
What's the best time to visit a strip club?

I usually end up visiting in the evening on the weekend. Since I have to work I don't have too many options unless I'm on vacation and that doesn't happen too often. I enjoy that time slot though because there are lots of dancers. Most strip clubs in my area are not open or pretty much dead any other time of day and sometimes on weekday evenings as well. However I can see some advantage to visiting a normally busy strip club when it is quieter during the day. I usually don't like visiting a club when it is too crowded to find a chair to sit in.

Visiting a club very close to holidays seems to be a bad time of year as well at least in my area.


  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Nope, not so obvious. Friday nights are my thing because I like strippers to look very hot, not because I have anything against sitting and talking, nor do I insist on any "wild party atmosphere".
    18 years ago
    It depends on what you like to do in a club. For those of us who like to spend a lot of time sitting and talking with a girl or three and/or are looking for some privacy in a back room, days are definately best. And if you can't do days, do early evenings early in the week. On the other hand, for those who enjoy more of a wild party atmosphere and don't especially want to sit and talk or have a lot of privacy, Friday and Saturday nights are probably your thing. Kinda seems obvious, doesn't it?
  • minnow
    18 years ago
    As elvis2 says- Since I'm not retired, my visits are mostly evenings & weekends. Even vacation/personal getaway scenarios, enjoy good weather outdoor activities, so I still don't do daytimes as much. I do acknowledge that daytime shifts can be very appealing with less crowded, more intimate atmosphere. As for dancer attractiveness, it varies, but some places day shift can be just as attractive as night shift, right, lopaw??
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I dropped by one club about an hour or so before closing. I would say that is not the best time to visit unless you just want to watch. I remember one very attractive dancer came by asking for a dance but she didn't want to bother with a table dance. She said she needed to make some bigger money before the club closed. Another dancer who I didn't care for in the first place also asked me for a second and then changed her mind and just said "you're broke too" and then moved on. I was thinking she's a real bitch with her attitude. I actually had a lot of cash but I seriously overspent on that girl already by tipping her a dollar at the stage. (ok sarcasm off)
  • davids
    18 years ago
    The busiest times: 9pm-2am Friday and Saturday. That's when the when the highest quality women work.
  • Golfer99
    18 years ago
    I think it depends upon the clubs. For example the PP in Memphis is a zoo at night around 11 PM. I like the afternoon but I'm retired and can go when I please. What I have found is that most clubs open at 11 AM and have a shift change at 7 PM. If you get there at say 5:30 you get the end of the first shift and if you stay till say 9 PM you get the start of the night shift. The advantage is you get to pick from both and if the day shift was bad, they are willing to make good deals to make their money. The early night shift may make deals too just so they can be sure they have their payouts out of the way early. Either way you win and get to see all the girls. Just my thoughts.
  • SteelerDawg
    18 years ago
    I hate going to clubs at night.. simply too crowded, and generally everything just gets more expensive. I'm really only a regular (of sorts) at two clubs here, one of which gets so busy at night that people are waiting around outside for people to leave to get in. I don't want to have to tip a bouncer just to find somewhere to sit. I prefer weekend afternoons.. when its usually medium busy.. and if its too dead there's always some sports on a big screen to keep my attention until things pick up.

    Now I might hang out there into the night depending on how things go.. don't mind the crowd starting as long as I've already got my li'l piece of the world staked out.. but once night shift starts (usually 7), I go from participating to mostly just observing. I'm far less likely to get any dances once night hits. The dancers seem to get more of an attitude that rubs me the wrong way.. which is something I thought was just me, but I've had more than a few dayshift girls make that comment about the nightshift girls.. meow.

    And yeah, I've noticed holiday times are pretty dead too..
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    My experience is that frequently weekday shifts are dominated by regulars. I have had my best experience at clubs at which I am not a regular on Monday and Thursday evenings (right before and after the weekend), and Sunday afternoons (very laid-back)
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Nights before it gets crazy are best. The hottest strippers are working, and they're in a relaxed mood early in their shift, before it gets too crowded and they feel the pressure to hustle. I avoid Saturdays because it gets stupid too early, but Fridays are usually fine until around midnight. The earlier in the week it is, the less chance there will be enough good looking strippers for me. At too many clubs, day shifts are where fat old strippers go to die, so I avoid them unless I have reason to think they are an exception to the rule.
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    For the benefit of those who are relatively new here, we have previously bruited about a tip given to me by a dancer at my favorite club: That the best time to go is the last week of the month, when many dancers are staring down at month-end bills, and many customers are short of money. To condense what turned out to be a lengthy thread: most of the denizens of this board thought that the dancer who told me that had her head up her ass. I have no opinion, but merely reported it.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Depends what you want. The theory about month-end applies, if you have an interest in girls you don't usually see, for example: there'll be more girls working who aren't in the club 100% of the time.

    If you want unencumbered extras from a few certain provider-style ladies, then generally the best time is when the club is mostly empty. For example, at some of the high-volume clubs that I know in the bigger cities, plenty of moderately priced extra services in the club can be had on weekday afternoons but are near to impossible to arrange on weekend nights.

    If you want a loud raucous party atmosphere, lots of men yelling at the top of their lungs, the DJ blaring about "let's whoop it up WHO LIKES PUSSY!!", then obviously, go on a weekend night late. Near midnight. At Platinum Plus in Memphis on Saturday at midnight, you can't walk -- it's a shoulder-to-shoulder crowd.

    If you want close contact with sweet girls, enough of a party that you can enjoy yourself but enough quiet that you can hear her talk, you need to suss out the individual club. Each place has its own vibe at different times of the day and week. PP (mentioned above) is actually quite nice on a weekend afternoon, where some girls who have come in from out of town are "casually working" -- not actually hard-core hustling for money, so willing to get to know you, since they know the big crowds are coming in later that evening. They are in the club because they're in town and have nothing better to do. Other clubs in Memphis don't have that kind of vibe at that time. And PP on a weekday night? What a drag. Aside from chances for ITC or OTC extras, there's no reason to be there.

    Each club has its prime times for each type of activity.
  • token
    18 years ago
    Weekday 4-7pm (I prefer Thur & Fri) and Sat 3-8pm. Midshift dancers hit the floors between 3-4pm which spices up the clubs. Much after 730pm, when they start door fees, and the extra bouncers and staff show up, I'm going home. The dollars just get stupider after 7pm.
  • elvis2
    18 years ago
    When the doors are open,and you have money in your pocket.
  • komey1970
    18 years ago
    If I know for certain that a favorite stripper is going to be working a shift that is not crowded, that would be a good time because there is less competition for her time. Otherwise, the begining of the night shift on a Friday or Saturday usually provides the best looking girls at my normal club.
  • DandyDan
    18 years ago
    I tend to prefer late evenings, maybe even after midnight, because the girls seem to have more energy then. On the other hand, that could just be partly an aftereffect of my work schedule. I've had plenty of good afternoon/early evening encounters. It probably depends on my mood at a particular moment.
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