You must remember this.

avatar for AbbieNormal
OK, a few things to remember if you are going to a strip club. This is really important for newbies, and it doesn't hurt for the pros to be reminded. As always, there are exceptions, but they are rare and to be viewed with the utmost skepticism. It could just be the stripper is smarter than you, or a better actor than you think. So, remember these guidelines.

1) You are not special. No, you aren't. Clubs and dancers do everything in their power to convince you otherwise, but you aren't. They want you to enjoy yourself and feel special, because that is good customer service, but what they want is your money, and they will cater to you in any way they can if there is a potential payout.

2) You don't need to convince the stripper you are a decent guy to feel her tits. You aren't, or at least shouldn't be trying to convince her you are good dating material. This isn't the real world where three dates on your best behavior are required to get under her shirt. She knows you want to grope her and go home and never call again, as should you. It's very liberating. You want to grope her, she wants your money, a mutually satisfying arrangement is clearly possible and in everyone's interest.

Add as you wish, let the discussion flow, keep it real and don't get nasty.


last comment
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
I've got one. I'm tired of people posting here bitching about how they got ripped off. If you are going to venture out of your house you need to man the fuck up a little bit. Are you 12 years old? There are a number of unscrupulous bastards outside your front door. Learn to handle yourselves.

When someone complains that a dancer grabbed an extra $20 out of his hand I wonder what the fuck did this fool's daddy teach him? Did you all get beaten up every day in school too? Jesus christ...
avatar for mr.munchie
17 years ago
Well ClownBoy, if you had half an ounce of brain you would know that one of the main purposes of this board is to warn others about rip-offs and flat out crooks. Now I understand why everyone puts your stupid waste of time blather on ignore.
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
Mr Bunchie, (must be the state of his underwear) please join them.
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
I'll just say grabbing or taking money out of someone's hand when they aren't giving it to you or taking it out of their pocket is called stealing. Attacking someone in return could be called aggravated assault or assault and battery depending upon how bad you beat them up. I think most people have the sense not to steal or to physically attack others even though we may have done that as little kids. As grown adults there are a lot bigger penalties for acting like a little kid. Ok, we can get back to the rip off alerts. I'm probably lucky I didn't get arrested for beating up a few bullies who assaulted me first when I was younger.

One good thing to think about in strip clubs, some guys may think of females as the weaker sex, however in a strip club, think of them as sharks and you are the prey. They want your money, free drinks, etc. It's up to you to negotiate or get what you want among the sharks who want to take a bite out of you. There may be a few non aggressive sharks in a strip club and if you like one of them, then you may have to seek her out or wait for the more aggressive sharks to pass you by and she finally sees an opening to pounce.
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
Some pretty good sharks (dancers) will make lots of eye contact, listen to all your stories, act very interested in you, and give you compliments. Nothing wrong with any of that. Do you believe it? Enjoy it while in the club, after you leave just remember she didn't stay that long with you after you paid her did she? She's there to make money not to be your friend away from the club.
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
General rules for avoiding rip offs.

Check to make sure you have your wallet and your cash if you didn't spend it all after a dance.

Always ask for dance prices ahead of time from each dancer unless the club has a very strict fixed dance price (typical where a bouncer takes a cut out of every dance you get).

If you're like me and want to limit your spending, bring a set amount of cash and check how much you have if you don't remember before getting a dance, then tell the dancers you are out of cash if you run low. Don't use ATM's or credit cards. Don't get any more dances if you are running low on cash.
avatar for CarolinaWanderer
17 years ago
I always leave my wallet in the car and only take the cash I am planning on spending and a picture ID with me into the club. Losing credit cards and the other slabs of plastic we have to carry around to survive is a real pain in the keester and deserves extra effort to avoid.

As AbbieNormal says, just remember, you are special and unique, just like everybody else.
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
Every club and every dancer is different, just like we all are, and I don't think any of these generalizations apply across the board. No matter what you want to find, it's out there, just keep looking and don't settle for less.
avatar for Cougar289
17 years ago
I'm an old pro and still fell hard and got bit. I actually developed a school boy crush on one recently and brought her flowers for valentines and the whole bit. We had a few great times away from the club (some of the most passionate sex I've had). When ever I came to the club the other dancers would remind me to stay faithful to this one dancer (privates only with her), but in the end it was as stated at the top all business. Very acurate post here is the need to keep it real and not let your ego or imagination get in the way.
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago
Don't forget, there is also a big difference between a first time visitor and a regular at a club.
avatar for StripShopper
17 years ago
Casualguy...I like your comparison of Sharks to Strippers, very accurate on many levels. Good job. when you scuba dive they teach you to hit a shark in the nose if it gets to close...sort like telling a stripper "No, I have no desire to buy you a drink"

AbbieNormal ...the part about "dating material"...I have one exception...let's not forget that strippers are women. And that women are guided by their emotions...if you have "game" can (imho) lead to greater mileage. War of the Minds!
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
ha ha ha
avatar for AbbieNormal
17 years ago
Shopper, I agree that strippers are women, and will respond on some level to "game" or as we used to call it, charm. My point is that there is another way, and don't forget that she is well aware what you want and probably willing to provide it at some level for the right compensation. Being nice and polite certainly doesn't hurt, but being generous helps a lot.
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago

"...she is well aware what you want and probably willing to provide it at some level for the right compensation." Pretty much fits every woman in the world.

avatar for 99Intrepid
17 years ago
At the tender young age of 48 I of course had no delusions about any of these broads. However I must also point out that no less than four of these women hae given me their home telephone numbers - even though I was very honest with them about being married. Of course all of them could have just been playing the game differently but can you imagine any dancer indiscriminitely giveng out her home number to a clubber? Granted all four women knew me and it was only after each had sseen me three or four times (it varied) that they wanted me to call them. Look I don'[t want to give any false hopes to anyone out there but many of you may have noticed that a decent, self-secure, somewhat successful guy who has his shit together isn't exactly the norm any more. when I ask the last dancer why she was giving me her phone number, she wsaid something like I was a good catch and she wanted to spend more time with me. Pity too - that last one was a perfect 10 in my book - it was just that this little minor detail about being MARRIED pprevented us from being able to connect outside of the club.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
clubber-sorry man I dont have a price. But yes Ill admit thats rare
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago
IMHO I believe you have your price and have taken it. It is called marriage. The more secure feeling of sharing your life with another that you should love. THAT is your price, again, IMHO.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
I didnt want to get married I dont believe in it. the price we both payed for are parents of our fucking backs so yeah ok maybe we both paid.

Obviously I was talking about a price for sexual intercourse.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
the "marriage" argument has been presented before. Obviously if you want to get philosophical in your arguments we could go back and forth about it but thats not my scene. My husband was getting all the benefits of marriage for 7 years before we caved under the parental pressure. It is an outdated institution IMHO but then Ill let your guys chalk that up to youthful ignorance. The fact we both caved to the social norm is embarassing enough because it goes against our beliefs.

avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
in my understanding what you folks call marriage is to people commiting to care for one another. Not a pimp and hoe realtionship. Why should you feel the need to justify that commitment with a piece of paper. And how is that a price?

Maybe again this is just due to my age and Im blissfully unaware of marriage down the road.
avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein
17 years ago
The Christians were right, gays have ruined marriage.
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
I still picture a busy strip club and can easily imagine strippers being like sharks moving about a club looking for a kill. Of course not all clubs are the same.

Kind of gives new meaning when a dancer says "you smell good" and one even licked me and said "you taste good too".
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