
Fuck buddy?

Atlanta suburb
Wednesday, October 22, 2008 1:14 AM
I know that in the true meaning, this is some one that you fuck for free. I have been fucking a stripper every month for the last 4 months. ITC and OTC. Very fair prices. I kiddingly asked her last week to be my fuck buddy. Her reply was "That is what I am working on." Should I call her?


  • burtreynoldsstudd
    16 years ago
    I don't know if exactly how it works if you are paying for it innitially but really what do you have to lose? I would probably call her and see what happens, but just a word to the wise: The girl usually gets attached to a "fuck buddy." If she is one of the cool girls who actually just wants that, then you win double!!! But don't stop going to platinum, I love reading reviews on it, since I'm not in the area anymore and catch go.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    I will stop going to PP when I am dead. She can be a remembrance to have fun with her and that is what I seek.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Definitely not. Unless you want the bs that goes with a real relationship. Paying the money, especially if you have it, is a bargain. Dancers have *claimed* to want to do free for me and even if 100% true it is, imo, much better not to get dragged into that situation. I could give a crap less if the woman is the sweetest person in the world. NO, NO, and NO. And, the same NO goes for non-strippers and non-sex workers. I may know the wrong people, but it just seems like most normal relationships are a mess. Free sex is a horrible deal, imo.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Huh? What's the difference between "fuck buddy who pays" and ordinary "client"?
  • arbeeguy
    16 years ago
    Well, from my understanding of this concept, "Fuck Buddy who Pays" is an oxymoron
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    jablake: I don't ultimately agree with what you say, but I do respect your opinion, and it's a very interesting take on things. I nominate it as post of the year.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Good God! I can't believe people are actually taking the question seriously. Look I think shadowcat is OK, but let's get real he is 65 or so, and regularly pays women for sex. I guarentee this is not the kind of man strippers are looking for in their fuck buddies. Maybe if he was a drunken, abusive, leather clad biker in his early 30s, ok, a chance better than that of a snow ball in hell. The stripper's clearly just teasing him and/or playing him. Sure, go ahead and see if she is for real, SC. We are holding our breaths while we await the answer... Gee I wonder the outcome of this will be? Same as everytime before? Ya think?
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    A big thing you gotta understand about strippers, and to some extent women in general, is that if you ask them a question like that they realize that if they give you a disappointing answer it could spark a confrontation which they will often go to long lengths to avoid. So they will "lie" and tell that just to avoid the conflict (sometimes if they get backed into a corner, lying is no longer an option, and then you will hear the truth). In their mind it isn't even lying, they will think that you have the sense to see that. Apparently not always the case!
  • SuperDude
    16 years ago
    No such thing. If not cash, you will be providing dinners, movie dates/rentals, trips out of town, shopping sprees at the mall and a shoulder to cry on when her boyfriend dumps her.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    If she's not angrily accusing you of sleeping with other dancers and watching you like a hawk, you don't have anything to worry about other than sexual diseases.
  • pop
    16 years ago
    Go ahead and call. I don't think you have anything to worry about as long as her bf is handling her other desires.
  • burtreynoldsstudd
    16 years ago
    "Good God! I can't believe people are actually taking the question seriously. Look I think shadowcat is OK, but let's get real he is 65 or so, and regularly pays women for sex." Dude, women don't care about age, they care about precieved power. Obviously, shadowcat is a regular so female wants to tie herself to him because it validates her in some way. All the more reason I think it will lead to an attachment, but SC you're 65 might as well play the game, like your 25!!! :-D
  • jimmyblong
    16 years ago
    I thought we didn't pay these women for sex but rather we paid them to leave right after sex. Its too bad they can't turn into a six pack and a pizza, that would be as they say- perfect.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    I need to refine this. There are two TUSCLers that have responded to this topic that know who I am talking about. The question should be, Should I move her to the top of my favorites list, only see her when I am in town, stop going to PP and other dancers. I know that she has a BF (she refers to him as dick head). No kids. Is a (have been told) heroine user. I enjoy lunch and talking with her about anything. Fake tits but no DOG. Up for anything in bed. I am not up for anal. If I continue this relationship, I know that I will pay for the sex. I am no dummy. NOW, should I call?
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Well heroin users are much more likely than the rest of the population to have HIV (1-2% locally, versus about 0.1% for non-IDU white women). Also heroin users are more likely to have hep-C, but there is no realistic concern about catching that through heterosexual intercourse. I would get vaccinated against the other hep (A&B) strains if you haven't already. So if you are going unprotected you are gambling a bit. You might want to ask for STD results, but remember she could get it at any time, and would be most infection, before it was testable. (The main factor here is going to be how careful she is about using clean needles. Is there a needle exchange there? Can find what the local HIV rates are among IDUs?) It all depends if you are willing to take that gamble or not. I'm sure you'll make the right decision.
  • ozymandias
    16 years ago
    You seem to have lots of fun at that club, so if hooking up with her in some kind of exclusive "pay for play" deal means not going to PP, then I'd say no, don't do it (assuming I am reading correctly that seeing her means NOT going to the club). If you're 65 and in a position where you can pay for play and otherwise do what you want, I say "have your cake and eat it too". O.
  • trojangreg
    16 years ago
    If it is who I think it is call. She is a lot of fun with a great attitude. Just make sure you use protection. Also don't make it out to be what it isn't and knowing you you won't. Except to instigate (maybe irritate) a couple of people on TUSCL. Trying to get back for a weekend at PP around Thanksgiving I will let you know.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    Trogangreg: good to hear from you buddy. YVR sucks. Yes, you know who. That makes 3 of you. No I have been living on the wild side. No protection. If I am gonna die, I am going happy.
  • JC2003
    16 years ago
    She isn't a fuck buddy if you're paying her. That makes her a whore.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    JC, Yes but a good whore.
  • elemental23
    16 years ago
    I take it I didn't meet her when we hung out. I say go for it, but keep all other options open (ie still go to the club)
  • JMelbourne27
    16 years ago
    If he is giving her FS no cover and paying for it, why WOULDN'T he want her to be his fuckbuddy? You guys are CRAZY! Girls who actually LIKE you want to have sex with you like once every 2-3 days. You're saying you'd rather shell out $100+ a pop every three days just to avoid having a semi-normal relationship with a girl who wants to fuck you??? Seriously?? MAN UP. There is a website by a guy who spends almost ALL his time having sex with strippers. You can look it up on google. He claims to have 4-5 girls in the Tucson, Arizona area. (P.S. - I can't believe your Fing strippers uncovered...)
  • JMelbourne27
    16 years ago
    I'm pretty sure it makes her a Prostitute if he's paying her, Whore's give it away for free.
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