FIV and BJ

avatar for jerikson40

There are two aspects of club sex that some guys seem to enjoy, but I just can't understand the attraction. They are "fingers in her vaginal orifice (FIV)" and "blow jobs (BJ)"

Here's why I don't get it:

What the fuck is the thrill in sticking your fingers in her vag? Doesn't so shit for me, and yeah, it might make HER feel good, or at least she might make believe it does. But how does that get YOU off, which you're paying for in the first place? I have no interest whatsoever sticking my fingers in there and getting whatever crap on my fingers, including nasty smells that are gonna stick with you.

And as far as BJ's are concerned....

There's a device, which I've never tried, called a Fleshlight. Kind of a tube shaped thing with a thick latex interior designed to feel like a woman's pussy. Just add some lube, and you're off to the races. Basically a jerk-off aid.

Now, my analogy for BJ's from a stripper is this: take a Fleshlight, drape a wig over it, and go into a dark room and jack off with it.

I just don't get it.

You don't SEE the stripper, and if she's hot that's really bad. You don't TOUCH the stripper (soft skin, big tits). You don't TASTE the stripper (nips in mouth, etc.). You don't HEAR the stripper whispering nasty stuff in your ear (okay, you hear some slurping and shit..). You don't SMELL the stripper (some perfume is awesome...)

With a BJ you miss most of the greatest parts of a super hot girl, and all you get is the sensation on your dick.

WHY? Why do some guys prefer that to, say, a girl climbing all over you and giving you a lube job with her hand while you're sucking her hard nipples and massaging her big tits with her perfumed hair falling in your face and she's whispering nasty stuff in your ear? I don't get it.


last comment
avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

I like to finger them and have them blow me, but FS is always my fav!

avatar for mrrock
12 yrs ago

It's so nice and warm and wet in there. That's why I like FIV. I've never had BJ ITC but I can tell you a Fleshlight is NO comparison. Ever feel a Halloween rubber mask. That's what it feels like but a little softer latex. NOT the same as actual human flesh.

avatar for jerikson40
12 yrs ago

I hear ya, but in my experience it's a very rare BJ that even feels that good. She's gotta have lots of skill, not get them teeth in the way and start scraping, and have zero gag reflex, and can suck like a vacuum cleaner.

And whether a Fleshlight is any comparison or not is irrelevant. It was an analogy to make a point. The rest of what I said was the main point. It's just the sensation on the dick, none of that other stuff.

avatar for tenisbum1776
12 yrs ago

Interesting. Always been my experience that strippers often wear tampons so they won't be dripping on the clothes of the patrons. Kinda hard to insert a finger when the space is already occupied.

avatar for georgmicrodong
12 yrs ago

Fleshlights don't have a tongue that wiggles and squirms. Fleshlights don't have suction that pulls the cum out of you. Fleshlights don't lick and suck your balls. Fleshlights don't hum at the same time they're doing that other stuff.

Given all those "sensations on your dick" that a mouth can do that a Fleshlight can't, I think an actual mouth comes out the winner.

avatar for georgmicrodong
12 yrs ago

As for FIV, unless she's actually enjoying it, I'm with you on that one.

avatar for jerikson40
12 yrs ago

Geezus H. Christ, it's not about how good a Fleshlight is !!!

Forget the analogy if you can't comprehend it. The point is this: why do you think that mouth/tongue activity is in any way preferable to all the other stuff I mentioned that goes with a very high mileage lapdance/handjob?

Geez, imagine a motorized, incredibly well designed version of a Fleshlight that is identical to a real blowjob if that helps you understand what I was saying. It's a freakin' analogy, guys.


avatar for georgmicrodong
12 yrs ago

You were the one who made the comparison, not me. Your failure to comprehend what is is about blowjobs that's preferable to a fleshlight with a wig in a dark room is the incomprehensible part, not my use of your analogy.

OK, I've had handjobs. Blowjobs are better. I've had lapdances, blowjobs are better. I've used something similar to a fleshlight, blowjobs are better. If you've not experienced the difference for yourself, then I suppose I can understand your failure to "understand the attraction." If you've only experienced blowjobs that were indistinguishable from a fleshlight with a wig in a dark room, I can also understand your bewilderment.

Come to Louisville. I know a girl who can show you what the attraction is. Um, that is, if she's out of jail by then...

avatar for jester214
12 yrs ago

Most BJ's aren't anything amazing, but the good ones... As good as anything else in my book. Plus it's much easier to accomplish ITC.

avatar for jerikson40
12 yrs ago

George, are you really that stupid?

Again, let me explain:

Yes, there are great blowjobs. No question. That's not the point.

Yes, the Fleshlight sucks. No question. That's not the point.

The point is that the best blowjob, no matter how good, is SOLELY a sensation on your dick, clearly bypassing all the other possible incredible sensations you can feel interacting with a hot chick. Do you understand that?

I realize that a great blowjob is a great feeling. But people here seem to discard what seems to be a more engrossing and pleasurable experience like I described. My question is WHY??

Would it help if I talked slower?

avatar for looneylarry
12 yrs ago

I don't understand why you want me to put a wig on my flashlight. What possible purpose would that serve? It might even block some of the light from getting to where it is supposed to go. And then you have defeated the whole purpose of the flashlight. That's a pretty asinine thing to do. Why not put a wig on top of a broom? Of course then it would seem like she's anorexic. No thank you on that one. Maybe lipstick on a soccer ball, then you have something.

avatar for mrrock
12 yrs ago

They actually DO have a powered version of a Fleshlight lol. OP why not have both? The sensualness of the dance topped off with a nice BJ to get you off before you done? Best of both worlds!!!

avatar for sclvr5005
12 yrs ago

I like FIV because I like it. If she is getting off then my "O" is that much better. Enough said.

avatar for sclvr5005
12 yrs ago

I like FIV because I like it. If she is getting off then my "O" is that much better. Enough said.

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

Interesting point Jerikson. I always thought I was atypical in preferring HJs and LDs to BJs sensation-wise. Maybe your points explain why. Like I've said before I've only cum from BJs twice in my life but countless times from LDs. For most guys it's the other way around. I mean I'll let girls blow me because do many seem to like to do it, but is doesn't rate high on my preferred activity list. ITC it's mostly seeing how willing they are to break the rules.

Where do you rate DFK? For me it's well above BJ and second only to FS in terms if fun.

Thanks for your post me. Gives me clues as to something I've always felt mysterious. (Still there are so many differences myself and some of the members on this site I'm tempted to think we are different species.)

avatar for bang69
12 yrs ago

I like FS

avatar for Revo
12 yrs ago

I think the arguments about sensations is only a small part of the pleasure. The greatest source of sexual pleasure is the big head.

That is why we go to strip clubs. That is why we prefer live women over our own hand, even though our hand knows better how to get us off. This is why we like beautiful women over ugly women even though ugly women can do the same thing beautiful women can. This is why we prefer blowjobs over hand jobs because it is more intimate therefore more gratifying.

And this is why we like to feel the pussy. Because many women and even hardened strippers resist this. Once again more intimate.

Point is it is so much more than just physical sensations. This is why we are always trying to escalate.

avatar for jerikson40
12 yrs ago

Revo, your (il-)logic gives me headache.

You actually contradict yourself in the same sentence. And the same paragraph.

avatar for harrydave
12 yrs ago

I don't think Revo contradicts himself. He is saying the psychology (thoughts and emotions) of the experience is as important, or even more so, than the physical sensations.

I agree. Sex is 90% mental.

And that explains why some guys prefer some activities over others. Because it fits their mental game.

Besides, the sex act is just one activity in a progression that may start with eye contact and a smile, and end with a hug and a friendly goodbye. In the middle is a variety of physical stunts, some of which seem pathetic and humorous if taken by themselves.

Now I understand the FIV. While I prefer DATY, the motivation is probably the same. If I can give the woman enjoyment, not just listen to fake moans but cause real ones, my sexual excitement increases significantly. There is a positive feedback loop and the idea is to see how far we both can take it. That is more likely to happen when both of us are giving.

You may not agree. No problem for me. Variety is the spice of life.


avatar for Doc_Holliday
12 yrs ago

This has been an interesting read. I still don't like the idea of you guys cumming all over strip clubs, but I enjoy the conversation.

avatar for crsm27
12 yrs ago

OK...blow jobs....

Well i know when i am getting a blow job i am feeling around the woman. I also want her to look at me. If she is good she will also tease you with her tits a little (russian) while she is blowing you.

I let my hands roam....on her back, tits, and have her position herself so you can feel the ass and even tickle the kitty if she lets you.

You are right about some things with FIV...but if you get a girl while she is giving you a lapper and you tickle the bean and she gets wet. She starts to wiggle her hips even more. I mean getting a woman off is a great experence. I guess I am just not a selfish guy and want everyone to have enjoyment.

avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 yrs ago

If you don't enjoy a good blowjob, well then oral sex just isn't your preference.

But you can't change my mind that oral sex can be just as satisfying as vaginal sex. Because for me, both can be fantastic.

avatar for sharkhunter
12 yrs ago

Someone must have gotten bj's in the dark. I've always been able to watch and feel multiple sensations. A good bj beats every lap dance I've ever had. I never heard the term fiv until now but I've done it. Shadowcat gave me the idea and inspiration back some time ago on here. Fortunately before clubs starting cracking down on too much frisky activity. I thought it was fun with the right girl. However as a little kid I had a lot of fun taking a knife to pumpkins and then reaching my hand inside and ripping all the guts out. My siblings didn't like that part. I got to have all the fun. After I thought with some girls, I could be risking an std on my fingers, I cut that out. Even this past year, I thought about buying a pumpkin so I could enjoy ripping the guts out. Fiv was something I tried out when the opportunity popped up with the right girl and I was surprised it really did turn me on. I think it is a mental turn on thinking that could be my dick in there under slightly better or maybe slightly later circumstances. It didn't seem like a big leap if my finger made it there.

avatar for sharkhunter
12 yrs ago

I guess for some people trying to figure out why fiv is a turn on is like me trying to understand why feet turn on some guys. I think the feet thing is a mental turn on. I don't understand it.

avatar for sharkhunter
12 yrs ago

I never recall hearing this before but if I got a really good bj, I could feel paralyzed from intense pleasure sensations. paralyzed with pleasure, I was wondering if this was common or rare especially among younger guys. I'm older now and haven't experienced anything like that in a long time. One girl I met had skill. Some have very little skill. With no skill, you might wonder why bother unless they wanted to learn.

Sometimes teeth can turn me on in the right spot. I remember one dancer years ago made me think about vampires. She seemed strangely interested in me. The next thing I know after tipping her she was biting me on my face. I thought it was a friendly bite but why she bit me and on my face I had no clue. That did not feel good. Maybe her black outfit made me think vampire. I've met a dancer as far back as the 1990's who apparently was into the vampire look. She told me she liked my two sharp pointy eye teeth and I thought that was the weirdest compliment I ever heard. I did not know some people were turned on by a vampire look at the time.

avatar for jester214
12 yrs ago

I really think Jerikson just isn't getting the right blowjob.

But seriously, it's the finale of the show. The lapdance, which provides all the things you think are better, is the buildup. Both parts are enjoyable and one without the other is no fun, but the finale is the thing you walk away remembering.

avatar for Stiletto25
12 yrs ago

Hehe. This thread is great

avatar for Stiletto25
12 yrs ago

@looneylarry- "I dont understand why you want me to put a wig on my flashlight "

That has got to be one of the best lines I've ever read on tuscl

avatar for xcav8r
12 yrs ago

If done correctly I would probably choose a BJ over FS. Now I have never had a BJ ITC or OTC so whether it would be done well, who knows. Frankly, it takes a while to get me off and I doubt it would happen in a club, certainly not in a song or two. If that was gonna happen it would have to be a well served BJ. As for FIV, there is a certain thrill to getting that far, probably goes back to when we were groping Heidi in the back seat of Mom's car. And although I love DATY, there is NO WAY I would do that with a stripper, nope, wouldn't be prudent, never, never, never....

avatar for mmdv26
12 yrs ago

The initial sensation of "slippery" on my finger at the entrance to the vagina is a HUGE turn-on for me. Then I like to insert to the second knuckle or so to feel the warmth. After that, FIV gets repetitive, and I'm gearing up for FS. Of course if the girl is enjoying the finger, then I am willing to do that as long as she is responding; but my experience is that she is quickly gearing up for the much fuller sensation of my enormously huge tool.

BJWS is a fast and easy way to dispose of horn-causing semen.

avatar for vincemichaels
12 yrs ago

I have had great BJ's from many dancers. I have had great vaginal sex with many dancers. To each, their own.

avatar for shadowcat
12 yrs ago

I like FIV because I don't have one. I like getting BJs from dancers because I can't do it myself.

avatar for Clubber
12 yrs ago

jerk states, "What the fuck is the thrill in sticking your fingers in her vag? Doesn't so shit for me..."

You know I would be surprised if it DID do something for him. What possible connection do my fingers have to do with him?

avatar for georgmicrodong
12 yrs ago

@jerikson40: "The point is that the best blowjob, no matter how good, is SOLELY a sensation on your dick, clearly bypassing all the other possible incredible sensations you can feel interacting with a hot chick. Do you understand that?

I realize that a great blowjob is a great feeling. But people here seem to discard what seems to be a more engrossing and pleasurable experience like I described. My question is WHY??"

Yeah, you want to know why some people's favorite color is green, and other people prefer blue.

Well, I don't know. I know that for me, a blow job beats a lap dance/HJ combo, no matter what she lets my hands do to her. I take your point, though. My recent experiences with an awesome masseuse have been, well, awesome. Her handjobs approach many blowjobs in quality and sensuality, even if I'm not groping her like a stripper.

avatar for mikeya02
12 yrs ago

With this thinking, I guess doggy-style is just a sensation on your dick. After all, you can't see her tits or face or smell her or kiss her.

avatar for gatorfan
12 yrs ago

FIV are you a doctor?

avatar for carolynne
12 yrs ago

when i'm up for a little girl-on-girl sex, i prefer real women to fleshlights, whether or not they have wigs on...

avatar for gsv
12 yrs ago

jerikson40, think you need to have some more blowjobs in your life to compare to the fleshlight. Some blowjobs can be pretty bad, and yeah, I guess then you'll be looking at alternatives. But then some girls' blowjobs are mind-blowing, and there's no way I'd take a fleshlight over it.

avatar for steve_ny
12 yrs ago

For most, it sounds like the bj is just the final part of everything you described. Maybe they experience all of the things you described. Everything can be part of it but each act is part of the whole experience.

I also agree that the mental part is what makes the physical intense.

If I can add to OP's question. Why do you guys get off on the dollar between the breast thing? When I see this it makes me think the guy hasn't seen or touched one in years.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 yrs ago

For most animals, sex is not interesting unless there's a fair chance of making babies. With humans, there's just no rhyme or reason to it. I'm just glad none of my personal kinks requires hurting anybody.

avatar for Otto22
12 yrs ago

I suppose this really depends on why ones goes to a club in the first place. I do not go to get my rocks off. I can accomplish that on my own. I go to clubs for some intimacy or the fantasy of intimacy with attractive ladies. Giving her pleasure is satisfying for me and FIV is one of my markers for a quality LD. Yesterday I visited Inner Room and got my fingers wet with 5 different dancers and one got me off with a HJ. Were the first four wasted? By no means. Each, in her own way, provided a satisfying experience for me. PS- I don't own a Fleshlight or a wig.

avatar for mikeya02
12 yrs ago

Well jerickson, I'm sure there are 10's of guys across the nation who agree with your "I don't get it" views on blowjobs. A fleshlight! Really?!

avatar for avalons07
12 yrs ago

Otto Premature!Oh yeah,oh fuck,you're the biggest I've ever had,don't stop,#@&(#@!,get off me,pay me.Sound about right?All the while she's filing her nails and chewing gum.Intimacy to you is when you walk into a department store.

avatar for staxwell
12 yrs ago

Did you know if you're standing under a black-light a flesh-light can be used as a flash-light? Think about it...

avatar for potheadpl
12 yrs ago

I don't know if the clubs I frequent are different, but when I've gotten BJs in the VIP, the area is fairly well-lighted AND removed enough from the stage to reduce the noise.

BJs are great, but I have to agree that truly skilled oral practitioners are few and far between. A lot of girls do scrape with their teeth. On rare occasions you can find the good ones, and then it's FANTASTIC. About a year ago I encountered a girl who claimed to have done porn. She didn't give me her name but made it very clear she'd take care of me in the back. I asked her, once we were alone, if FS was on the menu. She said no but that nobody every left dissatisfied with her BJ. Since I usually can't finish with a BJ, I was skeptical but let her blow me anyway(I'm a giving person like that). Oh man was I wrong. This woman had no gag reflex and genuinely seemed to get off by giving a BJ. She finished me off in 5 minutes, which left 25 minutes or so for us to hang out in VIP, where I returned the favor.

I still prefer FS when I can get it, which is rare but does happen.

avatar for Estafador
12 yrs ago

avalons07, you know what you reminded me of? How hot a girl chewing bubblegum is (the obnoxious form of chewing bubblegum I mean). The apathetic, totally not intereste (yet shows interest when getting down to business) look as she chews the bubblegum and talks to you. I don't know, for a certain, that can seem really hot to me....oh wait we were talking about FIV right?

avatar for samsung1
12 yrs ago

LOL this thread is hilarious. I agree with shadowcat "I like FIV because I don't have one. I like getting BJs from dancers because I can't do it myself."

avatar for Clubber
12 yrs ago


I think if I could do it myself, I might never leave home! :)

avatar for m00tpoint
12 yrs ago

erikson40, I gotta tell you, if your BJ's don't really feel that good to you then they are not doing them right.......


Mrs m00tpoint

avatar for Revo
12 yrs ago


There is a really good book about this very subject. Called "Male Sexuality" by Dr. Michael Bader. This is a very complex area that I think few men or women really understand.

avatar for rh48hr
12 yrs ago

I agree with Mrs. m00tpoint. A girl who can give a great blowjob can get a guy to do just about anything he wants. All guys want FS, but sometimes a good BJ is all you need.

avatar for shadowcat
12 yrs ago

I agree with Clubber. :)

avatar for WhatsMyNameAgain
12 yrs ago

No, the purpose of sex is primarily to reproduce. However, the secondary reasons people, and yes animals, engage in sex are the reasons they choose to do so. The physical pleasure is the main attraction for most. However, there is the emotional bond that is created, as well the potential for boosting one's feeling of being powerful.

FIV is not about procreation. It is not about the physical pleasure of the person doing the FIV, though it may be for the dancer. Instead it is about the ego of the individual that is doing the fingering. They are in a very intimate position, with their fingers in a very intimate spot of a very desirable woman. That is an ego booster, therefore it makes that individual feel just that much more influential and powerful in this world. If you are truly getting the stripper off then that is going to intensify those feelings.

As for the BJ, even if its not the best BJ, it is still a BJ and that's still pretty damn good. Compare a BJ to your right hand, or a BJ to not getting off and you SHOULD already understand why the individual would want a BJ whenever possible over nothing at all. Even if it is in a dark room you are still getting the physical sensations of even an average BJ, which again I repeat is far better then nothing. Not only that but the person hand picked who they are going to get one from, and it is something that they find hot. There is no rejection as it is just a transaction. But again it is an intimate act, it is now also a pleasurable act for the guy, and to top it off it is an ego booster because of the act but also by who the act is from.

Your comparison between a BJ and a fleshlight is a joke. A fleshlight is a step up from your right hand, but it is not the same as all of the physical and mental sensations one would experience while getting a BJ, or anything from another person. In the end, it is all about a sense of belonging with another person. Sounds lame, but chances are some of your favorite strippers were not the ones with the best ass, or biggest rack, but the one that made you feel like a person she knew, a person that she wanted around, and did not treat you like a customer.

The last place I went to I encountered a stripper that was more then chill, she felt like a friend at the least. Her approach, her tone of voice, the manner in which she talked and behaved, it all made me feel very relaxed. Considering I was relaxed already and she did that within 2 minutes into a conversation, that says a lot. Meanwhile some other broad kept hitting me up for a dance and saying some nasty shit to try and turn me on, then ended up insulting me at the end(musta gotten into the coke bowl). The one that I felt really relaxed with could have easily talked me out of my money, not because she completely fit into my ideal woman concept, but because of how she acted. Instead she tried to point out the other girls, telling me how hot they were and why.

A dance with another girl was great, but I had to roll and I kept thinking about the one girl that I was talking to. The girl I got the dance from was extremely hot and I would have loved a BJ from her for sure, but one from the other girl would have been amazing, even if she was not the most skilled out there as it would have hit on more of the reasons people have sex. Its a good thing that didn't happen because I would have likely shelled out whatever I had on me and in my account.

avatar for WhatsMyNameAgain
12 yrs ago

Strippers are people too, so if she is putting effort into the dance, why shouldn't she enjoy it as well? If so, FIV, hopefully will get her going and serve as a reward, but also motivator for putting effort into her art. The girls that dance as though they were robotic don't deserve it, but then again maybe no one cared enough to try pleasing her while she pleases the customer?

avatar for drzoidberg
12 yrs ago

FIV does make me believe I am going to get her wet and make her moan which in turn does make me get more excited. She makes me believe she is into it if she starts moaning. Then if she is really tight it makes me want to FS.

BJ done for show, she is not leaning over so that her hair hides her face. My ATF gets down on her knees and does make it contact. She know you want to watch cause she sticks out her tongue and rubs it all over.

Anyway not all girls try to make it show for you. Some just want to satisfy you as quick as possible. Some only want to tease. I like a girl that can do both in the time allotted.

avatar for rickdugan
12 yrs ago

"What the fuck is the thrill in sticking your fingers in her vag?"

Absolutely nothing and I've never done it in all of my years of clubbing. I hear about some guys who think that it actually turns them on and I just shake my head.

avatar for Revo
12 yrs ago

What'smyname: I agree, what you said.

avatar for harrydave
12 yrs ago

RD has a good point. We like to think our fingering gets them turned on. But for all our complaining about substandard BJ's, our fingering is probably worse.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 yrs ago

"… What the fuck is the thrill in sticking your fingers in her vag? …"

What is the point of touching her breasts, butt, hips, legs, etc?

It (vagina) is a female body part like the other female body parts.

avatar for endlesstempo
12 yrs ago

"You don't SEE the stripper, and if she's hot that's really bad. You don't TOUCH the stripper (soft skin, big tits). You don't TASTE the stripper (nips in mouth, etc.). You don't HEAR the stripper whispering nasty stuff in your ear (okay, you hear some slurping and shit..). You don't SMELL the stripper (some perfume is awesome...)"

You can experience all of these things in a VIP and still get a blowjob. Not at the same time for all of them, but it definitely is there.

As for FIV, my current ATF told me the first time I ever got a VIP with her, that I could touch wherever I wanted, shouldn't be shy, and since she was going to be making me feel good, I should help her out and do the same. As a gentleman, who am I to refuse? If she likes it, I'm happy to help her out to make the experience better for both of us.

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