
Comments by FONDL (page 15)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What was your favorite Super Bowl commercial?
    Given the audiance, it might make sense to advertise beer on the Super Bowl but I doubt if it's worth it for any other product. Especially when nearly everyone is off taking a leak or getting another beer while the ads are running. I actually thought the highlight of the evening was Jordan Sparks singing the national anthem. I thought she did a fantastic job. But then I really like her. But the real question is were strip clubs more crowded or less crowded than usual yesterday? Are strip club fans also football fans, or are most of them like Shadowcat and Book Guy? I probably log more TV hours watching football games than for all other programs combined. You could discontinue TV until next September and I wouldn't much care.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Lots of new people here
    Clubber, this is exactly why I prefer to go to downscale clubs at 3 pm. If there is an attractive girl, and that seems to happen about half the time, I can have her all to myself because the rest of the guys are just sitting there drinking. I've had some wonderful times that way. In fact I met one of the most attractive dancers I've ever seen anywhere exactly like that, and she gave the best LDs I've ever had.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    WHAT is going on with the "Top Ten"?
    The top 10 list has always been a real mixture - some places are fancy expensive GCs, others are dives that feature high mileage LDs, still others are basically whore houses, etc. The only way the list will ever make any sense is if clubs are somehow broken down into several different types and a top 10 list is made for each type. As it is the list is pretty meaningless because every rater likes something different. I've been to some clubs that were on the list at the time and I thought they were terrible, but all that means is they weren't the kind of place that I like.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What was your favorite Super Bowl commercial?
    None of them came close to Mean Joe Green tossing his jersey to the kid. My second choice would be TO with the lady from Desparate Housewives, but maybe that wasn't on a Superbowl. I never did figure out what the lizards were advertising - can't be a very good ad if you can't even figure out what they're trying to promote. One of the ladies at our party thought it was a GEICO ad. Good game though. I like to see good defense.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I met a new dancer...
    I've been trying to wade through this thread and figure out what, aside from all the BS, people are saying relative to strip clubs. Are some of you saying that you wouldn't play with this girl because her husband is away fighting a war? Even if she wants to and needs the money? Do you ask strippers if she's married and what her husband does before asking her to go to the LD room?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Lots of new people here
    Njscfan, you must not go into smaller clubs during the day. Go into almost any downscale place at 3 pm and just about all you see are old guys sitting alone at the bar and sipping their beers and watching the girls. They're there because they're lonely and bored. And they don't play with the girls because they can't afford it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Traveling Strippers
    If you go to Key West during the winter, that's pretty much all you see in the tourist places. Lots of dancers from up north enjoying the warm weather. I've met girls from all over the country and only one was native to Florida, and she was from Jacksonville. Some of them stay. There are also girls who work for booking agents and travel from club to club. I used to know a girl who had done that. I also knew a girl who made trips to Japan regularly and claimed that it was very lucrative, because Japanese men really love the American dancers.
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    17 years ago
    The Best of TUSCL 2007
    Shadowcat, did you really write that? I don't ever remember seeing it. You were being sarcastic I hope.
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    17 years ago
    Lots of new people here
    If I recall correctly (and these days I don't always) we had a thread a long time ago about why so many of us are engineers. I think the general conclusion was that engineers don't always have the greatest personalities, in fact some have been known to be misfits, and aren't always overly smooth with women, and that strip clubs are an appealing place for such people. Obviously an incorrect conclusion.
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    17 years ago
    NEWBIE's First Trip
    She gets a hundred ones that are all crumpled up on a Saturday night working at Denny's? Right.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    North New Jersey Extras and Take Out?
    NJ, the reason you got that frosty welcome is because none of us want to attract LE attention to any of our favorite clubs, and you never know when they are monitoring or posting on this site. They definately do so on occasion, I know that for a fact. The only reason I was willing to mention Playhouse is because the place sucks (literally) and I could care less if they get shut down, places like that give strip clubs a bad name. Anyhow it's in central NJ, not north.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    OTCing... The Future Of Clubbing?
    I'd actualy call OTCing the past, present and future. One of my very first SC experiences ever, which was well over 30 years ago, I was with 2 other guys who booked one of the strippers for their hotel room later that night. There's nothing new under the sun. Or the moon.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Club vs escort
    Jay, we've discussed this topic many times here before. Check the old threads, you should be able to find some of those discussions. Bottom line - most of the guys here don't do escorts, for many of the reasons that Book Guy lists.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I met a new dancer...
    When my ATF was waitressing at a strip club/restaurant, I once made a remark that I thought this one dancer who I'd never seen before was very attractive and my type. Next thing I know she brings this girl over, introduces her, and the dancer sits down and we begin talking (which was all you could do at this particular club.) This dancer turns out to be kinda funny but she's also dumber than a fence post. It also turns our that she's 20 years old and has 4 kids. After that I couldn't get rid of this girl, every time I came in (which was weekly) she'd join me. My ATF thought it was very funny. What a smart ass.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    OK it's your turn
    Clubber, for years I went to DC on a weekly basis on business. It got to a point where for several years I had an apartment in the area, even though I lived in another state (that's pretty common in DC.) For the last couple years that she lived in the DC area we got together twice every week - I'd see her at work once a week (she was waitressing at the time), then we'd get together on another night for dinner together. I don't think you can control where these things go or how long they last, except for choosing to end it of course. They acquire a life of their own. As I've said before, I think all relationships are based on filling each others' needs. As long as you are uniquely filling some important needs that the girl has, it's going to last. When she no longer feels that need the relationship will likely end. For many young strippers from disfunctional homes, I think the surrogate father thing is a big need.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    North New Jersey Extras and Take Out?
    Two words: Playouse Lounge.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Not all strippers are dumb when it comes pricing lap dances...
    I agree with Chandler to a point - most dancers probably don't much like doing LDs for most of their customers, especially total strangers. But I think the dynamics can change if you get to know the girl really well. Which is why Shadowcat's strategy works well for him. And why I used to prefer to have a regular. The other point to keep in mind is that in many clubs you have to pay a third party for dances so the dancer has no say in the price. Or the house keeps track of how many they do and takes a cut (often half) so again she can't cut prices and make anything. I think that sort of thing has become more common than it used to be.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    OTCing... The Future Of Clubbing?
    DougS, I agree, I guess I was speaking of the intent not the result. A lot of dancers will meet a good customer for lunch or an early dinner before their shift with no possibility of anything else happening (I've done that many times) - it's good for their business. I guess a lot of girls will also meet specifically for sex, although I have no experience in that area. And I guess there's also the middle ground where you aren't sure what's going to happen when you meet OTC. My first real evening "date" with my ATF was like that. It turned out to be strictly social but was a lot of fun. And the first of many dinners together.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    NEWBIE's First Trip
    Rugis, your bank story reminded me of something funny that happened several years ago while on a trip to Florida. I stopped in a fast food restaurant on the outskirts of Jacksonville around noon on a Sunday. In line ahead of me was an attractive young woman with a young guy and a small baby. She obviously knew the person behind the counter, and this appeared to be a weekly ritual for her - she handed the girl behind the counter what must have been over a hundred one dollar bills, all crumpled up, in exchange for larger bills. Gee, I wonder where she got them? There are a lot of strip clubs in the Jacksonville area. Sounds like you are hooked. Glad you enjoyed it.
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    17 years ago
    OK it's your turn
    Shadowcat, people respond by sending private messages. It actually becomes a better conversation than posting on these threads because you only get responses from people who want to discuss what you're talking about, it eliminates all the extraneous stuff. Try it, you might like it.
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    17 years ago
    off topic POLITICS
    I do follow the news, just not through newpapers or TV. How long did you work in DC? And for what agency and at what level?
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    17 years ago
    off topic POLITICS
    MisterGuy, you're the one who doesn't understand how the system works. I worked in DC as a lobbyist for years and know it very well. The people who really have the power are the career beaurocrats who write all the regulations and manage all the programs. And most of them put their own personal interests first, which means that they do everything in their power to grow the programs that they manage. When elected officials try to make a change that will impact these beaurocrats negatively, they either ignore it or actively oppose it. And they do so by working with the nonprofit organizations that benefit frome the program. They funnel money to the nonprofit, who in turn lobbies for more money for that program. Which is why, for example, Republicans were unable to eliminate any programs even when they had control of the White House and both houses of Congress and strong public support to do so. One common tactic employed by beaurocrats, for example, is when they're directed to reduce spending, they sumit a budget request that cuts spending for the most popular part of their program. The news media predictably raises the roof and Congress backs down. Most of these beaurocrats are Democrats and are almost impossible to fire. Which is why government spending keeps increasing. And why it matters little who we elect.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    OTCing... The Future Of Clubbing?
    Keep in mind that there are two totally diferent types of OTCing - meeting OTC for sex and getting together strictly socially. The motivations are quite different.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    OK it's your turn
    Clubber, re the BF thing, I never offer advice unless it's asked for. Telling someone the obvious when they don't want to hear it doesn't help anyone, least of all your relationship with that person, they're likely to resent you for it. I've been very very careful about that with my ATF. I didn't care for her previous BF at all - he was a real loser and a drug dealer. Once she got clean she realized that he was a major part of her problem and dumped him. I've never said a bad word about him, either before or since. There's nothing to be gained by it and a lot to lose. The entire episode brought us closer together. He was a major reason why she started spending a lot of time with me.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancers think things bad now - wait until recession gets going
    David, I do indeed recall you predicting a major downturn in the third quarter, in fact I remember that you said it had probably already started. And third quarter GNP growth turned out to be above average in spite of the major downturn in the housing industry, which is already behind us. Just because the popular media likes to exaggerate our problems doesn't mean that we have to buy their BS. We may well have a mild recession this year, but chances of the major downturn that you are predicting are remote. Strippers may have a lot of problems, but except for girls working in certain hard-hit areas, the economy isn't one of them.