Girls Promising OTC to get more LDs
I was in Las Vegas and really liked a girl. Bought several hundreds dollars of LDs. She promised that she will meet me at the hotel afterwards but never showed up. Anyone else have had similar experiences?
I don't even try to fight the urge anymore.
ain't much
A: She is in your hotel room sucking your cock.
There is a word for the money that you gave her - it is called "tuition." And I mean for your education, not hers as I doubt that she is a student, whatever she might have claimed.
LESSON LEARNED #1: Any time that you are being offered anything OTC which is predicated upon your spending in the club, it is a con. Pay for a service after it is rendered, not before.
LESSON LEARNED #2: Vegas clubs are among the highest hustle, lowest ROI clubs in the country. They are ideally designed and staffed to separate gullible tourists from their money. Your odds on getting good value in a Vegas SC are about as good as your odds of hitting a very big jackpot on one of the casino slot machines. And like the casinos, Vegas SCs are glittery and flashy and provide false hopes of great things to come.
Dude, they are lying, theiving whores. You were suprised by this?