Inflation at my neighborhood Strip Club . . .

avatar for Kyle1111
The prices at the Trap went up to $15 for a table dance from $10. The bar pockets the extra $5 so the girls aren't too happy about it. My response will be to forget about this club even though it is so close and comfortable. One of the few strip clubs where you can converse with the dancers without have to shout.

At Angel's the night cover charge for me went from $0 to $5 and the drink prices went up as well. The fees the bar charges the girls went way up so now the girls are far more aggressive. :( The excellent manager--Stanley--is gone. :(

As my dollars become more worthless I'm tempted to spend more before they become even more worthless. OTOH, when prices rise I tend to quit buying. BIG MISTAKE. Hopefully, I'll get up the gumption to review Club Honey's. It's a real rough club, but what bother me is the blaring music. I'll be deaf, before I get shot in the crossfire that's par for the course over there. BTW, this is a Club that needs to be added to tuscl assuming it is up and running again or even if it's not up and running.


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avatar for TopGunGlen
20 years ago
Way back before our time, there where women who worked in the Temples, and sex was considered a good and healthy act, performed by the women as a sacred rite upon the men. I saw a special on this on the History Channel a while ago. They said that some Priesthood males became jealous of the women's power, and slowly over time made sex for fun considered an evil thing. In my opinion, this did not make life any better for us or the women. Only a jackass moron who wants to control our lives tells us that sex for fun is evil...and they want us to give them money to keep their religion running, but arrest the ladies if they get money for sex. It's all ultimately bullshit. Think for yourself and get laid as often as possible...
avatar for casualguy
20 years ago
I thought I heard that in the Roman times people would worship the goddess Venus by having sex in the temple. I can just imagine the controversy if someone tried to restart that religion with Venus at the center of worship. I can imagine the big religious gurus claiming that wouldn't even be a religion but I think it was. Most religious folks nowadays only seem to worship one god but earlier there were several.
avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago
The Supreme Being might be the solution to rising prices. :)

Randians??? I think that is the religious group that has as one of it tenets a requirement of free love and we're NOT talking about free love with a group o grandma's. The TV newsclips I saw showed hottie after hottie. :) I saw another TV special where there are shrines that people go to worship statutes of penises and this is considered normal . . .

I'm thinking this is a start . . . there must be religions where drinking large to moderate quanties of alcoholic beverages is required . . . so a religion based on the worshiping of strippers and consumption of alcoholic beverages. :)

Religion is a good $$$ taker/maker. Sex is a good $$$ taker/maker. And, it seems like a natural to mix in the liquor.

I read the book Dianetics and enjoyed it immensly (sp?). Perhaps Scientology is the guiding light in how to charge for religious instruction . . . i.e. dances from ordained hotties. :)
avatar for TopGunGlen
20 years ago
I agree, there are way too many busybodys trying to screw up our fun! For a short time they had a place on Beach Boulevard in Huntington Beach, just sold juice, no booze. It wasn't open for a few months when the matrons and the city council closed it down. I am sure the owners suffered major financial losses, since the cost of opening in the first place could not have been covered in the short time they were up and running. I have forgotten the name of the place, but it was playing by all the rules, and I still don't know what they used to close it down...:-(
avatar for casualguy
20 years ago
We could definitely use less government. I know of one club that was closed that had been in business for years because of a law about it being too close to a church. It may have been within 1000 yards. A rule or law closed down a thriving business. It's not like people are going to church during the middle of the night and there is competition for parking spaces. I never saw anyone at that church. There is a rule about a strip club must be in a certain city zone and at least 1000 or more yards away from all schools, churches, and something else I forgot which really puts the chains on locations. Fewer clubs means less choices and higher prices. I guess if all the clubs go away people will just have to date and have sex instead of just watching entertainment while drinking beer.
avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago
Hi StripShopper,

Haggling with dancers *may* be counterproductive even if the customer gets a cheaper price. I see most of the price increases coming from the clubs seeking to take advantage of their mini-monopolies.

A friend of mine was interested in opening a club because he didn't see why it should be that expensive to open a little mom and pop type club. Well, the government makes it expensive both thru legal means and illegal means. First, he learned it couldn't located near other strip clubs. Second, he learned it had to located within a special and relatively rare zoning classification (each city is a little different). Third, watch out for schools, religious facilities (sp much for separation of church and state), day care centers, etc. Very quickly it becomes apparent that opening a new club is going to be a real challenge. BTW, is there any doubt that established strip clubs love these laws? :) (Some honest clubs *may* actually oppose these laws.)

So the clubs naturally take advantage of the mini-monopolies the government has created. But, it is NOT all gravy for the clubs. Yes, they get to beat-up on the dancers financially and the customers as well--BUT, at least from what I've seen and heard the police beat-up on the clubs demanding their fair share of $$$.

Perhaps illegal drug sales by the clubs can help reduce costs? More $$$ for the clubs and the police.

Anyway, I'm NOT too keen on haggling with dancers who I can see are struggling. Of course, you may frequent the expensive clubs where the dancers are making a good income and who can reasonably give discounts to good customers . . .

What is the solution? Well, NOT to be too unpatriotic but a LOT LESS government. :)
Guys, you're fighting over the standard economic theory of Supply and Demand. As long as there's some hard dicked smuck out there willing to pay $40 dollars for a dance...there will always be a taker. (BTW shadowcat I never pay full price). So, if all the "Big Heads" started thinking for the little heads - We'd actually control this market. "Dick Economics is what's fucking this up for all of us working guys". - "Same Reason Women Can Vote!!"
And Yes, I have been to a club in Maryland that has gone price Retro $7...The Girls are working their ass off - and smiling about the countless guys stuffing her G-string. Happy - I'd say for a girl that is considered a "6" she was real Happy!!!!
avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago
"Kyle, I must politely disagree with your last post. I have not met many dancers over the years who would want to dance more, for less money"

Yes, that is probably NOT what dancers *want*, but they may very well be happier doing MORE dances for LESS $$$ than doing LESS dances for MORE $$$.

Money isn't the end all be all for all dancers. And, the reason the dancers may unwittingly be happier are due to intangibles such as boredom, satisfaction, community, service, etc.

Some of the most vile people I've ever met receive excellent $$$, but they don't seem happy . . . it is because they feed on other people's misfortune and misery . . . they're the scum of society . . . NOT only is there the $$$ but they have almost unlimited power and respect from the majority of society.
avatar for TopGunGlen
20 years ago
Kyle, I must politely disagree with your last post. I have not met many dancers over the years who would want to dance more, for less money...But that's just me...:-) I do think club management needs to recognize the customers and their talent more. The needs of both. If we didn't go to the club, they would soon be out of business. And without happy dancers, the word gets out. Who needs a dancer in a bad mood? If we give the tip, the lady should keep it herself...
avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago
Actually, I think some dancers may be happier doing MORE dances for LESS $$$ than doing LESS dances for MORE $$$.

More money doesn't necessarily equal greater happiness . . .
avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago
Hi Casualguy.

If 50% of the customers (volume wise) stop buying dances, the a dancer may still be better off--in theory--charging $15. 10 dances @ $10 = $100 5 @ $15 = $75.

Yes, she's taken a cut income of 25%, BUT her number of dances is cut by 50%. Perhaps she'd rather take it easier or dance for customers who don't mind spending more per dance . . .

Would a dancer rather have 1 dance at $75 or 2 dances for $100? I think it depends on the dancer . . .
avatar for casualguy
20 years ago
If the expected customer reaction above though is off by just one or two customers then the dancer will lose 10% or 25% respectively of their previous income due to the dance price increase.

In other words, if the house raises prices and over half the people stop buying dances or only get half as many, the dancers lose money.
avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago
Looking at the numbers again, I wrote:
If only 30% of the customers stop buying dances, the a dancer is better off--in theory--charging $15. 10 dances @ $10 = $100 7 @ $15 = $105 Less work more $$$.

Now, let's say the club has a $5 per dance tax. 10 dances @ $10 = $100 - $50 ($5 tax)= $50 7 @ $15 = $105 - $35 ($5 Tax)= $70 Less work more $$$.

The numbers still seem to work Fondl--the dancer is better off charging $15 assuming a 30% drop in dance volume.
avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago
Hi Fondl,

Yes, the club rules make a big difference. At the Trap the entire $5 increase goes to the club so it is unpopular with the dancers (their dance volume is going down) and the customers.

I was thinking of dancers who pay a flat club fee and get to keep their dance money.

Sometimes cheaper makes more $$$ and sometimes more expensive makes more $$$. Heck, sometimes higher prices actually generate more business and well making more $$$. :)
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
Kyle, you're math is flawed because in many of the clubs that raise their prices, the increase all goes to the house and the girl still makes the same per dance. She sells fewer dances for the same take per dance and her income goes down. It does not make for a happy dancer. And pissed off dancers equals fewer customers.
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
Have you all noticed how many girls are complaining that they don't make as much money as they used to? And that more and more customers are looking for more and more contact? I think the higher prices have a lot to do with both. I don't know about you guys but I don't buy nearly as many dances as I used to when they were $10. And the only time I'll pay more than $20 is for a totally hands-on experience. These managers have their heads up their butts.
I remember getting $7 dollar table dances at a Place called Danny's in Memphis, TN years ago. At that time, it was the elite strip club in the area...and the dances were superior. Now, the Elite club is Platinum Plus....Their dance prices are $40 Each. Absolute GREED and Lazzzzynesss.
avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago
Hi Lowpaw,

I feel the same way because I buy so many dances. A dancer will say well most of the customers don't have a problem. And, my response is most of the customers buy only one or two dances. So the extra money is not a big deal. I like to buy a lot of dances or none.

If only 30% of the customers stop buying dances, the a dancer is better off--in theory--charging $15. 10 dances @ $10 = $100 7 @ $15 = $105 Less work more $$$.
But, a dancer may be happier giving more dances even if she earns less.

Anyway whatever the dancers charge they are a wonderful bargain compared to esteemed professional like lawyers and judges and legislators.

Heck, after watching my buddy die a gruesome death in the hospital (thanks in large part to the immoralty of man devised law) dancers look like a bargain compared to Doctors. :(
avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago
Hi SuperDude,

There must be a ton o money out there. I see homes that look like their in need of demolishion in dangerous neighbors in the Miami area going for $125,000. My house which would have received sneers at $80,000 is now worth between $250,000 and $300,000. Property assessors have also been jacking assessments through the roof. When looking at it from that perspective a $5 increase for dances look reasonable.
avatar for lopaw
20 years ago
At my club, most girls are starting to charge $15, up from the $10 that they have been charging for many years.I guess it's OK (inflation and all), and I don't mind paying the $15 to a girl that I haven't gotten dances from before....but it pisses me off when a dancer that I get dances from fairly regularly (I'm not talkin 1 or 2 dances, either...more like 8 or 10 per visit) tells me that she now charges $15! So much for rewarding my loyalty, not to mention the guaranteed volume of dances that she could expect from me !! Dancers like that can say "buh-bye" to any more dances from me.Thank goodness that most of the girls I have gotten to know over the past few years still charge only $10 to their regulars.
I have seen dances in Detroit go from $5 to $20 in 5 years. Some clubs have already starting charging $25 for dances. Who are these managers kidding? Corporate expenses accounts don't cover these things anymore and the average guy doesn't make the kind of money that let's him drop $250 per visit to a club.
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