
Surprised there are no riots

25M forced into unemployment in a matter of weeks. Stay at home lockdown...

Nary a peep of protest from America's slovenly citizens.

In 2018 France had major riots over a gas tax increase.

Will the peace continue?


  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    America disappeared last century.
  • lotsoffun201
    4 years ago
    It’s only a matter of time
  • rattdog
    4 years ago
    seems that most riots occur in the US are ones that are anti-cop.
  • jackslash
    4 years ago
    The explanation is simple. Most Americans understand that a pandemic requires us to come together as a nation and practice social distancing to stop the spread of the disease. No one likes being locked down, but mature people know that sacrifices are necessary in emergencies.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Future generations, under constant audi and visual sureveillance will look back on us and wish we had all died, rather than destroying this country out of fear.
  • gobstopper007
    4 years ago
    As long as so many people are making same (or comparable) income by not working things will stay calm. When food shortages become real and people start dying from curable diseases because they couldn’t get tests done you will see the panic take to the streets
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    The panic will set in when Mickey D closes the drive thru
  • JamesSD
    4 years ago
    The stimulus checks probably bought some time. People aren't losing their homes yet, they have food. Maybe they are late or skipping a few bills but I imagine a lot of people aren't in truly dire straights... Yet.

    The protests may grow in May. I also expect more social distancing disobedience in the coming month.
  • bdirect
    4 years ago
    i think the reason of no riot...... the big cities are guarded by the army now
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    there is risk in living.

    we all die of something.

    I just hope to die with a smile on my face.

    unique about this particular pandemic is the political power grab, loss of liberty and the economic disaster we have in our hands.
  • Lone_Wolf
    4 years ago
    There must be millions of folks in America that will not qualify for unemployment, stimulas etc...

    Their income went to zero and has been that way for weeks. They can exist on savings, family and credit cards but that will only last for a very short while.

    I'm surprised we have not seen more cracks in society up to this point. Doubt it will last.
  • JamesSD
    4 years ago
    I feel like property crime will rise before riots. Although muggings and car jackings just aren't profitable in 2020 due to electronic systems.

    I mean step 1 is just don't pay your rent?
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    "Nary a peep of protest from America's slovenly citizens."

    LW, this reads like sour grapes over the fact that the predictions that Americans would be practically in full rebellion, after a week or two of lockdowns, have not remotely occurred. We don't have accuse Americans of being slovenly to explain why that (and so many other predictions here) are so far off... Americans a still overwhelmingly in support of the lockdowns, they understand the sacrifices to be made, and have made different value tradeoffs than the "just let everyone get it and live or die" crowd. Different value judgement doesn't make them slovenly, people want to get back to work and school.

    To me, the current situation was predictable: some people (more young people and people farther on the right) would little by little get more and more restless --slow crescendo rather than some open rebellion that would happen in "a week or two at most" (lol!!!). The one thing I didn't predict is the extent to which even the youth have adopted the lockdowns and taken to social shaming each other for going out -- WAY less youthful rebellion here than anyone could have predicted, I think, and who could have predicted they'd be virtue signaling on social media about it? Without a doubt, you'll continue to see more people getting restless, progressively.

    The fact that this has happened so slowly and hasn't reached a critical mass -- but will definitely be getting there -- is yet another good reason for cautiously opening back up, on a region-by-region, city-by-city basis, IMO.
  • Lone_Wolf
    4 years ago
    @Subra - I went to one of the protests in Phoenix and can attest most the protesters were not in "protest" shape. Let's just say years of gluttony and abundance were on full display. Hey, I fit right in.

    My point is there must be millions without income. Seems pretty quiet.

    Oh, civil unrest did happen in the time frame I predicted. You were wrong man. Try to get past it.

  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    LW: lol on "protest shape"! I don't think the spirit of what you guys were predicting has even remotely happened -- isolated minor civil unrest was of course going to happen, it is not any sort of societal problem. There's been mostly a slow buildup of people protesting, with the last polls showing 85+% support the current strategy or tightening it -- hell, there's more people who think the lockdowns aren't going far enough, than there are those who think they've gone too far.

    I do strongly believe, though, that civil or uncivil disobedience becoming a problem is just a matter of time, it just wasn't going to happen anywhere near on a "one week" timescale.
  • Lone_Wolf
    4 years ago
    Not protest related...but it will be interesting to see what happens on the beaches in CA this weekend. Newsom is playing hardball with the surfers.
  • Warrior15
    4 years ago
    We are paying people to sit on their ass. Why would anyone want to go to work ?
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    The level of civil unrest is more the opposite of what many of y'all predicted, actually I am seeing more folks following the rules and getting loud with people that aren't practicing social distancing. Most folks in my neck of the woods are quickly adapting the the concept of sacrifice, if not gladly, accepting it as necessary.
  • founder
    4 years ago
    My prediction is if we're not FULLY open by June 1, then there will be massive civil unrest with possible assassination attempts.

    Americans can only put up with so much.

  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    Georgia's Kemp just reopened a lot of businesses yesterday and today he announced that I have to stay in place for another 6 weeks. I could die of other natural causes during that time. Not sure that I can totally comply that much longer.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    The loss of freedom in America did not come through bloody war, but instead to acclimation and applause from the selfless slef-important sheeple who traded freedom for the temnporary illusion of safety. Y'all are fucking heros I tell you; fucking heros staying home andwearing your masks. All y'all saved us, praise Allah.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    What freedoms are y'all giving up ? Stop being such a bunch of drama queens, what's the problem, y'all can't drive at whatever speed you like, on a public road, or drive drunk, I don't hear any of y'all complaining about that, you can't enter a private development without showing some ID, where's your righteous outrage. you can't build what ever kind of a building on property you own if the zoning is not correct, I mean the fucking list goes on and on, yet the hill most of y'all are picking for your last stand is a disease that has killed over 60 thousand Americans in less than 3 months, what loss of freedom the only loss here is sanity, and many of you have no concept of what an actual loss of freedom even looks like.
  • founder
    4 years ago
    25 if you have to ask what freedoms we're giving up, you haven't been paying attention.

    And don't call us drama queens. People died for our freedoms.

    I will start a new thread so we can list them there.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    60,000 people ...maybe. Same as the flu and 60k is 60k to us drama queens. 200,000+ died in 1959 when this country had 60% of the population and life went on, just as it has after pandemics since the beginning of time. People can pretend all they want that they support the lockdown out of some concern for others and not their own fear and I don'rt mind, because they fool themselves and no one else. The number of people who have died in our history for the freedom to assemble and protest, which Calfornia has banned by refusing to issue permits and breaking up protests, don't deserve to have us allow others, in their craven fear and rigid self-righteousness to throw away these freedoms. Being an American is about personal choice and self-sufficiency. When that is gone so is America. 1) get Covid and survive; 2) Don't get Covid; 3) get Covid and die; 4) Throw away our rights and live under Government control as we become more like the China that progressives love. Remoind me again what the politics are of the areas where people are getting killed over this?
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    I've been paying attention just fine, this is getting ridiculous, not even gonna bother replying talking about people dying, for freedom, they wouldn't have carried on like a bunch of whiney babies because they needed to stay at home for a few weeks or months, want to talk about sacrifices those vets that won WWII the folks that came out of the great depression, they look at your complaints and think boy what a sad bunch, no wonder we can't get anything done in this country any more, there's too much complaining, and all of the complaints are just a bunch of malarkey, get to work do what needs doing then you will get back to your life
  • Lone_Wolf
    4 years ago
    @Ski - I think what is misunderstood is the precedent this sets. If the ,"new normal" is lockdown to save lives....holy shit look out. How some very smart folks don't see that is baffling.

    Freedom is never given back once lost.

    Plus, I do not trust these idiots on either side to make critical decisions like this. They are a bunch of fucking clowns are we are giving them so much power.
  • founder
    4 years ago
    twentyfive, you are more than likely living a good life in old age. You have a nice income, not threatened by this.

    Ask you haircutter and gardener how they are holding up. Ask the UBER driver. Ask the manicurist. Ask the dental hygienist.

    You seem to think this will only be for a few weeks, or months, or maybe a year.

    You are content staying home, and that is fine. I have no issue with that. What I take issue with is people not being allowed to make their own decisions.

    Compromised and elderly can stay home if they choose. People who fear COVID-19 can stay home. People who don't want to spread the virus can stay home.

    It's all about FREEDOM OF CHOICE! No one will be forced to work or go out if they don't want to.

    Remeber, this is NOT a quarantine, this is a lockdown.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ That doesn't make any sense y'all voted for the government y'all have, vote them out if you ain't happy with this bunch, or you want to go out and protest go right ahead, but the current protests seem to be attracting a very small group of folks, don't see them as more than a small minority.
    BTW complaining about everything has become the norm, it's annoying as fuck, don't like the status quo, do something positive and change it stop complaining when you fellas are doing nothing.
  • BabyDoc
    4 years ago
    @twentyfive “get to work do what needs doing then you will get back to your life

    Arbeit macht frei?

    How very apropos…
  • MalakingDog
    4 years ago
    so for all you "make your own choices" folks, guess you think it's ok for someone who tests positive to ignore the quarantine guidelines and just go do whatever they want. that is the mentality of people who will riot, those who think it's only about them. me me me
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    @founder I am not stopping anyone from making their own decisions. Just remember your right to swing your arms ends before the tip of my nose, it's not about giving up freedom it is about living in a society, don't like it than move to someplace like where there is no one around to stop you from indulging in what ever your heart desires, if you decide to move into my neighborhood, than you will need to live in a manner that allows us all to co exist, that means you will give up some freedoms, just because you want to let your dog run loose doesn't mean I have to grant him access to my lawn, sorry y'all are just wasting your energy with this misplaced notion that you have the freedom to do whatever you want whenever it suits you.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    @babydoc GFY
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    4 years ago
    Most of the present 'reopen' protests are Astroturf IMO.
    The majority of Americans want to sit it out till it is safe and not have our down time have been for nothing.
  • founder
    4 years ago
    twentyfive, you're comparing two very disparate things.

    I agree, if I live in a gated community I should follow the rules. America is NOT a gated community. We have an established set of rules. It's call the Constitution.

    You are free to give up your freedoms, but you're not free to force me to give up mine.

  • Lone_Wolf
    4 years ago
    Timely discussion. Getting pretty ugly in Michigan.

  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    @founder, I'm not talking about a gated community i'm talking about living in America try parking your car in the middle of the road, or discharging your firearm within city limits, or even go without paying your property taxes, because that is not your problem whether or not some ones kid go to school, really what you want is more rights than everyone else, I mean phrase it correctly, we voted these folks in that are making the rules, hows about voting them out, y'all want the right to follow the rules you agree with, and ignore those rules that you disagree with SMH
  • founder
    4 years ago
    Those are all LAWS that we've established.

    Closing businesses because you don't want people going there? Where is that written in law?

    Don't assemble in public spaces? There is no law against that. In fact, it's so important that we're allowed to do it, our founding fathers gave us that implicit right.

    You continue to argue that I seem to want special dispensation. Quite the contrary. It is you who wants to strip away my rights to go for a simple walk on the beach because you're worried about getting sick.

    Just stay home. You'll be fine.

  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ Why the hell should I stay home, how about you use a little common courtesy and get tested before you come around here with that cough, I'm not trying to strip away anyone's rights, just protecting my own, and why don't you follow the rules that have been laid out by the folks you voted into office, or better still vote them out, and BTW my copy of the constitution says the elected officials that you are complaining about can do what they are doing, change that while you're busy ranting about your lost freedom.
    The way I see it y'all are trying to have more rights than the rest of us.
    One last question for you when was the last time you actually went for a walk on the beach LOL
  • MalakingDog
    4 years ago
    Most people would be devastated to inadvertently pass the virus on to someone else. They would view that as worse than having the infection themselves. Then there are others who would just shrug it off if they got someone else sick. I envy those people but can never be one.
  • founder
    4 years ago
    twentyfive? why should you stay home? because you don't want to get sick.

    Before I come around where with my cough? FFS, wear a mask if you don't want to get sick.

    You are not the rational kind of person I'd chose to be around in a social situation anyway.

  • MalakingDog
    4 years ago
    um, you do realize that masks aren't to protect the wearer from getting infected, it's to protect others from you if you are asymptomatic.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    You really like to throw the shade, zing, don't worry I don't usually hang around with the slow crowd, the mask is to keep you from infecting us, not to keep us from getting infected. You could look that up if you don't believe me.
  • founder
    4 years ago
    You need to stay home to be safe.

    If you choose to not be safe, go out.

    That's the bottom line.

  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ===> "I mean phrase it correctly, we voted these folks in that are making the rules, hows about voting them out, y'all want the right to follow the rules you agree with, and ignore those rules that you disagree with SMH"

    Great point 25 and you seem like a man of principal. So if someone we voted in allowed others to bend you over a table and fuck you in the ass, then you should just have the decency to take it, right? Because after all, we voted that person in.

    Oh wait, maybe I should have saved that example for someone who wouldn't enjoy it...
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    You are a troll Rickiboi, go play with your own troll I'm not interested but there's a guy who keeps lusting after you why not take him up on his offer to play bouncer with you while Mrs Dugan and the girls are at the beach.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Most people willing to be intellectually-honest know the issue/enemy is the virus, not the government nor the experts heeding the lockdown.

    Not much one can do vs a pandemic especially since most of the world was ill-prepared w/ inadequate systems in place.

    Just like in WWII, sacrifices need to be made for the greater-good - saying they should open up b/c it's affecting me personally or b/c I can't get any pussy, is self-serving at the expense of the greater-good - the world doesn't revolve around any one person - the lockdown *is* democratic b/c it's helping the majority of society given the circumstances.

    What good is having experts in public health? Seems many on here prefer to heed the advice of "Joe the Plumber" vs well-educated scientists.
  • Lone_Wolf
    4 years ago
    Seriously though, this is probably going to get violent in the next 48 hours.

    Just imagine all the armed to the teeth, tweaking militia type dudes sitting in their cami getting triggered right now.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Democracy is when the will/good of the majority is imposed- tyranny is when the will/good of the few is imposed.

    One's "personal freedom" ends when they adversely affect the majority of society - one can't yell fire in a crowded theater and then claim their first-amendment right - one can't smoke indoors and claim it's just about their personal health/choice; etc. - similarly in a pandemic one can't claim it's just about them since a pandemic affects society as a whole.
  • Clubber
    4 years ago
    What an interesting chat between 25 and founder. I think founder, early on, hit a home run with one statement. "twentyfive, you are more than likely living a good life in old age. You have a nice income, not threatened by this."

    Might as well have stopped there!

    That's the same boat I'm in and I'm not that upset with the status quo. With my SO's issues, we didn't go out much anyway. Both my kids and daughter-in-law are still working. That said, these are not the circumstances of the majority. I have great empathy for those that are being severely hurt by this.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ===> "Democracy is when the will/good of the majority is imposed- tyranny is when the will/good of the few is imposed."

    Papi, we are a constitutional democracy. The key difference between your theory of democracy and the actual system that we enjoy is that our brand of democracy was designed, in part, to protect not only against tyranny of the minority, but also from tyranny of the majority.
  • nofuglies
    4 years ago
    "People who don't want to spread the virus can stay home"
    This from a guy who a) doesn't want to stay home b) is concerned about hairdressers and uber drivers c) calls other people irrational. hmmmmm
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    "Great point 25 and you seem like a man of principal. So if someone we voted in allowed others to bend you over a table and fuck you in the ass, then you should just have the decency to take it, right? Because after all, we voted that person in. "

    "Oh wait, maybe I should have saved that example for someone who wouldn't enjoy it..."

    Ironic comeback of the day! :D
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