
TS Encounters.... Of The Unwanted Kind

Any place that interests me.
Yes, "they" are out there. With due deference to freedom of choice & those whose preferences run in that direction, myself & I suspect, most others have no desire for TS experience. Furthermore, a TS that dances at club passing "shimself" off as a she (not to mention club that would knowingly hire TS) is akin to counterfeiter peddling a rare painting or coin. My "awakening" occured over 10 yrs ago when I mentioned certain dancer to quasi ATF who was now working at different club. Q-ATF told me that subject dancer was TS. So did 2 other former dancers over a period of 6 mos at 2 dif. other clubs. So did a fellow PL. Subject dancer 5'6ish, top 10% attractiveness @ club, recall slt. deeper thannormal voice, but not suspiciously so. Club was a topless club. But, OTY's, I've seen a few ethnic dancers @ nude clubs where I've kinda had doubts, musc. build, larger than normal hands, didn't "spread them" on stage. I've heard about looking for "Adams Apple", but I sometimes have to look real hard to spot it on guys. Have any of you had a verifiable TS encounter? If so, how did you find out? Did you confront dancer, or club mgt. about it? Also physical descr. of dancer, & type of club.


    19 years ago
    AN, you and I seem to like the same type of girl. But where can we find them? I find it becoming more and more difficult. I started going to Choo Choo's regularly because they used to have a whole bunch of them. Not anymore.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Not that there's anything wrong with that...

    Seriously though, since my "type" tends to be slim, about 5'3" and 100 lbs with natural breasts I think my chances of accidentally being attracted to a dude are rather slim. If you like tall, broad shouldered narrow hipped muscular women with masculine features, fake boobs, wear a lot of foundation on their face and have deep voices, you may want to beware, as minnow says.
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    Sugar-plum Fairy never gave it away...everybody had to pay and pay.
  • SuperDude
    19 years ago
    I don't want a TS experience. I should be forewarned. If it happens without disclosure, that bar will dropped from my regular visits. No manager should hire a TS without giving the dancer clear direction to make full disclosure. Maybe the DJ should announce it.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    Or maybe one of those clubs that has male and female dancers in separate rooms could open a third room.
  • baddy
    19 years ago
    I clicked on this topic so I can try and figure out what TS meant... now please excuse me while I close this thread as fast as possible.
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    If this ever happened to me in a strip club, I would suspect a plant by Mrs. Grove, because I would likely never be able to go into a sc again.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Minnow, two words. Beer goggles. Seriously, the average man is 5'10". The average woman, 5'4". Shoulders, hips, there are serious structural differences between men and women. If you aren't drunk, aren't looking at a made up showgirl from 20 feet away, or aren't looking through stained dirty glass there are not many men who will pass for a woman without a LOT of work. I'm not worried.
  • minnow
    19 years ago
    AN: If SC's buds bro can be suckered.... any one of us can. If 1 of my coworkers going to 42nd St. peepshow can be suckered.... any of us can. If a TS dancer can be voted the sexiest dancer of the month @ Las Vegas Club (***note, news program didn't identify club, or indicate whether it was strip club, or regular casino show); then any 1 of us can be suckered. Many automotive, and coin publications have books/articles devoted to spotting counterfeits, or non-original. SC patrons deserve the same. Hopefully, this board will generate some useful info.I've seen some TS ads in various general adult entertainment guides, some , quite frankly, would be hard for me to peg without anyone telling me.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    No candy?
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    (That was meant for SC, before AN beat me to the wire.)
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    While we obviously can't condone violence I have to say he/she shouldn't have been surprised to take a beating after that kind of deception. There are places in this country where you can be a "girl" with a penis and not cross the societal norms for that locality, but most of the country doesn't qualify. I once walked into a gay bar when I was traveling and didn't know the local spots. As my eyes adjusted the hostess must have had her gaydar working 'cause she quickly informed me I was in a gay bar. I thanked her and left, which they were probably as glad of as I.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    I've learned to spot fake tits from across the club. One more thing to worry about this ain't.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Can't say I've ever run into this either. I'd assume that unless there has been VERY extensive cosmetic surgery there would be at the very least some indication. Odd looking genetalia would likely be the biggest tip off, but consider in addition to the adams apple the hands, feet, hips, jawline, the height, the shoulders, the extensive waxing needed, the general frame and muscle mass or proportion, any number of things. Once the hormones get ahold of you at puberty, some things change in very definite ways that I don't think can be easily masked or changed. Any man who could afford enough surgery and hormone therapy to pass as a woman isn't likely to work in a strip club in my opinion.
    19 years ago
    I've never knowingly encountered it. Nor do I want to. All the clubs I've been to lately are either fully nude or so close to it that I don't know how a TS could pass muster.
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    Just one more reason to like all-nude clubs though every now and then I hear dancers talk about other dancers being post-op TS. I always pegged that for jealous backstabbing talk but never completely discounted the possibility.
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