Boston Globe Scrubs Henry Louis Gates Arrest Report From Website

That Cambridge, MA police report presents such a damning picture of Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates when he was arrested that an embarrassed Boston Globe felt it had to scrub it from its website after initially posting the report. The Globe published an article about the Gates arrest written by Tracy Jan which does refer to the police report but, unfortunately, you can no longer read the full report on the Boston Globe site since it has been removed by that newspaper. Here are a couple of Boston Globe excerpts that do refer to the deleted police report:
He was booked for disorderly conduct after “exhibiting loud and tumultuous behavior,†according to a police report. Gates accused the investigating officer of being a racist and told him he had "no idea who he was messing with,'' the report said.
...The police report said Gates was arrested after he yelled at the investigating officer repeatedly inside the residence then followed the officer outside, where Gates continued to upbraid him. "It was at that time that I informed Professor Gates that he was under arrest,'' the officer wrote in the report.
The lack of the full police report, which was scrubbed by the Globe, was the subject of this comment from a skeptical reader:
Be nice if the Globe actually printed the arrest report. A bit of a different story, I bet. I bet my life on it.
Well, the Globe did print the arrest report...and then removed it. And you're right, it was a bit of a different story as a Damian Thompson blog in the U.K. Telegraph noted:
The top American black scholar Henry Louis Gates has been arrested after accusing police officers of “racism†when they demanded that he prove his identity in his own home near Harvard. Sounds shocking, doesn't it?
The Boston Globe has an account of this complicated incident, which seems to have begun when the professor locked himself out of his house. It portrays Gates as the injured party, handcuffed and taken into custody for (Gates implies) the crime of being a black man.
Hmm. The self-important Gates, who runs Harvard's African-American research centre, has never been slow to allege racism. And the fact that he now faces a charge of disorderly conduct is presented by his supporters as proof of police discrimination.
I won't comment, except to say: read the police report, which the Globe supplies here in pdf format. [Not any longer, it seems.] It's absolutely fascinating. It doesn't just depict Gates playing the race card; it describes him flinging a whole pack of 52 race cards at the officers. And it doesn't surprise me one bit.
However, if you click to the Boston Globe link to read the police report, you get a "Page Not Found" message which was noted in an update to the blog:
Update: the police report describing Gates's hysterical behaviour has apparently disappeared from the Boston Globe site. Strange, don't you think?
Strange, perhaps, but not really surprising since, despite the assertion yesterday by President Barack Obama that the Cambridge police department acted "stupidly," one might think differently after reading the full police report. Here are a few excerpts from the report by arresting officer, James Crowley:
On Thursday July 16, 2009, Henry Gates, Jr. - -, of Ware Street, Cambridge, MA) was placed under arrest at Ware Street, after being observed exhibiting loud and tumultuous behavior, in a public place, directed at a uniformed police officer who was present investigating a report of a crime in progress. These actions on the behalf of Gates served no legitimate purpose and caused citizens passing by this location to stop and take notice while appearing surprised and alarmed.
...When I arrived at Ware Street I radioed ECC and asked that they have the caller meet me at the front door to this residence. I was told that the caller was already outside. As I was getting this information, I climbed the porch stairs toward the front door. As [reached the door, a female voice called out to me. I looked in the direction of the voice and observed a white female, later identified {} who was standing on the sidewalk in front of the residence, held a wireless telephone in her hand arid told me that it was she who called. She went on to tell me that she observed what appeared to be two black males with backpacks on the porch of• Ware Street. She told me that her suspicions were aroused when she observed one of the men wedging his shoulder into the door as if he was trying to force entry. Since I was the only police officer on location and had my back to the front door as I spoke with her, I asked that she wait for other responding officers while I investigated further.
As I turned and faced the door, I could see an older black male standing in the foyer of {} Ware Street. I made this observation through the glass paned front door. As I stood in plain view of this man, later identified as Gates, I asked if he would step out onto the porch and speak with me. He replied “no I will notâ€. He then demanded to know who I was. I told him that I was “Sgt. Crowley from the Cambridge Police†and that I was “investigating a report of a break in progress†at the residence. While I was making this statement, Gates opened the front door and exclaimed “why, because I'm a black man in America?â€. I then asked Gates if there was anyone else in the residence. While yelling, he told me that it was none of my business and accused me of being a racist police officer. I assured Gates that I was responding to a citizen's call to the Cambridge Police and that the caller was outside as we spoke. Gates seemed to ignore me and picked up a cordless telephone and dialed an unknown telephone number. As he did so, I radioed on channel I that I was off in the residence with someone who appeared to be a resident but very uncooperative. I then overheard Gates asking the person on the other end of his telephone call to “get the chief' and “whats the chiefs name?'. Gates was telling the person on the other end of the call that he was dealing with a racist police officer in his home. Gates then turned to me and told me that I had no idea who I was “messing†with and that I had not heard the last of it. While I was led to believe that Gates was lawfully in the residence, I was quite surprised and confused with the behavior he exhibited toward me. I asked Gates to provide me with photo identification so that I could verify that he resided at Ware Street and so that I could radio my findings to ECC. Gates initially refused, demanding that I show him identification but then did supply me with a Harvard University identification card. Upon learning that Gates was affiliated with Harvard, I radioed and requested the presence of the Harvard University Police.
With the Harvard University identification in hand, I radioed my findings to ECC on channel two and prepared to leave. Gates again asked for my name which I began to provide. Gates began to yell over my spoken words by accusing me of being a racist police officer and leveling threats that he wasn't someone to mess with. At some point during this exchange, I became aware that Off. Carlos Figueroa was standing behind me. When Gates asked a third time for my name, I explained to him that I had provided it at his request two separate times. Gates continued to yell at me. I told Gates that I was leaving his residence and that if he had any other questions regarding the matter, I would speak with him outside of the residence.
As I began walking through the foyer toward the front door, I could hear Gates agai,n demanding my name. I again told Gates that I would speak with him outside. My reason for wanting to leave the residence was that Gates was yelling very loud and the acoustics of the kitchen and foyer were making it difficult for me to transmit pertinent information to ECC or other responding units. His reply was “ya, I'll speak with your mama outsideâ€. When I left the residence, I noted that there were several Cambridge and Harvard University police officers assembled on the sidewalk in front of the residence. Additionally, the caller, md at least seven unidentified passers-by were looking in the direction of Gates, who had followed me outside of the residence.
As I descended the stairs to the sidewalk, Gates continued to yell at me, accusing me of racial bias and continued to tell me that I had not heard the last of him. Due to the tumultuous manner Gates had exhibited in his residence as well as his continued tumultuous behavior outside the residence, in view of the public, I warned Gates that he was becoming disorderly. Gates ignored my warning and continued to yell, which drew the attention of both the police officers and citizens, who appeared surprised and alarmed by Gates's outburst. For a second time I warned Gates to calm down while I withdrew my department issued handcuffs from their carrying case. Gates again ignored my warning and continued to yell at me. It was at this time that I informed Gates that he was under arrest. I then stepped up the stairs, onto the porch and attempted to place handcuffs on Gates. Gates initially resisted my attempt to handcuff him, yelling that he was “disabled†and would fall without his cane. After the handcuffs were property applied, Gates complained that they were too tight. I ordered Off. Ivey, who was among the responding officers, to handcuff Gates with his arms in front of him for his comfort while I secured a cane for Gates from within the residence. I then asked Gates if he would like an officer to take possession of his house key and secure his front door, which he left wide open. Gates told me that the door was un securable due to a previous break attempt at the residence. Shortly thereafter, a Harvard University maintenance person arrived on scene and appeared familiar with Gates. I asked Gates if he was comfortable with this Harvard University maintenance person securing his residence. He told me that he was.
Not a very pretty picture of the highly abusive Gates was painted here. And this is probably why the Boston Globe felt it had to remove the police report from its website.
last commentThis is a first post from this member and has no published club reviews. I have to wonder what his/her agenda is.
That is odd, as you note, S'Cat.
Also odd was the PotUS taking occasion to tell the country that the police "acted stupidly." Bizarre, megalomaniacal behavior.
This situation reminds me of the Chris Rock "Kill the messenger" comedy show when he says there are only 4 black people in his neighborhood of hundreds of people. He said it's only a matter of time before the real residents of his home come and kick him out accusing him of a break in.
"to this day I am not even sure if it is my house. I always keep a bag by the door in case the white people who really own the house come in. Time to go blackie. Damn I knew this day would come."
Probably bout time this whole discussion was scrubbed, nothing to do with strip clubs let alone where this discussion leads.
Founder, at some point, you'll have to make a decision about blatantly political posts -- from either end of the spectrum. What good does it serve a strip club website? What if nutcases take over the forum with these posts?
Meantime, one side just alienates the other rather than contribute to the "evocation of a culture."
one word: ignore
POTUS admitted that he didn't know all the facts, THEN admits he's biased because he knows Gates, and FINALLY called the Cambridge police stupid!
Who was stupid?
Three politically off topic copy and paste thread starters in just over a week. Coincidence?
Wallanon and Sothrop, I personally would favor a moderated discussion board, but I can see the merits of an unmoderated one. A free-for-all, so to speak. As long as we don't get a situation where one person tries to dominate numerous discussions, and basically shove his ideas down everybody's throats, I guess I like it the way it is.
There was an excellent column on this Cambridge Gates incident in our paper. The columnist pointed out that mistakes and bad behavior were perpetrated by both sides. She said, in effect, "machismo took control of common sense and courtesy on both sides." Fortunately no one was hurt. Physically, that is.
To me, it just reinforces my belief that under a very thin veneer of civilization created by thoughtful people who write laws and etiquette books, we are all savages, and sometimes our savage side takes control of our civilized side. I just hope Gates can let his courteous, civilized side prevail over his machismo savage side, and show some restraint and humility in the weeks to come. That woud be nice.
What mistakes were made by the officer? I see none.
To all those that continue to question the freeform postings on the discussion board and want to impose their beliefs as to what the content s/b restricted to. REMEMBER FOUNDERR'S COMMENT, "IGNORE".
wallanon did not express an opinion on the matter.
Nor should anyone else, racial politics have no business in a strip club forum. I agree with Founder, Ignore the topic and move on with a different strip club discussion.
I don't mind the various topical musings, but lose interest in threads that devolve into personal attacks.
However, for those who wish posts like the start of this thread would not pollute the TUSCL boards, Founder's advice is sage. Another way I've heard it said: "Don't feed the trolls."
The only thing odd about this to me is as Scat said, this was the first post from a new member w/o reviews. My guess is it is from an existing member using a pseudonym.
I don't have a problem with an occasional non strip club topic as long as it doesn't happen too often. Fortunately it does not happen that much as to be disruptive. I too was puzzled why this members first post would be so non TUSCL related. I agree with "how" on the dislike of personal attacks on this site. Fortunately most of that seems to have vanished for the moment.
Wait until you hear the 911 call...if any of the media are forced to release it. This "professor" is a 3rd rate con man. Scrape beneath the surface and you find Al Sharpton. Obama showed his prejudice when he called the white cop stupid. Scrape beneath the teleprompter facade and you find Rev Wright.
hog...wash? horse...?
As long as the administration doesn't decide to reform strip clubs it's all yawnoriffic.
We have no way to "change the channel", or turn down the "volume" here, however, as others stated, ignoring DOES work! Out of hundreds of topics, very few are not related to clubs. Some get hijacked to other topics, but if you check, these are often the most prolific of topics!
Henry Louis Gates Jr., the Harvard professor at the center of the current national race controversy, has recruited radical black activists to his university department, is a prominent supporter of reparations for the descendents of slaves and has immortalized a communist and socialist activist.
Since 1991, Gates has been teaching African American studies at Harvard, where he serves as the director of the W. E. B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research. De Bois, an American civil rights activist, sociologist, historian and author, was an avowed communist and also a socialist sympathizer.
Du Bois was for a brief time a member of the Socialist Party. In 1927 he infamously traveled to the USSR, where he called the Soviet system "the most hopeful vehicle for the world." Eight years later, he published the book "Black Reconstruction," which offered a Marxist interpretation of the Reconstruction Era.
The leftist icon officially joined the communist cause in 1950, when he ran for the New York State Senate on the American Labor Party ticket. He lost the election, but eight years later joined Trotskyists, ex-communists, and independent radicals in proposing the creation of a united left-wing coalition to run for seats in New York State elections.
Du Bois joined the Communist Party USA in 1961. He emigrated to Ghana, where he became a naturalized citizen, living in the country's socialist police state. Two years later, the Communist Party named its new youth group the W.E.B. DuBois Clubs.
Serving as director for the Harvard institute immortalizing Du Bois, Gates cultivated black radicals to his race studies department, most prominently bringing in Cornel West, a controversial adviser on Louis Farrakhan's Million Man March with close ties to socialist and black extremist groups. West is a declared personal friend of Farrakhan.
Gates also lured to Harvard socialist sympathizer Kwame Anthony Appiah, a Ghanaian philosopher, cultural theorist and novelist, as well as William Julius Wilson, who is close to the Democrat Socialists of America.
Gates authored two books with West, a long-time member and honorary chair of the Democrat Socialists of America. West served on the black advisory board of Obama's presidential campaign.
From a young age, West proclaimed he admired “the sincere black militancy of Malcolm X, the defiant rage of the Black Panther Party … and the livid black [liberation] theology of James Cone.â€
Cone's theology spawned Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama's controversial pastor for 20 years at the Trinity United Church of Christ. West was a strong defender of Wright when the pastor's extreme remarks became national news during last year's campaign season.
Gates himself is a strong supporter of affirmative action and a key member of the reparations movement for the descendants of African slaves. He joined an effort to bring a class action lawsuit for reparations and reportedly has been working privately to urge political and business leaders to keep the issue of slavery at the forefront of social-justice discussions and to support his campaign for reparations.
One of Gates' major sources of intellectual inspiration is Herbert Aptheker, a seminal scholar of African-American history who was a radical American leftist. Aptheker was for decades a leading theorist of the Communist Party U.S.A. before resigning in 1991.
Gates was quoted stating Obama's election last year rivaled the day in 1862 when President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation and the day 101 years later when the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech.
"There's never been a moment like this in our lifetime, ever," Gates said.
"Bizarre, megalomaniacal behavior."
Not exactly, just an uninformed opinion, which he regretted later.
Gates was in the wrong, but both sides overreacted. Gates was rightfully pissed that he had a hard time entering his own house after a very, very long, overseas airline flight, but he shouldn't have jumped to conclusions & played the race card so quick. When asked to identify yourself by LE, you really should comply. Also, it's never a good idea to mention the officer's "mama"
"And the fact that he now faces a charge of disorderly conduct is presented by his supporters as proof of police discrimination."
Actually, those charges were almost immediately dropped.
"Who was stupid?"
You are, of course, clubber, and the entire thing that happened in Cambridge was stupid.
"Obama showed his prejudice when he called the white cop stupid."
No, he simply showed his ignorance of this particular situation.
"Scrape beneath the teleprompter facade and you find Rev Wright" your dreams wing-nut...
BTW, literal Red Herrings are sooooo
Still laughing at the PROVEN liar!
"Still laughing at the PROVEN liar!"
In your dreams moron...
Not a dream, you proved it on TUSCL for all to see!
"you proved it on TUSCL for all to see!"
Lie on moron...