
Independent Heads

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
I normally keep to myself but if someone starts a conversation w/ me then I can talk for a long time.

I tend to be more of the book smart type and not necessarily street/common-sense smart.

Thus every once in a while I'll get into some semi-intellectual convo with a dancer which is often intellectually stimulating but definitely not penile stimulating – i.e. my two heads definitely think independently and are on different wave lengths :)

Having said this, I often feel it is a waste of my SC time when I get into a semi-intellectual convo in a SC since my lower head will go to sleep and it then takes some time (or assistance :)) getting it to wake up again.

Any thoughts on intellectual/interesting convo in SCs vs. lighthearted (even air-headish/ditzy) convo?


  • Revo
    12 years ago
    It is definelty a buzz kill. I have literally felt the erection go down when a conversation turns serious.

    Always better to keep it superficial and light hearted, and of course sexy.
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    I like clever conversation.
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    wouldn't clever conversation be light hearted, heavy penile lol
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    I find intelligence in a woman very sexy, so an intellectual conversation with a smart stripper is foreplay for me.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    Hm, I personally think that intellectually stimulating conversation, while maybe somewhat out of place in a strip club, has no effect on my libido.

    I remember two conversations had in strip clubs. One was a conversation about warp drive technology, the real thing, not Star Trek stuff. We spent a couple of hours talking about it, and she seemed to really know her stuff. She gave great head.

    The other was with a submissive girl (whose freak I unfortunately never got to experience). We had a long talk about how a healthy dom/sub relationship should work. It's too bad she moved to NYC; we agreed on quite a bit of it. It might have been awesome.
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    I agree w/ sclvr5005. On those very rare occasions where I'll meet a dancer that understands even a little bit of what I do for a living and she can discuss it with me intelligently, I get all wet & mushy down there. Many women play down their intelligence in clubs because they know that it is not welcomed. But then again, many dancers really don't have a clue about anything other than shoe sales and the Kardashians.
  • harrydave
    12 years ago
    For a while at Hiliter (Phoenix) there was a tall German girl. First time I met her, she introduced herself and I commented on her height, asked her how tall she was and she quickly replied "5 foot 12". Ahah! Clever girl.

    She was a Chemistry major, getting her Doctorate.

    When she danced for me, we would get this banter going, involving chemistry, biology or astronomy. For example, i would say I wanted to take a long trip to the forbidden planet, and she would come back with something regarding twin moons, etc. All while she is rubbing my dick and nuzzling my neck. It was pretty silly, but I really enjoyed the word games.

    However, the opposite experience is more typical. Many strippers are not rocket scientists.
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    I remember this scrawny skank in the downtown Miami area club late one afternoon. She was a film student at a university there and knew her stuff. I enjoyed the conversation about the technical side of her major. It helped to deflect her failed attempts to get me to buy lap dances from her while I waited for this fine babe I had met on the beach earlier to show up. When the babe showed up our conversation was short while we walked back to the VIP area.
  • jackslash
    12 years ago
    I go to the clubs strictly to have conversations with hot dancers about the Federal Reserve's monetary policy and its effect on the American economy. I find that this stimulates my economy and I know it has led to the creation of jobs (of a certain type.)
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    If only my dick could talk.
  • Tiredtraveler
    12 years ago
    I also agree with sclvr5005 intelligence is a turn on. It is nice to find a girl that know more music that the latest hip hop noise, watches something besides MTV and can actually name a president between Kennedy and Obama. Since I do not drink in clubs I sometimes find the inane chatter of the dancers very annoying and limit their conversation to their favorite sex act.
  • xcav8r
    12 years ago
    Convo can get you in trouble. Recently I met a girl that spent a lot of time talking to me. She was older than the norm and we shared a lot of the same interests. However over time I realized I liked her and it caused two problems. One, I really didn'y enjoy LDs from her as much as I liked just chilling with her. And I knew we were not going for OTC anytime soon so a regular LD was as far as it was gonna go. And two, I almost felt like I was cheating on the wife. I go to clubs because I can have some hot girl rub all over me and tell me I look good for my age(not true). But once I started to like this girl it changed the dynamic. Shit last time I saw her I just threw some cash her way for all the time we spent yapping and turned down a romp in the VIP, WTF is wrong with me??
  • ilbbaicnl
    12 years ago
    If you're sure you don't want a dance, it's considerate to not waste the dancer's time. Unless the convo is so good you're willing to slip her a decent tip just for talking.
  • xcav8r
    12 years ago
    Oh I made sure she got more from me than if I'd gone VIP with her,but it is just weird for me right now. Suppose I'll figure it out, or Karma will fix it.
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