Any Hard Limits on How Much You Will Spend on a Single Stripper?

avatar for davids
Does anyone here have any hard limits on how much money you will spend on a single stripper? I mean over the course of your entire hobby?

Anyone have hard limits on the number of seperate nights you will spend money on any given stripper?


last comment
avatar for komey1970
19 years ago
... Or in clubs that have 5 dollar dances.
avatar for Boodwah
19 years ago
"Where are the customers who will spend no more than FIVE DOLLARS for a lap dance?"

At home.
avatar for RomanticLover
19 years ago
Where are the customers who will spend no more than FIVE DOLLARS for a lap dance?
avatar for hugevladfan
19 years ago
I prefer going to clubs with a decent amount in the wallet and having a ballpark figure of what I am going to spend. One time I went to a club with a moderate amount, spent a few dollars in other places and as I got down to my last $100 a girl I wanted to spend some time with started talking. In 11 years of going to clubs this was the first (and last) time I had ever used an ATM in a club. I was glad to do it too but now I plan accordingly, kinda like if a hotel is never sold out.
avatar for komey1970
19 years ago
The only limit I have is how much I bring with me, and that varies. I don't go in saying I'm going to spend $40 on stripper X, $20 on stripper Y, etc.
avatar for hugevladfan
19 years ago
I have spent a decent amount of $$$ in a few months period of time on one girl and haven't regretted but $200-$300 of it and that was when I was in a crap mood and was lucky not to go to the club with a grand on me that night. As far as hard limits go I believe $500 in a night is the most I could see myself spending as there'd be no sexual act I'd want that'd make me spend more. Hours naked in VIP frolicking around on a bed wouldn't get me past $500
avatar for SuperDude
19 years ago
$100 unless I fall in love or lust.
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