Another study of strip club patrons

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a 40+ page draft of which is found here:….

Main conclusions:

Strip club patrons are likely to be younger rather than older, and single rather than married. Unmarried guys shacking up are just as likely to go to sc's as single guys.

Strip club patrons tend to be "sensation" or "thrill" seekers.

Strip club patrons were characterized by all of the following compared to non-patrons:
Having sex more than 4 times a week; having cheated on a spouse sexually; having paid for sex.

Religious affiliation/attendance does not affect sc. patronage except for people who go to church at least once a week, in which case the correlation is negative (surprise). Religious sectarian affiliation has no predictive value. (Episcopalians are as horny as Christian Scientists)

Strip club patrons are likely to go to sc's for "near sex" (intimacy rather than release) because they are afraid of getting AIDs. SC patrons generally know where they can buy sex, but don't want to take the risk.

Some sex goes on in strip clubs, but owners/management keep the occurrence low for legal reasons.

Strip club patrons are more likely to be college educated than the general population, and more likely to have had an STD.

The percentage of men going to a strip club in a given period of time is about the same as the percentage going to a live musical theatre performance (different individuals, I'd bet, esp. if the latter involves "show tunes"). About the same percentage of men attend sc's as attend auto racing events.

And the conclusion:

After working with the data one gets the sense that the sexual scripts of individuals are very different, and attending a strip club is just another way it is apparent.
There are people whose sexual scripts are – not to put to pejorative a term on it – rather mundane. And these mundane men tend not to patronize strip clubs. On the other hand, those who attend strip clubs tend to eschew normal cultural taboos in search of higher sensations


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avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
I would tend to agree with that last statement. "On the other hand, those who attend strip clubs tend to eschew normal cultural taboos in search of higher sensations"
This is truly landmark research...thanx for sharing...hey, it's a rough draft might get in trouble for that... :) The only thing I might argue about is the level of education thing.
When I was in college as an engineering major, I took a smattering of courses is psychology and sociology. I was often amazed at what passed for research in sociology. A lot of it was trying to prove what was already obvious. Who would have guessed that guys who visit strip clubs are more sexually oriented?

At the end of many research papers is the hackneyed phrase "further research is required". I can just imagine the authors of this study trying to say that with a straight face. What's next, "Lap Dance Modalities Among Ethnically Diverse Erotic Entertainers"?

Here at the Strip Club Research Institute, we will not sleep until the mysteries of strip clubs are revealed for the betterment of human understanding and prosperity.
avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein
17 years ago
Harry Dave, I agree. While taking my stats classes, I couldn't hardly prove a thing. In psych classes, any correlation or deviation seemed to be good enough proof
"There's a positive correlation" is a phrase they use on CNN a lot. Yeah, so what? Is it a SIGNIFICANT positive correlation, or just a mildly positive one? I mean, there's a "positive correlation" between voting in an American Presidential Primary (either party) and not fearing wild tigers roaming the streets of your home town.

Must be the voting that keeps the tigers at bay!
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
From the conclusions I would guess that this survey focused primarily on the more upscale clubs and ignored the smaller places that some of us prefer. Doesn't sound to me like their sample of either clubs or patrons was stistically valid. Which is typical of these kinds of studies.
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