How can i become a stripper

This is my first time and i am very curious and want to try stripping but i don't know where or how to start. Anybody can help?
This is my first time and i am very curious and want to try stripping but i don't know where or how to start. Anybody can help?
last commentI suspect that you are already are and just putting us on for the reaction.
Find the contests in your area. Go into any club and ask manager if you can audition. Look in the want-ads. Practice your looks and dancing in front of a mirror. Better still, practice with me!
Look in your local free entertainment papers and visit clubs on audition or amature nights. Check into the agencies, but be wary of rip-offs. Review local laws about dance cards and/or permits. Surf websites for costumes and prices to get an idea of how much you will need to spend to get started. Quit smoking and limit your drinking. Don't do drugs. Talk this over with your boyfriend, family and shrink. Know yourself well enough to know if this is right for you.
If you do searches on this thing called the internet, you can find video's that teach you the moves of striptease dancing because, it's all about the visual... Also, be prepared to "go with the flow". If you start working at a club where touching and extra's is the rule and not the exception, you need to be willing to do the things that the seasoned dancers are already doing. If you're not willing, then you're destined NOT to make any money and you should be stripping at a club where it's ALL ABOUT THE AIR....
Unless you are a total exhibitionist, start out at a bikini bar, where you don't have to show anything. That way, if you discover you don't like it, you have nothing to be embarrassed about.
If you go to the articles page, there is an article dated January 1, 2008 called Stripping 101, that might be helpful.
First, visit clubs as a spectator. Let us know the city where you live, and we can advise you about which clubs in your area make women feel welcome. Tip the dancers and get accustomed to having your clothes removed in front of cheering fans. You will learn about the shoes and g-strings that you will need. Also watch the dancers' moves, clothes removed downward -never over the head, and your back arched downard when your on all fours. Stuff like that.
Then, as others have stated, try an amateur night. If you are nervous, you may need to pretend that you are just dancing with no one watching. Or not.
After that, apply anywhere you want, but look for a club that is busy but doesn't require you to do anything that you are unwilling to do. If in doubt, ask.
Always take "no" with a smile. Always greet guys with a smile. If the club allows it (especially if you are petite) offer to sit on guys laps. Don't be afraid to run your hands over your breasts and your pubic areas. IF YOU ARE SERIOUS ABOUT BEING A STRIPPER GET COMFORTABLE WITH BEING COMPLETELY NAKED IN FRONT OF STRANGERS. As the other guys say, you can work at a bikini bar and not take off your clothes but then you are not a stripper are you. You have to be comfortable at whatever you do, but comfort is somewhat of an acquired state of mind.
Go to a local club, fill out the application, and buy some stripper heels and outfits. Ask the house mom what else you need. Ask questions, and tip the ones who give you good info.
It's OK to be nervous. You'll either get over it or you'll quit.
One more thing. Shave everywhere.
I think every stripper I've every known was introduced to it by a friend who stripped.
Granted, there must have been a "stripper zero" somewhere, sometime... maybe in antiquity, who knows.
Back when there used to be amateur contests (Atlanta hasn't had any, tmk, in years), the typical scenario was: girl goes to contest at club where friend works, downs shots to build liquid courage, gets on stage and strips, friend gets her customers to clap for "applause meter", girl wins, girl be becomes stripper. Rinse and repeat.
If you want to make the best money: GFE
Nicoley, Please keep us informed about the process. Have you tried stipping yet?
Sorry, I meant to write "stripping", not stipping. But if you do any stipping, let us know about that also.
I'm thinking about jumping on that boat also. Any good recommendations in the Houston area? I know there a lot over here.
Becoming a stripper is easy.
I am sure others can provide additional tips.