
When a stripper you don't recognize says she knows you, what do you do?

I seem to be encountering this more and more, I'm in a club and a stripper says she knows me but I don't recognize her, what do you do? I usually say no at first hoping for more information. Sometimes a dancer will say what club she worked at and I might remember. The other day the girl said she dyed her hair red and then asked again if I remembered her. She had a pretty face so I just said yeah. Later on she just sat down beside me for a bit like we were old friends and then left. Do you guys question and try to remember or just tell a little lie if the girl looks good?


  • DandyDan
    18 years ago
    Just today, I stopped at this club and a girl comes up to me with this line and so I asked when did you see me here last and she goes about 1995 or 2000 or so. This is a club I have only been to a couple times previously and if it were true, I'd have to have looked positively child like then. Plus she's giving away her age as well. She didn't get a dance out of me.
  • minnow
    18 years ago
    I've sorta had this experience whereby dancer dyes her hair a different color, and or different hairstyle, but I've eventually caught on.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    What does it mean when a dancer sneaks up behind you in a strip club and puts her hands over your eyes and says "guess who?"

    Haven't had this happen in years so I would say that she is behind the times.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    It may sound funny but I had something similiar happen to me before. A dancer said she knew me. We met up outside the club and I was wondering if she really knew me or not but she knew about strip clubs and towns I had been in years ago so I considered the possibility. Of course while I was wondering, she proceeded to give me some sucking lessons without even mentioning what she was going to do. After that I just said, oh yeah, I remember you. The only thing I remember about her now was that she seemed really horny all the time. Not necessarily a bad trait in a female. I admit at times I might have gotten a strange feeling I was being stalked by a dancer but it was kind of fun while it lasted. When a dancer describes the very first time she saw you and it was over a decade ago, that is impressive if not slightly spooky.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    "Use it to my advantage" ... LOL OF COURSE. Why didn't that occur to me.

    Strange-looking stripper: "Hi honey, so glad you're back."
    Me: (Thinks: Never seen you before in my life.) "Hey, me too. That blowjob was fabulous. You still offering two-for-one's?"

    Yeesh. :)
  • Golfer99
    18 years ago
    I have this happen all the time. I just try to use it to my advantage if possible lol You gotta figure what we're going to remember the good strippers and save the regulars, guys like me who breeze in once every 3 or 4 months won't be recognized. However I had a favorite dancer from a club in Tampa where I went once every 3 months or so and kept in touch via e-mail for a while. She vanished, I was in Vegas in the SR club and she walked up behind me and said guess who? I couldn't believe it, it had been about a year she had left to get away from an abusive boyfriend who smashed her computer, etc. so she had no way to contact me. Anyway we had an enjoyable time during the rest of my Vegas trip.
  • Clubber
    18 years ago
    Pregnant stripper, memories! Years ago I was in the club awaiting the arrival of my ATF. She came in walked over and gave me a hug. Said shed be right back. I assumed she would come back to work. She returned, after about 5 minutes, in her street clothes. She asked that we leave and go get something to eat. At the restaurant the truth came out, she was pregnant. It wasn’t me, I knew. It was a guy she had met at the club and dated. She then poured her heart out to me. Never asked for anything other than advice. I really didn’t know how to deal with this, but she did well, and we continued on. She no longer worked at that club, however.
  • DailyGrind
    18 years ago
    Funny stuff, BG.
    Sure you don't have any good stripper jokes?

  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    At least she'd LOST rather than GAINED. Imagine if you were left standing there thinking "Geez you look BLOATED. When's it due?"
  • token
    18 years ago
    Happens sometimes. Most recently an very petite, busty young lady came up to me and said " Mark, do you remember me?" I replied, "you look familiar" (an outright lie). She proceeded to say, I'm ......... I remembered the stage name but the girl must have dropped 40-50 pounds. Was looking good!
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    ROFL @ episode in store!
  • Clubber
    18 years ago
    I once had a woman approach me in a retail store and mention she “knew” me. Well, since I was out of town, I found this quite un-likely until she mentioned me helping her remove her top while she was on the stage. The “light” in my head went on and we had a nice evening, THAT evening.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    Well if I see her again, I think I'll ask more questions. She never did ask me for a dance, she just sat with me and smiled. On the other hand though, I failed to mention that I did remember a couple of other dancers from different strip clubs who I hadn't seen in a long time. They remembered me as well.

    I do remember in college I ran into some girls who stopped me and said "don't you remember me?" You were at the party at xyz. I don't remember and may not care unless she's smoking hot and then I'll just play along. In college it was possible because I do remember going to a sorority party with an awful lot of females and they gave me a lot of beer.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Usually it's the other way around. Strippers I've met before don't recognize me. They meet many times more customers than we do strippers, so it's understandable that they can't keep track of everyone in their memories.

    So, what would I do? I assume either she's got me confused with somebody or she says that to every guy, thinking he will feel flattered and buy a dance.

    If I had met her and she was hot, I would remember her. If I had met her and she wasn't hot, it couldn't have led to anything, so we have nothing to reminisce about.
  • DailyGrind
    18 years ago
    Not withstanding the possibility that the question is just a 'tactic':

    If she's fugly, I'll say 'no' but give her a dollar (dance) just to go away.

    If she's kinda hot, I'll say 'no' but give her a DD just to have her on my lap while she refreshes my memory.

    I've never not remembered a smoking hot dancer that left a throbbing impression on me.
    It's almost always a mindblowing GFX reunion.

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