Dancer counting her money
This was a new one for me. Usually when a dancer is clocking out, she'll excuse herself to go to the dressing room or DJ booth to count her money and figure her tip out. So I was surprised when a dancer said, “you don't mind do you?†and counted out right at the table where we were sitting. Anyway, it only took a few minutes because she could count really fast.
And look both ways before crossing the street...and...
When girls have just come off stage they will sometimes flatten out and stack the crumpled up bills then stash them in their purse. But I don't notice them counting.
At some smaller clubs the barmaid may come by and ask the girl if she's got singles to trade in. Then she may reach in and count out $20 or $40 worth.
But as far as a dancer pulling out of wad of $20's etc and doing a count, don't recall that.
Some other dancers like shadow said keep it all with them. Most say it's because girls in the back steal. When you keep it all with you, I'd see how it's important to count it sometimes. No problems with it.
When I used to be a regular at clubs, I'd end up with the stage stash for some dancers. Basically, dancer gets hit up for one or more dances while on stage. Her stuff is where I'm sitting. Pile of cash ends up in front of me with a request to count while she deals with other customers. Not a big deal, though I'd rather not hold the cash. We pick up at whatever point when she shows back up again and her money is already counted.
So I guess to get back to the OP, it can be a common occurrence depending on the club and girl.