Tips for strippers!

1. Please wash your hair. If we feel crusty stuff in there it could be old hairspray or gel, but you know exactly where the mind goes.......
2. If you have a yeast infection please stay home, or at least change the g-string often and keep that stinky thing away from my face!
Thank you, that is all.
P.S. a lap dance from a girl with slightly wet, just washed hair is the fucking bomb!
2. If you have a yeast infection please stay home, or at least change the g-string often and keep that stinky thing away from my face!
Thank you, that is all.
P.S. a lap dance from a girl with slightly wet, just washed hair is the fucking bomb!
Indeed. This is amazing! Smells so good too
4. If no one is buying a dance from you, maybe you should ask 2 or 3 people who don't care a whole lot if you smell ok. Some dancers seem to smell bad and don't even seem to realize it.
5. Glitter is for real school girls not dancers. Guys don't want it all over their clothes and face after a lap dance.
And I'm also VERY MUCH against dancers wearing glitter.
personally, i always use "moose" in my hair, a la "something about mary", and even if i don't have a yeast infection i always liberally apply eau de fish market all over my privates before going to work.
Or I was bitching because I spent good money and got grossed out . You decide....LOL.
Never start the dance by saying "no touching". Immediately ruins the vibe.
As for the hair, I think many girls put something in their hair to keep it going for long hours. I dont allow customers to touch my hair so I dont know. No hair, no face, no vagina. That's my motto.
I don't know if it allergies or what but I once picked up someone's odor while bicycling from over 50 feet away. I can smell dancer's hygiene products at times as well. I'd rather not smell all that I do.
The really funny thing is that I never use any cologne but dancers often tell me I smell good. I keep wondering if they are smelling other dancers scents that rubbed off on me. I've been able to smell up to 8 different scents on my clothes after coming home if the awful stink of cigarette smoke isn't too overpowering.
BTW, I never use cologne either. I just wear what the latest girl was wearing.
That's my motto
Sounds kind weird. Don't touch my hair???
Seriously, though, I have heard it. I can understand it; if a dancer has spent time and/or money on getter her hair just the way she wants it, I can see getting irritated when some jackass wants to fuck it up.
And it's not like there's a dearth of *men* who are touchy about their hair.
Now when it comes to some females in church, if they overdid the perfume, I'm going to move away at least 10 feet so that I'm not coughing and having an allergic reaction. That stuff is like a repellant.
Ladies, please wash your hair between dances. Why? Because do you really want all the other girls rubbing themselves on your hair? Guys are going to get grabby and run their hands in your hair. You might start out smelling nice, same with your hair, but after a few hours you might smell a lot like the thong of the hot chick to your left that you work alongside.
Oh, and guys, please just shut up and abide by the hair rules the ladies want to throw out there. Why? Because she might just do the same thing back to you, and you don't know where her hands might have been, so unless you are into some kind of some kind of used jockstrap on the head fetish, give the ladies a bit of courtesy. :)
"DO NOT! TOUCH! The black man's DOO!"