
Comments by harrydave (page 29)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Do you limit how much you spend on one stripper?
    At the risk of being contradicted, I'm going to cite some $$$ limits based on my experiences in Phoenix area clubs. This only applies to the situation where you visit a club regularly, and you are focusing on a few girls. In that circumstance, it becomes more predictable: 1) $20-$40 per visit - she will try to get to you, but don't expect anything special 2) $40-$80 per visit - she will get to you ASAP; you are a fair chunk of her nightly income; however, you are not worth "down time", i.e., hanging out for free for very long 3) $80-$120 per visit - you are a special guy; she will hang out with you; if you sustain this, she will give you her best dances within her limits; she will do her best to inflate your ego as well 4) More than $120 per visit - you have activated her wallet seeking radar; she may go to dinner with you and begin a complex campaign of money extraction maneuvers; unless you are getting sex, you are not getting your money's worth and it will end badly. Come to think of it, it will probably end badly no matter what! Boy, the school of hard knocks is not cheap, is it?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    What They Really Mean: Stripperspeak-to-English Translations
    Uh Chandler, I did not want to hear that. Come to think of it, in a club with TUSCL_Bro last night, one of the "girls" twice told me she was a grandmother. Anyway, I did the math, 16+16=32, which was about right. Like mother, like daughter.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip club newbie questions
    Oh yeah: Don't use the ATM in the club. Don't use your credit card for a cash advance. Don't use your credit card at all! Don't hoot and holler at the girls (they're not farm animals) Don't rain $1 bills on the girls on stage (you are not a P.I.M.P.) Do approach the girls if they don't approach you. Do tip more than a $1 to a girl if you want her attention Do go alone if you don't trust your friends to behave Do ask the girl questions. Remember, its all about them (except for the occasional gem) Uh, sorry guys, this could go on for a while.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip club newbie questions
    Chandler is right. Be selective. Be polite. Be generous (within your means, only cash on hand). Personal hygiene is essential. My GF used to be a stripper. Guys with body odor, stubble, or dirty clothes, are avoided by many of the girls. Dark pants are better. If you're lucky, some girls will leave lipstick stains on them! I've gone with briefs, boxers and commando. Depends on the type of club. Boxers and commando give quicker access. I will second TUSCL_Brother on the shirt with tails. Again, depends on the club. Even in a fairly tame club, a button shirt may be unbuttoned for skin-to-skin contact. Finally, in the week leading up to Christmas, wear a Santa hat. Who cares if it's a little corny when every girl wants to sit in your lap?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    hide your wood or not? and do they like it or not?
    No reason to hide it. There are 2 kinds of dancers: 1) dick friendly, and 2) dick averse. Why bother with the second kind? Hey TUSCL_Bro, no reason to scare the new girls either! For crying out loud. Give 'em 2 minutes of your charm, then introduce them to the little brother.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Club after club, after club?
    My max in one outing is 3 clubs. That was a few years back in Phoenix. I went to clubs I had never visited before. Turns out, there was a reason I avoided them. But 6 clubs in one outing seems ridiculous, and has to be a waste of money.
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    15 years ago
    Civies vs. on-the-clock
    That's a really interesting comment about a dance being demeaning to a stripper turned friend. I have not felt that way. But I don't think of dances being demeaning for any of the girls. If I'm getting vibes that the girl doesn't feel comfortable giving dances, or otherwise doesn't want to exchange sexual contact for money, it's unlikely I will spend time with her.
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    15 years ago
    Sugar Pie Honey Bunch
    I don't know. In my regular club, I'm hearing some other terms of endearment. The most common ones are: shithead, loser, asshole, limpdick, and cracker. I just smile and say thanks. That seems to make the girls happy, 'cuz they usually walk away laughing.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    What They Really Mean: Stripperspeak-to-English Translations
    Stripperspeak:Do you want my phone number? Translation: I want exclusive rights to your wallet Stripperspeak: That girl is dirty. Translation: That girl makes more than me. Stripperspeak: oh wow, you're really big. Translation: I can inflate more than your penis.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What is the dumbest thing you ever had a stripper say to you?
    Samsung1, exactly! Probably related a bit of this in my review at the time. Mother and daughter collaborated in their petty rip-offs. The daughter got to me first and gave me 2 of the worst lap dances I have ever had. By the time Mom, as the shot girl, got to me, I was in a foul mood. My answer to her last question was to stare at her for a few seconds and give her a sharp "No." She sniffed and waddled off to pester someone else.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    More offers for FS lately?
    Mileage is definitely up in Phoenix, but it is not typical to get offers of extras in the clubs.
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    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    American Woman
    For me, American girls are fine, but I've always liked girls from different cultures. I think the American culture has a problem with sexuality. Girls are expected to be pure until they find the right guy and marry (hence the huge emphasis on abstinence). And if they don't maintain a pristine demeanor they are classified as sluts. In other cultures, there is a greater acceptance of sexuality as a natural condition not to be suppressed, and girls who express their sexuality are more in the mainstream of behavior. European and Brazilian women usually come from that more liberal culture. The Asian cultures are interesting and more complex. Women can be very proper in a public setting, but for their permanent or temporary mate they can be extremely attentive. For that reason, I have found it worthwhile to pursue Asian strippers as regulars. All of this is stereotyping, of course. My long term GF is a blond from New Jersey. ;0
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How do you feel about single girls going to clubs?
    Well, the end of this thread now seems rather ominous. So forget about my little "swinger lecture". Here's the simple response: bvr99, at the clubs I have visited often in Phoenix, you would be welcome any time, the guys would not be resentful, and most of the dancers would be happy to see you, happy to give you a few dances. It's not unusual. Fun and entertainment would be no problem.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Working in a club
    DJ. I like the BJ for DJ idea. Otherwise, I can't say any of the positions appeal to me much.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Good Girls vs. Bad Girls
    I've never used the good girl/bad girl system to rate strippers. Like some, I prefer a girl who appears smart, can converse about a variety of things and has a sense of humor. But mostly I like the absence of BS and drama.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    30K charged to AmEx by Vegas SC
    I would like to hear how this one turns out. On the one hand, we hear about this type of thing all the time, and we assume the guy simply lost all judgement when confronted with readily available poontang. On the other hand, it's Vegas, and it's reasonable to assume there are some pretty big scams going on there. mreef, let us know if you see a follow-up story!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What is the dumbest thing you ever had a stripper say to you?
    Real conversation... Shot girl: "Would you like a shot?" Me: "No thanks." Shot girl: "OK, would you like to tip me a dollar?" Me: "I don't think so." Shot girl: "OK, would you like to tip me two dollars?"
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How do you feel about single girls going to clubs?
    Ok, rough on the editing. I think I meant "hang out"! ;-)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How do you feel about single girls going to clubs?
    bvr99, here's a different take on your original question. In some ways, you are talking to the wrong crowd here. The vast majority are guys, and we're just trying to convince you to come into our club, mess around with some strippers, and let us hand out nearby. The alternative way to get there is to go the "swinger" route. Many swinger couples have a bi female. Swingers organize outings to strip clubs, and when they get there the atmosphere really kicks up. Some swingers use this outing to meet others and then continue the activities in a private setting. You are under no obligation to do that. You can just have fun at the club and then go home. The best place to learn about these events are on swinger web sites like lifestylelounge and swinglifestyle. However, the swinger lifestyle is a regional thing and some areas are not that active. If you live in CA or near a major city you will find a high level of activity. My GF and I go to clubs. She is not Bi, but enjoys the touch of another woman. We have been to a couple of these swinger/club events in Phoenix. Very entertaining, although sometimes the dancers get pissed because the attention is not always on them. Imagine that! Good luck! Good luck!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How Basic "Why do you go" Question Affects Our Responses
    Gator, you had me there until you mentioned the upscale clubs, with hot girls and extras. Then I tried to think of one, and I couldn't! I agree with your basic premise. It's human nature. What we perceive is affected by a lot of things, including our past experiences, our prejudices, and some tricks our brains play on us (like convincing us our memory is solid, when it's really like swiss cheese). Cops know that witnesses are unreliable. TUSCL reviewers are no different. Thankfully, the law of averages tends to sort things out and I'm sure the rating engine used by Founder takes advantage of that.
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    15 years ago
    Extra milage in DC
    In my experience, you can't, at least not at a strip club. Take the train to Baltimore!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Somebody's Watching Me
    My GF worked in a club in Phoenix. One day, a 20-something guy walks in and she gets to him first. He proceeds to spend $200 on her. He asks about her schedule. A couple days later, he is back in and waits for my GF. He spends maybe $250. Third time, he comes in with shopping bag full of gifts. They are appropriately directed toward some of her interests. She takes a couple of the lesser gifts and declines the rest. He insists. She reluctantly takes the shopping bag. FOr some reason, she has given him her email. He sends a long email expressing his interest in her. She sends back an email saying she is uncomfortable with his sudden excessive attention. She decides to return the gifts; she has his address (he provided it) and I act as the "bag man", leaving it at his apartment door. Next day, she gets a scathing email from him, accusing her of lying and beinga whore. He has copied a friend. I email the friend and alert her to his extreme behavior and ask for her advice. She replies! She says he is bipolar, this has happened before (manic phase behavior), and she will try to get him to back off. He disappears. About 6 months later, he is back in the club and does not recognize my GF!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strippers sue Salisbury club for wages and tips
    I am guessing there is a plaintiff's lawyer in Massachusetts who has spent way too much time in strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Somebody's Watching Me
    I think his name was brownvegas or something like that.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Does bringing buddies to your regular club cramp your style?
    I enjoyed this thread. I have gone to clubs solo (a lot), with miscellaneous guys from work, with a few clients, with a couple of close friends, and with my current GF. The worst occasion was when I took a good friend, who has been to plenty of strip clubs, to my favorite dive club in Phoenix. He just couldn't adjust to the music, customers, and girls. So he sat there looking uncomfortable and the girls figured he was LE! Well that sucked, because they avoided me as well.