
Comments by baddy (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    What's the most trouble you've gotten into in a strip club?
    The closest I have ever come to getting in trouble at a strip club was years ago when I was out with a group of people for a bachelor party. We went to one of the nicer upscale places in my city, and I was completely trashed on arrival from all the drinking we had been doing that evening. While sitting at the stage with one of the other knuckleheads on our party, he thought it would be a dandy idea for me to use the disposable camera I had in my pocket for taking photos earlier that night to snap a shot of that hot dancer on the stage. Well, I figure I am a super spy at heart so this mission would be no problem... I whip out the camera and snap a photo with the flash on, making it insanely obvious to everyone in the club. The DJ made a comment about it over the sound system and the dancer came over and snatched the camera from me. Surprisingly enough, that was all that happened - didn't get ejected from the club, didn't even get warned. I'm sure they realized our group had money to blow and I was just drunk and meant no harm, I can probably consider myself fairly lucky. The only other occurrence I can think of is more of a uncomfortable incident than getting in trouble. Back when I first started going to clubs I got a few dances from a girl right before the end of the night. When my dances were over I reached in my pocket and realized I was like $6 short of the $60 I owed her. She was very cool about it, told me that was fine and sent me on my way. Was a nice change of pace to have a stripper cut you a break, she could of easily bitched and made me go to the ATM (even though it was only a few bucks). Here are some other events that I have been around to see but not done to me directly. I was at a club one night where there was a guy who was pretty drunk and at the club by himself. He was being obnoxious and starting trouble with a group of rough looking guys (bikers probably). I was looking up and the drunk guy was giving the guys the finger, then I see the bouncer bringing the guy into the back ally by the shirt with the group of bikers following. They probably beat the shit out of the guy, I felt bad for him but he did the instigating so it was just tough luck for him. I was with a friend at a club with a friend once, and there was a dancer that was new to the business who was hanging out with us most of the evening. He went and got some privates from her, and he made the move to try and touch her lower region and it completely freaked her out. I just remember him rushing out of the private area and telling me "its time to go" and flying out the door... not sure if she was getting the bouncer or what, he looked worried though. Regarding breast touching, I agree it is up to each girl to set her own boundaries, but it really sucks when 90% of the girls at a club allow it (unofficially making it standard procedure), and you pop $30 to find out the one girl you pick does not allow it. I generally take the liberty to try and touch the breasts the first time I get a dance with a girl -- if they are for it, no harm no foul. If they don't allow it, they are usually looking out for it and let you know before your hands even make contact. I feel that as long as you respect their wishes after they tell you, there is no harm in trying. A lot of the good mileage dances I have received where initiated by me making an attempt when they did not make it clearly available. I'm nowhere near as brave when it comes to touching the punanny, it is obviously a lot rarer to find girls that allow that so I only try it if she seems open to it. Again, if they don't offer it they usually let you know before your hand makes it that far. (Editing disabled while spellchecking) Stop spell checking
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    can we somehow vote to ban romantic lover
    Maybe instead of asking to ban certain users, we could try to convince founder to add a "ignore user" feature if he ever has the times. Something like that would allow you to filter out users you think are obnoxious, so you would never see their threads/replies. This feature is not to uncommon in message board systems.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Can this theory work at a stripclub
    While I think its true that the girls will tend to go towards the table with a group of guys, but I don't think it is because they look like they are having fun. It is my opinion that they like the scenario because they get to introduce themselves and put a little talk time with the guys and have multiple opportunities to have someone buy privates. The time they spend sitting down with a guy by himself takes just as long as it does to sit down with a group, the odds of them getting paid off is just larger the more people there are. I don't think you really need to worry to much about how you convey yourself at a strip club... as long as you are not filthy/stinky, absolutely repulsive looking and aren't completely rude to the dancers you should be able to have all the fun you are looking to. While I enjoy it when a dancer sits down and talks with me, they really only stick around for awhile if it is someone i frequent often and they don't just sit there and try to pressure me for a dance (probably because they know I will be getting some eventually so they can afford to just hang out).
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Your scale
    While I use the 1-10 scale like everyone else, I basicly use a scale of 5-8. It is pretty rare for me to see a stripper that is lower than a 5 in a strip club that is not a total dive (though it has happened). It is also very rare that I see a stripper that I would rate a 9 and I don't think I have every seen one I rate a 10.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How would you spend your money?
    I am all for trying out a new girl if you like her, but I would never buy a dance from a stripper simply because I feel bad they are not making much money that night. The situation you described I would generally agree with, if your favorite is busy and does not act like she will be willing to spend some time with you I think that would be a perfect time to try another girl you are attracted to. However, I would not try another girl I am only semi-attracted to if someone I like much better is available. A strip club is the last place you need to go to make charitable donations!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Do you have to pay to get into the VIP?
    We have a Larry Flynt's Hustler Club here that pulls that shit. $5 to get a wristband (required to get privates), and $3 for another wristband that "allows" you to buy dancers a drink. I don't go into that place out of protest, they have really hot girls that dance there and its a shame but fuck em.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Do you have to pay to get into the VIP?
    Forgot to add my comments about VIP sections. Most of the clubs around here do not have a VIP section, the only one I am aware of is I believe $10 an hour. It's in the upstairs section of the club with a lot of nice couches and a separate bar. I have only been there one time because I was up-sold by a dancer while getting a normal private. The only time I spent in the area was getting the privates with this girl then I left the club when we were done. I've never bothered to go back up there, to be honest I am not even sure if you can go in there without a girl you are getting privates from. I have noticed on several occasions that the dancers will be in the VIP section the whole night when they are not on stage, not even making the rounds with the people in the normal section looking for privates. I guess people are compelled to go to VIP if there was a dancer they really wanted a private from and felt that was the only way to get one.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Some of the clubs here celebrate. I went on a Halloween and the place had decorations up and stuff, but it did not really effect the quality of the visit for better or worse. Personally I don't mind it but would rather do without it.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    TS Encounters.... Of The Unwanted Kind
    I clicked on this topic so I can try and figure out what TS meant... now please excuse me while I close this thread as fast as possible.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    The tread where we post quotes from other people's reviews
    I just read this in a review of C-Mowes Key Club in Washington Park, IL and thought it was a gem: "It gives off a bad redneck vibe, not like miss kitty's which has a good redneck vibe."
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How much money do you take with you?
    Currently I bring $100 and try not to spend it all. I rarely get privates anymore, I usually just tip at the stage and have a few drinks while my friends get the privates. I got every month or so for a couple hours. I used to spend ~$200 every trip 2x a month, but money is very tight for me now so I just have to reign it in.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Drinking and clubbing
    I do drink when going to strip clubs but try to go slow because obviously the drink costs are considerable and can be spent on better things in these places. Generally going to the strip club for us follows going to a bar to drink before hand, so I tend to have a decent buzz going when I step in the door. Would much rather hang out for a few hours and get going off a six pack then trying to get the same thing at $6.25 a bottle strip club prices.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Anyone know what happened to a dancer?
    Your best bet will be to try the club chat for that particular strip club. If you don't have a contact number for her and nobody else at the club knows, I would not get my hopes up on finding her -- strip clubs have such a high turnover rate people that work there probably don't even remember who you are asking for.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How should I handle this dancer
    Jpac, I agree you can get away with just saying no and they will get the hint the majority of the time. When I first started going to clubs I would always feel obligated when a pretty girl asked for a drink after 2 minutes of bullshit small talk, but after you say no a couple of times you start to realize they probably ask guys all day long and probably hear no 40 times a shift. They will not thing you are some huge asshole for standing your ground. If you really like the girl and plan on getting dances with them, I think you just should take the hit and buy the drink or else they will assume you are not interested and bail on you. Most of the clubs here have higher prices for a dancers drink then they do for the same drink when a customer buys it; when I buy a dancer / am with someone that buys a dancer a drink, it is usually ~$10 for a drink or they order a drink + shot which runs you ~$20. It's just one of the ways the club puts the screwing to you, all you can do is say no or deal with it unfortunately. If a lot of the girls at the club seem to bug you for drinks constantly, then you should consider going to another clubs. I have definitely done so in the past as some clubs are on 24/7 hustle and others are laid back about it.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    The Lap of Luxury (From A Stripper)
    Typo, meant to say "I don't doubt that it's possible". Anyways, here is the article I am referring to: http://www.cnn.com/2005/LAW/10/21/topless.tab.ap/index.html NEW YORK (AP) -- American Express is suing the CEO of a communications company for payment of $241,000 worth of disputed credit card charges at a Manhattan topless club. American Express says in papers filed in state court that Savvis Inc. chief executive officer Robert A. McCormick was in the club Scores in October 2003 with at least three other men. After McCormick got the $241,000 corporate credit card bill, Savvis called American Express and complained that some of the charges were fraudulent, the lawsuit says. The communications company said its chief disputed all but about $20,000, according to the lawsuit. "We firmly believe that Mr. McCormick was the victim of fraud," said Deena Williamson, Savvis's deputy general counsel. She declined to comment further. Lonnie Hanover, a Scores spokesman, said he had not talked to all of the employees involved with McCormick and could not say what the CEO purchased. The lawsuit filed Wednesday against McCormick and Savvis is at least the third in the past two years involving contested credit card charges at Scores. One patron sued the club after he got a $28,000 bill and another disputed $129,000 in charges. After a lawsuit last year, Hanover said that "high rollers" visiting Scores' "super elite Presidents' Club" spend thousands of dollars on single bottles of champagne and tip strippers as much as $10,000 for lap dances and for spending time with them. The district attorney's office has said it is investigating alleged overcharging at Scores. Hanover said that each time a patron spends $10,000, Scores calls the customer's credit card company to get the charges approved. Scores even fingerprints the customer and requires him to get on the telephone with a credit card representative, he said. "We got authorization for all of the charges," Hanover said of McCormick's visit. "We followed proper procedures and documentation, and we were paid." Court papers say American Express asked McCormick several times to provide in writing his basis for calling the charges fraudulent. McCormick failed to respond, and when he was billed again he once again objected to the charges, the lawsuit says. American Express says McCormick finally responded in writing in September 2004, reiterating that some charges on the Scores bill were bogus, the lawsuit says. Scores has been paid in full, American Express's court papers say, while neither Savvis nor McCormick has paid any of the charges. Failure to pay is a violation of the American Express corporate credit card agreement, court papers say. An American Express spokeswoman, Judy Tenzer, said she had no comment.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    The Lap of Luxury (From A Stripper)
    I read a article about this that interviews scores manager, Lonnie Hanover (I think?). He said it is not uncommon for high rollers to come in and spend outrageous amounts of money like that, and from past experiences that have a procedure for it. With this customer, every $10,000 dollars they would manually authorize the credit card with AMEX and even require him to talk to AMEX on some of the calls to tell them that he was of sound mind and aware what he was spending. If that is all true, sounds like everything was legit and this guy is just trying to get out cheap. I agree, it is insane to imagine how you can piss away that much money in one evening... but I don't doubt that it's impossible.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    The Free Dance Gambit: Accept or Decline?
    I've never heard this offer before either, and to be honest I would be very skeptical of it. If it was a girl I would not mind paying for a dance from the I would do it, going into the dance with the assumption I will have to pay (scam, guilt, whatever).
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Dancer or stripper?
    If your getting naked for money, you are a stripper. I don't think any strippers are "dancers" by your definition -- they aren't there because they think its fun, they are all there for one reason and one reason only... our money.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    I'm Sorry...
    I better be around in 2050, pending the apocalypse of course.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    "Green Courage"
    : Anyone here fear that strippers would ignore them altogether if they weren't spending money on conversation or LDs? It's not a fear, it's a fact. I think it is pretty common knowledge that a stripper will not give you attention / private dances if you aren't paying them.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Where are the strippers whose ABUSIVE BOYFRIEND turned out to be a HOMOSEXUAL?
    I like the way you emphasize HOMOSEXUAL. That is all.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How Do Hot Young Women React When Approached By Older Men in Regular Clubs?
    I wish I had the balls too approach davids in a club... he is just too cool for me though. :(
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    20 Questions
    You hit the ATM for a lot of money, technically leaving with more money in your pocket then when you entered (even though you spent money)?
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Sketchy club in a sketchy area
    I agree with the mileage you are talking about, but I guess I just have a really hard time shaking that last terrible visit I had.