
Dancers high Heels

Tuesday, June 22, 2010 3:19 AM
Just curious what others might think about the high heels that nearly all dancers wear. I guess they look sexy but with practically ALL dancers wearing them I would like to see some variety. I know one dancer in DC (Camelot) whose ankles were shot from dancing for 15 years with the 6 inch heels. When I take a girl for a private dance and she takes her shoes of I take it as a good sign she want to have better "mobility". What do you guys think?


  • troop
    14 years ago
    being a leg man i like seeing them in high heel dancer shoes.
  • JackKash
    14 years ago
    They actually scare me and look most ungainly. I prefer footwear that makes a girl more agile.
  • sanitago
    14 years ago
    one of the ladies I know who dances told me why she wears a set of heels that have soles on them that look like they're four of five inches thick: she's only 5'3", and they make her tall enough so she doesn't feel so over-shadowed by the guys. nice girl and she doesn't seem to have any mobility problems either on stage or in the back.
  • Joe from NJ
    14 years ago
    I hate stripper shoes. I don't think that it makes the girls look sexy. I wish that the managements would not force all the girls to use them. Allow the girls to wear what they think makes them look the best.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I agree with Joe from NJ, clubs that require dancers to wear heels are a drag
  • DandyDan
    14 years ago
    I personally like them wearing heels. I don't think it is as much sexy as it is classy. I once witnessed a girl do a stage show in sandals and I thought that was just bizarre and tacky. On the other hand, I understand bhunter's point of seeing more variety. But what else could they wear? It seems like everything else would just look tacky.
  • potheadpl
    14 years ago
    It depends on the height. I've seen girls wearing 8 inch heels, and I think I makes them look like stripper Frankenstein monsters.
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    I prefer that they be barefoot or in sneakers myself. Only in heels IF she's in a cocktail dress or fancy gown. The Marine Corps, focused on it's infantry, is fanatical about foot health. Because it's instinct for me, I cringe when I see heels.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    On some girls, they look good, on others, not so much, but the girl herself is going to be far more important. The shoes won't make a bad dancer look good, nor will lack of them make a good dancer look bad. I agree with Dudester, and for much the same reason, I don't think they are healthy for anyone. I personally don't have any problem with them dancing barefoot, or in flats or sneakers or shoes specifically designed for dancing, such as ballet slippers, and I wish more club management had a sensible attitude about it.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    Dancers wearing heels are not a turn on for me. Her feet are the last thing I notice. Why do a few dancers wear lighted shoes? Why would they want to draw attention to their feet? Those spikes can be dangerous. I am glad that most of my favorites take them off for private dances. The few that don't are concerned about what they might step in. I once discussed this with one of my favorites. I said that wearing sneakers would make her look more like the girl next door. She said "I do not want to look like the girl next door". Oh well.
  • imnumnutz
    14 years ago
    agree with s-cat. when my atf was working, the heels made her appear to almost be walking on stilts...
  • Raincoat
    14 years ago
    Variety is the spice of life. Young strippers should try barefoot or flipflops. Star at Hollywood Show Club wears high heels, but not stripper shoes and I can't stop staring at her feet even though everything about her is beautiful.
  • judyjudy
    14 years ago
    We certainly have discusse dthis before.........I will not wear the thick platform, chunky style shoes that i think are being reffered to in this post. Nothing is more elegant than a nice pair of 4 inch high heel pumps. They provide the sexy look as well as some mobility that is needed.
  • gk
    14 years ago
    Dancer shoes have become something like street hooker accessories, no offense intended to any dancer. They've way over the top concept-wise. I do like what high heels are supposed to do for a woman's look: accentuate the legs and ass. But instead these dancer shoes are accentuating the-----shoes! It's time to get back to the original purpose. Whoever comes up with a better solution to this for dancers is going to set the next apparel trend for them. What really annoys me are those shoes designed to hold coins!
  • arbeeguy
    14 years ago
    Shoes designed to hold coins? FAR OUT, MAN. Might make sense in Canada, where there is no such thing as a dollar bill. Can anybody tell me what the smallest canadian paper bill is worth in US Dollars? As for the other aspects of shoes, I am in total agreement with JudyJudy. Four Inch heels with no pads on the soles really flatter a dancer, or any reasonably attractive female. The thick pads make no sense at all to me, and I don't care for them.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    This is what I think of dancers high heels. I don't. I'm not into foot fetish either. I ask the girl to take off anything that prevents her from doing her job to the fullest.
  • 59
    14 years ago
    Don't mind them as long as she can move in them. I tend to go for the petite girls and find it kind of neat when a 5' 6" girl becomes 5' nothing when she takes off her heels.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    "I tend to go for the petite girls" One very petite dancer was telling me how hard it is to find size 3 stripper shoes.
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    "Can anybody tell me what the smallest canadian paper bill is worth in US Dollars?" A $5 Canadian bill is worth about $4.90 American Dollars right now. It hasn't been a good 1-2 years for the American Dollar vs. the Loonie though. [view link]
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