I was at one of my regular clubs last night talking to this one dancer I have known for a while. We had a pretty good time laughing at some of the old video games we played back in the day. Well I ended up getting a dance from her. I have gotten plenty of dances from her in the past, and had gotten to the point where I was somewhat bored with her dances but there wasn't a whole lot to choose from. Well when we got back there she asked for the money up front. Her exact words were "Do you wanna pay first?" I should have said" No, why should I" but I didn't. She then told me a story about one of the other dancers losing out a hundred dollars because she didn't ask for the money up front. I said well you know I am not like him, you've known me for way too long. She said yeah I know you are a nice person it's that Management wants us to follow this procedure.
Well I got one dance from her, which wasn't all that great. Later on my current favorite had finally gotten dressed and I ended up asking her for a dance. Porsha(current fav) didn't ask for the money up front although I went ahead and gave it to her but she acted suprised by the gesture. Futhermore, I ended up getting 3dances from her but discovered I needed more cash. She trusted me to walk out of the club and go to the ATM at the bank next door to get more money. So why is it that the first dancer Babygirl didn't have the same trust? I think I am through with getting dances from her. I know I am just a customer but I expect to be treated with respect especially since I am a regular who has been coming there for a while and has gotten plenty of dances in the past from Babygirl. So what do you guys think is Babygirl full of it? Or is it just she doesn't take any chances when it comes to her money?
I've payed other people for dances. One of my favorite clubs, you pay a cashier on the way in for the first dance. If you get multiple dances from a girl, you pay for them on the way out.
That's one reason I avoid VIP rooms whenever possible. I prefer dealing directly with the girl only. No middleman, no cut going to the club, no flunkies hanging around. The more unnecessary people involved, the greater the chance for things to go wrong.
Paying the girl first is a comparatively minor consideration. Sure, I'd prefer to pay after, but that's totally trumped by the quality of her dance. And I've received too many excellent dances after I've paid first to take it as a bad indicator.
Haven't you guys ever been to a club where you pay someone other than the dancer (eg. bouncer, dj, bartender) for the private dances? In such places you always have to pay up front. Haven't you ever been to a place where the room fee is separate from the girl's "tip"? You always have to pay up front in such places too, often including the girl's "tip." Seems to me that every VIP room I've ever been in operated something like that. I've had some really great dances in such places.
I agree I would drop her too. That would be quite a mood killer to be asked for $ up front. If that happened with me I would get the dance and pretty much short circuit any further coversation. I've had one dancer take checks from me for $400 and $100 and not sweat it one bit.
I'd drop her because her dances aren't so hot, not because she doesn't trust me to pay. If her dances were good enough and I knew it, I'd go along with paying first. I'm there to get satisfied, not to be reassured that I'm a nice guy.
I think this dancer has a business model based on consistency. I do the same thing in my business. To the extent that I can consistently do the same thing every way with every client, I make fewer mistakes. This dancer probably doesn't want to risk forgetting at the end of the dance whether the customer has paid or not, so she always asks for money first. So the question now is why she asks for it up front? Answer: it was she who was burn't for a hundred dollars by a customer, and is now afraid it happening again. So there's logic to not switching around, but I think she's made a mistake asking for the money first.
I forgot to add that Porsha use to be a roommate of my former favorite who use to work there about 2years ago. I am pretty sure she saw me getting dances from her and Stasia(the former dancer) never had any problems out of me. This also makes me wonder whether Stasia was Bi-sexual? although she always mentioned she had a boyfriend.
Well I don't think Babygirl was lying about it being club policy because another dancer who was fairlynew did the same thing about 5months ago. I had only gotten a few dances from that girl so I could somewhat see her case,but not Babygirl. As far as the other dancer Porsha, she is Bi-sexual and her S.O.(who is a female) is the DJ at the club. So even if I had thoughts of wanting to know her better that kills things right off the bat.
Dude, it was a compliance: She, of course, trusts you pay give you are a regular. She justs wants to see how much CONTROL she has over you. Next time a stripper tries a compliance test on her RESIST. That turns them on. Pass several compliance tests and then ask her out on a date.
It seems like the stripper who DID NOT ask you for your MONEY up front has better SALES SKILLS and is willing to TAKE A CHANCE that you will pay her which could be because she is hoping that you will come back to the club and spend more MONEY on her.
If you want to see if a stripper actually TRUSTS you, you may want to do the following:
ASK her what her REAL NAME is ASK her what her PHONE NUMBER is ASK her what her ADDRESS is GO OUT on a DATE with her (without PAYING her, of course)
Please note that this is only the BEGINNING of what MAY turn into TRUST
I have never gotten a good dance from a dancer who asks for money up front. As far as warnings of a "bad dance ahead", being asked for advance payment is right up there with the dancer going through a list of "Ten Rules for Guys Who Get Dances from Me."
At the the club I most frequently go to these days, the very first dancer I encountered said it was "club policy" to pay first. I have probably gotten dances from 12-15 dances at that club since, and not one has invoked this "policy."
That's a situation where you might want to have a conversation with her (Babygirl) and tell her that another dancer let you leave to go to the ATM. I'd be questioning if it really is the managements policy to only accept money upfront, or hers. And if it's just her policy, then she should have been honest about it and left the part about management out of it. Who knows. Maybe Porche isn't following the new policy. Either way, something is wrong there.
I believe the adage was always ... ) "In GOD we trust, everyone else must pay in CASH." I definitely agree with earlier posters that in most cases you will not receive a good dance or anything approaching faked intimacy in this type of transaction.
I dislike the strip clubs where they ask the waitresses to hustle 'VIP Room" or Champagne Room dances for the dancers. The "dancers" are not permitted to discuss pricing with you and then they are told to try to get 2-girl shows from patrons with Amex Platinum cards, etc. Think "rip-off."
I am not angry at the girls if they ask for $$$ up front but in Vegas I believe the only time I have ever been asked for $$$ up front is upon entering a VIP room. I can figure out why I am being asked for the dough beforehand I juss would rather prefer to wait until after it's all over to settle up. If my goal was to try to beat a stripper out of a few $$$ than I have many more impt things to worry about (like why I'm such an asshole)
I think ArtCollege has it right, she probably lost money once so now she always asks up front so that she doesn't have to remember whether she already got paid or not. I was in a convenience store recently and a guy comes in, asks for some cigarettes which he immediately sticks in his pocket, asks for some other stuff, pays some money while talking to the girl, then innocently asks if she gave him his cigarettes, and since she's forgotten she hands him another pack. You need a routine to keep assholes like this from ripping you off. And frankly who cares when you pay? It doesn't make any difference when you pay for it, it's the quality of the dance that counts. If you don't like being asked up front, get angry at the assholes who rip the girls off, not at the girls. They're just trying to earn a living.
she didn't paint my house. Bringing a check allows me to avoid using the ATM machine which I had only done for this one stripper. I juss couldn't imagine being asked up front for $$$ unless we're going to a VIP room and the girl needs to pay the doorman. Not only that isn't the girl limiting future dances by making the guy commit to a set amount in the beginning?
For me, paying in advance is annoying only when it involves a break in the routine, distracting me from the pleasure I'm about to experience. It's a distraction at a club where it's not the norm but one girl insists on it. Or where there's much haggling over price. The interruption to think about money, the intrusion of the reality of the exchange and that she's doing it for money - all that real stuff can take the edge off of my buzz, especially because I'm not used to it from most clubs I go to. In fact, haggling over price, even if I don't hand over the money until after the dance, can bother me more than paying first.
BTW, check the review posted yesterday by whatevergong82 of Treasures in Houston for an object lesson on the effect of bargaining down a stripper.
I've only ever been annoyed once when asked for money in advance. The girl asked for the price of the dance in advance and I willingly complied, no problem. Then when we get to the back room where the laps are done she asked for a tip in advance, indicating that the bigger the tip the better the dance would be. I declined and she gave me an air dance. (Later I met another girl in the same club who gave great dances without ever asking for a tip - and she got one.) I don't mind paying for the dance in advance but I never tip in advance.
Actually there is one exception to what I just said. I know of one place where the price of the dance goes entirely to the house as rental for the private room. You have to pay the girl separately, also in advnace, and can negotiate this "tip" but they're very upfront and honest about it, there's no deception involved, so for me there's no problem. And the dances there (and the girls too I might add) are very special and well worth the extra money.
In my experience (and including only those clubs where the exchange is made between patron and dancer and does not involve bouncer, funny money, bartender, etc.) any dancer who asks for the money up front is a dancer who (a) ruins the vibe and (b) probably dances low-contact or disappointingly in some other manner. It's excessively professional, to the point that it hearkens to rules and regulations. I generally say I'm not comfortable with giving her money first, because it's not the "norm" among 99.99% of other lappers I've experienced, and I simply move on. Some girls get VERY huffy when I do this, to the point of abusing me verbally; thus further cementing my opinion that they would have ruined the vibe and given bad dances.
In places where the exchange happens between me and someone other than the dancer, anything might happen, and I really think it's different at every club. I don't like that arrangement.
And finally, I am surprised to notice about myself, that I have almost no problem giving cash up front before service, for HIGHER degrees of service -- HJ, BJ, FS, anything OTC, I pay first and get the service next, nearly always. Funny, that I object to paying first for a lapper, but expect to pay first for anything more. I dunno ... can't explain ...
Heres a big joke. davids spewing crap about CONTROL and passing tests. Then he tells you to ask for a date. One need only read the posts he has written in the past to see that besides never having been laid in his life he is a true psycho.
last commentPaying the girl first is a comparatively minor consideration. Sure, I'd prefer to pay after, but that's totally trumped by the quality of her dance. And I've received too many excellent dances after I've paid first to take it as a bad indicator.
A $400 check? What did she do, paint your house?
If you want to see if a stripper actually TRUSTS you, you may want to do the following:
ASK her what her REAL NAME is
ASK her what her PHONE NUMBER is
ASK her what her ADDRESS is
GO OUT on a DATE with her (without PAYING her, of course)
Please note that this is only the BEGINNING of what MAY turn into TRUST
....and please keep us posted, of course
At the the club I most frequently go to these days, the very first dancer I encountered said it was "club policy" to pay first. I have probably gotten dances from 12-15 dances at that club since, and not one has invoked this "policy."
I dislike the strip clubs where they ask the waitresses to hustle 'VIP Room" or Champagne Room dances for the dancers. The "dancers" are not permitted to discuss pricing with you and then they are told to try to get 2-girl shows from patrons with Amex Platinum cards, etc. Think "rip-off."
BTW, check the review posted yesterday by whatevergong82 of Treasures in Houston for an object lesson on the effect of bargaining down a stripper.
In places where the exchange happens between me and someone other than the dancer, anything might happen, and I really think it's different at every club. I don't like that arrangement.
And finally, I am surprised to notice about myself, that I have almost no problem giving cash up front before service, for HIGHER degrees of service -- HJ, BJ, FS, anything OTC, I pay first and get the service next, nearly always. Funny, that I object to paying first for a lapper, but expect to pay first for anything more. I dunno ... can't explain ...
However, if it was New Meat worried because of recent rip-offs I wouldn't mind letting her know I'm good for it by whipping-out my (cash) wad.
There would be no excuse good enough for one of my regulars to ask. She would swiftly and justly be demoted to mere Eye Candy.