
Indiscreet OTC Girls

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
OTC is heavily frowned upon by many of the clubs that I frequent (and often by the other girls - go figure). Generally, a girl that is caught leaving with a customer will take a lot of abuse and/or get fired.

For these reasons, many of the girls I have done OTC with have been careful about keeping it quiet. In a few instances the meetups have taken on a Mission Impossible-like quality, but even in less extreme instances usually involve staggered departure times, meet ups at buildings a few blocks away and/or directly at the hotel, and other mechanisms designed to hide it from the club.

Now this is great for me as I'm not exactly looking to advertise either, particularly as I go to some of these clubs fairly often. However, recently I have had a couple of incidents that were very irritating.

Instance 1:
I go to a club in Queens where heavy ITC extras do not happen (cameras and strict club controls) and known OTC with a customer will get a girl in trouble. I just arrived at the club and had a girl sitting next to me. Moments later, a dancer that I've previously had OTC gets on stage for her set, spots me sitting with this girl, and yells over to her "I know him better than I know you" with a suggestive tilt to her voice. Then, just in case the girl didn't get it the first time, says the same thing again in an even louder voice. WTF? Thank you for sharing that with everyone on my side of the bar, the bartender and anyone else in the vicinity.

Instance 2:
In a club in SC I have a girl that I take out fairly often. This is a club that is a bit looser in its views, but still a place where you will have a problem if it is too obvious. The last time I was in there, she spotted me at the bar, straddled be on my bar chair, reached down into my lap and announced "this cock is mine tonight" loud enough to be heard ny most of the people at the bar. WTF again.

The damned strange thing is that, in initially hooking up with both of these girls, they were careful in employing procedures to hide it from the clubs. What changed I can only guess, but I was not happy about my activities being publicized.

Leaves me to wonder if it is a sign of the times, with girls getting more aggressive as $$$ gets tighter.


  • Player11
    14 years ago
    A dancer friend tells me that when they see one come out of VIP with a guy they will ask her "what did you get off of him." Like guys bragging in a locker room about getting pussy these gals will brag about how much money they got fucking a guy in VIP. They may tell the other gals "he's mine so leave him alone." They are very territorial and here in Houston not afraid to experess to the other girls they fuck.

    From reading SW and EDN it appears there is bias in other parts of the country against strippers who fuck. IMO they are all sex workers and if non extras gals can't compete with gals who fuck well too bad so sad.
  • dudeanonymous
    14 years ago
    In both cases it sounds like they are trying to mark their territory.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    This is 2010. When I meet a woman who doesn't give head I look at her like an old betamax tape, I'm like they still make you?!
  • 59
    14 years ago
    Were they on something? Loosened 'em up? No inhibitions?
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    Jack, I agree. I just wish they could have found a more discreet way of doing it. I like both of these clubs and don't want to go on any club or othr dancer's shit list.
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    In Houston, sex ITC or OTC is pretty easy, but clubs very closely monitor who the dancer leaves with. To pull off the OTC date you have to go to the hotel and await the phone call so you can give her the room number.
  • dudeanonymous
    14 years ago
    OTC isn't my thing, but I've had dancers who have made similar remarks when they see me walk in or sit with/get lap dances from other dancers. (Okay, maybe not to the extreme of the "This cock is mine tonight" comment.) Are you certain that they aren't just trying to lay down a marker, get the other girls to back away, and get your time and attention and dollars? Maybe I'm misreading things, but it looks like what they said could have been interpreted by others who heard it as something other than OTC activity.
  • inno123
    14 years ago
    It sounds like maybe they were just making it clear that you were their regular, and might have done the same even if you prior action was ITC instead of OTC. If this kind of behavior was generally done regarding taking other dancers' regular customers then it was not inciminating other than what you knew.

    Unless the club has a specific tip-out policy I could not imagine any of them not frowning on OTC action. They get a piece of the VIP room and the girls servicing the customers OTC instead of VIP is costing them.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    Dudester, that's common in some other places as well.

    I'm sure that they were marking their territory, but it would have been nice if they were a little more subtle.

    Perhaps I'm sensitive on the topic, but there was no mistaking the stripper in #1, particularly given the club we were in. In #2 it could have been read as ITC sex (which was available with some), but even in that club ITC is not talked about blatantly, and whether ITC or OTC I really didn't want my shit put out there.

    I'm hoping that they haven't jammed me up at either of the clubs, but there are always other alternatives :)
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    And I shouldn't forget to add that, in multiple cases (including the nights in question), these girls ditched out early to go back to my hotel. So even in #2, the fact that she and I were both gone shortly after her announcement probably put the final piece in place for club management.
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    The girls I have done otc will schedule it when they are off from work. Consequently no one at the club knows whats going on unless she is also doing me itc. Smart girls know how to text and set up appointments. I have never been a fan of leaving with a girl to go do otc as a BF or husband could be out there in the parking lot as I am escorting her to my car. Nor do I want mgt / co workers to know what her and I are up to. If the session can't be done itc, I usually will make them an offer of say $200 to meet me at motel for FS. I will take her phone number and give her my business card. So unlsess she tells the other girls whats going on, no way they gonna know.

    As far as the op question, girls will mark their territory. I have seen them get in a fight over some guy one of them is fucking. No its not over the guy but the income stream. If I am doing a girl in Club A, I will go to another club for variety.

    The one I have been doing 2 years will text me on Monday asking my schedule and when can we hookup. The day of the session texting back and forth we set up the time and place. Once I get the room, I text her the room number. I did her for $120 Wed and $150 today which she called "Bikini Friday". I negotiate the price upfront and it has been averaging around $135 POP. She wanted me to come see her at the club Thur and have lunch with her but I declined knowing it could easily be $60 in dances / drinks. While I enjoy visiting her at the club I really don't like seeing her walk around hustling other men. But who am I to be uneasy - her husband according to her just thinks she dances but does not allow them to touch. In Houston there are Palace Inns all over the place and rooms can be rented for $25 for 2 hours.

    IMO a good otc gal is not on drugs, is reliable (on time), has a car, can fuck like a champ, and the BF / SO does not know she works otc.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    Player, the more I read about Houston the more I learn just how special a place it is :) I may need to arrange a business trip there soon - LOL.

    I actually enjoy the combination of a club night with an OTC finisher. I also like variety, at least until I meet an OTC girl that provides a mind-blowing experience (some have been real good, but none quite to that level).

    I haven't yet figured out a solution to the "staked out" problem in clubs with former OTC girls. The two instances above were extreme, but I have other places where, if I walk in, the territory gets marked fast. This sucks in cities where there are only a couple of "friendly" clubs.
  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    Just be careful and keep everything quiet. If a dancer wants to brag, just remind her of Samuel L. Jackson in "Pulp Fiction" when he shouted, "Bitch, be cool!"
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    Good stuff Super. Normally things are ultra quiet but I can't completely contol the girl - LOL.
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