
Comments by arbeeguy (page 14)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dude, I got kicked out of my favorite stripclub tonight...
    Someone said that when one door closes another one opens. I would say another door is there WAITING TO BE opened. So check out another club, or two or three. But do go back to King of Diamonds in two weeks (or sooner) and just see what happens. My guess is that all will be forgiven. Like you, I got kicked out of a club. And not for dropping the F bomb. I had been pressuring a young cutie to let me play with her pussy in the private dance area. As soon as I got booted, I realized they had the damn place miked. (mic-ed?) Anyway, I was escorted out quickly with the warning "Don't even think about ever coming back." I did not have an ATF waiting for me inside so it was not as painful as for you. But, considering how mild your "offense" was, I can't believe the grudge would last more than two weeks. For that matter, if you went back at your next regular time, with a polite apology ready in case you need it, all might be forgiven at once. In my own case, I think I waited about a month, and the bouncer didn't even work there any more. If I were you I would amuse myself in other ways for two weeks, then walk in to King of Diamonds with head held high, absolutely no attitude, and a friendly smile. KEEP US POSTED ON THIS ONE.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Nightline goes to the Mustang Ranch
    Hi Book Guy - because Dudester associates a so-called liberal TV show with disapproval of a whorehouse, you think that makes "the Republican platform all the more weak." HUH? EXPLAIN YOURSELF, MAN. I THINK YOU GOOFED IN THAT SENTENCE Actually your first three paragraphs made a lot of sense to me as far as logical analysis is concerned. But you and I and Dudester all know that logic is not a big consideration in what we write on this board.
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    16 years ago
    Jay Leno
    I wondered about that comment too. Makes no sense to me, and I couldn't figure out why he said it. Not that "Thanksgiving Eve" is any kind of a special evening, like Christmas Eve and New Years Eve are. More like Valentine's Day Eve or Independence Day Eve. Nevertheless, I did spend some time in a strip club last night, and it seemed slower than usual.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Member rating puzzle
    In my list of scores for Fantasy Plaza North there should have been a comma between the 1 and the 8. Sorry about that.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    BJ: stripper or wino?
    I thought a wino was always a male. Would you ever call a female a wino? Likewise a crack whore is always a female. would you ever call a male a crack whore?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Figure this one out...
    how will we know it is her? Will she post under the handle "Dancer D" ?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Which average looking celebrity would you like to bone?
    Sarah Palin does not fit within the parameters of this question. She is not an "average looking" woman. She's a former beauty queen for cryin' out loud. The question almost seems like a non sequitor or an oxymoron -- not sure of what hi-falutin word fits better -- but this is all about fantasy. In my fantasy I would never bone an average looking celebrity.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    My ATF has gained a little weight
    In this case I think: Oz had by far the best advice: stop buying dances from her. Be polite. Buy dances from the slim girl sitting beside her. When she complains, be nice. Do not refer to her weight gain. I guarantee she is fully aware of it, I suspect she is not happy with it but doesn't "really know" what to do about it. If you continue to treat her with respect but just don't give her any money, she will get a very strong hint as to cause-effect. Who knows. Your relationship with this potential porker may change in a positive way -- less sexuality, more true understanding. I know several obese and fat women who I get along fine with, but like most of the others on this board I sure don't want them half naked sitting on my lap.
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    16 years ago
    South Carolina
    Here's hoping!(for parodyman)
    So -- are you saying Parodyman is gay? But who cares? That has nothing to do with my dislike for that person.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can you consider a stripper/whore a friend?
    On the substantive aspect of the topic I agree with Parodyman and disagree with BobbyL However, Mr. Parodyman - I think you totally misinterpreted the logic behind BobbyL's post. Nothing he said indicates he hates prostitutes. Nothing is gained for you or anybody else by your smearing BobbyL. Note: I DO NOT APPRECIATE THE SMEARS THAT BOBBYL CONSTANTLY DELIVERS, EITHER. Just one guy's opinion but I think we would all enjoy this board more if we avoided this kind of generalized smear. Here is the logic behind BobbyL's post: it is pretty unusual (not impossible) for a prostitute to also be a friend. He was stating the obvious -- we all know that! The fact that it is unusual, and probably takes some extra effort, adds to the joy if it works. GO FOR IT but be prepared (as in any relationship) to be disappointed.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Strippers Come to my Home for 3 minutes . . .
    Yes, Obama (and America) made a lot of young people happy on Tuesday night. I imagine a lot of teenage African American girls lost their virginity Tuesday night and loved every minute of it. I personally sensed the joy of several young folk, both male & female.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Who's gonna win
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Obama Almost Certain Winner; MisterGay Guaranteed Loser!
    Clubber is right. Probably the most important single thing Obama will do is select the Supreme Court justice (or justices)and submit them to the Senate to confirm. Recent history shows that if the President uses some common sense in the selection, it will get confirmed. The only Supreme I can recall NOT getting confirmed was Bork, and he screwed up big-time in his nomination hearings -- said some really stupid things about how being on the Supreme Court would be an intellectual feast, etc., etc. By selecting a democrat to be president for the next four years, the voters have insured that the Supreme Court will not become a Bastion of Conservative Thinking during the next four years. I expect to see Obama appoint two supreme court justices. We will have to wait a while to see if that is correct.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    An answer to a stupid question from a stupid man named Shadowcat.
    Amusing that both Parodyman and Dougster misspell a fairly simple word, SODOMIZATION especially Parodyman since he is always harping on Shadowcat's language errors. BTW - I am all for the use of metaphor, but how exactly are a language and its grammar "sodomized" ?? especially after it has been raped? Can't quite decide if that characterization is hilarious or just lame. Either way, it is quite useless. Parodyman, nice to have you back. (written tongue-in-cheek)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Who's gonna win
    Jablake, here's a direct quote from YOU made today, November 3 "Who'd a thunk after so many soldiers purportedly died for our freedoms that voters would just trash it in a single election." What I want to know, jablake, is what, exactly, is the "it" referred to in this sentence. Judging from the previous paragraph, one might thing that "it" referred to "our freedom". But maybe not. If "it" refers to freedom, would you please explain exactly how one election (regardless of outcome) would "trash our freedom" ? Please be as specific as possible. I am really interested in what you have to say on this point.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Clubs with extras
    Hi SuperDude But that is not exactly evidence that there is any cause an effect relationship. On the other hand, I believe MisterGuy's challenge "find one club brought down by TUSCL" is a total RED HERRING, because LE is never obligated to tell where/how they came up with the idea of an INVESTIGATION. No court case would ever use TUSCL as evidence. That certainly doesn't mean that LE didn't learn something interesting/useful and TUSCL and then start their own investigation - often using undercover agents.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Clubs with extras
    I like Zorro's approach. One comment I can offer on this subject is to check out the Saint Claire County area of Illinois. I don't know exactly where the county boundaries are, but this is an area that has several key elements of "extras". (1) long time reputation (2) near a major city with professional sports, etc. (3) easy access to major freeways (4) lots of different (Low, medium, and high-end) clubs in area (5) lots strippers live in the area (5) relatively low standard-of-living (keeps costs down, the ladies need extra money.) Using Craig's List is a good idea but only with EXTREME CAUTION as LE in one of the St. Claire County towns busted a lawyer in what I would call an entrapment scheme -- he was indiscreet -- perhaps it didn't even occur to him that what he was proposing to do was illegal. BE CAREFUL OUT THERE GUYS. I would never propose anything illegal to a contact I made through Craig's List or similar service until after THOROUGHLY checking out the situation.
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    16 years ago
    Raid Advisory
    I just watched the video. Thanks for the link. Well worth the three minute investment. Shows there are multiple ways to get in trouble.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Who's gonna win
    Somebody said "Obama hates America". Somebody else said "Obama is a muslim." I would like to see people who make such inflammatory statements to back them up with documentary evidence - or retract them.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Who's gonna win
    Obama will win easily. Results will be confirmed by 10 pm Eastern. Jablake and Clubber, you guys ARE WRONG. Only five more days, guys.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    In sort of a dillemma, advice needed.
    Well gosh, I have been in this spot and I just told both girls (separately) that I liked them both and that if they wanted my business to continue they would have to see me do business with the other one too. Once I made it clear that was where I was coming from they were both OK. So two girls don't like each other, so what? They both like your money. As s'cat said, a strip club is no place for hurt feelings. It's all about the money for the girls. Just remind them both that it's all about the money and that you will not play favorites. (Assuming you really feel equally good about both of them.)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Food, Strippers. or Politices?
    doout (sic) meant to say do out. Thumb was a little weak on the space bar.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Food, Strippers. or Politices?
    It is my honor to post the first reply to your opening salvo - an inauspicious start on what LOOKS LIKE a hopeless discussion topic. Since (a) you and Bones are personal friends, and (b) Bones used to favor us with excellent reviews and commentary, then (c) why the F***K, Shadowcat, don't you motivate Bones to give all us PLs some insight by posting something on this site???? Another question? Why just food, strippers, or politices (sic)? Why not include dogs? My friend says he gets a lot more pleasure out of his dog than I doout of my strippers. Is he lying to me, or is he deluded, or is it da troot?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    R lap dances actually like having casual sex?
    BobbyL I don't get your point, as you worded it "in casual sex your dick goes inside her" All three - mouth, pussy, asshole - are "inside her". So are you saying that all three are "sex" or what? BTW I'm just fine with calling all three "sex" but viewpoints vary. That's why we have discussion boards. BTW Clubber -- I is still trying to figure out what the meaning of is is. Help would be appreciated.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    R lap dances actually like having casual sex?
    Is a blow job "sex" ? (Bill Clinton said NO. Are anal intercourse and fingerfucking "sex"? She can't get pregnant from either one. People's definition of what, exactly, is "sex" vary considerably, so there is no "real answer" to the question.