
shadowcat's alcohol arrest.

Atlanta suburb
Monday, December 21, 2009 8:57 PM
I have already answered 6 emails and PM's about this, so let me just post it on here for every one that has not already read it. I just spent the 17th and 18th at the Columbia Platinum Plus. I was leaving my hotel room on the 19th at 1100AM. The plan was to have breakfast at the Waffle House and then meet a favorite at the club.I was not stone sober but felt good enough to drive. I was walking down the concrete steps of the hotel. Awol bag in one hand. Ice chest in the other. I lost my balance and fell down.2 Cleaning ladies saw me fall and rushed to my rescue. They helped me up and down the stairs. I was scratched and bruised but nothing serious. They insisted that I should rest in the managers office until I felt better. I complied. The hotel called 911. The paramedics arrived. Followed by the police. The paramedics bandaged my knees and wanted to take me to the hospital. I thought this was over kill. What was the ER going to do? They had better things to do. I declined further medical attention. Then the cops said "hospital or jail". BIG mistake. I said jail. I just need a couple of hours of sleep. They cuffed me and took me to jail. I was booked on public drunkenness. I arrived at noon on Sat and was released at noon on Sun. I had to appear at a bond hearing at 900AM on Sun. I could have asked for a trial, posted bond, and then return for a court date in 1 or 2 weeks. That would have been a 4 hour drive. I elected to just plead guilty. I would have lost at a trial any way. 2 cops and 2 paramedics to testify against me.I did not have to post bond or pay a fine but the offense goes on my record. I got a taxi back to my car and drove home. I gotta watch my drinking or better yet, quit. My 1st time in jail and I want it to be my last. It is no fun!!!


    15 years ago
    Shadowcat, could your "being from out-of-town" have had any impact? Didn't the hotel manager speak up on your behalf, afterall, arresting guests isn't too hospitable. [You can always try writing a letter to the Chief of Police and say you felt "railroaded". Point out you were a visitor to the town, weren't behind the wheel, nor were a hazard to anyone. Ask that he strike the incident from your record. I don't know if it will work, but it's worth a try.] If you don't mind my curiosity... How was the food? Did you get your own cell? I hope you were spared a body cavity search!
  • mmdv26
    15 years ago
    The cops got the impression that you were planning to drive. They thought you needed to "rest" for a while, and you indicated that as well. Hospital or jail...either way it kept you off the road until your head could clear. Shadowcat, I'm not going to get preachy here, but I have been through what you are in the midst of now. Somehow, I did manage to quit and I haven't had a drink in 23 years. We all know that drinking has caused you enough problems to land you in rehab at the beginning of this year. There is no shame in falling off the wagon, but it would be wise to consider getting back on that slow mover before you take a chemically-induced nap at 70mph and don't have the choice anymore.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    Feel better. It sucks since you weren't driving.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    Thanks for sharing this with us. It is good to learn from other's mistakes so we don't repeat them ourselves. I wonder how health care will look under Obama's plan. Everyone will be taken to the ER for minor problems because it's free/cheap and the health professionals want to try to max out profits and provide excessive health care. It already goes on with people on medicaid. Why should they bother scheduling a normal doctor's visit when they can just go to the ER whenever they feel like it and it is still all free for them.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    you consider asking for a conjugal visit by Gridgett?
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    gridget would have visited if she could. She just had another surgery on her left hand and arm. She had to go back 2 days after the surgery. They fucked it and she almost lost her left hand. She tried to reach me by phone but couldn't, so she sent me a 2nd xmas card and letter. She was on heavy meds. I couldn't reach her all day. I'm afraid that she is back in the hospital. She is having to use the workers comp doctors. I do not have any faith in them and I worry for her. But she is a fighter.
  • brewerfan
    15 years ago
    ok shadowcat, what the fuck were you arrested for? you weren't driving, you were just walking down a hotel hall, right? and you didn't cause a drunken scene? so, WTF? get a fucking lawyer!! and wtf would you even say jail?
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    A police officer pulled a man over for speeding on a neighborhood road. When the officer approached the car, he saw that the driver was extremely anxious. "Good afternoon. Do you know why I stopped you?" the policeman asked. "I know I was speeding," the driver said, "but it's a matter of life or death." "Oh really?" the cop responded. "How's that?" "There's a naked woman waiting for me at home," the man said. "I don't see how that's a matter of life or death," the officer said. "If I don't get home before my wife does," the motorist answered, "I'm a dead man."
  • jabthehut
    15 years ago
    What is the difference between a workers comp doctor and a regular doctor?
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I am guessing it is like the difference between a public defender and hiring your own private lawyer. The workers comp doctor may not care if you like him or not. He is getting your business because he has a contract with workers comp. If you went to a private doctor he is more motivated to keep you happy for repeat business. I am just guessing though. I am sure most doctors are great people and work hard at what they do regardless of their title or practice setting.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    CT, being from out of town was a major player. If I wanted to fight it, I would have to drive 250 to get there. It would have been difficult and expensive to hire an attorney. I couldn't qualify for a public defender. I just wanted to get it over with. At least it didn't cost me anything. No bond. No fine. I tried dinner the 1st day. It was lousy (some kind of mystery meat). I passed on breakfast the next morning. At 5:30AM the only thing that interested me was trying to get more sleep. It was 2 men to a cell and we were pretty much locked down. The rooms were freezing. No body searches. I did get checked out by and MD on arrival and a follow up the next morning.I passed on lunch on Sun as I was in the process of getting released. One thing that really pissed me off was the fact that I had to give them all my valuables. This included $440.00. I was on my way to a strip club. When I checked out they gave me a check for the $440.00 plus $2.00 in cash.That was for bus fare. I had planned to use my cash for a taxi. Fortunately they called a taxi for me that would accept service without cash up front.I had an ATM in my truck. About $300.00. It was a Sat so there were no managers on duty. I asked them to call him. They did. He knows me by name but was unable to make a difference. If I would have had some TUSCL advisors with me at the time. I might have opted for the hospital.I'm not going to fuck with it. It's over and done with.
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    Shadowcat, Did you get one of those Nick Nolte/Mel Gibson type mugshots?
    15 years ago
    Thanks for the reply, Shadowcat. Sorry to hear the rooms were iceboxes. I wonder why they cut checks rather than just give your cash back? Are they too worried about the sticky fingers of their employees? Seemingly that would inconvenience most everyone.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    Steve, No mug shots but extensive finger/hand prints.Electronically. CT, I don't know why the checks. I was simply told, that's the way we do it.
  • Shekitout
    15 years ago
    No way I would have said jail-hospital would have been the better choice. The ER could have made sure what the paramedics did was good and there was no danger of infection by giving you an antibiotic-shot or pill. At least there was no DUI involved which most probably would have meant several days in jail rather than a day.
  • minnow
    15 years ago
    My question- how & why did the police even get involved in the 1st place? My guess is the "no habla ingles" maids freaked out from seeing you fall down the stairs & getting a whiff of alcohol on your breath. Or hotel mgr noticed alcohol on breath, & called cops to somehow get it documented that you were under the influence (whether you technically were or not) as a cya against a personal injury lawsuit. Not a good thing to get on your record, but I suppose being in the position of collecting a good retirement check, easier to adopt a WTF approach to life.
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    The 20 Greatest Celebrity Mug Shots of the Decade (PHOTOS) (Paris, Lilo, MJ, Nick Nolte, et al) [view link]
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    minnow, the maids were English speaking. The front desk called 911. It was dual purpose. Make sure I was OK and protect their ass from a personal injury law suit. And Yes, I have no money worries.
  • snowtime
    15 years ago
    Shadowcat, I think everyone is sorry for your experience and glad you did not get a DUI or become involved in an accident. Hopefully you can try some of the bottled waters during your next trip to PP. They have never prevented me from having a good time there.
  • Book Guy
    15 years ago
    The story about the cops makes me wonder. The whole thing (cleaning ladies hustle you into manager's office; cops insist on jail or hospital; etc.) makes me suspect something fishy. I would talk to a lawyer (one familiar with the jurisdiction where this happened) if I were you. You can probably just phone a criminal attorney in that city by using the phone book and asking him what's up. Or even, a bail bondsman, if you'd like. They may be able to say something trenchant about the whole situation, that would clarify some questions. And they might not even charge a fee. Like, what if someone just said, "Oh, that ol' scam again? Now they've moved it to hotels, I guess, to get people who are from out of town and not familiar with it. Check out this link at the local newspaper about when they used it to close down High School proms ....". See what I mean? Anyway, congrats on dodging a bullet. Your cantankerous response "JAIL THEN, dammit, I ain't gonna go to no goddamned hospital" makes me proud to be a fellow monger. :) Happy Holidays!
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    Thanks for sharing. I was wondering too. Let me see if I have the correct story though. You fell down some steps and got some minor scratches. Instead of offering a bandaid, the hotel management acted in the extreme and caused you further suffering and anguish as a result of their actions. This was the Embassy Suites wasn't it? I don't plan to ever stay there. Thanks for the warning though.
  • Drunk at 11am? Anyone else think that's odd
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    Charlie Sheen's latest mug shot: [view link]
  • RickWood
    15 years ago
    First off, ShadowCat - Glad you're ok. As for the Black Helicopter conspiracy theorists above: I'd say it went something like this...Motel calls 911, "Someone just fell down the stairs!!!" Yes, that makes it sound worse than it was but thats the way things happen. PD was probably sent with the ambulance as a routine response. They all thought you needed to go to the hospital, so the PD question of jail or hospital is generally answered, "Hospital". Its was as much of a liability issue for the PD and EMS crews as anything. Not saying that Shadowcat would sue, but alot of other people will litigate at the drop of a hat. Ask Gridget, I bet she says pretty much the same thing. Again, glad you're ok.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    I have no intention of suing. The manager knows me but he was not there at the time. Maybe I can rangle a free room. gridget is not vindictive but the incompetence she has had to put up with plus the loss of salary may influence her to do so and I will encourage her.
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