
Dancer counting her money

This was a new one for me. Usually when a dancer is clocking out, she'll excuse herself to go to the dressing room or DJ booth to count her money and figure her tip out. So I was surprised when a dancer said, “you don't mind do you?” and counted out right at the table where we were sitting. Anyway, it only took a few minutes because she could count really fast.


  • wallanon
    15 years ago
    If it's a random dancer at a club I've never been to, it usually doesn't happen. I do get stuck watching bags and treasure boxes more often than I'd prefer, though. At places where I show up every once in a while, as long as I'm not asked to count the money it's no big deal to me. I'll do the count when asked, but I'd rather not handle their money.
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    Watch out when she finishes the count, finds that she is short of her goal and asks you to kick in so she can hit her target.
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    Or watch out when she finishes her count and accuses you palming some of her money.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    I've had dancers occasionally counting some money so I don't find it that unusual. However usually they don't have that much cash on them so it is quick. I've had dancers do it in the past when I was standing at the bar and they had a flat surface to count on. I'm not usually standing at the bar though. What might seem unusual to the dancer is me counting my money in front of them. Unless I'm almost out or wondering.
  • wallanon
    15 years ago
    SDude, it's possible that's happened to someone, somewhere. Can't say either of those have happened to me. It's a little puzzling that it even went there, but for any rookies reading this...don't take money from dancers who are going to rip you off. Period. If you can't tell, then don't do it. And if you happen to end up counting that pile of cash that just came off stage, don't rub your eyes afterward.

    And look both ways before crossing the street...and...
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    I've seen it happen alot and really never thought anything of it. How is counting their money unusual? If everyone is so worried about the games strippers play, maybe the paranoia is getting to them. Yes, there are some things we customers need to be conscious of so we aren't ripped off, such as not leaving our cash and valuables out on the bar top, being aware of how many lap dances we've done, etc. I worry more about getting robbed in a dark alley in a bad section of the city than at a strip club, at least by the strippers. Other customers may steal your wallet too.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    In my area, the dancers do not count their money in the open. They stash it in their bags and keep it in their lockers, you never see them flaunting it. In other areas, I have seen dancers keep money in their garters and out in the open as if to show how much they have.
  • imnumnutz
    15 years ago
    Like T-brother, I've helped count on ocassion. Doesn't bother me if it doesn't bother her.
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    T-bro - If you're their club pimp, does that mean you get a cut, or just free extras?
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    Speaking of money, have you ever had a dancer ask you to hold their money for you? Only one for me, my ATF. I'd most always hold her money while I was in the club. I really don't recall why she asked the first time, but after that, it was the norm.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    Let em count it in public. Who cares. It is their money. Most dancers will not put their money into lockers. Too easy to bust them open. Remember gym class?
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    I think I have to sum this discussion and any other one about what strippers do, habits, etc with: I pay more attention to what they are doing for (or on) me. I don't give much thought if a stripper paints her nails, count money, fix hair-makeup or anything else not involving priority service on me and Duke-my-dick.
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    At my favorite club, some of the dancers will count out their money right there in front of you. I find it weird sometimes because some of them are also the ones who are complaining about not making money.
  • harrydave
    15 years ago
    One of my regular girls used to count her money frequently and was always disappointed there wasn't more! I suggested to her she let me hold her money. So one evening she agrees, and she brings me her money after every string of dances. I just stuffed it in my left pocket and I refused to count it. It became a little game. At the end of the evening she sat down with me, and I gave her the wad of cash. She made about twice as much as she normally would. I think many girls could benefit from setting work-hours-goals rather than dollars-goals.
  • Player11
    15 years ago
    Hardly ever seen this but not surprised they do it. Not a good idea to count money in public. A lot of them need to keep their money more secure.
  • 59
    15 years ago
    It's interesting, as much time as I spend with girls in clubs I don't recall girls counting their money in front of me. Or maybe I've been focused on other things.

    When girls have just come off stage they will sometimes flatten out and stack the crumpled up bills then stash them in their purse. But I don't notice them counting.

    At some smaller clubs the barmaid may come by and ask the girl if she's got singles to trade in. Then she may reach in and count out $20 or $40 worth.

    But as far as a dancer pulling out of wad of $20's etc and doing a count, don't recall that.
  • uscue13
    15 years ago
    I know some dancers that make a few bucks and then lock it away in the back - guess they just carry a little so they can use the "I haven't given many dances" line a run on the next guy. These are the one's I see always go to the back after giving dances.

    Some other dancers like shadow said keep it all with them. Most say it's because girls in the back steal. When you keep it all with you, I'd see how it's important to count it sometimes. No problems with it.
  • slickpeter
    15 years ago
    Living here in Metro Detroit where there is no such thing as dollar dances or the such ----- the girls make all of their money in the back room ----- they know to withing ten or twenty dollarrs how much they make a night without bringing out the stask and counting it ------ they know that straight lap dance is $20 and all of the extras make the money meter ring up ----- at 2 in the morning I bet you could ask any girl how much they have in their purse and they can tell you --- remember we only deal in $20 bills
  • wallanon
    15 years ago
    A lot of the girls I talk to at length in clubs are concerned about theft. Some will camp out with guys just so that they know a person is watching their stuff when they go on stage or make a quick trip to the back. They also tend to be the busier dancers, so they'll count up a bunch of their smaller bills during the evening and trade them in for larger bills that are easier to carry. Or they'll have a cash call like 59 said.

    When I used to be a regular at clubs, I'd end up with the stage stash for some dancers. Basically, dancer gets hit up for one or more dances while on stage. Her stuff is where I'm sitting. Pile of cash ends up in front of me with a request to count while she deals with other customers. Not a big deal, though I'd rather not hold the cash. We pick up at whatever point when she shows back up again and her money is already counted.

    So I guess to get back to the OP, it can be a common occurrence depending on the club and girl.
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