
Ever Buy A Dance From A Stripper Just Cause She Was Nice?

Friday, March 24, 2006 7:45 AM
Has anyone ever bought a dance from, bought a drink for, or just outright given money to a stripper merely because she was nice to you and talked for a while?


  • mtnboy49
    18 years ago
    Absolutely. When a gal sits down, has a conversation for 2 or 3 songs before asking if I want a dance, I always do so. Sometimes, I will reward an imaginative pitch just because it is imaginative whether she is attractive or not.
  • hugevladfan
    18 years ago
    If a dancer sits for awhile and doesn't go into a sell mode after 15 minutes I have no problem sending a few bucks her way to get nekkid for me. I've never had a problem if I am into the girl at all getting her a drink, normally it muss follow some conversation unless I know I will be spending bucks on her
  • komey1970
    18 years ago
    If you mean giving money to as in tip, I've done it when the girl goes up to do her stage show.
  • SuperDude
    18 years ago
    If she's not nice to begin with, there will be no dance or conversation.
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