmmm, why does that description remind me of someone I know?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Does mileage increase the more you get to know a stripper?
    I all depends on the girl and the club. Some will let you do more the better they get to know you. Others will give you the most on the first visit to get you to keep coming back for more. And with still others it depends entirely on their mood (and how much they've had to drink.) The most I've ever done in a club was with a girl I hadn't ever met before that night. And with the 4 girls I've had as regulars, it never went any further than it did on the first time together. But then I never really tried either. And many clubs enforce their rules, so that's as far as you're ever going to go there.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Strip Club patrons: left, right, or middle of the road?
    Mr. Munchie, I think if you describd the beliefs of 3 political parties - Republicans, Democrats, and Libertarians - without nameing them and asked people which set of beliefs they most agreed with, I think more Americans would choose the Libertarian beliefs than either of the other two. Book Guy, you keep hammering away at the religious right a if that includes all people of religion. Keep in mind that the largest religion in the US is Roman Catholic, and the majority of Roman Catholics vote Democratic. As do most Jewish people. Religious beliefs do not automatically equate to conservtive political views, it's much more complex than that.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Question, would you be more likely to get a dance if it was less expensive?
    Yes. When I go clubbing I have a fixed amouny of money that I'm willing to spend. So if dances are cheaper I'll get more of them. Assuming of course that there's a girl there who insterests me, otherwise I won't buy any no matter how cheap they are.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Another study of strip club patrons
    From the conclusions I would guess that this survey focused primarily on the more upscale clubs and ignored the smaller places that some of us prefer. Doesn't sound to me like their sample of either clubs or patrons was stistically valid. Which is typical of these kinds of studies.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    off topic POLITICS
    Misterguy, very few presidents of either party in the last half century have been leaders when it comes to domestic policy. They've all jumped in front of whatever was already happening anyway and tried to take credit for it. That's what I mean when I say they haven't had much effect on domestic policy, most of what was accomplished would have happened no matter who was president. One could argue that's OK for the president to give people what they want, but that assumes that the public is well informed. Unfortunately in this age of advocacy journalism, that assumption is false. Advocacy journalism defines every issue as a choice between the extreme positions at either end of the spectrum, as a choice between good and evil, with no middle ground. Abortion is one obvious example. As a result, the courts rather than the president or the legislature are the only ones making any changes of any consequence in domestic policy.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Rating Dancers in addition to Clubs
    The only times I've ever mentioned a dancer by name is when she was so great that I just couldn't help myself. I've never spent enough time with the ROBs to know their names. I think the problem with rating dancers is that they move around so much and so many girls use the same name. Maybe if they all had TUSCL ID numbers it would work.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    SC, strippers and voting
    Funny story, Driver. I don't think I've ever discussed politics in a strip club, nor do I want to. I have talked about religion though, or more accurately spirituality. That's a subjedct that my ATF and I often discuss. We share similar views so nobody's blood pressure ever rises, at least not from the discussion.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Question for Dancers - If you were owner, how would you set lap dance prices?
    I'd survey the competition and set my prices at $5 less. And I'd let the dancers keep it all so that I'd attract good dancers. I'd make my money on drinks and a samll admission fee at night.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Strip Club patrons: left, right, or middle of the road?
    Someyoungguy, most businessmen are Reoublicans. Lots businessmen also frequent strip clubs. Or at least they used to before the IRS changed the rules on entertaining. You seem to think that all Republicans are bible thumpers - most aren't. Both parties are spit into two distinct groups. Republicans comprise both social/economic conservatives (often called oderates) and the religious right, which is actually the smaller half. Dempocrats similarly comprise moderates and liberals, which I also think is the smaller half. You aren't aware of this because the extremists of both parties get all the publicity because they make the most niose. But they are both in the minority even within their own parties. If the moderates of both parties ever got together they would dominate the political landscape. They dont because they aren't generally activists and tend to be apolitical. Which is why our politics is so screwed up.
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    17 years ago
    off topic POLITICS
    It's not the level of taxation that's important, it's the level of spending. It makes little different whether the government raises the money by borrowing or taxing, both have a negative impact on the economy. And Misterguy, you raised the issue of Democrats and WWII and Korea - surely you don't think today's Democragtic Party bears any resemblance to what it was like in those days. There's no comparison.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Possible scenario, dancer needs a place to stay, would you let her stay with you
    If she was a fave and I knew her well and really liked her, I'd probably try to help her out. But that's the only situation where I would.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer confiding in you she's about to get evicted, what would you do?
    It wwouldn't matter to me whether I thought it was true or not. In either case my response would be the same - "Gee I wish I could help you out but I don't have much money with me." Which would be true by the way, I never take much with me into a club. If I liked her I'd probably buy dances from her until I ran out, but that would be it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    off topic POLITICS
    I agree with the Supreme Court point - that was certainly a positive impact. The rest of it exists only in the minds of the liberal media.
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    17 years ago
    off topic POLITICS
    MisterGuy, Reagan had some impsct because he had clear majorities in both houses of congress, but even with that he was unable to shrink government, all he did was slow it's growth a little. Bush has had virtually no impact on domestic policies, just as Clinton had none.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What happened to them??
    Giveit, I think you'll find that most of the old timers here put them on "ignore" which may not have existed when you were here before. So we don't know whether RL etc. is still here or not, we don't see anything that he posts. I'd hope he had enought sense to quit.