
Comments by lotsoffun201 (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Heading to vegas
    Clubs and brothels closed for the foreseeable future, masks now required everywhere. Escorts are among the costliest in the country, and casinos are basically ghost towns. Us locals are likely looking at state taxes in the future that will rival California. I hate to say it, but I wouldn’t travel here. Thank you Covid and newly elected governor “Shitstack”
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    4 years ago
    Pinpin aint EZ....when you're high
    Cheetahs (Library) LAS VEGAS dancers
    As a local in Vegas, with some inside info. Centerfolds is the only place open, and I’m not sure there are dancers. A club buddy of mine went there the other day and described it as “chill”. Chances our clubs here won’t reopen anytime soon if at all. Thank you to our douchebag governor Sisolak proving he’s Gavin Newsome’s “illegitimate stepson”
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    4 years ago
    And this is why i dont sleep with younger men...smh...
    Bad idea, guarantees there is never a second date.
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    4 years ago
    Ké lo ké?!?!?!!
    Vegas re-opening
    You were at Town Square. Nevada officially has the highest unemployment in the nation from reading today’s news. Even after they attempt to open the casinos supposedly in June, I doubt it will make much of a dent in the unemployment rate. I fear for the future of my city and state.
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    4 years ago
    FUCK Joe Biden
    New Jersey is TOTALLY FUCKED UP. Is your state the same?
    Nevada is still nearly completely shut down. Our “governor” likes to throw us a bone saying we can play tennis and golf along with pickleball (whatever that is). Every day we read about businesses that say they can’t reopen financially. Iconic businesses here will never reopen. Casinos in Arizona are open, ours are closed. Frankly Las Vegas is probably done for good. Political or not.....this house arrest has to end. I’m in healthcare and there is no surge, no overwhelming hospitals, etc. Just people who are so afraid to seek emergency treatment that by the time they get in, they are almost too sick to help and expire but NOT from a virus.
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    4 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Post COVID-19 - What Do You Predict You Will Miss The Most?
    Strip clubs. I don’t think they will open for years if at all. Even if they do, I suspect they will be like The Titty Twister in the movie From Dusk Till Dawn.
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    4 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
    They probably just want your kidneys
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    4 years ago
    How much money do you walk around with?
    I usually have at least $200 on me but since nobody wants to take cash anymore, maybe $20?
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    4 years ago
    Surprised there are no riots
    It’s only a matter of time
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    4 years ago
    OMG stripclubs might be done 😱
    I did hear something very interesting on talk radio this morning concerning potential lawsuits from this as well as in the future. They mentioned how legislation needs to be passed to prevent this. Of course the legislators are attorneys and in my opinion it will never happen. I figure 6 months down the road you will see class action suits all over the country
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    4 years ago
    OMG stripclubs might be done 😱
    Figuring that she is married to one of the most famous lawyers in American history, you think she would have learned something. Anderson Cooper’s overacting is worthy of a Razzie award I agree. He has a job, a fat paycheck, healthcare, pension, national notoriety. What about the waitress, bartender, guest room attendant, porter, dealer, store clerk etc who works here for an honest wage to support their family? Frankly he doesn’t think about that. He’s only concerned with sensationalizing. The bottom line is people are in trouble here and she knows it. He could care less.
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    4 years ago
    OMG stripclubs might be done 😱
    @bdirect. I’ll be happy to give updates as soon as they are available. It saddens me to watch my city and state get choked out by this. Even though our mayor really blew it with that interview, she knows her city may never return.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    OMG stripclubs might be done 😱
    Oh, I forgot to include the brothels. No chance they will ever reopen in the foreseeable future. Weekly STD AND COVID checks? Doubtful, then have to screen clients? Dick checks and temperature checks too? They were a ripoff before so one can only imagine what they’d be like now.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    OMG stripclubs might be done 😱
    Being a Las Vegas local this is what I see: This town is through, we have a newly elected governor who is hinting he wants to extend the lockdown through June. Casinos are trying to figure out how they can even open with restrictions that will be imposed. Nobody is going to get on a plane from overseas or anywhere for that matter with the risk of catching something either real or perceived. Strip clubs will be the last thing to open, if ever allowed to again and even if they are, the control will be so tight, who wants to go? Dealers with masks and gloves, no more cocktail waitresses, no buffets, every other slot machine closed down (besides they will be screwed down so tight, who would be dumb enough to put money in one). Construction continues on a taxpayer funded stadium that may never be used. No more concerts, pool parties and the list goes on and on. Fortunately I am considered an essential business so we remain open and are doing well for now but have seen our revenue decrease significantly. Our hospitals are like ghost towns, There was an article here this past week indicating that COVID may have actually started both in NY as well as here during CES in January with 200K people from all over the world. People have been reporting suffering from symptoms after that show indicating this was here long before we knew. The housing market here is tanking, the shootings are starting. Police have become more tyrannical than ever, speed traps set up on every freeway, yet our governor has ZERO plans to reopen our state and indicates it daily in his news conferences. The recall petitions are circulating now and high state taxes are coming. The Culinary Union is basically through. All show performers have been furloughed indefinitely. Some casinos have furloughed their staff indefinitely as well. So no.... forget about Spearmint Rhino, Sapphire, Treasures, CH3, Hustler. They’re all done, and if by some miracle they do open, you’re better off at Walmart trying to make an arrangement with a cashier. Rant over
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    4 years ago
    Sunlight destroys the coronavirus quickly
    Every Corona ward I’ve been walking through has UV lights everywhere. Just saying
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Poll: Would you go to a club if everyone was required to wear a mask
    Can you picture a club where the dancers wear masks and gloves? What next hazmat suits? Thank you no, I’ll pass. Clubs may never reopen
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    4 years ago
    Car 🚙 Sex
    This is the worst time to only have sports cars.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Recently moved to Trenton, NJ
    Virus Free Cards to Enter Strip Clubs?
    Can you imagine crossing state lines, entering a club or casino, school, restaurant, airplane or theater and being asked for your “real ID” with a notation in bright red saying corona free? Papers please (best German accent)! Yes it’s coming and likely so are microchips.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    Coronavirus lockdown measures should not be lifted until vaccine found, Fox News
    Did anyone notice he’s talking on his phone wearing the gloves that touched his filthy cart? SMH..... my pet peeve
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Will strip clubs reopen but have a shortage of strippers?
    I agree with LinzeeDet. I just spoke to one of my dancer friends who agrees there will be a shit ton of girls once the clubs reopen. She also said probably girls who never danced before will be there as there old jobs are gone.
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    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How long has it been since you visited a strip club or met a stripper OTC.
    Since this shit started and the clubs closed
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    4 years ago
    New Jersey
    Sex Worker Withdrawl
    My only sanity was going to the club after work. I could come home late, deal with crap at my house for an hour then pass out. Now I have to listen to the griping hours on end
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Las Vegas Strip Club To Offer Drive-through Peep Show
    The governor specifically shut them down.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Strippers in the Time of Coronavirus
    Well this just popped up https://www.ktnv.com/news/las-vegas-strip-club-handing-out-bottles-of-sanitizer-to-customers
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    4 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Hierarchy of extras
    I did a VIP recently with a new girl who just oozed sexuality. VIP turned into a full on 30 minute make out session that she initiated. While no LDK both of our hands did a lot of uncovered roaming. Probably the hottest session I’ve had in ages.