Just a little conversation starter. In most of the clubs I hit I find the girls on the night shift are consistently hotter but the girls on the day shift give better attention. Plus generally discounts are availble more frequently during the day than at night. Negative is that crowd and dancer quantity can be low during the day. Being only 1 of 10 patrons doesn't bother me during the day, I prefer that to being 1 of 200 at night.
Yoda, my dictionary defines power as "the ability to do something" which all dancers and customer clearly have - my point. It also defines power as "control, influence" which dancers and customers rarely have except in a well managed place and there are few such places - your point. We're both right. End of discussion.
I prefer day shift, it's more fun and usually cheaper and I'm sober so I don't get into trouble. Then later I can go out for a nice dinner, have lots of wine and not worry about it affecting my judgment. Play in the afternoon, drink at night. Clearly that's the best of both worlds.
Spent an early evening at Oasis in Atlanta with the day shift dancers. Found they spent more time with me and didn't have the hustle of the night shift. Found the day shift to be a more relaxing and fun experience. Why do I work days?
The ability to make bad decisions is the ultimate power. Never thought of it that way. Don't think I ever will again either.
My take on power is this. Everyone has some power in every situation unless they choose to give it away. No one can take it away without your consent. You may not have much power to control what happens but you always have the power to decide how to let it effect you. Walking out the door is exercising that power, whether customer or dancer.
FONDL: Call it whatever you want, I still don't agree with you. I think you are confusing a dancer's decision about what she is willing to do to earn money or where she chooses to work with management's dictatorial right to hire and fire whomever the hell they want.
Just because a dancer is allowed to break certain rules that, by the way, all of the dancers are probably allowed to break as long as they make money for the club, doesn't mean she has any power beyond her ability to get what she wants from the customer.
Strip clubs are no more a democracy than any other business and strip club managers/owners are often dumber and more pig-headed than most other business owners. Yes, owners, dancers and customers all benefit from what goes on in a strip club but that doesn't mean they all share power. It's not a commune or a social experiment, it's a business.
I will agree with you that bad decisions will often cause problems for club owners. However, I think you would have to agree with me that it doesn't stop SC owners from making those bad decisions. This is ultimate power, not necessarily good business but ultimate power. That's not a generalization, it's a fact.
Yoda, I agree with you, management usually views dancers as a commodity. And I think that causes them a lot of problems, because the dancers don't view themselves that way. Nor do a lot of the customers.
But I have to tell you, I find it really annoying that whenever you disagree with me you accuse me of making a generalization, when you frequently do the same thing. For example, your statement "I don't know where you got the impression that the dancers in a club have any real power. They don't." is not only a generalization, it's often a false one. Management, workers and customers share power in a club, just as they do in any business. Any management that doesn't realize that and act accordingly is going to have serious problems.
Honestly, club management cares a lot more about drugs than they do about breaking contact rules or dating guys OTC etc, etc. I've only seen one dancer fired for breaking a contact rule and she was unfortunate enough to offer a blow job to an off-duty cop who was attending a bachelor party. This dancer also had huge drug issues and the BJ was the last straw for the owner. Tying this into our original debate FONDL, this lady was a huge money maker for the club but just used up all of her cache buy causing too many problems.
The club only expects three things from a dancer: Show up, earn, and don't cause any problems. My overall point here is that managers and owners look at dancers as a commodity-a replaceable commodity. Fortunately, a good dancer can usually make money anywhere.
Yoda, thanks for agreeing with me that it's the girls who make the real rules, not the club. I totally agree with you that management often can't afford to enforce their own rules because it's the girls breaking them who are making all the money for the club.
BTW FONDL, violating some club rules doesn't bother most club managers either. The rules are there to give management the option of getting rid of girls when they want to. I get a great blow Job about once a month from a dancer who is clearly violating club rules and state law since Massachusetts is a no contact state and prostitution is against the law. Every manager in the club knows wat this dancer and several others are doing, several "clean girls" have walked out over it. Is anybody stopping it? No, of course not. The club makes $150 every time one of these girls takes a guy into the VIP room. They don't make a dime beyond drinks and the house fee from the girls who dance clean in the PD area all night. Go figure....
Too funny: THE ULTIMATE PUSSY (FONDL) duking it out with the MINDLESS ASS KISSING MAN (Yoda).
Yep, management has learned not to set a precedent of letting the strippers think they have any power: they will let them walk rather than negotiate and be reasonable even if that means a loss of money. They would lose more (in the long run) if they let the strippers get the idea that htye have any power. Customers could learn alot from the way management deals with strippers.
FONDL: the only fact in your statement is that your ATF quit. You have absolutely no way of knowing how much business the club lost over a period of days, weeks, months or years after she left or if it was due to her leaving. I might add you also have no way of knowing how much money she and her friends may have lost by leaving the club. I know you like her but your giving her and her friends a little too much credit here. Either way it's irrelevant since loss of revenue isn't what is on the club owners mind when he fires a girl or lets her walk.
I have seen some very good dancers walk out of a club over a dispute with management or another dancer and make a ton of money across town. I still maintain that club management doesn't care. Again, I'm not saying it's good business, it's just the way strip clubs are run. And please FONDL, don't throw that assinine generalization about the mafia running all the strip clubs in Providence into the argument. The mafia hasnt ahd a foothold in Providence since Genaro Angiullo went to prison two decades ago. It has nothing to do with anything.
Yoda, let me see if I understand your reasoning here. My ATF quits after a disagreement with the club owner, she's pissed and takes several of his best dancers and good customers out the door with her, and none of them ever return, costing him hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years and costing her nothing. She had no trouble getting another equally good job; while 8 years later he still has been unable to replace her, her friends and the lost business. And you conclude from this that he had all the power and she was powerless in their relationship? Does anyone else agree with that reasoning?
Yoda, maybe in the Mafia-owned clubs that you frequent the girls have no power. But in many of the smaller clubs I go to the girls run the place and everyone knows it. People on this discussion board talk all the time about how girls ignore management rules in club after club - they do drugs, they permit a lot more contact then they're supposed to, they go out with customers when they feel like it. And management is powerless to do anything about it because they know if they try to enforce their rules it'll cost them a lot of money. So who's really making the rules here, who's in charge, who has the power? Does anyone here prefer clubs where management is really in charge and the girls rarely violate the club's rules? I certainly don't.
FONDL: Your making my point for me. He let her quit, he let the other girls quit. The girls have no power. I never said strip club owners where smart, fair or even good businessmen but they call the tune, not the dancers. Your ATF and those other girls have to go find another club to work at. The money may be better or it may be worse, they may have to drive further or do more than they want to do to earn that money. The point is there was no discussion or compromise, the owner just let those girls walk away.
Minnow, the club I'm most familiar with opened at 2 pm and had 2 shifts - 2 pm to 8 pm, 8 pm to 2 am. And they were very strict about it - girls got fined for being late, and when their shift was over they had to leave unless the next shift was shorthanded. And the night girls weren't allowed to start early. This place also required their dancers to work some days if they wanted to work Friday or Saturday night. So most of their girls worked both days and nights.
I think a lot of clubs that are open during the day have two distinct shifts like that. But I know of others that stagger their shifts all day long, with a couple new girls coming on every two hours. And some places don't schedule at all, they let the girls work whenever they feel like it. There doesn't seem to be any industry standard althought there may be in certain cities.
Interesting discussion, glad I started it up. I agree with many of the comments. In my case I'm retired and when I travel I have the opinion of day or night. One thing I have noticed in some of the really busy night time clubs is that some of the hot night time dancers have switched to days because so many girls work at night and instead of one of 50 they become the hot one of 10 during the day. I like to stay for the shift change as well as someone mentioned, you can check out the incoming and often get some real deals with the day shift chicks who are ended their shift, especially if it's been a slow day. Not that any of us would take advantage of the girls.
Yoda, when my ATF had a fight with her club's owner and quit, he lost 3 of his most popular dancers and none of them ever returned. They also lost a lot of good customers. That was 8 years ago and that club has never recovered, they still do far less business than they did then. I call that power. Maybe the girls don't know they have it but they do, at least some do in some clubs.
I think of all the things people have said here, the one that I agree with the most is that some girls prefer the slower pace of days and some prefer the faster pace of nights. Some girls like to make their money by sitting with an older regular for hours undisturbed, others prefer the hustle and bustle of the younger guys at night. And I can see where that might be related to the girl's age, although I've known a lot of young ones who prefer the slower pace.
I don't know of many clubs that make shift assignments based on looks. In my experience clubs don't much care anymore what a girl looks like. If she's willing to go on stage and get naked, she's hired. Weight limits, quite common at one time, seem to have disappeared.
Interesting discussion. Just to make sure we're all on the same page: What timeframe is your idea of "dayshift"? Opening till 5, 6, 8, or whatever PM? On Bare Ellegance(LA) website, their dayshift is 11A-6P, swingshift 4P-10P, nightshift 6P-close. Many clubs have dayshifters leaving between 8&9, though they may be actually be hybrid swingshifters. Posted shift hrs are often merely loose guidelines, as there are comings&goings 1 hr or so either side of shift. BACK TO ORIGINAL THREAD SUBJECT- On the whole I've found average dayshifter to be older than average nightshifter, and nightshift to have higher # of hotties, though dayshifters at the clubs I've gone to are by no means slouches. Furthermore, there can be nuance differences across the spectrum of dayshift hrs. Pre 4PM dayshifts are often slow, with things picking up 5-7pmish Happy Hr time. However, some high end GC's with lunch buffet can be fairly busy noon til 3 or 4. I don't have any "insider knowledge" on SC mgt. hiring practices. I do recall viewing an HBO Real Sex series special on strippers in the late 90's. One stripper that was profiled was obviously north of 30, and past her prime(whatever that may have been). She gets the brushoff @ Club Paradise(higher end club w. lots of 8-10 dancers. She eventually gets hired somewhere, but is assigned the 3AM-7AM shift.
FONDL: Dances are scheduled based on appearance in many clubs. It certainly isn't the only criteria and yes, dancers with seniority do often get to choose the shifts they want. By the same token, I've seen dancers who either gained weight, couldn't sell VIP rooms or even refused to change outfits every 20 minutes get relegated to the day shift. When these things happen there is no riot. Management simply says what they always say to the girls: If you don't like it you can leave. I don't know where you got the impression that the dancers in a club have any real power. They don't.
FONDL:I know of a few clubs where management relegates girls to day shift based on attractiveness, among other considerations. Just like they discriminate in hiring. They probably don't say it in so many words, but the girls understand that it's all part of the game and not a cause for rioting.
I don't know how experience plays into it. I do know of more older dancers on day shifts who worked nights when they were younger than vice versa.
I meant that older customers are more content with older dancers THAN YOUNGER CUSTOMERS ARE, not that they prefer older dancers over younger dancers.
Another factor that probably results in younger, more attractive girls working nights: Day shifts tend to be more slow paced, favoring girls whose strength is providing companionship. Nights are more wham bam thankyou ma'am, favoring girls who make a better first impression and whose restless energy suits the frenetic pace.
Understand, none of these are absolutes, just tendencies, and it may be that you've gravitated towards clubs that defy them all. Or it may be that my experience is skewed, but more accounts that I read support it than don't.
Interesting responses all, but my experience has been different. I've never noticed that day shift girls were older, if anything I would have said the opposite, that younger girls preferred days because then they want to party at night. I've also never heard of attractiveness being used by management to determine when girls could work, and I think if any ever tried that they'd have a riot on their hands. But there is one other possible explanation: experience. I think that in some clubs the girls who have been there the longest get the first choice of shifts. So if better looking girls tend to stay longer because they make more, and if most of them prefer nights because nights pay better, than that could account for more attractive girls working nights. But then they'd generally be older than the day shift, not younger. I do know of clubs where girls seem to start out working mostly days, and then after they gain more experience they get to work more nights. So maybe with experience they also learn how to present themselves better and therefore appear to be more attractive. I also agree that day customers tend to be older (like me) but it doesn't necessarily follow that we prefer older dancers (I don't.) Personally I vote for the alcohol theory, customers drink more at night so the girls appear to be more attractive.
The primary reason that night shifts tend to be more attractive than day shifts is that club management generally will not put less attractive ladies on the night shift. Unfortunately, the trend I've spoken of where clubs will hire any woman with a pulse has filtered into this scheduling issue and I am seeing more and more cows and fuglies on the night shift in some of my favorite clubs.
BTW, I've never had any trouble finding gorgeous women on the dayshift.
Good question, FONDL. For one thing, dayshifts tend to be older. I speculate some reasons are...
1) Older women prefer days rather than late nights, burning the candle at both ends like when they were younger and had more energy to work until 2, 3, or 4 AM. 2) Day patrons are older, more content with older dancers. 3) Older women have older children who are in school or can be left alone. 4) Younger girls are more likely to be in school.
With age, women tend to get fatter and less attractive. I also know that the selection factors you ask about often do take effect.
At a couple of the clubs where I have seen both day and night, the day shift seems to have more older and presumably less attractive dancers. The one near me where I've seen the day shift twice has no measurable difference, to me, in the quality of dancer. However, the night shift has more dancers, so it's probably easier to find one you like then. Who knows for sure, but it might be all related to the alcohol consumed.
For those of you who believe that night shift girls are generally more attractive than day shift, I'm curious, how do you think this happens? Is it self selection, do the girls think, I'm good looking so I'm going to work nights because that's where the money is, and other girls think, I'm a dog so I don't deserve to work when the money is best? Or is management separating them into groups and telling them how often they can work nights based on their looks? Or is there some other selection process at work here?
The best shift is the 1 you're visiting. Work & non-SC recreational preferences dictate that my visits be @ night. Golfer pretty much hit it on the head, hotter 1's at night, but more favorable dancer/PL ratio in the daytime makes visits more enjoyable. In some cases, there is little, if any difference between day & night shift(Bare Ellegance, LA) dancer attractiveness. Also, getting in @ 7-8PM can often catch both shifts, although "comings and goings" can happen throughout club hrs.
I prefer day shift. I can usually find a good dancer even during the day, she has more time to give me the attention I want and I can relax and enjoy myself more when the club is uncrowded. Packed crowds just sap my energy and keep me from enjoying myself as much. The managers and bouncers seem less concerned about spying as well, thus giving me more opportunities for higher mileage.
Another factor that makes day shifts more compatible with Yoda's and FONDL's preferences is predictable schedules. At least in my experience, girls who work days keep to a schedule a lot more reliably than night shift girls. I have a fave in an East St. Louis club who I can always count on for Sunday and Monday afternoons. At clubs I go to at night, I'm never sure which girls are going to be dancing, just that there will be several that can make me happy.
Another day shift advantage that hasn't been mentioned - if you stay til the shifts change (eg.7-8 pm) I've found it to be pretty easy to take one of the girls to dinner when she gets off work. That's how I got to know my ATF OTC. I'd often go in an hour or so before shift change, see if there was anyone working who interested me, and if not I'd just stick around for the next shift. And when I did go in the evening it was always early in the week, which is often as dead as days.
Ah, but if you stay until closing time, the opportunities can be pretty tempting, too. I was going to mention it as an advantage of nights, but I didn't want to turn this into yet another OTC thread.
I enjoy both day and night shifts and have met a variety of dancers who had their preferences for when they preferred to work as well. I don't go in on busy nights but a Sunday night can be a great time to visit a club. I don't go to a club looking for a high body count of beautiful women, I go to see my favs. If I go to a club and none of them are working I go someplace else. Obviously a new dancer catches my eye on occasion otherwise I wouldn't have so many favs in so many clubs. Day shift in general works better for me as I like to chat. Dancers are more willing to spend time with you when the club is slow.
Although I usually go to clubs at night, I like to check out day shifts when I have a rare chance, because it's easy to hit a bunch of them. Usually no cover, and not many girls in the place, so I can quickly see if it's worth staying or move on to the next club. I mostly see day shifts that confirm expectations about the dancers: older, plainer, fatter.
Once in a while, I get a lucky strike, and that makes it worthwhile, even when there are only one or two girls I like, because of all the advantages that have already been mentioned about days. Believe me, I appreciate spending "quality time" with a high mileage day babe. Then there are some areas - near airports, etc. - where day shifts are more likely to attract hot strippers. Even there, however, the night shift usually has better looking girls overall, in number and proportion.
As for complaints about nights being crowded, I find that to be a real problem only at certain hours on a few nights. At some clubs it's always a problem, or, just as often, it's always too damn noisy and high on hustle at nights - I don't even bother with those places. Most clubs I like are fine if I get there by 9 or 10, and don't get too crazy until around midnight, even on some Fridays (but forget Saturdays). I like it to be a little busy. I really like the idea of having a few more hot strippers on hand than I can connect with, but have to come back for another time. I don't mind competition as long as I can get my shot. Thrill of the hunt and all that.
I think a large part of this question is a choice between viewing strip clubs as an alternative to brothels or massage parlors and viewing them as a unique experience similar to a nightclub but with a few crucial differences. Day shifts are more venues for meeting up with a particular girl at an expected time for anything from companionship to extras. Night shifts are for being surrounded by hot pussy who are all being paid to act like nymphos.
I agree with AN and ShotDisc. Sure there are more good looking girls working nights, but that's only because there are more girls in total. I've never noticed any difference in percentages of good looking vs. not. But how many good looking girls do you need? One is enough for me, and the chances of hooking up with the hottest girl in the place are always much better when the club is slow. I much prefer days and haven't been in a club at night since my ATF quit.
I am definitely a day shift guy. I enjoy the smaller crowds. I have seen many a day shift dancer who could put her night shift counterparts to shame when it comes to looks and body. But then again, I prefer the girl next door/non showgirl type dancers.
The day versus night question is interesting. I know of clubs that have some day-only and night-only dancers and clubs that require all the dancers to work both. The day shift can be lower quality girls, but it depends on what you are looking for. If you are getting LD's or looking to spend some "quality time" with a favorite dancer, you only need a few high quality girls to make a visit worthwhile. If you want to be entertained by the unlimited stream of hot looking girls on stage you are better off at night at a high volume club. The bad part of night shifts as far as I'm concerned is that there is much more competition for the girls even though there may be a lot more and better looking dancers. I find I get a lot more attention and better attention in my chosen time period. The lack of customers makes the girls compete for your buisness rather than the other way around and it doesn't take a lot of tips to get noticed.
Talking numbers, the night shift will likely have hotter girls. However, there are some hot dancers during the day. At one of my local clubs that is open during the day, they have maybe a handful of dancers during the day. The night they usually have more.
Generally don't go during the day but my strip club buddy, Shadowcat, much prefers the day shift. He says he gets more personal attention(his current ATF works the day shift)and the dance area are a lot more private during the day shift.
I like clubs when they aren't crowded, which usually means day shift. You get much more of an opportunity to sit and talk, sometimes for hours, and there's much less hustle. The idea that nights have hotter girls is a myth - in a lot of clubs girls have to work both, they aren't allowed to just work nights. I know of two different clubs where the best looking girl in the place was a single mother who only worked days.
I prefer day shifts. Night shifts are OK if you're traveling or are in the mood to party but for my taste they are just too crowded and crazy. Day shifts are lower key. My favorite time is between 4PM and 7 or 8 PM. The day shift is winding down and the night shift cranking up, but nothing is too crazy yet. Also you can get home and get a decent night sleep after a visit.
I tend to prefer the night shift. There are more girls and better looking girls as well. But at the few clubs where I have been there for the day shift, I've enjoyed it. Granted, some of them shouldn't be dancing, but I've always found someone I can go up to and play with in the VIP. And at my local club, I finally got in for their day shift a couple weekends ago, and they actually have some hotties on days. (I think they have to work a day shift every so often. 2 of them were frequent night shift dancers.)
chandler: "Nighttime is when it feels right to be getting out and prowling."
Good word! This guy is so fucking old that "prowling" for him involves a wallet for green back he is looking to spend on a stripper. Sad, chandler, really sad.
Most clubs in my area are not even open during the day. I am also busy working or busy visiting with friends, relatives, or other committments during the day unless I happen to be on vacation and away from everyone I know which doesn't happen very much. However, I don't usually enjoy clubs that are so crowded that it's hard to relax and almost impossible to find a seat. I suppose if I just wanted to meet one or two dancers in a relatively quiet environment, I might prefer the day shift but I usually like things to be happening. I only have so much time in a day and the more dancers there are, the more I can see in a shorter amount of time. Therefore I prefer nights even though I don't really have much choice.
Night shift has higher quality women. Night shift on the weekends is best. Think about it: During the day you get the lifer/loser older women type. At night you get the younger girls. On the weekends you get the girls who actually have it together enough to be in school and have some kind of a life plan. Plus they can handle the competition. So weekend nights are the best time to go if you are into high quality women.
I like night shifts when it's beginning to get busy but before it gets too insane. There's a good ratio of hot looking strippers to customers, and they're in a relaxed, playful mood, before the pressure to hustle gets to them.
I've had some amazing mileage during day shifts, but I don't like the atmosphere nearly as much. Days are too dead. I miss the social aspect of a roomful of hot girls to select from against a backdrop of other people acting alive. Nighttime is when it feels right to be getting out and prowling.
last commentI prefer day shift, it's more fun and usually cheaper and I'm sober so I don't get into trouble. Then later I can go out for a nice dinner, have lots of wine and not worry about it affecting my judgment. Play in the afternoon, drink at night. Clearly that's the best of both worlds.
My take on power is this. Everyone has some power in every situation unless they choose to give it away. No one can take it away without your consent. You may not have much power to control what happens but you always have the power to decide how to let it effect you. Walking out the door is exercising that power, whether customer or dancer.
Just because a dancer is allowed to break certain rules that, by the way, all of the dancers are probably allowed to break as long as they make money for the club, doesn't mean she has any power beyond her ability to get what she wants from the customer.
Strip clubs are no more a democracy than any other business and strip club managers/owners are often dumber and more pig-headed than most other business owners. Yes, owners, dancers and customers all benefit from what goes on in a strip club but that doesn't mean they all share power. It's not a commune or a social experiment, it's a business.
I will agree with you that bad decisions will often cause problems for club owners. However, I think you would have to agree with me that it doesn't stop SC owners from making those bad decisions. This is ultimate power, not necessarily good business but ultimate power. That's not a generalization, it's a fact.
But I have to tell you, I find it really annoying that whenever you disagree with me you accuse me of making a generalization, when you frequently do the same thing. For example, your statement "I don't know where you got the impression that the dancers in a club have any real power. They don't." is not only a generalization, it's often a false one. Management, workers and customers share power in a club, just as they do in any business. Any management that doesn't realize that and act accordingly is going to have serious problems.
The club only expects three things from a dancer: Show up, earn, and don't cause any problems. My overall point here is that managers and owners look at dancers as a commodity-a replaceable commodity. Fortunately, a good dancer can usually make money anywhere.
Yep, management has learned not to set a precedent of letting the strippers think they have any power: they will let them walk rather than negotiate and be reasonable even if that means a loss of money. They would lose more (in the long run) if they let the strippers get the idea that htye have any power. Customers could learn alot from the way management deals with strippers.
I have seen some very good dancers walk out of a club over a dispute with management or another dancer and make a ton of money across town. I still maintain that club management doesn't care. Again, I'm not saying it's good business, it's just the way strip clubs are run. And please FONDL, don't throw that assinine generalization about the mafia running all the strip clubs in Providence into the argument. The mafia hasnt ahd a foothold in Providence since Genaro Angiullo went to prison two decades ago. It has nothing to do with anything.
Yoda, maybe in the Mafia-owned clubs that you frequent the girls have no power. But in many of the smaller clubs I go to the girls run the place and everyone knows it. People on this discussion board talk all the time about how girls ignore management rules in club after club - they do drugs, they permit a lot more contact then they're supposed to, they go out with customers when they feel like it. And management is powerless to do anything about it because they know if they try to enforce their rules it'll cost them a lot of money. So who's really making the rules here, who's in charge, who has the power? Does anyone here prefer clubs where management is really in charge and the girls rarely violate the club's rules? I certainly don't.
I think a lot of clubs that are open during the day have two distinct shifts like that. But I know of others that stagger their shifts all day long, with a couple new girls coming on every two hours. And some places don't schedule at all, they let the girls work whenever they feel like it. There doesn't seem to be any industry standard althought there may be in certain cities.
I think of all the things people have said here, the one that I agree with the most is that some girls prefer the slower pace of days and some prefer the faster pace of nights. Some girls like to make their money by sitting with an older regular for hours undisturbed, others prefer the hustle and bustle of the younger guys at night. And I can see where that might be related to the girl's age, although I've known a lot of young ones who prefer the slower pace.
I don't know of many clubs that make shift assignments based on looks. In my experience clubs don't much care anymore what a girl looks like. If she's willing to go on stage and get naked, she's hired. Weight limits, quite common at one time, seem to have disappeared.
I don't know how experience plays into it. I do know of more older dancers on day shifts who worked nights when they were younger than vice versa.
I meant that older customers are more content with older dancers THAN YOUNGER CUSTOMERS ARE, not that they prefer older dancers over younger dancers.
Another factor that probably results in younger, more attractive girls working nights: Day shifts tend to be more slow paced, favoring girls whose strength is providing companionship. Nights are more wham bam thankyou ma'am, favoring girls who make a better first impression and whose restless energy suits the frenetic pace.
Understand, none of these are absolutes, just tendencies, and it may be that you've gravitated towards clubs that defy them all. Or it may be that my experience is skewed, but more accounts that I read support it than don't.
BTW, I've never had any trouble finding gorgeous women on the dayshift.
1) Older women prefer days rather than late nights, burning the candle at both ends like when they were younger and had more energy to work until 2, 3, or 4 AM.
2) Day patrons are older, more content with older dancers.
3) Older women have older children who are in school or can be left alone.
4) Younger girls are more likely to be in school.
With age, women tend to get fatter and less attractive. I also know that the selection factors you ask about often do take effect.
Once in a while, I get a lucky strike, and that makes it worthwhile, even when there are only one or two girls I like, because of all the advantages that have already been mentioned about days. Believe me, I appreciate spending "quality time" with a high mileage day babe. Then there are some areas - near airports, etc. - where day shifts are more likely to attract hot strippers. Even there, however, the night shift usually has better looking girls overall, in number and proportion.
As for complaints about nights being crowded, I find that to be a real problem only at certain hours on a few nights. At some clubs it's always a problem, or, just as often, it's always too damn noisy and high on hustle at nights - I don't even bother with those places. Most clubs I like are fine if I get there by 9 or 10, and don't get too crazy until around midnight, even on some Fridays (but forget Saturdays). I like it to be a little busy. I really like the idea of having a few more hot strippers on hand than I can connect with, but have to come back for another time. I don't mind competition as long as I can get my shot. Thrill of the hunt and all that.
I think a large part of this question is a choice between viewing strip clubs as an alternative to brothels or massage parlors and viewing them as a unique experience similar to a nightclub but with a few crucial differences. Day shifts are more venues for meeting up with a particular girl at an expected time for anything from companionship to extras. Night shifts are for being surrounded by hot pussy who are all being paid to act like nymphos.
Good word! This guy is so fucking old that "prowling" for him involves a wallet for green back he is looking to spend on a stripper. Sad, chandler, really sad.
I've had some amazing mileage during day shifts, but I don't like the atmosphere nearly as much. Days are too dead. I miss the social aspect of a roomful of hot girls to select from against a backdrop of other people acting alive. Nighttime is when it feels right to be getting out and prowling.