Fuck buddy?
Atlanta suburb
I know that in the true meaning, this is some one that you fuck for free. I have been fucking a stripper every month for the last 4 months. ITC and OTC. Very fair prices. I kiddingly asked her last week to be my fuck buddy. Her reply was "That is what I am working on." Should I call her?
If she is one of the cool girls who actually just wants that, then you win double!!! But don't stop going to platinum, I love reading reviews on it, since I'm not in the area anymore and catch go.
I may know the wrong people, but it just seems like most normal relationships are a mess. Free sex is a horrible deal, imo.
Sure, go ahead and see if she is for real, SC. We are holding our breaths while we await the answer... Gee I wonder the outcome of this will be? Same as everytime before? Ya think?
In their mind it isn't even lying, they will think that you have the sense to see that. Apparently not always the case!
Dude, women don't care about age, they care about precieved power. Obviously, shadowcat is a regular so female wants to tie herself to him because it validates her in some way. All the more reason I think it will lead to an attachment, but SC you're 65 might as well play the game, like your 25!!! :-D
NOW, should I call?
Also heroin users are more likely to have hep-C, but there is no realistic concern about catching that through heterosexual intercourse. I would get vaccinated against the other hep (A&B) strains if you haven't already.
So if you are going unprotected you are gambling a bit. You might want to ask for STD results, but remember she could get it at any time, and would be most infection, before it was testable. (The main factor here is going to be how careful she is about using clean needles. Is there a needle exchange there? Can find what the local HIV rates are among IDUs?)
It all depends if you are willing to take that gamble or not.
I'm sure you'll make the right decision.
If you're 65 and in a position where you can pay for play and otherwise do what you want, I say "have your cake and eat it too".
Seriously?? MAN UP.
There is a website by a guy who spends almost ALL his time having sex with strippers. You can look it up on google. He claims to have 4-5 girls in the Tucson, Arizona area.
(P.S. - I can't believe your Fing strippers uncovered...)