
Girls Gone Wild?

Friday, February 6, 2009 4:39 AM
A girl was telling me about this event that happened in a nearby town the other day. Girls got in free at the small local bar and guys were charged $15. Have you ever been to one of their events? I heard there was heavy police presence at this small town event to make sure nothing illegal happened.


  • arbeeguy
    15 years ago
    sooo ..... wtf? what was the event? what town? media coverage? happy ending?
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    I was asking. Apparently no one has been to an event with Girls Gone Wild or they didn't care to respond. End of story unless anyone has useful information. I wouldn't have even clicked on this thread again if I still saw zero posts.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    I guess the discussion topics have been pretty slow. I posted this one over two days ago now.
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    Didn't the guy who made the Girls Gone Wild videos go to jail recently?
  • Book Guy
    15 years ago
    I've seen those "Euro parties" videos on the porn sites and I always wonder how could I get invited to one, and are the women ACTUALLY just "caught up in the spirit of the thing" or were they paid performers? The "Girls Gone Wild" guy did get indicted, because a couple of his starlets claimed they were under-age at the time of filming. He really was quite arrogant about it, refusing to treat the court with respect, and so forth. Eventually he did go to jail but also, it turned out, the girls were NOT under-age, so I'm not quite sure what the whole story is. One thing that amazes me, is that all these girls insist on participating. "Hey, sweetheart, I really like you and I want to treat you with respect and get to know you. Would you like a date?" No thanks, I'm a nice girl. "Hey, sweetheart, here's a stranger with a video camera who wants you to get naked and slutty on the internet. There's absolutely nothing in it for you except the thrill of being a slut." OK great, when do we start? Wheee !
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    "Didn't the guy who made the Girls Gone Wild videos go to jail recently?" I'm pretty sure that he's out by now. "are the women ACTUALLY just 'caught up in the spirit of the thing' or were they paid performers?" Most likely paid, since I doubt many would film with them if they weren't tested beforehand.
  • jester214
    15 years ago
    I went to a GGW event once... I just happen to be in Myrtle when they had one... It was forgettable, I tried to avoid getting on camera and watched semi-attractive looking teens flash.
  • bornloser
    15 years ago
    Those Euro-sex-parties on the web are filmed in places like the Czech Republic and Hungary. The girls are being paid. One of the biggest legal businesses in those poor countries is prostitution. One of these days I'd like to go:)
  • Anna
    15 years ago
    Girls Gone Wild....the creator is smart. the girls who participate are idiots...not only doing things for free but helping some guy get rich by doing it.
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