
Comments by token (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Discussing OTC and extras
    I dont drop names and events about what goes on inside or outside the club. If I'm fortunate enough to get any extra attention why in the world would I consider saying anything that could stop it. Many of the ladies are single mothers with 1 or 2 others to raise and they are just doing what they can. Am sure the word is passed among the consenting dancers as to which customers may be able to help them out.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    "Dollar" Tipping
    Haven't been to any clubs here where dancers circulate after their set for tips...that seems retarded somehow. If you really wanted to tip, you would have already. There is one club that continues with the tired old "can I have a dollar for the juke box?" before they go on stage. Of course, the JB is free for them to punch in their numbers but we, I guess, are supposed to be too stupid to realize that. Basically, I good about tipping (Im one of those saps that believe they have a hard life) if the set is good or if they rub on me between sets (assuming they are decent looking).
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    DJ vs. No DJ
    dj's are a pain in the ass but then so is juke box tipping. I'm strong on this....I hate all hangers-on--dj's, bouncers, door people, vip people, bathroom attendants, security, floor managers, valets, ALL of the scum bags that "leech" off the efforts of dancers who are struggling to raise a family or otherwise better their station in life. They are all rat bastards!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Opinion of Bathroom attendants?
    Don't care for them unless they have snacks, then may tip a dollar for a couple of chew pops. Will then tip the a decent dancer with a dollar and a pop. Otherwise, they suck.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Club Songs?
    "She f****ing hates me" "i touch myself" "paradise city" "black betty" "clarence carter" "chainsaw blues" "get a mop" or anything beach boys or dixie cups.......:) (old humor).
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    You know you're being a "sucker" for a stripper when...
    Am probably one of the biggest suckers on the board. *A bite to eat? -- have been asked many times to make a food run using either my funds or theirs but my ans was always so no...until my current favorite asked a few months back (and then only once) so I did my duty, brought it back for her and left again. That was it, until tonight. She stopped by Sunday and cooked lasagna (I bought the ingredients she requested) and we chilled. Tonight she surprised me with a text msg saying was at the club early; she works some nightshifts while working days at normal job and 2 nites a week in school. Some days (usually weekends) we will get together and go out or get take out or delivery, watch TV, chill, sometimes sex; its all good. If she needs the money, she will go in early. I was cooking chicken legs tonight so I surprised her later at the club with some extras. *Calls for money. Have had a few over the years but avoided them all execpt for current lady. Sprung for money to get her tires fixed (was starting a new job), spare was flat and then got another flat. She got conjunctivitis and needed $ for meds. Moved into new apt about 7 months ago and needed $ (200) to help with the deposits etc.--she hasnt been a money pit (unlike my pool). *drama stories. You bet. Mother on coke, busting out the windows in her previous house, x-husband hasseling her and going thru nasty divorce, being raped by x and ending up with second child. etc. etc. Still.......I like it.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    "Dollar" Tipping
    The dollar dance routine is cool. If you prefer a dancer you can usually keep her attention by offering another dollar at the normal switch. Sometimes they just want to circulate to expand their potential client base--totally understandable. One club here used to do $5 dollar switch dances. You really got a feel for the lady (usually lasted 2-3 minutes) before the switch. One club here does a booty shake where the ladies form a circle around the stage and customers tip a dollar from behind. Thats classy. ;)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Regulardom - or is it - Regulardumb?
    I agree with FONDL. It is rewarding to go to your club and see your friend for a nice evening. Once I've found the right lady who is willing to share phone #/email etc and is agreeable (and dependable) for ITC drinks and some dances and OTC for chilling/dinners/movies/personal time etc., I'm sticking with her. On the other side of it, I often go to clubs and create a personal favorite and will deal with her (without OTC) until someone intriguing comes along which then begins a migration.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Getting Dances from Uncirculating Dancers
    Gotta agree with Chandler on part of this. I too would never consider asking a waitress/staff member to send a dancer over. Some may be comfortable with that but it's just not me. Likewise, I won't go seeking out a dancer to bring her to my corner nor will I tip more than a dollar until (or if) she comes over on her own and we enter into conversation. Dunno, to me it's like building a comfort level on both sides. I guess, if a dancer doesn't circulate--we probably won't talk.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Lights, Camera, Action!
    Dang, this is another on my list of pet peeves. Hope I'm not starting to sound like some crotchety old fart but if I dont like something, I don't like it. Basically I'm okay with cameras for security purposes; however, there is (at least) one club in Tampa that continually monitors every move in the VIP. Oftentimes, management will disrupt private dances to admonish the dancers for getting too close (read incidental grinding) to the customers. For me, this is BS. Why in the world would somebody pay $20 for a, essentially, non-contact air dance in a bikini club versus paying the same $20 for a full contact, exploring, nude dance in another club. I had two differenct dance sessions disrupted by the owner who came in and chastised the dancer (probably fined her too) for trying to give an average dance.---after the second time, it was...fuck this.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Lights, Camera, Action!
    Dang, this is another on my list of pet peeves. Hope I'm not starting to sound like some crotchety old fart but if I dont like something, I don't like it. Basically I'm okay with cameras for security purposes; however, there is (at least) one club in Tampa that continually monitors every move in the VIP. Oftentimes, management will disrupt private dances to admonish the dancers for getting too close (read incidental grinding) to the customers. For me, this is BS. Why in the world would somebody pay $20 for a, essentially, non-contact air dance in a bikini club versus paying the same $20 for a full contact, exploring, nude dance in another club. I had two differenct dance sessions disrupted by the owner who came in and chastised the dancer (probably fined her too) for trying to give an average dance.---after the second time, it was...fuck this.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Flashing pussy in topless clubs
    Happened to me today in the VIP. During the course of getting 4 $10 dances the dancer asks if I want to see her. I said sure and she pulls her bottoms to the side for a nice intro and soft petting. Doesnt happen often but its nice.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Should you stay with your own race for the best mileage?
    Good topic. Like most here, I have enjoyed dances from all races. The dances have ranged from poor to excellent without regard to ethnicity. For me, the higher percentage of poor to mediocure dances have been from white dancers. I am white and very much prefer the company of black ladies. I probably somehow show my preference to these dancers somehow and possibly they become comfortable with me quicker, dunno. It is interesting to watch preferences in clubs. Many guys prefer ladies of a different race and IMHO thats not a bad thing.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Here we go again!
    They just need to leave the clubs alone; and while they are at it, why are cops on the beaches measuring bikini tops and bottoms? Shouldn't my tax dollars go toward stopping things like struggling underpaid convenience store clerks being shot in the face for $40? These people need to get a clue. You can't legislate morality.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Your Deal Breaker?
    Deal Breaker.....when (and it does happen in at least one club) is when management continually monitors VIP dances and barges in for no real reason. By no real reason, I'm saying no touching by the customer. But, if a dancer (at one tampa fla bikini bar) happens to graze your leg with hers....the owner is in the vip. I wont go back.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Getting Rid of the Wrong Dancer
    Im soft. Usually I'll just ignore them or start staring at the stage etc. I have used the following a few times: when I see the unwanted bee-lining toward me, I spring up and go tip at the stage then go to the restroom and maybe tip at the stage again on the way back (it works). One time there was this particularly aggressive big buffalo who kept talking, and moving in then started playing with me (no it's not a good thing when the lady is a 2!). I had to manually extract her hand from my crotch then.....suddenly, I was allergic to whatever she was wearing; starting rubbing my eyes, coughing, fake sneezing etc. It worked too.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How many Dancer's know of your tuscl nickname.
    None. Additionally, only two dancers know my real name. Otherwise, I'm known by the same (another) alias in every club I go to. I figure if dancers can have a fake name than so can I.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Money showers.
    I've seen it quite a few times, usually by black guys in their mid 20s to mid 30s. The dancers seem to like it and dont mind picking up after the set but like others have posted, these guys rarely tip anothr dancer or spend much on her after she gets off stage. Also, I've seen a guy go around the stage placing folded ones around the perimeter of the stage (maybe $30-40) and the dancer will go hands and knees around the stage picking them up one by one with her mouth (have no idea why she just didnt scoop em all up at once). Did I mention I go to classy places?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Worst clip joint you've ever been in?
    Sounds like we are talking lingerie places here. I have had only 2 experiences, both bad. First one was in Tampa maybe 20 years ago that included no touching, her on a stage 5-6 feet away and a cheap kitchen timer ticking away. It turned out to be self serve only. The second time, Tampa, about 6-7 years ago, ended up spending $90 for a "handshake." Strip clubs a much better bang for the $
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Clubbing safety
    Have never felt insecure or fearful in any club and my clubbing experiences include clubs in Thailand, Germany, Italy, Spain and Turkey. Part of it may be an imposing figure but I prefer to believe its more about self confidence and personal awareness.