
Post COVID-19 - What Do You Predict You Will Miss The Most?

They never tell you what you need to know.
One day, you'll be going to a college or professional sports game, although I'm not sure anyone can guarantee that's happening this year. One day soon you'll be able to dine in a restaurant, one day you'll be able to get a lapdance again.... but things are gonna change, and some things aren't coming back, and if they do they will be very different. What do you think will change or disappear that you'll miss?


  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    I'm not predicting that I'll miss anything because I'm not buying this melodramatic "new normal" nonsense. People are generally not prone to permanent behavior changes based upon temporary events, with some exceptions for near death experiences. Sooner or later we'll be back to packed bars, full coffee house and sold out sporting venues. We are social creatures by nature. Memories fade and old urges reemerge.
  • goldmongerATL
    4 years ago
    I think business travel is going to never fully recover. People are discovering that teleconferencing can really get the job done most of the time. I'm going to miss staying that extra day or weekend in nice places.
  • Michigan
    4 years ago
    I'll miss the less traffic on the highway.
  • rattdog
    4 years ago
    i'll miss working at home. got a chance to catch up on tv shows and movies. i'll also miss not having to deal with the daily commutes by way of bus or subway train.
  • shailynn
    4 years ago
    Juice said he's gonna miss the free food samples at Sams Club, Costco and Trader Joes. All those poor souls that spread nacho cheese on crackers and cut the frozen pizzas up into little bit size pieces are now gonna be out of work.
  • 79terrier
    4 years ago
    Golden Corral. ☺
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Skiing. We had thoughts of flying to Oregon to ski timberline, but the rules made us decide to not go and to not buy a season pass for next year for the first time in 25 years.
  • Longball300
    4 years ago
    Concerts: I wonder if they will ever be the same again with hoards of GA admission rockers standing shoulder to to shoulder. Even reserved seated venues had people within inches of each other.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    I'm probably going to miss the pre-COVID strip club culture. I do not see full contact lap dances at the table or bar returning any time soon - if ever. That may all be moved to a separate room (with additional fee) whenever clubs are allowed to resume operation.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    I made my post assuming (sadly) that strip clubs, as we know and love them, are done for the foreseeable future. I also was wrong in that skiing I would eventually age out of so I will miss poker in the casino most of all. Playing for cash 30-40 hours a week in 2 private clubs and it is not even remotely the same. No joy without kibbitzing.
  • Huntsman
    4 years ago
    I assume sports will be back eventually but right now I miss MLB. Otherwise I spend most of my non-work time hunting and fishing so that won’t change.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    The only things that I’ll really miss if this goes on too long are the interactions between people that I care about the rest are easy to find a substitute for
    In other words being with family and friends
  • Checkingthisout5
    4 years ago
    If you go outside at all, it feels like the Thanos snap. Half as many people out on the road or less, half out and about. It's crazy.
    But I agree with the guy up ahead said that since we're social creatures, I doubt that it'll really change things permanently. My thought is it will take longer than we thought, but packed concerts, sporting events, bars, AND strip clubs will be back. What won't change is social distancing and temperature checking at doctors and dentist offices.
  • rl27
    4 years ago
    I agree Rick, the "new normal" catch phrase the media came up with is complete nonsense. It's the same with the so called pundits keep saying it's too soon to open up, no one will go out shopping or out to eat. The vast majority of my relatives, friends and coworkers are all saying they can't wait to get back to the restaurants, bars, and shops, and that will be the first things they do.
  • rl27
    4 years ago
    As a side note, one good thing that may come out of this, is a reversal of packing as many people as close together as possible in Movie theaters, concert halls, and airplanes. I remember when you had comfortable seating in all three places, now you have to be a child to sit comfortably in all three.
  • Longball300
    4 years ago
    I couldn't agree more with you rl27; I have always hated the way they jam peeps into many venues and how nice it is when we catch a show that is not packed; waiting 20 minutes for a beer / food, restroom or just to get in the place will hopefully disappear.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    I’m wondering how much hookah lounges will survive. In a lot of ways, they are like strip clubs from a customer POV. Most are subpar. A few locations stand out. Some regional areas are fantastic and I’d be sad if a lot of places shut down. Others are awful for hookah lounges and I’d be more indifferent. And many local city ordinances are hell bent on making it near impossible to even start a new location. And also, it’s past its heyday of being trendy.

    It seems there’s a greater push for things online. That’s fantastic for things like telemedicine. Not so good for things like clothes shopping. (I like visually seeing how well an outfit actually looks on me) Hopefully that will be something that returns.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ===> "As a side note, one good thing that may come out of this, is a reversal of packing as many people as close together as possible in Movie theaters, concert halls, and airplanes."

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I don't think this reversal is permanent. Airlines need 75% capacity to break even on most flights and movie theaters and restaurants need to be full on weekends to compensate for slower midweek periods.

    Oh, and don't expect masks to remain a big thing either. Around here I saw more masks to weeks ago then I'm seeing today, even though there are far more people out now. I think people get tired of that very quickly.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    that was "two weeks ago" lol
  • Longball300
    4 years ago
    Well maybe they are just going to adjust their model. Your concert ticket now costs $100 instead of $50, the place isn't as crowded, they throw in a couple of beers and a cheap souvenir and you have a premium experience. I would do that........... I have done that by paying for VIP tickets at many shows. Thing is now that's the ONLY tickets they sell to get the ball rolling again.
  • Hank Moody
    4 years ago
    As a country, we don’t follow rules very well. We feel entitled to our freedom, the material things that our wealth buys and the convenience of things like dining out. Ever wonder why despite having a month or two lead time v. Asian and European countries to prepare for this thing that covid spread faster here? We don’t like giving up our everyday lives. It’s already happening, but once we get desensitized to the sickness and death from covid, we’ll just accept it as a risk and go back to what is very close to the old normal.
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    If buffets are put on hold for a while, I'll miss Indian buffets for sure

    Strip clubs too, of course, but the state of strip clubs in SF has been so atrocious anyway, I had significantly shifted to arrangements already. Still, SCing has always been at least part an opportunity to get out with the guys, and will badly miss that aspect regardless
  • Longball300
    4 years ago
    The rules in Ohio for our "restaurant openings" specifically buffets is that all the food must be served to the patron.
  • lotsoffun201
    4 years ago
    Strip clubs. I don’t think they will open for years if at all. Even if they do, I suspect they will be like The Titty Twister in the movie From Dusk Till Dawn.
  • Studme53
    4 years ago
    The excitement being part of the crowd and sharing a live event with thousands of people all into the same thing - ball games, concerts, even crowded bars with a band or a movie theater. We need that sense of being part of a tribe of like minded people even if it’s just for a couple hours,
  • tete1526
    4 years ago
    I saw a scientist on C-SPAN who had dealt with outbreaks around the world during his career. He was saying you'd be surprised how quickly life goes back to the way it was once the outbreak is over. He did say that policymakers are better prepared for the next one, but otherwise life goes back to normal. Arizona just opened restaurants and already a bar/restaurant on Mill Ave. in Tempe was packed full of ASU kids on Monday night. Right now we are in that shitty no man's land where not even the scientists understand how it will play out. A lot of people are spooked but I suspect that will fade over time IF this damn thing goes away or we figure out a vaccine/cure.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    I resd that when we say epidemic we mean the actuall illness and the reaction of society to the illness. The article pointed out that the pandemics of the passt did not have a medical end that coincided with the social end and that the social ends came first. When enough people no longer fear getting ill and dying and look at the lives lost as a cost of living life and enjoying it, (influenza), then the pandemic ends, even if the illnesss lasts.
    In the timeline of history, the span of years from creation of the United States to #1 world power was and is unprecedented. We were founded by people who didn;t follow the rules of Government and didn't like being told what to do. Whether you believe this to be good, bad or otherwise, doesn;t change the fact that not following the rules is an inbred trait here. Its why we have the high rates of incarceration and poverty that we do, because the hidden secret is that you can do as you please, but you pay a price for failure and reap a reward for success. Other countries will be able to lock down people again, but we won't.
    Golf courses opened in Mass. last week, one week after the Governor said he wouldn't even consider it until 5/18. Two courses said fine, we're openin 5/08 and he caved 32 hours later. Blue collar working people usually have dangerous jobs and are one paycheck from poverty, so t he Government and the liberal media trying to frighten them is simple making them more likely to say fuck you and go against what the Government says. I reopen Friday to meet people in my office. Corts are closed, so I can't go, but I am meeting people in person and all video/audio hearings from then on will be my client and I and the same room. All done with this.
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    Me and my brother when we get free would take Grandma out to eat at different restaurants, It's like her favorite thing. She INSISTS on taking the bill every time she doesn't want to hear it. I don't see us going out like that for at least a few more months.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    I guess I'll miss all the gas-$$$ I'm saving, the bit-lower car-insurance rates, and the less traffic on the streets and stores - but too big a price to pay for these minor conveniences
  • mjx01
    4 years ago
    Being able to do the opposite of social distancing at strip clubs
  • pistola
    4 years ago
    I’ll miss salad bars and casino buffets. I know they’re not the most hygienic, but I roll solo a lot and at a buffet I’m a salad bar and one plate and one tiny dessert person. As I roll solo a lot, the people watching at buffets is/was great. Who knew a tiny 90 lb Asian grandma could down 3 plates? And let’s face it, crab leg buffets are wonderful.
  • aleccorbett
    4 years ago
    I agree with the above sentiment that this whole "New Normal" craze is BS. Life will return to normal. Even if we didn't have 100+ vaccines and treatments in development right now, we would just get used to it and it would kill itself out. Human beings are super short sighted and they think what is true now will be true in the future..

    I think strip clubs will return but it will be awkward for a bit. I do genuinely worry that a lot of the more full contact clubs will not be so for a bit. I think the whole quasi ok quasi not ok rule about contact within clubs has been an issue for a while. So it is unknown what will change.

    I am actually hopeful for a post COVID world since I think people will pay more attention to the sciences. I also hope it teaches people to be more diligent with their finances.
  • Player11
    4 years ago
    I will miss typing “cuck wife cream pie” into google search - videos. Or “me and my friend fuck my wife.” Or fave “cuck nudist wife.”
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