
You can now add a picture to your profile

Avatar for founder
founderslip a dollar in her g-string for me

Go to the My Page link, and choose a picture from your computer to upload. It can be you enjoying your favorite hobby or whatever you want ;)

Your picture will show up in your posts, profile page, articles, etc.

have fun!


last comment
Avatar for MisterGuy

Nice pic...is the date/time on this board messed up again?? It's 130 AM EST right now.

Avatar for pop

It's the best I've got, for now...

Avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein

Cool how I can right click on the pic -> View image and see the original. As well as going to the poster's page and clicking on the pic.

Nice work Founder!

Avatar for founder

You can also change your picture at any time, and it will change everywhere your picture is posted.

cool pics... like the butterfly ;)

Avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy

Absolutely awesome ... :) ...

Avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy

Good luck paying attention to what anyone is writing. :)


Avatar for shadowcat

For a bigger picture click on view picture.

Avatar for ralphyboy

Somebody's got say it (again). All these little enhancements and refinements keep making the site a little better and more interesting. Kudos to the f-man for all his diligent hard work. It's an indispensable resource, well done.

Avatar for MisterGuy

How come this site seems to now refuse to keep one logged in all the time (like it did before)? I always have to login over & over again, even when I ask the site to "remember" me...weird...

Avatar for founder

MG, there was a little bug... it should be fixed now

where's your picture?

Avatar for MisterGuy

Thanx for the fix...I can't decide on a picture just yet.

Avatar for Clubber


Switch your bookmark to tuscl.NET from .COM

Avatar for pop

This one is better.

Avatar for shadowcat

F, how far can we go with this? I have some very short porn but I think you you and the others would agree that, that is going too far. Keep it simple and funny and out of trouble?

Avatar for shadowcat

Good one pop but it doesn't look like anyone that I know from the club. lol...

Avatar for founder

Shadowcat, if you want to post soft porn, go ahead. I was sort of hoping people would post pictures that sort of represented their personalities... so I guess that suits you ;)

Avatar for MisterGuy

I'm guessing that there's a size limit to the pics that you can display here?? I tried a JPEG that was 76K & 750 x 600, and it was chopped off at the very bottom of it.

This one here is a 17K GIF that's only 292 x 237.

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