Warning to Posters/Readers of This Board

avatar for davids
I would just like to point to anyone reading this board that the posters known as "parodyman-->" and "AbbieNormal" are both on record as having denied the holocaust. Furthermore they are both admitted NAMBLA memebers. I suggest that everyone boycott their posts for this reason.

I will bump this thread to the top periodically just to make sure no one forgets what type of people some of the posters (and posers) on this board are.


last comment
avatar for parodyman-->
19 years ago
Perhaps we expect too much of davids, after all he is just the skid mark on this board's underwear.
avatar for parodyman-->
19 years ago
And remember: "All reviews and comments on this site should be considered works of fiction."

This definately includes all of davids posts.
avatar for komey1970
19 years ago
This is like a car wreck. I shouldn't watch, but I can't stay away. Or like watching a really bad movie just because you want to know where it ends.

And remember: "All reviews and comments on this site should be considered works of fiction."
avatar for AbbieNormal
19 years ago
And yet a simple challenge remains unaccepted. If I am so destructive one would think You'd want me to goespecially considering that you consider outrageous lies about you [examples please] justify accusing people of holocaust denial and chile molestation "accusing people of advocating the former [child molestation] and denying the latter [the hollocaust] once they start to tell outrageous lies about me or what I have claimed here is indeed amusing satire to me."

So he admits that the accusations are false and it is amusing to him to make them.

that about sums it up.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
And, AN, to tell you the truth I think you are even worse than parody in terms of honesty: he just tells outrageous lies which no one is going to beleive so no harm done. You OTOH are trying to be much more deceptive. I am so fucking happy that you totally self-destructed in the bayes's theorem thread. Fuck you, you god damn fraud.
avatar for AbbieNormal
19 years ago
OK, so you don't care if I stay or go. So why don't you prove I denied the holocaust for fun? Should be easy. Oops, even you don't believe it!


"Palmistry Article Tue, Mar 28, 2006 @ 10:27 pm
Posted by: davids
AN: Come on:

do you really think that I would think that anyone would believe that you and parodyman were really NAMBLA members and holocausts deniers just b/c I posted it with absolutely no proof.

I was just parody'ing parody, and you who does similar things, albeit much more subtlely and hence, credibly."

So we can assume your every post is BS?

So we can assume that molesting children and killing 6 million jews are just topics for some amusing satire to you?
avatar for davids
19 years ago
"So we can assume that molesting children and killing 6 million jews are just topics for some amusing satire to you?"

Close accusing people of advocating the former and denying the latter once they start to tell outrageous lies about me or what I have claimed here is indeed amusing satire to me. However, I still have some deceny: I don't even try to make it believable when I "lie" (joking is a better term). You OTOH, are trying very hard to make your lies believable and that is why you are a less honest person than I am. (For example, if someone said "Holy fuck, I think passed 10,000 police cars on my way to the strip club." would that make them dishonest? of course not. it's just a joke that no one would believe to begin with so has no impact on the person honesty.)
avatar for AbbieNormal
19 years ago
So what is the problem? If you can write the program or produce the quote within a week agree. It's that simple. Put up or shut up. I've outlined everything you need to do to produce proof of my NAMBLA membership or holocaust denial. Should be simple if you want me to leave, which I assume you would want if you are warning other posters to boycott me. Yet you add conditions, dissemble. I have offered a very simple proposition. Do you agree or not?

The one week will start with your post that you agree to produce a link to me denying the holocaust (or affirming my NAMBLA membership, that's a freebie to you).
avatar for davids
19 years ago
You're wrong: I don't care if you stay or go. As long as I peridiocally let people know you are a holocaust denier and NAMBLA member that should keep you at bay! Sweeten the pot a little: I might go for a bet. Otherwise it's just like "Hey, davids, why don't you crack the remaining enigma codes and then I'll leave. You really want me to leave don't you? Shouldn't be that hard." Ok, whatever dude.
avatar for davids
19 years ago

Dude, I don't "need" you to write any code for me. I don't know if you know more about computers than me or not. It's possible that you do.

In any case I am fully capable of writing such a program myself. It's just a question of who can get it done faster and who wants the other to leave more:

you seem to think you can write the program faster and definitely want me more to leave more, so why don't you write it?
avatar for AbbieNormal
19 years ago
Wow, there is a twist. I may have said I was a computer geek (in a general sense compared to davids' standard that a computer geek should be a Turning award winner), therefore an accusation of nazi or child molester is forgiven. Ok, lets compare ...

I'm a computer geek

I like little boys for sex

The holocaust never happened.

Hmm... Nope, they don't seem to be the same level morally. That and I need to essentially find the post for you. Gee... what shall I do....No, I don't think you finding a post where I deny the holocaust or express my desire for sex with little boys, which you have explicitly claimed I have done, is quite on the same level with me finding a post where I refer to myself as a computer geek. Especially since I would seem to know more about computers since you need my code.

Keep posting your ideas, please.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
I said I don't want to disclose my profession/educational background due to privacy concerns. However, I will tell you that I am not a programmer (as in do it full time professionally.) I can write programs when I need to, however.

I agree to your deal with the following twist: If I can produce a post in which you claimed you were a computer geek, will you write the archive script/program/whatever and send the source code to me. At that point the rest of deal is on: If I can produce a post in which you deny the holocaust you leave, if I can't then I leave. For good.

What do you say?
avatar for AbbieNormal
19 years ago
I'll make you a deal davids. If you can produce a link to me denying the holocaust on this board I'll leave this board forever. If you can't produce the link, you leave forever.

Should be easy for a computer programmer like you, all you have to do is write a script that generates numbers to add onto the text "http://www.tuscl.com/discuss-a…". We're about at post 90000 now, and I've only been posting for a year, so you should only need to do about 60000 to 90000 in the number generator. Better yet here's an old thread of yours that is from January 2005. I know I wasn't posting then http://www.tuscl.com/discuss-t…, so you only need to do from 69505 to 87641 (since I'd have to have posted before this thread. You can then use a script to load each page, check them for size to see if they are a valid post, save the valid ones, each to a separate file, search the texts for holocaust and AbbieNormal, and the one that comes up will have the link you need. Since I've already done the logic and all you need to do is code it we'll set the time for you to produce that link at say one week.


If that is too much just search via google, type in "site:www.tuscl.com abbienormal holocaust" or any variation of that like "AbbieNormal" "AN" etc. and you should be able to sort through those hits to find the right one.

Well, I'm confident that should solve the problem. You produce the link and I'll leave, or you leave if you can't produce the link.

Oh, wait, there is another possibility. You, knowing you can't produce such a link because it doesn't exist continue to slink around spewing some lame attack or excuse about how you don't have time, or you can't be bothered.

I think I know the outcome of this.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
AN: You are the one who claimed the hololcaust never happened. You get help: you fuckin' nazi!
avatar for AbbieNormal
19 years ago
Nobody takes any of this shit seriously unless you can provide a link to the quote, but by going so low in an effort to attack or silence people who you don't like you demonstrate far quicker than anything I could say what kind of person you are. Please bump away. I think you will cut the ammount of time that it takes people to ignore you to about zero.

P.S. Get help.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Please boycott the posts of the holocaust denying/NAMBLA members who post under the names of "parodyman--->" and "AbbieNormal".

Thank you.
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