
Comments by arbeeguy (page 15)

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    16 years ago
    Hot Lap Dance Club in NYC
    You are a little late. It was like a Roman Candle in the erotic sky of NYC. Busted by NYPD and the legal beagles for all kinds of violations. I think if you google it, you can find some interesting news articles, but you won't be visiting it.
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    16 years ago
    Upscale vs. seedy
    Clubber, have you been to a "seedy" strip club? I know you have read reviews of them. That a club is seedy does not mean the dancers and staff are seedy. In fact, our objections to dancers don't even encompass that word. We use words like "too thin" "too fat","too old" "too pushy" crack-whore, ROB, etc. A dancer could be sleazy, but probably not seedy. A club could be sleazy, or seedy, or neither, or both. I mentioned three clubs by name that I consider seedy. One of them, Dollie's Playhouse, has more than its fair share of "objectionable" dancers. But I wouldn't call any of those dancers seedy. And, as is the case in most (not all) so-called "seedy" clubs, there are usually some attractive dancers. I hope this clarifies the issue of "seedy dancers". As for "seedy clubs", I am OK with the term "downscale". One of the real sore points with some of the TUSCLrs is the dirty, smelly bathroom. If that is the worst thing about a club, and it has offsetting advantages, like loose enforcement or non enforcement of various prude-oriented rules, I don't really care whether you call it "downscale" or "seedy" or "dirty smelly ill-kempt bathroom" -- I'll go out of my way to spend some of my hard-earned income on attractive girls in that club.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Parodyman: from shadowcat
    Parodyman is lying low (waiting to ambush????) A whole day and a half and not a peep. Maybe he is out on a high-pay consulting job in South America or somewhere. Actually, BobbyL, it is true that Parodyman has occasionally been funny. Not funny enough to make up for all his stupid insults though.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Parodyman: from shadowcat
    Shadowcat is somewhat of a celebrity, and doncha know how some people love to attack high-profile folk? Just too bad that one of those creeps had to show up on TUSCL. Still, some Parodyman put-downs are a bit humorous.
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    16 years ago
    Upscale vs. seedy
    I totally disagree with Zorro regarding "upscale" -- and challenge him to a Linguistics Duel at the place of his choosing. This Board is not an "Entertainment Venues" board. It is a STRIP CLUB BOARD fer chrissake. So an "Upscale Strip Club" by definition is a STRIP CLUB which has various features associated with the term "upscale". There are numerous "Gentlemen's Clubs" in large cities that fit this definition. They have valet parking, attractive hostesses, burly men in tuxes, sexy-lookin babes often with too much silicone, but also glamorized by marvelous hairdos, gowns, and makeup. The drinks are vastly overpriced, and contact rules are enforced rigorously. I remember an "upscale nude strip club" I visited in Dallas once. A couple of times on the PA system, the DJ announced "We have a Touch and Go policy here: you TOUCH the dancer, you GO" (leave immediately and under duress) Zorro, such an announcement would never be made in an upscale Entertainment Venue, but that is a different genre, my friend. BTW there are a couple of upscale strip clubs in Orlando Florida. Very boring places IMHO. High versus low mileage is not necessarily correlated with seedy-versus-upscale. Snowtime's infamous Gold Club is the perfect example of "Upscale, Expensive, High Mileage Available". Given the choice (that was the point of the question, Shadowcat!) I still vote for SEEDY. Snowtime, I am totally in your camp on this one.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How can i become a stripper
    Always take "no" with a smile. Always greet guys with a smile. If the club allows it (especially if you are petite) offer to sit on guys laps. Don't be afraid to run your hands over your breasts and your pubic areas. IF YOU ARE SERIOUS ABOUT BEING A STRIPPER GET COMFORTABLE WITH BEING COMPLETELY NAKED IN FRONT OF STRANGERS. As the other guys say, you can work at a bikini bar and not take off your clothes but then you are not a stripper are you. You have to be comfortable at whatever you do, but comfort is somewhat of an acquired state of mind.
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    16 years ago
    Who's a Republican?
    CLUE ME IN: Who/what is "the Dog" ? This must be obvious to most, but not me.
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    16 years ago
    Upscale vs. seedy
    Don't mind upscale for a short visit, but greatly prefer seedy. The seedier and the raunchier and the cruder, the better -- so far. This may be because I have never been exposed to "seedy/raunchy" very much. I will never forget my first encounter with SEEDY Vic's Place in Irvington NJ. I have commented on this place a couple of times, and can't wait to go back to encore my first performance (as a "John") there. Also I think the Outhouse in Lawrence Kansas and Dollie's Playhouse in Washington Park epitomize the seedy. Treasures in Houston is my iconic image of "upscale". Nice place, but (a) way too much silicone for my taste, and (b) way too many $$$$ required to have a good time. DIFFERENT STROKES FOR DIFFERENT FOKES.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Fuck buddy?
    Well, from my understanding of this concept, "Fuck Buddy who Pays" is an oxymoron
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    16 years ago
    waitress tips
    Dudester - sounds like a topic worthy of a separate thread. My opinion - cash probably wouldn't do the trick. Flirting and subtle promises might though. Or just blatantly suggest you would like to see her naked and what are the possibilities.
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    16 years ago
    green no more
    Short term gain but long term loss Short term loss but long term gain My point is, that strippers, like businesspeople everywhere, are always making tradeoffs between short and long term results. A clever lie delivered to a drunk tourist may have very positive short term gain and no long term loss. The same clever lie to a "regular" (see discussion below) may yield a short term gain, but the "regular" remembers, never buys another dance from the stripper, and even bad-mouths the stripper, causing a definite long-term loss. Many strippers are smart enough to figure this out, but not all. Now to the subject of "regular". Apparently this term has more than one accepted meaning. I had always thought "regular" referred to a customer-stripper relationship, wherein the two of them will tend to favor each other's company to some extent, over a period of time. Recently I saw the term used in another sense, and that is the one I am using in the above paragraph. I was referring to a "club regular" which is simply a guy that comes into the club often, with no connotation of favoring one stripper over another. Maybe I am the only guy that is somewhat discombobulated by the two meanings of the term "regular". I know this is "a little" off the subject, but not entirely, because - in spite of claims by certain posters to this board - I do believe that strippers in general operate with SOME (varying widely) degree of rationality. And the rational stripper, even if totally willing to lie to gain the $$$, is able to differentiate between consequences of lying to "club regulars" versus to tourists.
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    16 years ago
    Ask a dancer...
    Good point, missfrankiexxx, about the strippers rationale for stealing from customers. To tell you the truth, I don't see much difference between stealing from a customer by taking money out of his pocket and stealing from a customer by promising certain things will happen in VIP when you know very well they will not happen. But there is a BIG GRAY area along the contiuum of truth, implication, and false promises. A few years ago, I was really infatuated with a certain dancer, and I desperately wanted to play with her pussy. So I posed a hypothetical: "Sweetie, if we did a private dance would you let me play with your pussy?". Her answer was priceless: Well why don't you just try a private dance and find out? Such a simple answer. In fact she DID let me, and after having broken the ice in this manner, she quickly became one of my favorites. But several other dancers have said "yes" in various ways to that same question, and then in VIP have demonstrated that the truthful answer was "no". And they have used various versions of stripper shit to explain/rationalize their betrayal. It only takes one dance to find out for sure if the stripper was being honest or not. So, missfrankiexxx, I would appreciate the insight on this topic from the other side of the fence, so to speak. Thanks.
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    16 years ago
    Disagree with MisterGuy: cautious is not the same as paranoid. I don't think any harm would ever come to you for posting truthful reports. I have posted reports of what one might call "over-the-top behavior" myself, and I certainly enjoy reading them. One school of thought is that as long as you don't identify the person involved in the illegal activities, you are OK. If a club is condoning prostitution (however local LE defines that term) TUSCL would probably not be the place that LE would figure out what is going on. There are much more direct and reliable ways. Even so, discretion is wise, don't you think?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is $20 in the hand worth more than $30 in the bush?
    Evilcyn, "I never ask for more then that unless a tip is offered" (1) The word is "than" not "then". (2) If a tip is OFFERED you did not ASK for it. If you ask for money it is NOT a tip - it might be a handout or a fee or.. but it is not a tip.
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    16 years ago
    Need some tips with this stripper....Help (Want to be friends)
    Hey real dancer - YOU are there for the money. YOU are getting the money. YOU do whatever is necessary to do to get the money, or go work at a different club or get out of stripping and do something else that is more to your liking. But YOU did provide a nice note of realism -- it is the truth -- to quote YOU "we hate guys and rarely become friends with anyone in the club". Prodigy1290 are you paying attention? It is coming from "A Real Dancer"
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    16 years ago
    Celebrating my Anniversary
    Gee without the actual year and the girl's name it is not such a great story. But congratulations anyway, on past achievements. Howzit been goin lately????
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    16 years ago
    Does one rude dancer ruin your strip club visit?
    "Why would being rude benefit any dancer...." Did you ever hear of compulsion? Or addiction? (maybe the same thing.) A lot of people do things that are definitely NOT IN THEIR OWN SELF-INTEREST. Occasionally it may be ignorance, but more often I think they just can't help themselves
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    TUSCL convention 2007.
    Even tho you have called off the convention, i think you should give it another shot some time. Hey, how about just making it one day instead of three. That way, even if only a couple or three guys can make it, you can call it an Official One Day Convention, and that leaves you with two out of three days to hustle all the pussy you want. Wish I could say I would try to come, but I live a long ways from Columbia South Carolina. Maybe I will try to organize a TUSCL convention in Washington Park Saint Illinois some time. That is a place I could get to without having to take out a loan.
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    16 years ago
    Long distance contact
    Philip you have a droll sense of humor. I like that. I hope we see more posts by you.
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    16 years ago
    The food was great
    I guarantee that not all reviews that mention food are fake. I have mentioned food a couple of times, and I have only submitted one fake review in my entire tenure at TUSCL and that was several years ago when I was stupid. (Well, I'm still STUPID, I guess, but I didn't feel good about that fake review.) But I didn't mention any food in that review.
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    16 years ago
    Long distance contact
    long distance contact with strippers is pretty silly. trust me i have been there. enjoy them close up and at your convenience. look for a new stripper-friend nearby to cure your heartache.
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    16 years ago
    sc or escort
    Even though Yoda and Shadowcat give exactly opposite viewpoints, they are both right. Notice the four key words in Shadowcat's post: "at my favorite club". He has developed a strong rapport with a particular establishment over a long period of time. That is very rare in this hobby, and it helps explain the resentment and disbelief that some of our members have toward Shadowcat. I do think Yoda exaggerates the downside of the strip club experience. A person has to develop some street smarts (AKA Strip Club Smarts) to avoid the disaster scenario he described. That's what I meant in my earlier post that said some skill is involved. Also notice that Yoda (perhaps inadvertantly) changed the tenor of the question he was addressing. 10inches did not say he necessarily wanted to get laid. He wanted to have an enjoyable experience. Of course we can't read his mind, and many of us jump to the conclusion that the way to have an enjoyable experience is to get laid. Anyway, even though it may be difficult and in some cases impossible, I think Shadowcat's approach is the optimum.
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    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Ratings have been modified...
    Just keep encouraging (forcing) reviewers to discuss details and give impressions about the experience. A ratings number is valuable but it only goes so far. Most of the value I get from TUSCL is from the discussions the reviewers provide.
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    16 years ago
    Strange combos of wills and won'ts
    Yes, I think MOST girls will hold back some activities for their Significant Other only. It may be just kissing, or it may be sexual intercourse, or.... But I am a bit surprised to hear about girls who don't like to be eaten out. The girls I know all say they love it. When done properly, a climax (for her) is practically guaranteed. Unless she is uncapable of a climax of course. Are there girls that can get off on blow jobs and on sexual intercourse but not on cunnilingus? Hmmmmm....
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    sc or escort
    I have struggled with this issue from time to time. It seems like the choice is simple. A "Sure Thing" is predictable. If you want predictability rather than a little excitement, go for the escort. But one of the appealing aspects of many strip clubs is that nothing is certain. You can flirt, try your luck, bargain, etc. You seldom know how exactly it will turn out. And some skill is involved. So how confident are you of your skill? (Me, I have no confidence at all in my skill, and act accordingly and set my expectations accordingly.) If you have a lot of cash to blow why don't you start out at a strip club that seems promising, but have "Plan B" lined up for a sure thing if the "promising thing" doesn't deliver what you want. (If not fully lined-up, at least outlined.) By the way, the location would seem to be a very important factor. If I was going to Irvington New Jersey or East Saint Louis Missouri, I am pretty sure I could get some extras and get my rocks off whether or not I actually got laid. But in most cities, I would not be sure of what to expect. Even with prostitutes, things haven't always turned out as expected, unless good research is done in advance.