Do you often feel like you are using a dial up modem here nowadays?

avatar for sharkhunter

I keep getting that feeling as I wait for pages to load up. This is the slowest site I visit.


last comment
avatar for Alucard
12 yrs ago

It can be a bit slow at times.

avatar for mjx01
12 yrs ago

IMO it seems to depend on when you are on TUSCL. Primetime, 8 to 11 or 12 EST is on average really slow. But I had no issues today around 4 pm.

avatar for snowtime
12 yrs ago

I DO happen to have "dial up" so it is always slow for me.

avatar for lopaw
12 yrs ago

During my usual log in time (7pm PST) the site can take a looooong time to load.

avatar for motorhead
12 yrs ago

As I was waiting FOREVERRRRRR it finally came up and this was the first thread I saw.

I thought it was me. I guess not.

Damn it. I wish founder or whoever would fix this

avatar for Alucard
12 yrs ago

It costs money to speed up. Would you pay a subscription?

avatar for overnights
12 yrs ago

I think all of us are trying to get on here at night around the same time :). The site is much faster in the morning hours though (9am-noon). It is like Alucard says...bandwidth does cost money.

avatar for motorhead
12 yrs ago

"It costs money to speed up. Would you pay a subscription"

I have. I paid for a membership. I wasn't one of the freeloaders who wrote a review just to get free membership!!!!!!!

Besides, he's got advertising all over the place. And there are money guys behindthis site. This isn't just sone hobbyist in his mom's basement.

From a review if "Topless Prophet"

"In this moving memoir of Alan Markovitz, who owns several Penthouse Gentlemen’s Clubs and the country’s No. 1 ranked adult entertainment club (The Ultimate Strip Club List (, The Flight Club, we are treated to a first-hand account of a Detroit businessman who has helped change...."

avatar for deogol
12 yrs ago

If I am using something for free, I don't do much complaining.

avatar for vincemichaels
12 yrs ago

Yes, it can be slow, but that's OK. I don't expect everything to be as fast as I like.

avatar for Clubber
12 yrs ago

Days, just fine. Evenings, can be slower. Various times, "dial-up!" But I think deogol said it best!

avatar for ralphyboy
12 yrs ago

i'd like to see the 'quick view'-simple list of clubs- be the default review page vs the current 'detail' view... the 'quick view' may be the most useful option for most users and if it were the default review page would eliminate the two separate lag times it takes to get there...

avatar for Clubber
12 yrs ago


I asked founder for that after the last incarnation of TUSCL. I didn't get a reply other than it remained as is.

avatar for gatorfan
12 yrs ago


Welcome to TUS >>>>>> connection lost

avatar for sharkhunter
12 yrs ago

I wasn't complaining or I would have sent a message to the Founder. However I wanted it to be known that this site is the slowest site I visit online. Those that don't seem to load at all, I skip. This site used to be a lot faster. I'm not sure if the site usage has increased a whole lot or if the data needed to load each page has skyrocketed. It would be nice if default settings could be set in our profiles so that reviews for instance could always be set for the list or quick reviews where only a line of text is given plus the state the review is for. I clear my cookies and browsing history routinely so that information is lost each time I visit this site. That means I and probably others are downloading a lot more data than we want to after logging in.

avatar for deogol
12 yrs ago

Careful Gatorfan, you are showing your age!

avatar for Clubber
12 yrs ago

Age? My first internet connection was two cans and wire instead of string!

Not really, rather a 300 baud modem the size of a small car!

avatar for MADDOG_ROMEO
12 yrs ago

The abacus had a faster fuckin processor....

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