
Comments by ralphyboy

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Aspiring Global Hound
    Greater Philly Area Suggestions
    there are three joints lined up like ducks on delaware ave right outside center city...penn's port, show n tel (which may only offer 'private shows' that early on a sat) and the third club risque (you overlooked) on del ave...and though smoking is banned indoors most places in philly it is rarely enforced in strip clubs in the area which fortunately bend and transgress a variety of 'rules'...
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Losing my edge ... and LIKING it! ... mostly ...
    there should be something of value for everyone to learn from BG's long and winding journey through compulsion, addiction, self-worth, and general floundering @ for a footing in this deranged ant-heap of selfishness and madness we call the world...it's only the courageous few who nakedly let their hair down that give us the opportunity to learn something...yes, it may be rambling, dis-jointed, self-indulgent and over the top, but it's real, personal and revelatory and all the cocky whippersnappers on board ignore the issues he elaborates at their own peril..our little hobby is as potent and destructive a force as any of the first tier drugs and mated with the wrong (ie weak and un-self-conscious) personality type has in fact destroyed countless bankrolls and lives..so it's nice to see BG back, who OUT of the scene is a thousand times more interesting than most mongers still IN the scene..with the notable exceptions of thoughtful contributors like messrs. looney and farmer..now, if we could just get the original, distinguished FONDL back in the fold...
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Do you often feel like you are using a dial up modem here nowadays?
    i'd like to see the 'quick view'-simple list of clubs- be the default review page vs the current 'detail' view... the 'quick view' may be the most useful option for most users and if it were the default review page would eliminate the two separate lag times it takes to get there...
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Review Lists are back!
    revisions keep getting better, more refined, another job well done by the illustrious founder...site looks and works fab on my old smartphone too...
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    on either side of show'n'tel are a philly institution, Penn's Port, and a more conventional 'gentleman's club' Risque, within walking distance-three distinct and quality joints all along delaware ave... a short ride into CC itself would be the well hidden hole in the wall Gold Club...four good and proximate joints...
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Booty Slap
    stage or lap dancing, the ole ass slap-which is dreadfully common-has been an instant turn-off for as long as i can remember. and i understand as little WHY it's a turn-off as why i'm a legs and ass man and NOT a tit man...the well springs of desire (and anti-desire) are equally unknown...
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Weirdest Thing You Ever Masurbated To
    lathering up for nancy (totmom) grace on DWTS this monday as we speak...
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Clubs Adjust (or not) To Nine Month Old Missouri SC Law (sort of)
    whatever you bad boys do make sure you keep voting for those right wing-nut know-it-alls- do-gooders and sex police on their hypocritical high horses...it's all about 'freedom and liberty' with that crowd until it comes to what you can do with your own body...hanging for dear life onto the nineteenth century and waiting for their 'rapture'...and no, NOT the one in your pants...
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Are you a sex addict?
    8 here but wasn't that clear to me what that number meant...always nice knowing others are worse...i have a long way to go...
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Songs you like because of strip clubs
    let's step way back in the time capsule...1980, grimey old nude club outside sacramento called the buckaroo...topless in front...and for a small added fee a nude backroom...where i fell in love with a little ditty called 'dream weaver' by gary somebody...prob a one hit wonder..maybe it'll jog a memory synapse out there in lala land...that was the standard take it down to the bush number in that joint with my long forgotten fav...
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Mood Killers
    rank cig breath...hell even just smoking one..cheap (or any) excessive stinking 'perfume'...coated in sweat...all personal conversations about kids, gyno visits, tooth probs, court dates, loser BF's, car probs...that regimented jack hammer, energized bunny dancing by rote that threatens to tear the skin off my lil' buddy...singin' the 'no money blues'...any sign of greed, avariciousness or upsell...let's face it, it's one in five hundred these days ('less i'm going to the wrong places) that ISN'T a mood killer...
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    interesting cast-liam's first role since his great loss, julianne's never been my personal fav...little too pale and ethereal for my tastes...and amanda all sweetness and light in 'mama mia' now going dark...atom egoyan has been a most interesting director form some time...going back to the classic strip club flick...'exotica'...'sweet hereafter' with sarah polley also excellent...
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Lady Gaga
    if mr ed ('a horse is a horse') and cher ever hooked up....
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Newport Strip Clubs Raided (mug shots available)
    indeed, long ago and far away i broke my SC cherry at the Pink Pussycat in newport circa 1970 when it was all going down, thinly veiled and wide open, gambling in the backrooms, it was cincy's (still one of the most rock-ribbed uptight anal retentive loci of rebub rectitude) escape hatch...had two long avenues of joints...mousetrap and talk of the town and mademoiselle something or other were among the finest...staggering from one to the other with a permanent tent pitched in your pants on a bellyful of pabst blue ribbon in the summer...nothing finer...one by one they've been taken out and whole town of newport has been quite successfully yuppified...
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    condom or not?
    hugh hefner was directly asked in a recent interview if he has ever used or would consider using condoms...he replied 'no, and why bother at my age'...no greater authority...nice to know encroaching decrepitude can have its upside...if it takes ten years to kill ya'...you do the math...
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Things You Aren't Supposed to Say to a Stripper
    you guys are f***in' brutal--and hilarious.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    New Look?
    founder-at the risk of sounding stupid i don't know my screen resolution or where to find it...but upon returning all script in boxes on recent reviews and discussion now fits my screen...and i see the 'click to hide' body of review option is already back...kudos for your usual relentless efforts to make a good site better...but subjectively the old rec rev list (font and set-up) was easier to scan and identify clubs of interest...and all old fonts in general were more pleasing...but these are quibbles that may give way to fond familiarity...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    New Look?
    Big Ditto...the simple list of recent reviews was clean elegant, gave the user the option of clicking on the full review AND fit the screen...now ten percent of the script is lopped off on both the right and left of my screen making it extremely unpleasant if not unreadable...why change an elegant format that worked into a visual and unreadable disaster...and turning a positively excellent site into a virtually unusable one....
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    My worst strip club experience.
    damn, ozy, a double homicide! hard to top that...and the part where 'they tried to shoot the place up' but you and your friends were not affected...? in 35 years on the circuit i've had practically NO unpleasant experiences IN SC's (unless you count the belligerent bouncer who took it personally when i offered the bartender (his girlygirl) a cigarette, or the sister who started shrieking 'he came on my leg, he came on my leg' (exaggeration for extortion) after a perfectly normal LD conclusion... ALL my negative SC experiences have occurred outside the SC to the car in the lot or nearby street...stolen bike cut off the back, smashed windows and theft of stuff in the car, and slashed tires...and i would blame the first two on lack of precaution on my part...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    You can now add a picture to your profile
    Somebody's got say it (again). All these little enhancements and refinements keep making the site a little better and more interesting. Kudos to the f-man for all his diligent hard work. It's an indispensable resource, well done.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Who's gonna win
    Damn, how, you are the ultimate cynic. But since the 2000 fiasco even a bizarro world analysis like yours sounds plausible. I've heard NO pundits calling this race for Mc-Pa. Not that that's ever stopped anything from happening. Never underestimate an electorate that 'elected' the current nimcompoop twice, but in America hope spings enternal and it shouldn't even be close this time-there are nine million new registered voters this year and i think three of them are repubs....would love to see a blow out...if so it will be because Bush begat Barack...so out of disaster can spring promise...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Hiding the Tell-Tale Signs
    Strippers with half a brain (admittedly a teeny tiny proportion) will leave the aroma-izers untouched in the dressing room-the rest of them just need to be told. One by one-by all of us. Smelled one (she was a knock-out) approaching me the other week at the 'downer in Niagra. No sooner got the 'wanna dance' out than I flat out told her I couldn't go near a woman reeking of the bottle-how could I carry that back to mrs in the hotel? Without saying a word, she turned on a dime and marched away. Undoubtedly pissed her off, but she'll have food for thought next time she makes up.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How bad is the economy is your area?
    As the stingiest, penny-pinching tightwad in a financially conservative (by necessity)family of skinflints, my SC and recreational rendevous have nosedived. Never did see the bang for buck in strip joints (thirty dollar lappers for 2 1/2 minutes-GMAFB!)-so many of these activities are for horny masochists with money to burn-and historically I've only been the first half of that. When you start adding it all up now-gas, tolls, booze, the insatiable dollar crazy trolls masquerading as dancers, driving while buzzed, the same empty result after the same thousand futile forays-hell I'll stick with Letterman and cyber-sex. At least until She Who Must Be Obeyed gives me my next get-out-of-jail card!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    What do yo talk about with strippers? (cont.)
    Strippers are adventurers by definition, living on the edge, walking on the dark side, flouting convention and respectability, inhabiting the grey zone between legality and illegality, the scourge of their families, wild-women, outlaws, sensualists and rule breakers. If they had an ounce of intelligence (and most have more) how could they NOT be interesting? They've all got backgrounds and stories worth listening too-it can be a hard-scrabble existence and they are tough survivors with original points of view on a variety of subjects. Just gotta open them up a little.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    What do yo talk about with strippers? (cont.)
    LMFAO....not to mention Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Dostoevsky and Soderberg...when all they really want to hear about (and see) are Washingtons......