
Bikers and Strip Clubs

Saturday, May 22, 2010 10:46 PM
Made a Saturday afternoon club visit and was surprised to see the parking lot full of Harleys and guys in colors smoking outside. Who knew the club had its own motorcycle gang? Actually the club was one of the stops on a "Poker Run," so there was a steady stream of bikers coming in all afternoon. No trouble (these bikers were more "Wild Hogs" than "Sons of Anarchy") and it gave the club a nice lively vibe for a weekend afternoon. Bikers were good tippers, bartenders and dancers were happy, and I still had no problems getting my usual laps. So, anyone have any stories about bikers and strip clubs?


  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    Detroit has a few clubs located near local chapters of the cycle clubs so it isn't unusual to see some of the guys holding down one corner of the bar. They're cool, I've never seen any trouble. There's more trouble with some of the bachelor parties I have seen.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    A couple saturdays ago I was at kahoot's and a guy who owned a motorcyle shop and part of a motorcycle gang was celebrating his birthday. Over a dozen motorcycles in the parking lot and several bikers inside the club. The manager was happy to have their business and was sitting and chatting with the owner. He did one of those birthday stage shows. When he was able to go up there, one of his biker friends stopped him to tell him to take off his biker jacket so it would not get ruined. Another twist on this topic is, have you guys ever gone to a strip club and saw in the parking lot an abnormally high amount of pick up trucks (mostly looking old and beat up), and then go inside and see a bunch of hillbillies inside. I did recently at kahoot's. A dancer was sitting on the lap of one and I moved my lips to communicate "wanna dance". She gets off the hillbillies lap and says "what a bunch of dumb hillbillies" on our way to the lap dance room lol.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    I've often ridden my Harley to a club, but not with others. The dancers give my "bad boy" persona more attention then the "after work guy" one.
  • potheadpl
    14 years ago
    The Pagans were @ the club a couple of weeks ago. They stayed in VIP so they didn't have to mingle with the crowd. They were surprisingly quiet for an outlaw motorcycle club.
  • DandyDan
    14 years ago
    I have seen it many times when there are lots of bikers at strip clubs. They always seem to have some sort of run to go on, and strip clubs are always popular for that type of thing. Many years ago, I visited a friend of mine who was attending Winona State University in Minnesota and we went to one of the strip clubs across the Mississippi River in Wisconsin and I could have sworn they had at least 30 motorcycles in the lot. And many of the women dancing there were grotesque, one of my worst strip club experiences ever. It was like they were only dancing for the bikers. As for samsung's topic of seeing pickup trucks and hillbillies, that scenario is essentially what going to any rural strip club is about. My #1 club, Shotgun Geniez in Hamburg, Iowa, is like that, and by and large, the dancers ignore the hillbillies/rednecks, sometimes even if they are rednecks themselves.
  • 59
    14 years ago
    There was a Sunday afternoon Poker Run last year that included my favorite club. Apparently the dancers and management didn't know about it as there were just the normal handful of girls and they could have used more to handle the biker crowd. Girls seemed to give the bikers all their attention. What "girls" that were part of the run were old and unattractive. It was one of my briefest visits to the club, pretty boring.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    anyone remember that south park episode? [view link]
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    and here is another clip [view link] Brub Brrub Brrrrub! Season 13 The F Word The bikers show everyone how they roll.
  • PerpetualTravel
    14 years ago
    Pffff! "Bikers" I love how just owning a Harley and putting on some leather jacket can make someone a "bad ass." Those guys make me laugh. Nothing like buying your way into being "tough."
  • potheadpl
    14 years ago
    PT---just remember, the ones with patches that say Pagans MC are tough guys. Dont fuck with them. LOL
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    Aw shucks, ph, if PT wants to fuck with some of the guys from Detroit, he'll get an interesting lesson
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Most of the biker groups and gangs I've had occasion to observe don't go out of their way to cause trouble. They like to get together, and they'll definitely give you cause to reconsider if you decide you want to fuck with them, but for the most part, unless you deliberately set yourself to cross purposes with their interests, they'll take no notice of most people. The *degree* to which that's true for any given group is highly variable, of course, but the average seems to be slightly to the live-and-let-live end of the spectrum. Makes sense, really, since most of them are in a group in the first place just because they want to get together with like minded folks, just like nearly every other member of humanity. Interestingly enough, the one actual "gang" I knew, the one which actually was engaged in some more than shady activities, was even more this way than the ones that were in it just to be a biker gang, unless you crossed them. Even then, the incidents I heard about were never actually legally attributable to them, even though everybody had a good idea who it was. :) And of course, the "poker runs", and charity rides have done a fair bit to make them more respectable, even if most of them still want to look like they just came out of Easy Rider...
  • DoctorDarby
    14 years ago
    I would happily prefer sharing both the road and my local SC with patch-wearing Harley riders than the 20-something, crotch-rocket, zoom-in-and out-of-traffic-and-disrespect-everyone crowd. The former tend to keep to themselves and respect personal space; the latter cannot resist making a spectacle of themselves wherever they go. I thought the South Park episode had it right but targeted the wrong bikers.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    DD, AMEN, brother/sister!
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    This Memorial Day weekend DC hosts the annual Rolling Thunder motorcycle rally, so I'll probably be seeing more of my new biker buddies in the clubs. [view link]
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    I luv 'em! The last time a gang of those guys rolled into my fave divey bar, they kept sending dancers over to me to give me dances - on their dime! That particular bunch were just big ole' teddy bears.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    steve, A number of my riding friends rode up there last year for Rolling Thunder. They got caught on the way home in some awful weather. End result, two bikes down in NC. Both bikes one rider hurt. Broken leg/ankle and damaged shoulder. He is doing well, but hasn't gotten back on a bike yet. BTW, he is over 70!
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    lopaw, How do you feel about old "ole' teddy bears"?
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    I just went to the grocery store. I got stopped by a motorcade of bikers. They were being escorted by police. Must have been about 200 of them. Some carrying American flags. Closest strip club is about 30 miles away. There were spectators lining the street. Good start to the Memorial Day activities.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    sc, Twice yearly there is a Police escorted ride from Miami or Islamorada in the Keys for the Police Officers Assistance Trust. Supports the families of motormen killed. Last ride I was on was over 750 bikes on about a 65 mile run.
  • PerpetualTravel
    14 years ago
    Answering a couple posts above, I'm a lover, not a fighter! ha ha I don't mess with anyone and I'd never start anything with anyone. I just laugh because there are plenty of bad asses out there in the world and gangs too. I think it's funny that people pay a lot of attention to guys riding motorcycles together as if that makes any of the riders tougher or their gang any more bad ass than a latino gang. The bikes don't make you badass, but everyone thinks they do. That's what's funny. I should say, I have a bike, so I'm not anti bike. I just think it's funny that people think guys one bikes are any different or more bad ass than guys in cars. There are a lot more bad ass people walking around the streets and driving in cars every day around you than a bunch of guys with loud exhaust systems and leather jackets. They have you believing the hype. Most of the ones I see are old timers, too old to do anything physical and half the time they are mid level managers form the accounting department if you really ask them!
  • potheadpl
    14 years ago
    PT---actual outlaw biker gangs are WAY tougher and more dangerous than some Latino gang. They're always armed, usually amped up on meth or coke, and aren't afraid to bring some violence. Worse, lots of them are veterans who actually know how to shoot. Don't underestimate them. They're bad, bad guys.
  • Notsosly
    14 years ago
    There's a term in "Biker Culture" called "1% percenters" which goes back to a quote by the AMA after the Hollister Riots that went something like "99% of all bikers are are law-abiding citizens, the other 1% are outlaws." Most of them are average guys that just really like motorcycles and the life style and "outlaw, anti-establishment" culture that goes along with it. When I lived in the FL Keys, I would see them ALL the time. Vast majority were either white-collar guys enjoying a weekend on their harley with their buddies, or blue-collar guys doing the same. Only very rarely would I see a true 1%'er MC like the Pagans, the Mongols, Hells Angels, Bandidos, etc...
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    Clubber, How old and how furry? ;)
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    lopaw, Well, I can't yet collect social security, but I sure am knocking on the door, and as for "furry", only a little biker fur on the face. Also, as my Grandfather used to say, hair does one of two things, turns gray or turns loose. Mine is still hangin' on! :)
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