
New Format...

respect for others goes a long way
Thursday, May 8, 2008 4:09 AM
Yes, it's another new format... SOP, pls notify me ASAP if you see something that doesn't work. thx F


  • founder
    16 years ago
    Like when you post a new topic and get an error, sigh
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    Not working for me ... the left hand column of links is not placed properly, so that the whole shebang gets screwed up. I'm using Firefox, and Windoze XP Pro. If that matters ... Weds / Thurs 12:11 am (just after midnight) Central time.
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    Also the map function is kaputt.
  • founder
    16 years ago
    bookguy, what resolution is your monitor set at?
  • dennyspade
    16 years ago
    Founder: This new format is not "clean," it appears that the windows-like drop downs should be transparent and retractable. Yet, they are intrusive and obstructive. I'm using Mozilla Firefox. I vote for a return to the most recent format.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    founder: I am no computer guru. Am I doing something wrong? I too am using firefox. Anybody who isn't has not caught up. But I have to move my page to the right to get the full picture. I find this to be a nusience.(sp) If this is anything other than temporly, I want to move back. I am sorry for my poor spelling. It is too early in the day.
  • CarolinaWanderer
    16 years ago
    The header is chopped short (can only see top half of leters in "a guys suide..." What appears to be a drop down menu U.S. Strip Clubs Canadian Clubs International Clubs Strip Club Search Recent Reviews Top 40 Discussion Board Articles Stays down. On main page, every thing is on the risht half of the page. Using Windows XP PRO, 1024x768 pixrls, 32 bit color.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Seems like everytime I click on the link titled "Back To Discussion Board" at the bottom of a thread, I get the following message: "File Not Found There was a problem finding the file were looking for. The webmaster has been notified."
  • founder
    16 years ago
    can anyone who is having trouble with the display take a screen shot and email it to me? [view link] thanks! f
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    I don't seem to have any of the problems that are cited above, and I'm using IE. It seems like you've also changed the way that the discussion board posts are linked though...ugh...
  • wallanon
    16 years ago
    Just sent a few screen shots in email.
    16 years ago
    Founder, the biggest prblem I have with this site is that whenever I take the time to post a long private message to someone I get timed out. When I go to send my message I get a message back that the funtion is only for members and my whole message is lost. It just happened again and it's extremely annoying. I know I can do my message offline and cut and paste, but why should I have to?
  • founder
    16 years ago
    FONDL, I increased the timeout to 24hours, but this should not be a new problem. Were you experiencing this problem for a while? Also, I have tested the new format on IE, Firefox, Safari and Opera and can not find the problem. If anyone has any input, I'd appreciate it.
  • founder
    16 years ago
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    16 years ago
    Founder, I've always had this problem here, ever since you introduced the message feature. Here's what sometimes happens - I sign in, start typing a message to someone, get interrupted for some reason, than when I go back to finish the message and send it, I'm told that I'm not signed in and I lose the message. Maybe I forgot to sign in initially, but if that's the case, how could I retrieve my messages? That shouldn't be possible.
  • founder
    16 years ago
    I think I fixed it fondl. You should get 24 hours to to finish your message before you time out now.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    founder, You do a great job, but I wish you would leave the "topic links" in one place. I am using Firefox and Windows just like BG, but all works for me.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    founder, After further review, BG is correct. Sometimes I get a gray bar down the right side of the screen. Other times it is fine. I notice it when I go into a SC Discussion topic, But not everytime.
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    The [Next 25 Topics] link on the Discussion Board doesn't seem to work...unless you got rid of all the old discussion posts (?).
  • dennyspade
    16 years ago
    Founder: I don't have the problem experienced earlier this a.m. Thanks for listening to users.
  • StripShopper
    16 years ago
    Damn! Founder, you got slammed during this string... Hope this doesn't stop you from making improvements...
  • founder
    16 years ago
    Shopper, I was expecting it. I made some pretty huge changes all at once. I think it's settling down now.
  • 2ofus
    16 years ago
    all good, here! thanks for updating
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Seems a lot slower. I hope this isn't perceived as a "slam" inasmuch as I thought the founder was looking for feedback. ,
  • founder
    16 years ago
    anything in particular seem slower jablake?
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    speed seems to be normal to me.
    16 years ago
    Founder, it just did it to me again. I don't think it's the message function, I think if you appear to be inactive, eg. typing something long, you automatically get signed out of the site after about a half hour.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Hi founder, When I click on "Back to Discussion Board" the next screen comes up nicely, but then it seems to take longer to show the threads. Also, if I click "Discussion Board" the actual showing of the threads seems delayed. Other than that I haven't noticed any slowness.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Oh, I did try downloading and installing firefox again and I don't see the positives on my machine. This site in particular seems to jerk or shake? a little before settling down. Anyway, seems like most people like firefox better.
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    Yea, there's an increased hesitation when browsing or going into the discussion board, but it's very slight. Like I've said before, for a basically text-only site, TUSCL is on the slow side IMHO.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I noticed when looking at reviews and clicking on hide snippets, it doesn't hide them anymore. The other thing that I could get used to but still am not is that after logging in, I'm used to the page format changing. Now I get logged in and almost don't notice it. I could get used to that but that definitely seems like a change. I guess I'm used to the login part of the screen disappearing every time everywhere else (all other software) but it's not a problem.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I took a while to post a message. Actually I typed up one or two, deleted it, then posted a new one. It posted but I was immediately logged off as well. I thought that was fixed but I guess not.
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    My afore-mentioned problem seems fixed. The left-hand set of "main" links (in white-on-battleship-grey) works fine now. For some reason it was fitting down the center of the screen for a while. Ya fixed it. I have another problem. On the "show most recent reviews" page, if I click the "hide review snippets" link, I get a page which doesn't hide the review snippets. It DOES have a URL which makes it pretty clear it's SUPPOSED to hide those snippets, but the hidden-snippet-URL doesn't actually DO the hiding of the snippets. Follow? I haven't changed my screen resolution or anything. And I have tried logging out, closing browser windows, wiping cookies and / or refreshing in various orders, but that doesn't make any difference. Firefox, Windoze XP Pro, Dell Inspiron ... Wait, I just realized. I'm sitting in an Office Depot Versa Par chair. Just a minute, let me try swapping that out. No. Same problem. Now I'm sitting in a Crate and Barrel Pappa-san chair but I still experience the same problems. Obviously not the chair ...
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    Fixed. The "hide review snippets" link now hides review snippets. Did you do anything? This is twice, now, that my problems have been resolved simply by waiting a bit. Wish my "problems" with strippers were that easy to resolve ...
  • founder
    16 years ago
    lol... Yes I fixed them... and No, your problems with strippers will always be difficult :)
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Something froze my computer while surfing TUSCL. It said something about a Microsoft add on and if I trusted this site. Very difficult to close the window and I needed to use ctrl + alt + del and even it took some time. I have Trend Micro protection running, btw.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    Since my last post in this topic, all is well, that I've seen.
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    Looks like the "AllReviews" option for viewing beyond the first few (10?) reviews doesn't seem to work. For instance, this: [view link] appears to display the same number of reviews as this: [view link] I think I've seen this happen recently on other strip club's sites on this website as well.
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