Strippers in the Time of Coronavirus

avatar for jackslash
A couple Fridays ago, I visited a blonde fav at the club. We sat talking and drinking and making out for an hour. Then we went upstairs where we kissed and engaged in even more intimate activities.

The next morning the dancer texted me, saying she had become very ill later in the night. She was on her way to the doctor. After seeing the doctor she texted that she had the flu and strep throat. She hoped I didn't come down with anything.

As it turned out I did not become sick. My immune system must have been at the top of its game. The dancer has now recovered.

However, I know I can't always be this lucky. Diseases that spread by close contact are a danger to strippers and their customers.

With the coronavirus dominating the news, I wonder if I should limit my visits to strip clubs. I'm an old man and the coronavirus can be fatal for the elderly. Are any of you taking special precautions or not clubbing until the epidemic is past?


last comment
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
I have cut my clubbing down to last Sunday, Friday, Wednesday and Monday. My precaution is to drink plenty of flui=ds containing alcohol. Living in Massachusetts, driving on the roads remains my biggest problem.
avatar for Player11
5 years ago
There are risks if you play - HIV, herpes, baby daddy, now corona virus.

With cv u don’t need even fuck them.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Good thinking ski. After all, doesn't alcohol kill the corona virus? Seem to me that keeping your BAC up during these perilous times is a smart move. :)
avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
I'm 78 and have stage 3 COPD. I have been hospitalized 3 times in the last 2+ years with pneumonia. I have had 3 pneumonia shots and get my flu shot as soon as they come out every year. There is probably a good change I got the pneumonia at the clubs because that is about the only place I goes where I come into close contact with other people.

I used to go twice a week but have cut it back to once but it has nothing to do with the coronavirus. I have a cutie coming to my house weekly now. I'm not about to live the rest of my life in fear.

I just found out last week from my primary doctor that pneumonia shots cannot stop you from getting pneumonia. Only lessen the effects.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
At 62 I just had the best bllodwork/physical that I have had since I was 29. I literally couldn't give a fuck about corona virus.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
5 years ago
You only live once.
How ever I do plan to stay the Hell away fro airplanes. Airplanes are nothing but petri dish of infestation
Since I have no plans to visit anywhere in Cal, or Seattle I will chance it.
Even if I was visiting those cities, Seattle's and Portland's club scene has never recover from the the raid 15 years ago. The left wing moralists in both cities decided it is OK for a woman to have an abortion because it is "her body" but showing her body for money is the height of immorality and MUST be stopped!!
I have never been in a CA club that was not extremely over priced, and NO the CA girls are not better looking than girls anywhere else, they just have a lot more plastic parts.
No cases in Detroit yet so party on!
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Pneumonia is bacteriological, not viral. Real bad for the elderly, but mostly it just finishes off people who are weakened by other illnesses. If the person is not too weakened, antibiotics will deal with pneumonia. But especially for the elderly, long hospitalizations are common, and big weight loss too.

Cruise Ship, coming back from Hawaii, being held off CA coast.………

Here they say that 80% of cases spontaneously recover…

Roundtable: Coronavirus Is Best Case for Medicare for All…

First Coronavirus fatality in CA, Placer County.

Governor Newsom talks about California’s plans to fight COVID-19 , and he calmly, trying to down play it, declares a State of Emergency.…

Case had started from a Princess Cruise ship going from San Francisco to Mexico and back. Also going to Hawaii. Now ship is quarantined off shore as they fly test kits out to it. Test results within 4 hours.…

Remember, they had Sars in Asia, and it did kill lots of people and terrify everyone. But eventually it seemed to dissipate. These pandemics do always seem to dissipate.


Led Zeppelin, Danish TV 1969…
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
In April I will fly to Florida and in May I will fly back. A fl;ight without weak, panicked young folks and millennials will be amazing.
avatar for BitCoinHodler
5 years ago
Imagine having such a reaction to an age group not seeing them on an airplane is considered a pro.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
^^^^^^ I heard that skibum609's locked nursing home ward just got quarantined. And they are welding the steel doors shut.

How to protect yourself, how to wash hands
Coronavirus Shopping List: What You May Need To Have On Hand…

Epidemiologist predicts effects of coronavirus in the months ahead…

Cruise Ship, coming back from Hawaii, being held off CA coast.………

Here they say that 80% of cases spontaneously recover…

Roundtable: Coronavirus Is Best Case for Medicare for All…

Plant pollens are programmed to go off at different times. So allergy season is already upon us. Most of the symptoms of flues and colds are the same as with allergies. And most of the time it does not matter, not need to worry about flues and colds, as they are not that serious.

avatar for whodey
5 years ago
I haven't cut back on my clubbing or other regular activities because of the corona virus but I did opt to make a four hour drive each way recently instead of just hoping a quick flight. Like tiredtraveler said planes are virtually just flying petri dishes that grow and spread diseases. However I am flying for my trip to Vegas next week because the low risk isn't worth making that long of a drive.

I did avoid a dancer that I would have probably gotten dances from last week because she looked sick. She claimed it was just allergies because her roommate got a cat but I figured better safe than sorry. Hopefully either the roommate gets rid of the cat or she finds some allergy meds that work for her so I can get some dances the next time I stop by that club.
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
Yo me it’s sounds like a great opportunity to just lye low and save. I got vacation coming up in a few weeks here, I’m not gonna just stay inside. I gotta do a rod trip somewhere but I do so knowing full well my clubbing experience is going to be affected.
avatar for lurkingdog
5 years ago
SAn Jose Guy - pneumonia can be bacterial or viral (or fungal or parasitic for that matter). The CoVID-19 is a virus. As a general statement, viruses are far more transmissible than bacteria. Thanks for posting all of the links
avatar for GoVikings
5 years ago
I’m not going to cut back, but I can see why others would be cautious

I saw my Latina fav lady Friday too Jack, had a great time 😀
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
3rd Hour Today…

Plant pollens are programmed to go off at different times. So allergy season is already upon us. Most of the symptoms of flues and colds are the same as with allergies. And most of the time it does not matter, not need to worry about flues and colds, as they are not that serious.

Here, the cruise ship seems to be just out beyond Golden Gate Bridge, but maybe this is an old file picture.
Gov. Gavin Newsom on cruise ship Grand Princess, which is being held off California coast…

No, they are saying that coming back from Hawaii, it remains 100 nautical miles off the coast! They want people to stay in their state rooms, required. Coming from Federal CDC.…

Going by what they say, test results should be available soon. I think they are only testing people who show symptoms. But the distance adds about 1 hour of air travel each way to this.

Where do they get these test kits, who makes them, and what is in them? They still have to be sent to a lab? They are sending it to one in Richmond. What does the lab do?

Maybe this will finally help our society transition to work from home.

Health people saying this is worse than SARS.

How to protect yourself, how to wash hands
Coronavirus Shopping List: What You May Need To Have On Hand…

Epidemiologist predicts effects of coronavirus in the months ahead…

Cruise Ship, coming back from Hawaii, being held off CA coast.………

Here they say that 80% of cases spontaneously recover…

Roundtable: Coronavirus Is Best Case for Medicare for All…

First Coronavirus fatality in CA, Placer County.

Governor Newsom talks about California’s plans to fight COVID-19 , and he calmly, trying to down play it, declares a State of Emergency.…

Case had started from a Princess Cruise ship going from San Francisco to Mexico and back. Also going to Hawaii. Now ship is quarantined off shore as they fly test kits out to it. Test results within 4 hours.…

Remember, they had Sars in Asia, and it did kill lots of people and terrify everyone. But eventually it seemed to dissipate. These pandemics do always seem to dissipate.


Led Zeppelin, Danish TV 1969…

The Doors Live at the Hollywood Bowl- 1968…
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
"pneumonia can be bacterial or viral (or fungal or parasitic for that matter). The CoVID-19 is a virus. As a general statement, viruses are far more transmissible than bacteria."

As I know the issue with viruses is that there really is no treatment or cure, once infected. And then some viruses can live in the inanimate environment for a long time.

Maybe some vaccines can help if one is already infected, not sure.

But pneumonia?…

Well I did not know that. I guess pneumonia is more a lung condition, rather than a specific pathogen. But as I know, usually antibiotics will deal with it, unless the patient is already too weakened due to age or pathogens.

avatar for DandyDan
5 years ago
I have cut back so much from what I used to do that if I went now, it wouldn't be any different than if the coronavirus hadn't existed.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
SJG - thanks for being on ignore, but to be fair I miss you emarrassing yourself daily. Corona virus on the liberal west coast: who says God doesn't exist. According to the hysterics no one will die from corona virus because we already died from Sars; Ebola: Aids; the Hole in the Ozone Layer; Global cooling and the oldie, but goodie: swine flu. Fucking news media, oops my bad; fake news media.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Nursing home deciding that with Skibum609, rather than quarantine, just going directly to morphine over dose.

avatar for Huntsman
5 years ago
I’m not planning any cut backs yet due to the coronavirus. I’ve slowed down my visits anyway for other reasons. But I’ll keep doing what I do, monitor things, and possibly have a different opinion down the road.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Saying that the coronavirus has mutated into two strains.…

But these two strains are just from China, so there could be more.

Congress approved an $8.3 billion emergency spending bill to fight the virus, but officials in multiple countries say the virus will keep spreading fast for some time.…

What I am looking for is news about what happened of the testing of the Grand Princess cruise ship, 3,500 on board, heading to Hawaii, now being held 100nm off the CA coast.

Coronavirus: Tests Underway On Cruise Ship Passengers, Crew
The Grand Princess is expected to dock in San Francisco, once it's given the all-clear.…

So now again it sounds like it was coming back from Hawaii.


Frampton 1995…
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Coronavirus outbreak: Officials discuss Grand Princess cruise ship being held off San Francisco, Mayor London Breed…

Sounds like fate of 3500 people on board is still undetermined. They might be transferred to land quarantine.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Sounds like they will have Grand Princess test results in the morning. But fate of 3500 people still unknown.

Bill de Blasio talking about NYC coronavirus situation…

avatar for sinclair
5 years ago
My job requires me to fly because I can't waste several days in travel status. I hate flying in general, but it is the absolute worst in the winter months when everyone is sick and you are crammed in a cylindar of people sneezing and coughing. The area I am in now (Salt Lake) is one of the tamest regions for strip clubs, so coronavirus is not too concerning if I do make it to a strip club. You basically drink beer and tip the stage show. There is no person to person contact. If I was in an area with full contact clubs, I would probably wait for the virus to die out before resuming my clubbing. There are many other avenues of entertainment on the road.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
^^^^^ Amen!

avatar for PinkSugarDoll
5 years ago
I am in Seattle,

I haven’t noticed that the club has slowed down. I was my hands and face after every customer and every stage and I also use antibacterial wipes. I bought an antibacterial antiseptic soap for showering after work.

I don’t know that all those things are too helpful though because we are kinda breathing the same air during a dance, at the most simple level of transmitting this virus. Sad face.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
^^^^ The medical community seems to think it is by contact, and so this washing does indeed make a big difference.

They show how to roll your finger tips and thumb tips around in the soap in your palms. This is how doctors wash for surgery.

For myself though, I think that I would cut down on person to person contact and on places where I deal with strangers.

But this is just me. I have never worked in anything like a strip club.


Will not prosecute people for consensual adult sex!…
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
Depending on how long the worst of this stuff continues, it makes me want to be more conservative and put the travel dancing on a temporary hold instead of exploring around the Midwest like I wanted to soon. Not fun seeing reports of store shelves clearing out of certain basics. I’m not back in Texas yet (still trying to get over what turned out not to be a cold, but strep 😭). But when I get there, I’m going to want to stay around and be closer to people I know instead of far flung areas. I also have aging parents I’d want to be not too far away from—on the off chance there’s an issue.

It’s a shame cause there’s a Pokémon go event I wanted to go to & already paid for for the end of the month in St Louis MO. But at least the ticket that will be wasted will only be $20.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
i’ve had five bouts with pneumonia ever since my mid-20s.
I don’t think any person has given me pneumonia.
it’s simply been me getting chilled to the bone.
this year is the first year I’ve ever gotten the flu shot.
I survived it.
coronavirus it’s just another word for another flu.
shit if I die... oh well... I die.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
i ain’t letting this over blown flu make me a hermit.
shit. all the toilet paper is sold out anyway.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
my earlier post should read
it’s just another word for another flu.
if I die... oh well... I die.
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
I'm not changing club plans due to the virus. I'm not traveling via plane to any effected area soon. I've been following the advice of my corporate group, and keeping air travel to a minimum currently.

If you are a good sales guy, you might be able to negotiate a few dances for a few bottles of purell?
avatar for Goodclubrep
5 years ago
Bleach at a 1 percent solution will kill viruses, alcohol will not. Hand sanitizer, most of which are alcohol based, can only wash the virus off. Proper hand washing with soap will break the virus apart and it will die.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
5 years ago
Good so I’ll just ask every customer to bleach their whole body real quick before we dance. Simple solution.
avatar for Goodclubrep
5 years ago
Or they could just wash their hands.
avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
I'm cancelling my strip club plans for tomorrow. Instead I need to go find and buy toilet paper.
avatar for lotsoffun201
5 years ago
Well this just popped up…
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Remember that this is the DV Flag Ship:…

3,500 Cruise Ship Passengers Quarantined Off California Coast over Coronavirus Fears…

The accounts of exactly where this Grand Princess is, I find to be unclear. But it sounds like it is 100nm offshore, the route to Hawaii.

Cruise ship may be quarantined off San Francisco for two weeks - BBC News…

Grand Princess…

Seattle couple on quarantined on cruise ship off California coast…

03/05/20 Princess Cruise ship passengers quarantined after coronavirus death…

Coronavirus Update: 3,500 People Quarantined On Cruise Ship Awaiting Test Results, CBS News…

They delivered 300 test kits. I heard that 100 persons were tested. Tests sent to lab in Richmond. Still waiting for results.

Sounds like it was coming back from Hawaii, and slated to go to Mexico. But then as it was moving towards Mexico, it got redirected back towards San Franciso, not just waiting 100nm offshore.

None of this sounds like a very fun experience. But what else is in strore, and for how many of us?

PBS NewsHour live episode, Mar 6, 2020 w/ Shields and Brooks…


'Frampton Comes Alive II' 1995, San Francisco…


Robin Trower…
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
^^^^ Of the Grand Princess, Vp Pence says that 21 have tested positive. Over the weekend it will be brought to a non-commercial port.

(does that mean military port and land quarantine? )

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
AOC on Coronavirus issues, she really is a forceful advocate!
today March 6th…

avatar for mark94
5 years ago
I think the next 2-4 months are going to be challenging for clubs of any kind. And restaurants. And theaters.

The better managed, profitable clubs will make it through to the other side. Some won’t.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
5 years ago
We made it through a whole recession man, you think “management” is going to be the clincher that makes customers come in or not?

University of Washington medical researchers are doing a ton right now with Coronavirus. Today UW told students classes are cancelled for the remainder of the quarter (and many other colleges and universities in Puget Sound did the same). UW said it expects classes to resume by or before March 30th and I am sure they have picked that date based on info that came from their researchers.

So I *think* we can make it until March 30th, maybe even April 30th if we are lucky.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
It affects most people very mildly. The problem is when the very young or elderly get infected
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Corona virus spice should chime in
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
^^^^ does she have it, tested? How is she doing?

avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
CDC reported that as of 2/1/202, 20,00 Americans had died of the flu. Can't make people stay inside with the flu though......
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
skibum can you hep with those numbers?
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
help with those numbers...
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Ok Sjg clone.
avatar for JackScott
5 years ago
This has been one of my concerns. I had planned on flying out of town this weekend on a self-indulgent leisure trip. I was going to one of those race track events where you drive their exotic cars under the supervision of a professional driver, do some sightseeing, and then finish it off with my ATF with some OTC. But then I got to thinking that because she's with other guys who go to other clubs, who get with other dancers in that club, who get with other guys... that's a lot of risk to consider and I think that I can wait until all this blows over.
avatar for goosman
5 years ago
I'm not in the age range where I am at risk for anything beyond the flu symptoms. However, I do feel a sense of the collective to do my part to help out with trying to end this stage of the pandemic. I cant justify an afternoon of full contact lappers & more, with the rest of my life of not shaking peoples hands and opening doors with napkins. Plus, while I haven't been checking clubs, things in general are starting to slow down and I would imagine that slow down will hit clubs.

However, when we're in the clear, there's gonna be a lot of PLs with saved up money & dancers needing to make up that back pay. Going to be a great time.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
As the common cold/flu/corona virus works its way around the country, as it does evbery year, I have cut down on my clubbing (no I haven't); stopped going out to dinner (except last saturday and sunday) and won't be flying again for 14 days, Wash my hands? Always. Kepp em away from my face? Yup. Have health issues? Nope. Give a fuck about people panicking because the news told them to? Not in the least.
avatar for Player11
5 years ago
Early on I did lots strip clubbing. But as my skills matured I have stripper and SB site woman as mistresses, focusing on one and staying on budget. If clubbing scares you perhaps a sugar baby u meet on reg basis. Mine gives me lap dances, nude modeling, super fucking.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Corona VIrus Task Force, today…

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