
Common dancer tactics to figure out how much money you have?

What exactly are the common dancer tactics to figuring out how much money you have to spend? I'm used to the ones where they ask if you're married and then what is your job. I figure this will give a clue as to if you should have money to spend.

Some may think of it as chit chat but I see a hidden purpose. I had one dancer recently try a bit further unless it really was just chit chat. She mentioned someone else going into the engineering profession and only making a salary in the 20,000 range. Maybe I heard something wrong since the music was so loud. However that seems like a poverty level not an engineer's salary. I failed to give out info on what I consider to be a normal engineer's salary which I think this dancer was trying to determine. I suppose outside of the strip club scene I might have given it to her but inside a strip club with a new dancer it seems more like sneaky questions.


  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Evidently the thing for a bar-girl (hooker) at one of those notorious clubs in Patpong or Angeles City, Philippines, to do with her "farang" customers is to email them all about her sick water buffalo. Please send money for the water buffalo ...

    Strange how it all centers on means of transportation.

  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    One of my favorite dancers after I asked a question similiar to what she asked me told me she was a bit tired due to a car accident. She was backing up in a parking lot and another guy came speeding through the lot and knocked off her entire rear bumper. The police wrote it up as no one's fault but apparently he was trying to get her insurance company to pay for at least half of his repairs. Then she has a 500 deductible and she said her insurance rates would probably go up.

    I believe she already had the money to pay for it but was a bit depressed about the $500 out of pocket and all the hassle and having to get up early to deal with all of it. She said she only had 1 hr of sleep one night. Me, I'm wondering who would really be at fault if the guy was speeding through the parking lot and the policeman agreed to that. It doesn't seem her insurance should have to pay but I don't know about that kind of situation. I didn't spend any more money than I normally do. I did get her laughing at some funny stories I told her.
  • maybeenuf4u
    18 years ago
    Ive had dancers tell me their cars just broke down, & their depressed cuz they cant afford to fix it etc. etc, to try and get me to spend. But I suppose theirs really no fool proof way to tell how much I'm going to spend. Its usually predetermined before I arrive. The question is who will I spend it on. And frequently I walk w/ out spending if I'm not having a good time and or can't find the right girl.
  • Golfer99
    18 years ago
    I think most of it is small talk. I mean you have a variety in there of new and old, jaded and good personality types so some are nice and like to talk, some are trying to see if they are wasting their time on you, some are nervous and want to hide out with someone they view as safe, like some of us older guys - obviously if they pick Bones they are in trouble. I think that they like to achieve a comfort level before they zip off to the VIP room esp in some of the clubs that offer more than just an no touch dance. For my part I like the chat while I have my beer or two and if the drinks are normal in price I don't even mind buying them a drink or two while we chat.
  • SuperDude
    18 years ago
    If she is one of those unattractive and pushy "wanna dance" types I might risk tellling her I'm unemployed
  • token
    18 years ago
    I think when a dancer first meets you (assuming there has been no advanced tell-a-woman communication in the dressing room) she will ask about your job, how you like it etc., as a get to know you kind of thing, kinda like where do you live, married etc. Gotta remember these girls are hustling to keep you interested and entertained, they are seriously interested in your potential dance/tips.
    To me it's almost like a second-layer of questioning when later (after a few visits) it upgrades to how long have you been working in this job? did you retire from the military? are you a supervisor? how many employees? etc. Bless their hearts, we love 'em.
  • hugevladfan
    18 years ago
    I've never been asked if I am married. Generally I will hang with one girl for hours over repeated occasions so I don't get asked the same questions over and over. The fact that I frequent the same club on a weekly basis prolly gives off the message that I am a fool who will soon be parted with his money. On an intro level I think the way a guy treats a waitress gives the first indication of what kind of money he has. If a guy stiffs her that is an indication most of the time, or if he points out two peopl ethat hjave hung out for a long time and seems bewildered why that happens.........
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    I have to defer to Chandler here. Mostly they're just making small-talk. And I have to admit, I've forgotten what it used to be like to attend a strip club without much money, trying to make my last $3 stretch as far as possible. I now know that I should actually woo the dancers in certain ways: wear business-casual clothing rather than frat-boy clothing, not begrudge them a table drink as long as it's reasonably, let them circulate the room, don't get hung up on rearranging her misconception about the workings of school, business, automobiles, or anything else self-evident and obvious that she seems warped about, etc.

    I guess part of why I get known as a desirable customer, is that I'm not a clueless young boy any more.

  • chandler
    18 years ago
    I think these questions almost always are nothing more than small talk. Get the guy to talk about himself, so he'll loosen up and feel like getting a dance. The next time she sees you, chances are she'll forget what you told her and ask the same questions all over again.

    Like Bones says, the first big piece of intel she wants to know is if you buy dances, then if you're going to buy one from her. Assessing your earnings situation would be overcomplicating the issue. Whatever sizing up she does happens before she decides to approach you.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    PS -- yeah, $20,000.oo per year is poverty-level. I'm not an engineer, but that's about what I was making. Yeesh, time to improve my qualifications or SOMETHING ...

    PPS -- how do I let dancers know I'm willing to spend? Flash a wad of cash (not so wildly that someone might pick my pocket or roll me in the parking lot) and throw around a lot of dollar tips. The waitress always gets a dollar, or two, extra over the cost of a beer (especially if observed by a dancer who needs to know I'm a spender). At a club that has typical dollar stage tipping, I'll get a typical dollar stage tip and either do it wht a $5 instead of a $1 (where are those $2s we were talking about!), or add a second $1 as an "afterthought" as I leave the stage after she's done being up close and personal.

    How do I let 'em know I'm willing to spend? I spend.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Maybe they're just chatting. It can be, that they think they're showing interest. Or it can be, that dancers think they can see whether or not your story remains consistent, and that might help them feel more comfortable with the idea that you aren't an under-cover law-enforcement officer.

    But the story about "entrapment"? No, a cop on an assignment doesn't have to admit he's a cop on an assignment. That's the whole PREMISE of under-cover masquerading. Cops are allowed to take drugs, sell them, engage in ... well, you know. As long as they can make a case for it being part of an "ongoing investigation" or "gathering evidence," they don't have to say BOO when someone asks if they're a cop or not. That's a myth, an old wive's tale.

    Another myth that circulates among prostitutes is that a police officer isn't allowed to show her his willy. So, they may ask you to whip it out and wave it around, to prove you aren't a cop. Why shouldn't a cop show his willy? He's allowed.

    But I have no trouble leaving the naive girls misabused. They don't need to have their misapprehensions corrected ...
  • komey1970
    18 years ago
    How about this question: "Where are you from?". That works on many levels. For local clubs where you are not known, certain parts of town or suberbs are generally more affluent than others and she wants to know if you are from that part. For a famous/tourist trap club, it may be a hint as to whether you are a local or someone who has travelled a good deal (signaling you have money to spend).
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I thought the same thing. That 20,000 something figure may have been a low number given to a dancer to not give the impression that he's rich and it would not be fair to stick it to him with the best dancer scams or sob stories.

    Willingness to spend and ability to spend I very much understand. I remember a time when I would have been willing to spend a lot of my discretionary income but now I'm not so willing to spend as much.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    CasualGuy, perhaps the $20K engineer got paranoid about her chitchat and gave her a low salary figure so she wouldn't take it all.

    Yank, I'm not a cop or a lawyer, but I know for sure that is not entrapment. I leave it to a professional to explain why.
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    Yes, dancers that I have spoken to have a distinct realization that having and spending are separate concepts. I have asked dancers if there is any way that they can tell if a guy has a lot of money. Some say they can tell by a man's shoes, but most have the humility to admit that they just can't tell by any means other than actual disbursement of currency.
  • giveitayank
    18 years ago
    I've always got the impression when dancers ask me what I do for a living it's because they want to rule out the possibility that I'm a cop. If vice does not disclose that they are police when asked and then try to bust them, then that is entrapment.
  • minnow
    18 years ago
    CG- Income not nec. reliable indicator of spending willingness as I've seen some real cheapskates making 6 figures.
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