I prefer going to clubs with a decent amount in the wallet and having a ballpark figure of what I am going to spend. One time I went to a club with a moderate amount, spent a few dollars in other places and as I got down to my last $100 a girl I wanted to spend some time with started talking. In 11 years of going to clubs this was the first (and last) time I had ever used an ATM in a club. I was glad to do it too but now I plan accordingly, kinda like if a hotel is never sold out.
I have spent a decent amount of $$$ in a few months period of time on one girl and haven't regretted but $200-$300 of it and that was when I was in a crap mood and was lucky not to go to the club with a grand on me that night. As far as hard limits go I believe $500 in a night is the most I could see myself spending as there'd be no sexual act I'd want that'd make me spend more. Hours naked in VIP frolicking around on a bed wouldn't get me past $500
last commentAt home.