What, in your opinion, are the keys to strip clubs success?
I propose:
a) Other than decent, but not extragavant, tips for non-stripper staff: don't spend money b) Use ignorance, but never anger, when dealing with stripper misbehavior. Also use ignorance/disinterest to get their attention in the first place. c) Don't get tied down to one particular girl, or if you don't let her know until after you've had sex with her. Use jealousy to make them work for you.
And above all else: Be honest with at very least yourself about your motivation for going. Also preferably with others as they earn your trust.
I love this thread because davids / gaybar oops I mean Clifbar publicly admits his belief in the occult practices of palmistry and fortune telling. He also talks of that junk science favorite NLP. I guess with beliefs like these he is a shoe in for TUSCL scientist of the year.
Oh horror of horrors. I'm being ignored? davids, face it, you crave the attention parodyman and I give you. Also it won't last. You can't resist taking a shot at me declaring how you "won" or are smarter or younger or better looking, or how I'm an alcoholic and a liar, etc, etc, etc. I'll be waiting to correct you, don't wory. After all, I value the truth, I'm a scientist.
So now we have parody figured out as well. Turns out he was just a very gross and even dumber version of AN. He doesn't really mean what he says when he posts: He is just try to cause some trouble. (E.g. claiming I believed in palmistry when he knew full well that I didn't). I guess he and AN are the big BULLSHITERs on TUSCL, explaining his PROJECTIVE CLAIMS that I am. Unlike any other poster here, however, he never showed even a trace of intelligence: Was always merely just stupid and gross, and not even funny.
Guess what parody: You get to join AN on my freezeout list. Have fun!
Yeah, ok, parody, sure thing. You are such a bullshiter. We ALL BELIEVE that the real reason isn't your limited mental abilities, don't we? Mmmm.... Hmmmm.... Uhhhh... Huh.
Too bad your mind never developed beyond that of a 2 year old. Isn't there a fart joke board you can hang around?
Now here is a perfect example of a strawmen: When did I ever say I believe in the veracity of NLP, palm reading, or fortune telling, or even used this stuff in conversation myself.
All I said is that I believe they are effective tactics to those guys who do use them. CLUE IN DUMB-FUCK.
Also it is spelled "pinnacle" not "pinacle". Thank you.
We are waiting numb nuts. (davids) And just because you say palm reading, fortune telling and NLP work does not make them any less junk science. You give AN such a hard time and then this is the kind of shit you put your stock in? Truly the modern thinker you are.
You would know... Besides being the biggest BULLSHITTER and the ULTIMATE COCKMASTER, you are now also the PINACLE OF STRIP CLUB SUCCESS! Please tell us how you manage it all.
Interesting. I haven't studied NLP/patterning yet, but am pretty sure a stripper who made an incredible sales pitch to me in Vegas used it against me! Something worth looking into. Thanks for the recommendation.
davids: I meet the women I date while I am out shopping, at the library, or in the gym while I am working out. I know it sounds cheesy, but I use the 'patterning' and NLP language techniques from the ebook "How to Lay Girls Guide". I downloaded it off emule P2P. I have been very impressed with how it works. Just yesterday, I met a platinum bleach blonde, very buxom lady while I was dining out at lunch. If you have read the guide (or read it in the future), I used the approach of the sketch artist. That got her laughing and the approach was successful. The best thing about patterning, is that it suits my skill set well. I've got a large vocabulary and am good at coming up with synonyms and things like that. The techniques are also discussed briefly in the book "The Game" by Neil Strauss.
I would recommend anyone who sees themselves as a PL (and believe me, for years I would have put myself in this category despite being a good lookin guy) who is unsuccessful with women, to check out the online ebook I mentioned, download it for free, and practice practice practice. It really works.
Anyhow, off of that tangent, hot blondie came back to my condominium for some really great sex action, less than 95 minutes after I had met her (and would have been sooner, but I just met her going into the restaurant and had to eat first!) She left her friends to dine with me, and she was a bit late getting back to work that afternoon! You use NLP and patterning to 'plant' ideas in women's heads by using descriptive language, to make them feel what you want them to!
And women think men are dumb!
Finally, to directly answer your question, davids, I don't go to bars / nightclubs because I used to do that, and attracted nothing but alcoholics. I don't mind drinking but it shouldn't be someone's favorite hobby.
That is another of your misconceptions davids. I along with many other posters didn't claim strippers were normal women in every way. Most women won't dance naked in front of strangers for money after all. The argument was that you considered them inherently dishonest as a group. My contention, along with others, was that they were no more inherantly dishonest or flakey than other girls of their age who are generally less educated and from poorer backgrounds. As far as other factors I'd agree that they seem to be disproportionately likely to come from broken homes and to be drug users or single moms, but that just means as compared to the population at large, not that they are all dishonest drug using single moms from broken homes. Your desire to paint with a broad brush often leads you to oversimplify others arguments where it isn't really appropriate.
Btw, I think "psychological health" and and low education/intelligence level (even for their age) are legitimate reasons for not wanting to date strippers. I think strippers are below the national average in all three departments.
Unfortunately long time posters here cannot use that as a legitimate objection since they used to claim strippers were normal women in every way, and since they do not want to be seen as "stripper bashers".
Neverless so do met the bar: somewhere between 12-20 of the perhaps 1000 strippers I've met I consider "first dateable".
How about the rest of you? Do you not meet strippers b/c they are less likely to meet your normal criteria or is there some other reason?
Do you think strippers can tell when they don't your criteria and that is a big unspoken reason why they are reluctant to customers? I have noticed, almost paradoxically, that the more intelligent, educated, good looking, and possesive of high self esteeem (as far as women go) the strippers is the easier it is to get a date. Go figure!
I have to say I thoroughly enjoy davds's perspective on things. I have pretty much dropped my sc habits as of late, instead focusing my efforts on dating women I meet elsewhere. It's been very successful; there are attractive women all around, and in my experience, they have less mental problems than the dancers I did date OTC over my sc'ing years.
imho, don't got to a strip club for anything other than just the simple entertainment of hot T&A.
komey, The way I look at it an ATF is a rare thing. Most of the guys here have been clubbing for years and are bound to make a personal connection with a dancer on occasion. Sometimes all bets are off when you start spending time with a person. Does that mean that these same posters are lying when they say they don't go looking for dates or don't want to date strippers OTC even though they seem very emotionally involved? Not really. As an analogy think of a kid going off to college who swears to his parents he won't do drugs. Later in the year he is at a party having a few beers when someone passes a joint around. Without really thinking he takes a hit and passes it along. Does that mean he intentionally lied to his parents? No, it means he's human and that despite his best intentions (or ours) sometimes we can't quite keep from doing things we know we shouldn't. The JC post about "how to let go" that davids constantly refers to as proof is a perfect example. JC was asking advice on how to extricate himself from a situation he knew he didn't want to be in. Despite himself had become emotionally attached to a stripper. It was the exact opposite of what davids claims. JC didn't go looking for love and trying to buy a girlfriend, he was trying to stop seeing a stripper he liked more than he knew was good for him.
I think there is something even deeper than the points I have mentioned already. Fundamentally, if you want to meet strippers OTC w/o paying, then the key seems to be to not treat them like they are strippers at all. I think very, very, very few women are comfortable with identifying themselves as strippers. I mean really, facades and stuff aside.
Now there are exceptions to this: If you are Brad Pitt, probably not going to hurt you to get dances. If you meet one of those exceptionally rare strippers who is comfortable with her "stripper" identity then buying a few dances won't hurt. But even then you are going to have show you think of her not primarily as a stripper. Most will doubt it the second you spend buy a dance.
Despite all the TUSCLers claims to the contrary, I think we all have very similar notions of success:
Success involves meeting strippers OTC either for sex or as friends or for dating.
As a particularly shrewd stripper put it to me last week:
"Guys want to see the girls outside of work. That's just the way it easy."
Many on this board will claim that this is not so:
They just go in for dances and that is all they care about.
Complete bullshit. Just follow their posts for a while and you will see how deeply emotional they will get when there is a hint of OTC stuff with a stripper: JC for example might post "how to let go?" shadowcat might post "is the stripper really into me?"
Look at the top SC moments of the other posters: FONDL pinning endlessly about his ATF. (Claiming meeting her provided him with two of top ten moments in his life.)
Look at how they wonder if something could have happened if they had been smarter: Chandler and his stupid whats-her-face she-had-this-gleem-in-her-eye thread. (Dumbass: don't beg for sex if you want it.)
Almost everyone on this board seems to be proudest of the times when they have gone beyond being customers. Then they feel they have accomplished something.
It's what they really want: the shrewd stripper was right. The disingenous denials of the posters here are a complete joke. The lottery strategy in down right pathetic besides being outrageously costly.
Perhaps if they were just honest about what they really want they could find more effective strategies of getting what they want. And be happier and more comfortable about who they are, rather than trying to live a stupid lie.
What's wrong w/ wanting to date, be friends w/, have sex w/ strippers outside of work anyway? Why be ashamed to admit it? B/c of your low succcess rates? Do you feel more successful when it doesn't happen if you can just claim you didn't want it in the first place? Who are you really fooling? Anyone else? No? Yourselves? I hope not.
Finally, on the other hand, some of these guys are probably just so fucking old that they are beyond hope. Nothing we can do to help them.
"Despite all the TUSCLers claims to the contrary, I think we all have very similar notions of success"
And there you have davids' argument in a nutshell. It doesn't matter what you say, he knows what you want and will not tolerate any claim to the contrary. Any argument to the contrary is you lying or you in denial, you must therefore be purged of your false consciousness or exposed as the old pathetic fraud you obviously are.
We can go further. Any claim or statement he disagrees with is either an obvious lie or so obviously idiotic that to explain why you are an idiot is beneath him, but calling you an idiot apparently is not. Any argument he disagrees with is a strawman. This is why most on the board ignore him, out of frustration and plain old boredom. We've all heard his theories and arguments so many times we just don't care anymore. We've responded to his questions only to be called idiots and liers when we don't give the answer he wants. We've tried to explain that we view things diferently and don't want what he claims we want only to be told we're in denial. In the end you'll notice he doesn't bother to post much about anything other than what idiots we all are for not seeing what he sees. For this he considers himself a visionary, speaking truth to power. We consider him annoying for the most part.
davids, I figured I'd reply to your latest lie over here to not clog up the other threads. First, while I do work with computers virtually full time my work is not in the computer field, computers are a tool for me. I do know considerable more than your average citizen about how to make them work and how to program, but I'm not sure I'd consider myself a geek.
I have never claimed to have won any prize or award for anything, let alone a Turing Award. I had to look it up to see what it was. I'm actually kind of surprised at that one, but I guess now that you assume most of the board will never see my reply since I now confine them to your threads you can say whatever you want on the other threads and it will go unrebutted. Before you go ballistic saying I did so make the claim, the burden of proof is on you. Show me the thread with the link.
As for the conflict, sure I enjoy it. It's fun. You are however the only one I have a flame war with and it is mostly because I found ignoring you only encouraged you to lie more and more outrageously.
I do want to thank you for proving my point that we need a kill script that will work within threads. I look forward to its implimentation.
I've been dead honest to this one girl about everything (I haven't feigned a lack of interest tho) and it was a monumental mistake simply because it has messed up by normal flow. I got to experience some of the worst self-inflicted pain the other day while she was working. See the thread I started for more info.
I think davids is PARTIALLY correct about some posters here. Not all posters, but some. There are a number posters here who pine to much for the favs or ATFs or former favs. They seemingly prove all davids other points.
On the other hand, I don't think that most strip club goers are like most of the posters here and are just there to have fun. But what do I know.
Indeed. A strip club is the only place a dude like me can "partake" (define as necessary) of a voluptuous beauty, then a spinner, then a California surfer-type, all within five minutes of each other. I propose, in fact, that not even a rock star can have that type of variety without pay-for-play such as at a strip club. For every relationship -- whether between Tommy Lee and Pam, or any other mega-rich dude and his arm-candy, or any normal schmoe and his partner -- there is one detriment: lack of variety.
The string and the argument were too much for me to read, but I wanted to add this comment/thought/opinion... One of the many beuties of strip clubs for me is that we can find whatever it is that we want in there. Depending on our mood, fantasy, roll play etc. ALL of it is available inside those walls. I mean this in the most respectful way. If I want a MILF type she's in there, if I want the one on the educational path that has a wild side - she's in there, if I want the hardcore naughty, break all the rules type - she's in there, if I want the high school teacher that's a lady in public and whore in bed then she's in there. Love Big Tits and Fat Ass? She's in there. Love the spinners skinny as a Super Model - guess what? She's in there. So whatever one is searching for she's in there and the Key to Strip Club Success rests solely in what your intent and desire is when you walk through those doors.
last commenthttp://www.tuscl.com/discuss-a…
Then enter hold down the "Alt" key and press F4 at the same time to start a search. When it ask for the search text enter "jews and niggers".
Hope this helps.
Once again you let your anger get the better of you and publicly prove you are a liar. Embarassing isn't it you little SHITBAG?
Guess what parody: You get to join AN on my freezeout list. Have fun!
Too bad your mind never developed beyond that of a 2 year old. Isn't there a fart joke board you can hang around?
All I said is that I believe they are effective tactics to those guys who do use them. CLUE IN DUMB-FUCK.
Also it is spelled "pinnacle" not "pinacle". Thank you.
I would recommend anyone who sees themselves as a PL (and believe me, for years I would have put myself in this category despite being a good lookin guy) who is unsuccessful with women, to check out the online ebook I mentioned, download it for free, and practice practice practice. It really works.
Anyhow, off of that tangent, hot blondie came back to my condominium for some really great sex action, less than 95 minutes after I had met her (and would have been sooner, but I just met her going into the restaurant and had to eat first!) She left her friends to dine with me, and she was a bit late getting back to work that afternoon! You use NLP and patterning to 'plant' ideas in women's heads by using descriptive language, to make them feel what you want them to!
And women think men are dumb!
Finally, to directly answer your question, davids, I don't go to bars / nightclubs because I used to do that, and attracted nothing but alcoholics. I don't mind drinking but it shouldn't be someone's favorite hobby.
Don't get horny.
Unfortunately long time posters here cannot use that as a legitimate objection since they used to claim strippers were normal women in every way, and since they do not want to be seen as "stripper bashers".
Neverless so do met the bar: somewhere between 12-20 of the perhaps 1000 strippers I've met I consider "first dateable".
How about the rest of you? Do you not meet strippers b/c they are less likely to meet your normal criteria or is there some other reason?
Do you think strippers can tell when they don't your criteria and that is a big unspoken reason why they are reluctant to customers? I have noticed, almost paradoxically, that the more intelligent, educated, good looking, and possesive of high self esteeem (as far as women go) the strippers is the easier it is to get a date. Go figure!
imho, don't got to a strip club for anything other than just the simple entertainment of hot T&A.
Now there are exceptions to this: If you are Brad Pitt, probably not going to hurt you to get dances. If you meet one of those exceptionally rare strippers who is comfortable with her "stripper" identity then buying a few dances won't hurt. But even then you are going to have show you think of her not primarily as a stripper. Most will doubt it the second you spend buy a dance.
Success involves meeting strippers OTC either for sex or as friends or for dating.
As a particularly shrewd stripper put it to me last week:
"Guys want to see the girls outside of work. That's just the way it easy."
Many on this board will claim that this is not so:
They just go in for dances and that is all they care about.
Complete bullshit. Just follow their posts for a while and you will see how deeply emotional they will get when there is a hint of OTC stuff with a stripper: JC for example might post "how to let go?" shadowcat might post "is the stripper really into me?"
Look at the top SC moments of the other posters: FONDL pinning endlessly about his ATF. (Claiming meeting her provided him with two of top ten moments in his life.)
Look at how they wonder if something could have happened if they had been smarter: Chandler and his stupid whats-her-face she-had-this-gleem-in-her-eye thread. (Dumbass: don't beg for sex if you want it.)
Almost everyone on this board seems to be proudest of the times when they have gone beyond being customers. Then they feel they have accomplished something.
It's what they really want: the shrewd stripper was right.
The disingenous denials of the posters here are a complete joke. The lottery strategy in down right pathetic besides being outrageously costly.
Perhaps if they were just honest about what they really want they could find more effective strategies of getting what they want. And be happier and more comfortable about who they are, rather than trying to live a stupid lie.
What's wrong w/ wanting to date, be friends w/, have sex w/ strippers outside of work anyway? Why be ashamed to admit it? B/c of your low succcess rates? Do you feel more successful when it doesn't happen if you can just claim you didn't want it in the first place? Who are you really fooling? Anyone else? No? Yourselves? I hope not.
Finally, on the other hand, some of these guys are probably just so fucking old that they are beyond hope. Nothing we can do to help them.
And there you have davids' argument in a nutshell. It doesn't matter what you say, he knows what you want and will not tolerate any claim to the contrary. Any argument to the contrary is you lying or you in denial, you must therefore be purged of your false consciousness or exposed as the old pathetic fraud you obviously are.
We can go further. Any claim or statement he disagrees with is either an obvious lie or so obviously idiotic that to explain why you are an idiot is beneath him, but calling you an idiot apparently is not. Any argument he disagrees with is a strawman. This is why most on the board ignore him, out of frustration and plain old boredom. We've all heard his theories and arguments so many times we just don't care anymore. We've responded to his questions only to be called idiots and liers when we don't give the answer he wants. We've tried to explain that we view things diferently and don't want what he claims we want only to be told we're in denial. In the end you'll notice he doesn't bother to post much about anything other than what idiots we all are for not seeing what he sees. For this he considers himself a visionary, speaking truth to power. We consider him annoying for the most part.
I have never claimed to have won any prize or award for anything, let alone a Turing Award. I had to look it up to see what it was. I'm actually kind of surprised at that one, but I guess now that you assume most of the board will never see my reply since I now confine them to your threads you can say whatever you want on the other threads and it will go unrebutted. Before you go ballistic saying I did so make the claim, the burden of proof is on you. Show me the thread with the link.
As for the conflict, sure I enjoy it. It's fun. You are however the only one I have a flame war with and it is mostly because I found ignoring you only encouraged you to lie more and more outrageously.
I do want to thank you for proving my point that we need a kill script that will work within threads. I look forward to its implimentation.
On the other hand, I don't think that most strip club goers are like most of the posters here and are just there to have fun. But what do I know.
One of the many beuties of strip clubs for me is that we can find whatever it is that we want in there. Depending on our mood, fantasy, roll play etc. ALL of it is available inside those walls.
I mean this in the most respectful way. If I want a MILF type she's in there, if I want the one on the educational path that has a wild side - she's in there, if I want the hardcore naughty, break all the rules type - she's in there, if I want the high school teacher that's a lady in public and whore in bed then she's in there. Love Big Tits and Fat Ass? She's in there. Love the spinners skinny as a Super Model - guess what? She's in there.
So whatever one is searching for she's in there and the Key to Strip Club Success rests solely in what your intent and desire is when you walk through those doors.