
And this is why i dont sleep with younger men...smh...

Friday, June 5, 2020 5:53 PM
Ok this was to funny not to share. so i met this guy mid 20's. Nice guy decent looking and def.... well endowed. So life happens and date number one we end up doing the deed. Vanilla like foreplay etc etc but then.... Johnny jackhammer starts going ape shit on me. I was like oh...mmmm whatever but nothing exciting enough to cum about. Then this guy pulls out a little to much and bam... right into my asshole to the balls.... OMFG i saw jesus and stars and the little fucking drummer boy all in one vision. Now i love anal and i get off with anal but not the surprise...pow right in the kisser type. Now worst thing is 4 pumps later after im screaming like i just got my leg cut off this MF finally realizes hes in my ass. Oh shit im sorry... yeah i bet you are dick...no pun intended. To add insult to injury after he was... ehuhm finished i did the dash to the bathroom and low and behold semen is filled to the brim with salt... salt and a torn asshole met like what i can only imagine putting icy hot on your asshole would feel like... date finished im out... yall younger guys just cant fuck....


  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Yeah - younger less-experienced guys often tend to let the exuberance get the better of them and rush to the finish line
  • JAprufrock
    4 years ago
    @Pole, I think #BunkerBitch would agree with you. He's in his 70s and still going strong, fucking democracy and the country like nobody's business while laying pipe to Moscow Mitch until he screams "Mother!"
  • loper
    4 years ago
    I'm old. I've got good hair and some experience. Is it a date? lol.
  • poledancer83
    4 years ago
    sure thing loper lets do it lol
  • Eve
    4 years ago
    I've had a similar situation with an older gent (mid 50s) that was the product of too little sex and too much porn, because his logic was not an accident. In the heat of the moment, out of nowhere, he says "... Let's see how your other hole feels!" and not even half a second later before I can say holupwaitaminute, he pulls out and jabs it in the other entry like a knife and I, too, saw Jesus, stars, and the little fucking drummer boy. I hate anal, so he didn't initially register why I banshee screamed.
  • poledancer83
    4 years ago
    ive seen the porn videos of the accidental anal and im like eh cant be that bad but oh my yes it can lol
  • lotsoffun201
    4 years ago
    Bad idea, guarantees there is never a second date.
  • Huntsman
    4 years ago
    “ i saw jesus and stars and the little fucking drummer boy all in one vision.” That’s one of the best lines I’ve read here in a long time. Lol.
  • poledancer83
    4 years ago
    hunt im somewhat of a poet lol
  • Huntsman
    4 years ago
    That you are, PD.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Per Eve's comment - yeah, guys with not a lot of sexual experience (even if older), will often try to mimic what they are used to seeing in porn and think that is the way to have sex/perform and think that may be the way women will enjoy it.
  • poledancer83
    4 years ago
    its all about the moment... like if im about to cum fuck yea pound away but like stay in your lane lol put a finger in my ass if you have to so that little whoops dont happen
  • PrimetimeSchein
    4 years ago
    Poor guy probably thought he did a good job
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    An experienced guy will usually know that anal requires care and you can't go in there like Bo Jackson going up the middle to get into the endzone
  • poledancer83
    4 years ago
    papi good analogy lol
  • CC99
    4 years ago
    I can see that happening with some people. I am younger than he is though and I am very gentle. I am generally much more interested in the sensual/foreplay nature of sex than the pumping and thrusting part. If possible I generally prefer the girl being on top for that part so I can touch her boobs and thighs. Penetrative sex is also not really anymore interesting to me than being grinded to orgasm. Although that may be due to my never having had unprotected sex. I've only ever penetrated with a condom on. Sometimes girls actually try to get me to be rougher with them but I don't comply with those kind of requests. On an instinctual level I am incapable of and have no interest in physically aggressive actions unless I were to be pushed into it by an attacker. That being said, I don't think my behavior could accurately be considered to represent any group of people because I am a very weird person. So I trust that despite me being an exception, other young guys are probably, as a general matter, too rough.
  • loper
    4 years ago
    endzone is apt.
  • Eve
    4 years ago
    My experience with younglings is pretty thin, but the experiences I do have with them are average at best. I don't think I can speak for the majority, because the ratio of young men I've hooked up (30 -) with and older men I've hooked up with (40 + ) is like... 1 : 100.
  • poledancer83
    4 years ago
    first off who the hell uses condoms anymore...
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    ^ my kind of woman - a condom means you are fucking the condom, not the dick - a penis and vagina are designed to go together, a condom not really
  • poledancer83
    4 years ago
    i mean i guess if theres questions about health and safety sure but like if im giving up the slit you better cum in me like thats just polite lol
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    to put the other foot on the other foot - although many if not perhaps most men prefer the young hardbodies, for me the best sex I've had has actually been with women in their mid to late 30s, they have the experience but still young enough to perform
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    "to put the other foot on the other foot" That should have been shoe on the other foot LOL
  • Eve
    4 years ago
    If I was a pure, loyal, monogamous trophy girlfriend instead of a promiscuous polyamorous insatiable professional hoe, I, too, would forbid condoms in my household. But alas . . . ):
  • poledancer83
    4 years ago
    same... eve....same
  • CC99
    4 years ago
    "first off who the hell uses condoms anymore..." It seems reckless to me to not use one unless I were planning to make that girl my wife. I believe any prostitute would insist on one and I have never had any opposition to it. It is probably to my own benefit to be unaware of how pleasurable unprotected sex may be. Otherwise I may start insisting on it. A side bonus is also that I can feel like I am giving something special to my future wife without being required to stay a virgin which I had no desire to be.
  • Huntsman
    4 years ago
    "to put the other foot on the other foot“ Papi, for some reason I like your original line as it was. To hell with shoes.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    We're moving to a ... oops... nevermind.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    That sucks PD. If he didn’t have the sensitivity in his dick to feel he was in your ass, then he’s not aware of what he’s doing. I recommend you find an older pervert who knows how to treat a girl. You already know ass fucking will be the romantic part of your time with me.
  • Dave_Anderson
    4 years ago
    Um, no, when a guy can end up on the hook paying child support for 18 years. Men have no legal rights so they are really stupid to cum inside a woman' vagina. Also stupid to even leave a used condom behind, take it with you guys. There are some crazy chicks out there. Especially if you have money and she knows it.
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    @Dave A ....or get a vasectomy. Best decision for a stress free sexual life.
  • doctorevil
    4 years ago
    “I believe any prostitute would insist on one.” You don’t seem to know much about prostitutes.
  • Player11
    4 years ago
    Are you kidding? / no condom equals HIV. Yes strippers prefer older men we last longer and treat them like a Queen.
  • goldmongerATL
    4 years ago
    You mean the porn is not real life? Guys do not normally double anal a girl sharing with their German Shepherd?
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    What kind of porn do you watch, goldmongerATL? lol
  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    Poledancer83 - I think they got you on video. [view link]
  • Eve
    4 years ago
    @Wall. I think this is what goldmonger watched. [view link]
  • nemesisk7
    4 years ago
    How did it feel in your ass ? Was he big compared if he was in your puusy ?
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    I'm not gonna lie, I definitely learned about how to have sex through porno's. Who else is gonna teach you? Feel free to answer that.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    As to the OP, I've only had one gf that enjoyed anal. Usually when her Aunt Flo came to visit. My wife is turned on by anal porn, and was ready try it. I had the tio in and she stopped. Even after plenty of prep and teasing the pain and fear of going to to the ER with anal fissure was more than she bargained for. Aa for condoms, as George said on Seinfeld during the sponge episode, "Condoms are for single guys." No matter your marital status, every non- monogamous tryst is by a "single". There are just too many fucked up diseases out there to risk exposing yourself to something that may have no cure, and may even kill you. On the plus side, wearing a condom, my stamina is nearly infinite.
  • gobstopper007
    4 years ago
    Old and gray will make your day 😜
  • gSteph
    4 years ago
    Ouch! Guess no sleeping occurred.
  • herbtcat
    4 years ago
    What I learned from this post: poledancer83 puts out to older guys like me. So that elevates her even higher in my "Must meet list!" I'll go warm up the SugarDaddy Sled, Pole. You down, Love?
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    PD this last happened to me when I was like 21 or 22. Drunk on a couch and lazy doggy (not quite prone bone). I am not a small guy but she did not flinch but when I noticed I was like "where is her asshole?"
  • Meursault
    4 years ago
    No such thing as accidental anal. Get the ass now and apologize later. I’ve never personally done this, but I understand the mindset. That said, you’re a trooper. Take the un-agreed-upon anal and still let him finish. You’re a sexual superhero.
    4 years ago
    Why you don't sleep with them, but yet you just did and imma guessing it'll happen again and again. No shame, what you say now changes when next big boy strolls by. NAAAASTY
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