Upscale vs. seedy
Which do you prefer??? I see a lot of reviews by men who rant and rave over how nice the decor is inside a club. And they talk about how hot the women are but, they make no mention of how good the mileage is. They are obviously reviewing the "upscale gentlemen's" clubs. The type of clubs that have a dress code (a jacket & tie). The type of clubs where they think nothing of blowing over a thousand dollars on air dances.
Then there are the guys, who may make mention of how hot the women are but also, how hot the mileage is too. They usually make no mention of how beautiful is the 1970's mildew smelling, wood paneling is or that there are four trailer parks within walking distance... There's no dress code. These men are obviously reviewing "seedy clubs". As far as I can tell, they don't have as much to spend so they try to make every dollar count.
The latter is my kind of club. If I just want to look at upscale interior decor and eye candy, then I just go to the mall.
Which do you prefer? Upscale or seedy?
Then there are the guys, who may make mention of how hot the women are but also, how hot the mileage is too. They usually make no mention of how beautiful is the 1970's mildew smelling, wood paneling is or that there are four trailer parks within walking distance... There's no dress code. These men are obviously reviewing "seedy clubs". As far as I can tell, they don't have as much to spend so they try to make every dollar count.
The latter is my kind of club. If I just want to look at upscale interior decor and eye candy, then I just go to the mall.
Which do you prefer? Upscale or seedy?
The seediest club I have ever been in was a place called Pleasures on Bluff Road in Columbia SC. It has since changed names. It was a black club in a bad part of town. You had to sign in and get patted down ( I did not use my real name). Drinks were served in plastic cups. Of the 6 or 7 dancers working, none rated higher than a 5. I finished my drink in record time and got the hell out.
So where do I fall? Some where in between. I don't think that my favorite club matches either but is closer to upscale.
Having said that, I won't say I like "upscale" clubs either. I despise valet parking, for example. I have never been in a club that requires a jacket and tie - I would never enter such an establishment. So, I guess just give me a regular SC.
This Board is not an "Entertainment Venues" board. It is a STRIP CLUB BOARD fer chrissake. So an "Upscale Strip Club" by definition is a STRIP CLUB which has various features associated with the term "upscale". There are numerous "Gentlemen's Clubs" in large cities that fit this definition. They have valet parking, attractive hostesses, burly men in tuxes, sexy-lookin babes often with too much silicone, but also glamorized by marvelous hairdos, gowns, and makeup. The drinks are vastly overpriced, and contact rules are enforced rigorously. I remember an "upscale nude strip club" I visited in Dallas once. A couple of times on the PA system, the DJ announced "We have a Touch and Go policy here: you TOUCH the dancer, you GO" (leave immediately and under duress) Zorro, such an announcement would never be made in an upscale Entertainment Venue, but that is a different genre, my friend. BTW there are a couple of upscale strip clubs in Orlando Florida. Very boring places IMHO.
High versus low mileage is not necessarily correlated with seedy-versus-upscale. Snowtime's infamous Gold Club is the perfect example of "Upscale, Expensive, High Mileage Available".
Given the choice (that was the point of the question, Shadowcat!) I still vote for SEEDY. Snowtime, I am totally in your camp on this one.
"Upscale" features like fancy food or dress-codes are negatives. I don't care to eat in a strip club, and I do not want to be turned away for wearing comfortable attire. I practice good hygiene and wear clean clothing; that should be enough to merit admittance to a strip club.
And put it in their ad in the back pages of the sports section.
Their girls do 69 for half-price. :)
As for super upscale clubs, I think it can be taken too far, as in Vegas. Several clubs are way too fake, way beyond an upscale classy experience. They are simply a ripoff. The best upscale club I've been to is Seville in Minneapolis. Dancers had great personality, spent a lot of time with you, and gave reasonably good dances. Going to a place like that occasionally is a treat. Like renting a fancy car, even when you know the "mileage" isn't as good!
To me, not even close to laid back, down scale, neighborhood clubs. Can't see why anyone would wish to visit a truly "seedy" club. This assumes that even the dancers and staff are seedy.
I hope this clarifies the issue of "seedy dancers". As for "seedy clubs", I am OK with the term "downscale". One of the real sore points with some of the TUSCLrs is the dirty, smelly bathroom. If that is the worst thing about a club, and it has offsetting advantages, like loose enforcement or non enforcement of various prude-oriented rules, I don't really care whether you call it "downscale" or "seedy" or "dirty smelly ill-kempt bathroom" -- I'll go out of my way to spend some of my hard-earned income on attractive girls in that club.
Yes, I have, and left just as soon as my eyes adjusted and I could see the dancers. And I DID state I was applying that to the dancers and staff. Of course a club can any part of it seedy and other parts, just fine. In any case, the topic is "Upscale vs. Seedy", with no mention of the object to which he was referring.
For the record, I disagree with the "thesis" of their song; I prefer when she's moaning, or emitting sighs and anxious whispers in a slow, steady rhythm.