
Comments by arbeeguy (page 12)

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    16 years ago
    Where do you pop it?
    In my briefs. Yes, messy -- but at my age (74) there isn't very much volume. Most visits to SC do not result in a "pop" anyway. The rare exception (one week ago today at Paradise Showgirls, City of Industry, CA) I just let it spurt and then I give the girl an extra big hug and a tip. Usually leave the club after that, but if I want to stay, I pay a short visit to the men's room & clean up. Does anybody remember NJSCFan? He thought this was DISGUSTING, and couldn't understand anyone not going right inside the pussy. In my experience and price range, the pussy is occasionally available for the finger but not for the prick. That's just my own experience. I'm not offering rationale or judgment. We all have our own expectations.
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    16 years ago
    life is what happens WHILE you ARE MAKING other plans
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    16 years ago
    OFFTOPIC: If you could fight any celebrity-who would it be?
    Hi jester214 - you made my day when you said "Sean Penn". After reading just two posts, I decided Sean Penn would have to be the only one under consideration. However, it could not be a fair fight -- I would lose (I am 73 years old) but if I could hire Mafia guy to beat up Penn while I watched, that would be money well spent. IMHO Sean Penn is by far the most obnoxious person in show business. (I used to think this about Don Rickles, but finally I came to understand his obnoxious behavior was part of his act and not necessarily the "real him".) Sean Penn is a first class jerk, and he ain't jes' acting. Hated to see him win an OSCAR, no matter how well he performed. I do NOT plan to see the movie he won it for.
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    16 years ago
    Verbiage used in reviews
    I am so glad that Aquavelvaman appreciates our erudite reviews and discussions. Of course they are ambiguous !! That's the name of the game, buddy! Strip clubs are ambiguous. Strippers are ambiguous. "Very Satisfied" could mean "I had an orgasm", or "I got more sexual stimulation than I had expected" or "i had a wonderful time". I personally favor more explicit language, but without naming the dancer. I have thought about this for a couple of years now. I don't think that explicit language on TUSCL about what goes on in a club will get it busted -- LE has plenty of other ways to find out what goes on. But I DO THINK that explicit language regarding a specific identifiable dancer can get her in trouble with fellow dancers and/or the management, if she is stretching/breaking club rules. The management could well know it is going on in a "general sense" but would still react badly to a description of some forbidden act by some specific-named dancer. And I guarantee you that a lot of dancers and club employees read TUSCL regularly. Naming the club, but not the dancer -- I am in agreement with the implicit message sent by Aquavelva -- why not just tell it as it is? All these amazing terms we invent "High Mileage" "Frank Sinatra" "Smile on my Face" etc. etc. -- they are a bit amusing but also a bit childish. On the other hand, figuring out what people "probably mean" is part of life.
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    16 years ago
    My Dancer Pass Me Over to See her richer Regular
    Seems we really touched a nerve here. The emotional side of stripclubbing. In a test between emotional drive and logical drive, the emotion usually wins. Case in point: Chris Brown beating up Rihanna. From a logical or economic viewpoint it makes no sense at all. Emotions Rule (usually.) As for economics not being taught in this country - well that must have been said as a non sequitor since you don't need to learn any economics to prefer $1000 to $100. I think I six year old has enough education to figure that one out.
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    16 years ago
    Iowa Clubs
    well shoot I misspoke. You can drink at all the Des Moines places. But Outer Limits is the only place you can buy an alcoholic drink on the premises.
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    16 years ago
    Iowa Clubs
    if you don't mind the extra drive, go t Beach Girls. don't be shy about asking for what you want. Because they are located way out in the west end of the Des Moines area, they know they have to "try harder" than the rest of the places, all of which are quite close to each other. If you don't require full nudity, and would like to drink while you play with the girls, Outer Limits is your only choice.
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    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Fund For Burned Dancer's Children
    Book Guy, you have proved yourself as a thoughtful and thorough person over the years. You have written many good posts. You could do us all a favor if you took it upon yourself to do a little "due diligence" here in behalf of Founder and all the rest of us. When Founder gives us explicit instructions on how to help Roberta, we assume that everything is legit. Can you verify that it IS LEGIT or that it ISN'T LEGIT? Thanks.
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    16 years ago
    Update on Burned Dancer Case
    I think Dudester's point is -- this is a REALLY REALLY SAD situation. And let's send some money to Founder to help out.
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    16 years ago
    Salt Lake City "topless" clubs
    Let's be fair to the Mormon Church - they outlawed polygamy many decades ago. These renegade congragations have no umbrella of protection or condoning from the Mormon Church. (NOTE: I am not a Mormon and I don't care for the Mormon religion.)
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    16 years ago
    Dancer's Memory
    I have occasionally been surprised to have a dancer I haven't seen for months call me by name -- in one case it happened in a different club than the previous time we met. However, on two separate occasions I have had dancers "remember" me (not by name) in situations were it was physically impossible that we had ever met before.
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    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Fund For Burned Dancer's Children
    MSNBC reported on February 12 that she remains in critical condition and is getting skin grafts. A horrific, unforgivable, and totally useless crime.
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    16 years ago
    dancers pretending
    Hi tucker40 - You are right, it is the dancer's job to pretend to be personally interested (at some level) in their customers. I contend that it is human nature in BOTH SEXES to pretend to be more interested than you really are. Book Guy brags about "not being a hypocrite" but the fact is, we are all hypocrits at some level. It is human nature, and I contend that the only people who have NO hypocrisy (ie pretense) are preschoolers and the mentally retarded. Strippers and customers occasionally find true love with each other. Just a rough order of magnitude on that phenomonen is probably less than 1 in 10,000. And among those relationships where the customer is ACTUALLY in love with the stripper, and THINKS the stripper is in love with him, I would guess that in at least 99 cases out of 100, the stripper is pretending. Book Guy if you read this, and are up to it, please offer some differentiation between pretense and hypocrisy. To me they are the same thing, the latter term being pejorative.
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    16 years ago
    Girls Gone Wild?
    sooo ..... wtf? what was the event? what town? media coverage? happy ending?
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    16 years ago
    Interested in Employment
    I strongly disagree with Samsung's advice to wait till you are 21. If you were immature, you probably wouldn't have started this thread. I know plenty of 18-year-olds that have more maturity than their 20-something compatriots. The most important thing, as others have stated, is to get yourself fully informed as to the actual working conditions, before you start. It won't take very long to learn how to make money in a strip club. Even if you only work there for six months, you will learn a lot about people and about life. I recommend you keep a journal, and that you practice the skills of being friendly, good-natured, and at least moderately sexy. But don't do anything that goes against your conscience. GOOD LUCK.
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    16 years ago
    saving more today rather than a year ago?
    Yes Casualguy I think there is probably a negative correlation between strip club visits and savings rate. Probably also true of illegal drug usage. In my own case, I can't really have much fun in a strip club until I have had enough to drink to blot out most of the common-sense values I acquired from my parents as a child. And yes, if you are reducing a debt that is a form of savings. I heard an interesting statement on NPR yesterday - on an individual basis, savings is a good thing, but on te macro level, savings is really hard on the economy. That is why Bush told us, after 9/11, the best thing we could do for the country was to go out to the mall and buy things.
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    16 years ago
    It was a great game, & by golly, my team ALMOST won. It was not the blowout DandyDan predicted and I feared. I am proud of Kurt Warner and his pals. They got some lucky breaks, and committed WAY TOO MANY FOULS, but they got beat fair & square. Long Live Kurt Warner.
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    16 years ago
    I am a big Kurt Warner fan, and I love Dudester's rmantic fantasy but I am sure that Pittsburg will win by a comfortable margin. I hope it is not a blow-out. But the Cardinals have been beneficiaries of several lucky breaks recently. I don't think their luck will hold today. Hope I'm wrong. Does anybody know the POINT SPREAD that Las Vegas is giving?
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    16 years ago
    Have you ever had this happen to you???
    Well I have a slight variation for this thread. Amber is a very cute and personable dancer at I club I occasionally visit. One night I bought a dance from her and really liked it. (But maybe SHE did not like ME - Maybe I said something stupid, or forgot to tip her - I dunno - she gave no indication at the time. ) But, the next time she saw me (at least two weeks later), we were both all smiles - she asked me if I would buy her a drink - I said sure, and ordered the drink. As soon as it arrived, she picked it up, walked over to a table, and sat down with some other guy. Not a word spoken to me. At least she has an excellent memory, because in subsequent visits to this club I have seen her at least three times and she never makes eye contact. AND I HAVE NO CLUE WHY SHE ASKED ME TO BUY HER A DRINK AND THEN WALKED AWAY WITH IT, NOT A WORD SPOKEN.
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    16 years ago
    Man Sues Akron Strip Club For Injury
    Robofan - No, I am not an attorney. I do have a college degree, and I do agree that there are some pretty rotten lawsuits. I am familiar with a lawyer, now in prison, who practiced a form of extortion thru class action lawsuits against corporations -- mostly high-tech companies with volatile stock prices. His name is Bill Lerach. Turns out Bill and his partners were PAYING PEOPLE TO BE PLAINTIFFS. Highly illegal. There were serious suspicions about Lerach for years. One day one of his "clients" got in trouble with the Feds on another matter, and spilled the beans on Lerach as part of a plea bargain. Lerach's firm was destroyed, and I believe two other partners went to prison. So I agree with you, the legal system can produce, and has produced, some Frankenstein Monsters. I also agree that a lot of disputes that go to court could be settled through negotiation, avoiding legal fees. I have done that myself in one real estate case. On the other hand, many lawsuits have helped a lot of people get a fair shake. I think each case needs to be judged on its own merits, and from what was printed about the-shoe-in-the-face, it is clear that customer was injured and deserves compensation. There is a movie, "Erin Brokovich" which tells the true story of how a bunch of poor people got justice from a large corporation that was ripping them off. If you haven't seen it, and want to understand the plaintiff's point of view, I highly recommend it. I investigated the veracity of this movie, and except for the excessive sexual teasing of Julie Roberts, it is all true.
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    16 years ago
    Man Sues Akron Strip Club For Injury
    Settlement -- no doubt this will happen. My guess is that the club made some kind of offer after the initial injury, the guy was unhappy, the club said "take it or leave it buddy" and the guy contacted a lawyer. Pure conjecture on my part, but based on documented cases of a similar nature.
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    16 years ago
    They May Legalize Prostitution in Las Vegas
    Robofan: Quasi-legal is ILLEGAL. By keeping it illegal, a lot of people make extra-juicy profits. A lot of suckers give away hard-earned money for IMPLIED sex in response to classified ads and flieers on the street. This is a hugely profitable business in Las Vegas, the city of Deception and False Promise. The thriving illegal REAL prostitution that goes on costs the city huge bucks but it helps maintain the allure of Las Vegas as "Sin City". I think if it were legalized, a lot of that allure would go away, and of course there would be some loss of legitimate business due to condemnation from "moralists" elsewhere. It would kill or severely damage the legal prostitution presently in place in towns within driving distance of Las Vegas. Robofan is correct - those places are way overpriced and inconvenient. It would greatly reduce the cost of getting laid in Las Vegas, thus the city would experience a net loss of revenue unless volume increased greatly -- which I suppose it would. I don't think it will happen. Personally, I think Mayor Goodman and the business establishment of LV like the status quo.
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    16 years ago
    Lapping & Talking...(at the same time)
    iT SEEMS WE ALL AGREE IN PRINCIPLE "fuck me harder" is not conversation it is verbal stimulation. Conversation is talking about the job, the weather, politics, community morals, etc. Nobody - strippers or customers - really want THAT. If that happens it means the whole lap dance experience has broken down.
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    16 years ago
    Man Sues Akron Strip Club For Injury
    Robofan why is it unfortunate for people to sue each other if they feel aggrieved? That is part of living in a democracy. True, some of the suits are ridiculous. For example, I hear that Governor Blagojovich is going to SUE THE LEGISTLATURE (WTF?) for impeaching him. Same story implied that his classy lawyer has cut him loose for not only not taking his advice but for not even letting the poor finish explaining the advice he was giving. Pesonally I love to see litigation. It brings out some interesting aspects of the human animal. Of course, I do feel that the court system should always allow costs (and incidental damages) to be assessed against the plaintiff if he loses AND the court feels that the suit was frivolous, without merit, etc, whatever. With this one caveat, I would have to say more lawsuits are better than fewer. Among other things this forces people to more-or-less behave responsibly, without having to pass specific laws or regulations.
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    16 years ago
    The skinny, anorexic look: when will it end?
    Gridget, 5'5" and 112# sure don't sound anorexic to me. Properly distributed, I think it is close to HEAVEN.