
Comments by 59 (page 30)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Tipping for LDs?
    My normal means of tipping is buying repeat dances and/or a drink or two. If a girl new to me asks for a tip I will typically give it to her, but then that's the last dance she'll get from me - ever. If a girl delivers an extra, particularly if she's efficient (doesn't string out a bunch of songs) and doesn't leave me a sticky mess, then I'll tip her. If it's a lengthy set with a grinding finish in my pants I may not tip.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Winning Combinations - Dancers with mixed nationalities
    Either I seek 'em out, they seek me out, or Philly and Vegas have more ethnically diverse dancers than some of the areas you guys hobby in...
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    JJ's new profile pic
    HD, you're barking up the wrong tree! The girl in my pic used to do OTC with me.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Winning Combinations - Dancers with mixed nationalities
    Good topic. I've known/still known several mixed nationality hotties. The Thai/Filipino girl is probably my hottest. Followed closely by the Thai/German. Other hotties have included Mexican/German, Filipino/Spanish, and Filipino/Mexican. Probably forgetting about a couple others right now. (Guess Filipinos inter-marry a lot?).
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    *GUYS* What are your thoughts on Stippers with short hair??
    Not a fan of short hair. One of the reasons I go clubbing is the enjoyment of stripper hair. Preferably long and curly.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    "Do you know about the new lap dance rules?"
    Haven't encountered tightening of rules in awhile. In this economy owners are trying to encourage guys to come in and spend money. Including more of a tendency to look the other way in the lap dance room.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    When Steve met Stevie…(Dancers with boy's names and the guys that like them)
    I know a Stevie at a club I frequent. Neither cute nor fun. Maybe cute 20 lbs ago but didn't know her back then. Find her very annoying. During a moment of weakness one time I agreed to a "free" dance. They have a nightly showcase and the girls give guys a 2-3 minute free, preview dance. She got me ticked off when she was talking to her friend during the dance so I cut it short and told her to take a hike. She was floored.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    When Steve met Stevie…(Dancers with boy's names and the guys that like them)
    Knew a cute dancer that went by Ashley. She moved to a new club and that was taken. Changed it to Bobbi, she found the boy's name sexy. The new name suited her well.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    I like the Bartender
    Here in NY/NJ/PA male bartenders are very, very rare. In over 20 years of clubbing I can only recall one.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    I like the Bartender
    A lot of the places I go the bartender turnover tends to be high. Start to hit it off with one and she's gone. I also tend to go to larger places who employ many bartenders. Some have been there for years but they switch shifts around a lot (not sure if it's the club that does it or the girls). I tend to have my strategic bar stool locations but they also rotate the bartenders to different stations. Very long winded but it's not often I strike up a lasting friendliness. I also was kind of burned years ago by a bartender that gave the impression that she was interested and available. In the end it turned out neither was true. So I tend to pursue acquaintances with dancers before bartenders or waitresses.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Hey, baby (sweetie, cutie, darling, honey, sugar, doll, pumpkin, cupcake...)
    Never used to use them but have started to. In part due to all the baby, sweetie, hunny, etc. greetings directed to me. Sort of an inside joke with me the only one in on it. I use sweetie most frequently, for unknown girls in particular. I reserve sweetheart for one girl that I've known for 5+ years who is one. Another fave, the youngest that I've got, I've christened as baby. Once in awhile for a girl I know I'll pull out beautiful. For girls I don't know but have been trying to catch up with I sometimes use sexy. Haven't had any girls object so far.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Dancers high Heels
    Don't mind them as long as she can move in them. I tend to go for the petite girls and find it kind of neat when a 5' 6" girl becomes 5' nothing when she takes off her heels.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is she old enough to drink?
    It seems like at the larger clubs I go to they make the underage girls wear a wristband. Of course no guarentees how long the wristband stays on. One girl told me she often got in trouble for removing it. But got served a lot of drinks by unsuspecting waitresses in the meantime.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    You cum during a lapdance...
    B or C. Depends if another girl strikes my fancy.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Close to home
    On a related note had a long time fave that worked in a club in Vegas. She said one time she gave a guy some dances and was chatting with him afterwards as he expressed interest in getting more dances. Long story short it turned out he was a distant cousin from Rhode Island that she'd never met. She was weirded out and parted ways with him.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Close to home
    I don't normally deep drill into their personal lives and don't allow them to deep drill into mine. Who cares if she's got the degree or not? Even if I could "quiz her" with a potential mutual acquaintance, what's the point? Strip clubs are a fantasy. I know several strippers OTC and we hang but don't delve into their personal lives. I just enjoy it for what it is, hanging with a banging girl that wouldn't give me the time of day otherwise.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    It's dead today
    Interesting. Some guys seek out the 5/1 girl/guy ratio? Been discussed before but too much attention for me. 1/1 is a better ratio. Some guys won't be interested so should still have a decent selection.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Bikers and Strip Clubs
    There was a Sunday afternoon Poker Run last year that included my favorite club. Apparently the dancers and management didn't know about it as there were just the normal handful of girls and they could have used more to handle the biker crowd. Girls seemed to give the bikers all their attention. What "girls" that were part of the run were old and unattractive. It was one of my briefest visits to the club, pretty boring.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Recent Reviews
    I scan the recent reviews every day or so. I look at clubs I've been to or might be going to in the future. Generally PA, NJ, and NV. I also scan my hotlist once in awhile for the most recent reviews as I sometimes find I missed a recent review.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    What's the most you have ever spent in a strip club?
    Samsung, you gonna confess what you spent? The rest of his came clean. Fess up.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Indiscreet OTC Girls
    Were they on something? Loosened 'em up? No inhibitions?
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    What's the most you have ever spent in a strip club?
    Probably about $550. The one and only time I did an hour VIP at Spearmint Rhino ($400). By the time you add in mandatory drinks, tips, admission, pre-VIP drinks, etc. $550 sounds about right. Pains me even thinking about it.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Penthouse in Philly is extremely loud, day and night. I get to enough places that I can tell the difference between normal loud and off-the-charts loud. It makes it difficult to order a drink or talk with a girl. I've even had a hard time hearing soft spoken girls in the private dance rooms when they're offering extras. They say "Interested in a blow job?", I hear "What is your job?". LOL
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    To all the dancers: What's going on here? Really need your imput.
    Wow, I didn't realize we had so many "dancers" contributing to the discussion threads. 24 replies in no time...