
Comments by token (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Getting robbed in a club
    Literally. I was getting vips, paid for them and returned to the bar. I finished the current drink in about 20 minutes and decided to hang for another one. Reached for my wallet and it was one. Yep, I left it in the vip. Started to return to look for it and the manager stopped me I explained about the wallet and he said I think i have it in the office. Sure enough it was there with all the IDs and credit cards but missing $350 (which included $100 hidden in a compartment). Supposedly a dancer took it to the mgr after a customer found it, riffled through it and left it on the floor. Didnt know who to blame other than myself and was fortunate the IDs and such were intact.
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    18 years ago
    Growing tired of a particular dancer
    To me its not about me leaving or getting away from a dancer/club. I've had dancers tell me that a dancer has told them that I am her customer and to leave me alone. So there I sat wondering why all the newbies and hotties were on ignore. Bottom line...get up, tip other ones, offer to buy a drink/dance etc. The tired dancer will get the message.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How many dances do you typically get?
    I may do anywhere from 2-8 dances per visit ($10 dance clubs)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    I scanned thru many responses and tend to agree with those who suggested it is business. I tend to flit around with a favorite at each club but have one lady that see in and out of club. She works nights (1-2x a week). At one stretch, she had an old guy that would spend 300-400 a nite on her ( no vips, and not outside). That was the only time that I got a case of the ass. It seems he either gave up (cost too much) or he got it and decided wasnt worth it. I saw the guy, not a whale, just an old white guy with thinning white hair pulled into a poney tail.
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    18 years ago
    Ever had a girl do this?
    Yes, quite a few times in the VIP. I'd position her hand over herself and encourage her to rub over the panties - a tip or two during the process helps get the action going. Many times her hands have slipped inside and worked it good. A few times the panties were pulled aside for a full frontal view. Have even had a few similar encounters in darker corners on the main floor. A big turn-on for me.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    How would you like it if a strip club opened close to your home?
    I've got one 3-5 miles from residence....and that's perfect.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    How would you like it if a strip club opened close to your home?
    I've got one 3-5 miles from residence....and that's perfect.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Ever Had a Dancer /Escort Turn Psycho On Your??
    Yes! Just the sweetest girl that you'd ever want to meet with a young tight body. Turns out she was bi-polar and she got off her meds and vowed to show up at work and embarrass me in front of boss and co-workers and confront my (then, at the time) wife etc. All because I wouldnt "loan" her $400 to help her leave town.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Are any of you...
    Iam now and have in the past. Much like dareme above, schedules can queer the deal i.e. she has to be on the floor NLT 8:pm. That and she works a normal job as well, we live in opposite ends of the city and my job carries me to other cities. Timing is difficult. I will say that I dont go to clubs with the intent on hustling for dates, they just happen once in awhile. Im into persoanlities as much as looks so alot of them just dont interest me like that.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How much...
    I would'nt pay for a HJITC. Have gotten them during the course of multiple dances and have tipped well afterwards. I've had dancers suggest them for a price but I've declined. if I'm interested in the dancer, i've suggested a BJ as a positive alternative. Some will, some won't for different reasons. Somehow a HJ seems so mechanical.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What's the best time to visit a strip club?
    Weekday 4-7pm (I prefer Thur & Fri) and Sat 3-8pm. Midshift dancers hit the floors between 3-4pm which spices up the clubs. Much after 730pm, when they start door fees, and the extra bouncers and staff show up, I'm going home. The dollars just get stupider after 7pm.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Strippers vs. Other Women: How do they compare on looks?
    Bingo! I think AbbieN nailed it. Was sitting here reading the posts thinking there is a big difference but what? Attitude is what makes the better dancers smoke. Attitude and sexual energy versus a more serious, iffy attitude from those strolling the mall. Personally I like the attitude and energy set off by alot of the black dancers and island dancers. They perform and do so with an attitude. I may start a thread about them later. Happy hobbying.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    VIP without DD?
    I have been to a couple of clubs (bikini) in Tampa that have done them but not on a recurring basis. Its a great way to meet the ladies, all clubs should consider them. Also, a bikini bar here with a round stage has a nightly booty call where all the dancers lean on the stage rail and wiggle their butts and the customers pick and choose who to grind into and tip--no free feels. I think Im attracted to sleazy clubs.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    VIP without DD?
    I have been to a couple of clubs (bikini) in Tampa that have done them but not on a recurring basis. Its a great way to meet the ladies, all clubs should consider them. Also, a bikini bar here with a round stage has a nightly booty call where all the dancers lean on the stage rail and wiggle their butts and the customers pick and choose who to grind into and tip--no free feels. I think Im attracted to sleazy clubs.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Common dancer tactics to figure out how much money you have?
    I think when a dancer first meets you (assuming there has been no advanced tell-a-woman communication in the dressing room) she will ask about your job, how you like it etc., as a get to know you kind of thing, kinda like where do you live, married etc. Gotta remember these girls are hustling to keep you interested and entertained, they are seriously interested in your potential dance/tips. To me it's almost like a second-layer of questioning when later (after a few visits) it upgrades to how long have you been working in this job? did you retire from the military? are you a supervisor? how many employees? etc. Bless their hearts, we love 'em.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    When a stripper you don't recognize says she knows you, what do you do?
    Happens sometimes. Most recently an very petite, busty young lady came up to me and said " Mark, do you remember me?" I replied, "you look familiar" (an outright lie). She proceeded to say, I'm ......... I remembered the stage name but the girl must have dropped 40-50 pounds. Was looking good!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    New Jersey
    Lesbian customers in clubs
    I've experience a bunch of lesbo's in area strip clubs. Sadly, some are significant others to dancers. Even worse, I've been introducted to a couple of them (yippee). The ones I see dress like hood rats, are very ruff and manish and except for a small rack slightly visible under the baggy sweat shirt look just like boys. The dancers seem to appreciate them as much, if not more, than the male customers....gotta say, they generally tip well. It really makes me wonder why a nice looking dancer (lipstick) might prefer an ugly butchy looking dkye to a clean, well dressed male who spends well. Sigh.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Weird shit strippers report being asked to do
    A couple of weird things. One dancer pointed out this odd looking guy and said that he offered her $10 to piss in his empty glass. She said she took the glass into the bathroom and filled it full of bubbles, collected the $ and left him. She didnt know what he did with it and didnt want to either. Another is this weird guy who frequents local clubs with full facial make-up and a baseball cap. He gets dancers to tape him up in the VIP (with duct tape) and leave him there to struggle free. Odd, no? I ran across him in a local grocery one day and he was with Ms Odd... I casually glanced into his shopping cart; no duct tape.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    New Jersey
    Lesbian customers in clubs
    Was in a club late last nite (unusual for me) and a female significant other approached her dancer-partner. Eventually, it took 3 bouncers to manually escort the kicking, biting, screaming lesbian customer out the door. I wish they would just stay home.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    A difference of kind...or merely degree
    Just last week I had a similar experience. I had been seeing this dancer once a week for about a month. By the last visit her comfort level with me was relaxed and we played hide the finger and I received a lot of very expressive stick shifting. Thinking the time was right (and I dont ask often but am usually right on target when I do ask), I asked if she would ever see a customer OTC. I got a quick "never." I quickly added, "good for you, I just had to ask" her response was "no problem." Thinking she might have a BF or GF or something....dunno. She did later refer to the vip as "business" so she has a clue.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    A difference of kind...or merely degree
    Have to confess, I skipped over alot of posts (even put one "winded" poster on ignore--too much). I do agree that once a "taste of open air" is realized, the stakes have changed. Now, cannot it be of the same rationale that once a simple game of "hide the finger" is allowed, the stakes too have changed? Some dancers allow 1 but not the other, some allow one and a partial response, some allow both. Decisions, decisions.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    New Jersey
    Who knows? Wives? Girlfriends?
    I'm at the final stages of a divorce. Have been an off and on clubber for years. Through the years there was a tacit approval but the last 2 years (admittedly more often visits) were met with disapproval. I dont hide anything. I think people should go where they want, do what they please. Why should anybody criticize someone else? Do what you enjoy.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    New Jersey
    Frequency of club visits.
    Once, sometimes twice a week. Enough to be recognized at 2 or 3 clubs. Currently have an occasional OTC from 1 club and a favorite at another and acknowledged at a third. Im not big on vips; more into table tipping and getting to know the ladies.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Churchgoing among TUSCL members
    Am a Methodist. Basically I quit going to Church (and Sunday School) around 13 or 14 when I got too big to be threatened. That's not to say that I'm not a Christian because I am and have deep inner convictions. I'm just not about going to Church and expressing my beliefs on others. Have inner peace.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Discussing OTC and extras
    I dont drop names and events about what goes on inside or outside the club. If I'm fortunate enough to get any extra attention why in the world would I consider saying anything that could stop it. Many of the ladies are single mothers with 1 or 2 others to raise and they are just doing what they can. Am sure the word is passed among the consenting dancers as to which customers may be able to help them out.