They May Legalize Prostitution in Las Vegas

avatar for Slothrop
They talk about it year after year, but so far, it's remained illegal in the town itself. Nye County, up the road 40 miles is another story. But now, with the economy so bad in Vegas, Mayor Oscar Goodman and others may be able to get it done.

Here's the story:…

I mention this on the strip club site because of the likely crossover audience.


last comment
Personally, I've never liked it when things went "above the board." It just means that the women who gravitate toward the profession are McDonalds versions, neutral and rather straightforward, without any chemistry to offer; and the prices go up up up. Half the fun is in finding your way through the seedy underbelly of the nitty gritty city ...
"Half the fun is in finding your way through the seedy underbelly of the nitty gritty city ..."

and getting arrested for doing something thanx there...

It doesn't sound too promising for Vegas going the route of the rest of the state of NV.
avatar for samsung1
16 years ago
I recommend watching The Bunny Ranch HBO special and realizing what it is like inside of a legal brothel. I remember in one episode a guy paid $50,000 to spend a weekend with one of the girls.
I've never found that the "legal" brothels had high-quality product. The really hot girls who give excellent service are always "quasi-independent" -- which means that I don't experience the middle-man, even if he IS present. Super-hot, or hot-enough, or girlishly-hot; plus, willing to do those special things (like DFK, going to a diner BEFORE and AFTER, or some other form of girlfriend-to-boyfriend attitude).

Sure, it's illegal. But if we're only mongering in the strictly legal sense, then 99% of us are breaking the rules of our jurisdiction when we get the types of lap dances that people tend to expect to be the norm.
avatar for robofan
16 years ago
Have any of you been to Las Vegas? Prostitution is already quasi legal. All you have to do is go to any bar in any casino after dark and you will find it filled with women who will accompany you back to your room for a price. There are no police and you will never get arrested. The casino's would never allow it and the citizens of Las Vegas realize where they eat and they are not about to sh** there. So what does it matter what the law is if no one enforces it? As far as the legal whore houses in Nevada why bother? They are ridiculously expensive and don't offer anything you can't already find on the strip for a fraction of the price.
avatar for arbeeguy
16 years ago

Quasi-legal is ILLEGAL. By keeping it illegal, a lot of people make extra-juicy profits. A lot of suckers give away hard-earned money for IMPLIED sex in response to classified ads and flieers on the street. This is a hugely profitable business in Las Vegas, the city of Deception and False Promise. The thriving illegal REAL prostitution that goes on costs the city huge bucks but it helps maintain the allure of Las Vegas as "Sin City". I think if it were legalized, a lot of that allure would go away, and of course there would be some loss of legitimate business due to condemnation from "moralists" elsewhere.

It would kill or severely damage the legal prostitution presently in place in towns within driving distance of Las Vegas. Robofan is correct - those places are way overpriced and inconvenient. It would greatly reduce the cost of getting laid in Las Vegas, thus the city would experience a net loss of revenue unless volume increased greatly -- which I suppose it would. I don't think it will happen. Personally, I think Mayor Goodman and the business establishment of LV like the status quo.
avatar for jablake
16 years ago
If legal means government controlled, then prices should be high and quality should be low e.g. practice of law, banking, public education, etc. Decriminalized with government out the picture would be nice, but highly unlikely.

I don't understand. I have not been to LAS in many years. It used to be that the casinos would kick the hookers out. Didn't want the competition for your money. Has that changed? Who would actually fly there to hook up with a hooker when the same thing is already available in the city you live in?
avatar for jablake
16 years ago
"Who would actually fly there to hook up with a hooker when the same thing is already available in the city you live in?"

Wanna be johns who believe that obeying the law is virtuous or who those too timid to knowingly violate the law.
avatar for imnumnutz
16 years ago
waste of time, ain't gonna happen.
Also, another group would travel there: dudes who live in small-market towns where there isn't really pay-for-play available. It's probably just as quick and cheap for them to get to Vegas, as it is for them to get to the nearest "big city" for a weekend, and who can justify the the Mrs. an all-expense-paid trip to, say, Des Moines or Lubbock?
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